News from the Field ACQUISITIONS copies of nine poems and two novels, and thirty-five articles in magazine form; letters THE LIBRARY OF UCLA on February 20 from London to friends, and the original acquired a copy of the first printed edition drawing for the frontispiece of "Son of the of the complete works of Plato-0 pera Wolf." Omnia, 1513-its two-millionth book. Tlie UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII'S Hilo campus gift was from members of the faculty, alum­ has received a collection of one thousand ni association, Regents, and Friends of the volumes in the fields of drama, the theater, Library. The two-million-and-first volume, avant-garde verse, and nineteenth-century arriving the morning of the presentation American fiction from James I. Hubler. ceremonies for the Aldine Plato, was a ninth-century Arabian astrological work, Al­ Carl G. Stroven, university librarian at bumazar's De Magnis Coniiunctionibus, Rat­ the University of Hawaii in Honolulu has dolt, 1489, the gift of the University of presented eight hundred volumes to the Hilo California library in Berkeley and of its campus library to form a basic collection librarian, Donald Coney. of English and American literature. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, San Diego, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY library has re­ has acquired the ten-thousand volume li­ ceived a large part of the library of the late brary of Americo Castro, Hispanic scholar Dr. Emmett F. Horine including his ·collec­ who is professor-in-residence of Spanish lit­ tion on Daniel Drake and his times, and erature at UCSD. materials on the history of medicine and STANFORD UNIVERSITY libraries in early medical schools in Kentucky, and medical February received the eighty-drawer index bibliography. Dr. Horine had already do­ for the Stark theater collection compiled by nated his collection on William Harvey to Samuel Stark during the past twenty-five the library of Chandler medical school of years. This completes the collection which the university. was presented by Mr. and Mrs. Stark to the GENERAL FOODS CORPORATION has given Stanford theater library last year and which . to Baker library of Harvard business school is now being arranged. records dating from 1814 for the Walter Stanford University libraries also has re­ Baker Chocolate plant, including journals, ceived a gift of 548 volumes of general ledgers, cashbooks, payrolls, and sales jour­ English literature from the estate of Mil­ nals, and examples of labels, receipt books dred D. Chidester. and advertising. Mrs. and Mrs. Stewart Marshall of Palo THE PERSONAL PAPERS of Sherman Alto have presented to Stanford a collection Adams have been presented to Dartmouth of rare items including the Bologna 1495 College by Mr. Adams. The papers include edition of the 0 pera of Pico de Mirandola, letters; typescripts and page proofs of his a first edition of De Re M etallica, Basle, autobiography; and campaign materials, ap­ 15 56, two other sixteenth-century editions, pointment books, speeches, statements and two seventeenth-century editions and the texts of press conferences from his years as Berlin 1928 reprint of the first. The gift assistant to President Eisenhower. also included Agricola's De Mensuris et THE PAPERS of Norman Cousins, editor Pondibus Romanorum atque Graecorum, of Saturday Review,-some forty-five boxes Basle, 1550. of them-have been presented to the Brook­ The Charlotte Ashley Felton memorial lyn College library by Mr. Cousins. library at Stanford University has recently HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY library has ac­ received a large collection of Jack London quired some eleven hundred books from the books and manuscripts from Christian de library of the late James Truslow Adams, Guigne of San Francisco. The collection in­ the gift of his widow. The volumes deal cludes fifty-three first editions, typescript with American colonial history, Civil War 212 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES history and the antebellum South, and Eng­ est award of the U.S. Public Health Service lish history and literature. -the Distinguished Service medal. SCORES, SKETCHES AND LETTERS of major RESEARCH IN ART HISTORY at the National composers from 1890 through 1940, ap­ Gallery of Art will be supported by a grant praised at more than one million dollars, from Samuel H. Kress Foundation amount­ have been presented to the New York pub­ ing to $40,000 each year for five years, with lic library by the Robert Owen Lehman the object of publishing fine art books for Foundation. They will be available to re­ sale at prices lower than those now current. search scholars at the branch library at MRs. LUETTA COLVIN MILLEDGE of Sa­ Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, vannah (Ga.) State College has been award­ scheduled to be open in 1965. ed the Freedoms Foundation's George Lincoln Center branch also will bou'se Washington Honors Medal for her play, the Toscanini memorial archive now being Let Freedom Ring, written for National Li­ brought together. The archive will comprise brary Week at the request of Savannah State microfilm of original music manuscripts College library and presented on radio sta­ and other material. tion WSOK last year. Mrs. Milledge has NEw YoRK UNIVERSITY has· been pre­ written a television play, Promises to Keep, sented with a fifteen-thousand volume col­ for National Library Week this year. lection of out-of-print books by Appleton­ CARLETON CoLLEGE, Northfield, Minn., Century-Crofts division of Meredith Pub­ has received an unrestricted grant of lishing Company. Special items will be add­ $10,000 from the International Nickel Com­ ed to NYU's Fales collection. pany. The fund will be used for establish­ A SELECTION of mounted Bible pages ment of a curricular materials library to printed in several languages a century or support the work of teacher education at more ago, a page from an early missal, Carleton. and a contemporary Ethiopian composite THE CONCORDIA HISTORICAL INSTITUTE painting of Solomon and Sheba were pre­ of St. Louis has received a research grant sented to Western Reserve University by for one thousand dollars from the Con­ Stanley Slotkin of Cleveland. cordia Publishing House, for the prepara­ OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY libraries have tion of a general bibliography of the Luther­ acquired letter collections of Hart Crane an Church-Missouri Synod. and Louis Bromfield. The Crane papers in­ A GRANT of $20,000 for staffing the Li­ clude letters and postcards from the poet; brary/USA exhibit at the New York World's the Bromfield group includes letters to the Fair has been made by the Council on Li­ author from Gertrude Stein, F. Scott Fitz­ brary Resources. This supplements the gerald, Ernest Hemingway and Ezra Pound. $55,000 already contributed by private in­ THE PAPERS of the late Senator Estes Ke­ dustry, library associations, and other fauver have been given to the University of sources. The fund will be used to provide Tennessee library by his widow through a training for 288 professional staff members memorial foundation. of the exhibit in the philosophy of the ex­ hibit and the applications of electronic data AWARDS, GRANTS AND processing equipment and techniques and SCHOLARSHIPS their significance for library operations. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS graduate WINNERS of the Edwin Corle memorial school of library science has received a book collection contest at University of Cali­ $125,000 grant from the Ford Foundation fornia, Santa Barbara, are Peter E. Hanff, to inaugurate a program for the prepara­ Denis Dutton, and Sybil An.p.e Davis. Mr. tion of librarians and bibliographers for Hanff, first prize winner, is the university work in the Latin American collections in library's . nominee for the Amy Loveman the United States. A total of $75,000 will national ~ward ,. be made available for fellowships and schol­ DR. FRANK B. RoGERS, director of Deni­ arships during two academic years, 1964/65 son library at the University of Colorado · and 1965/66: three fellowships up to medical center, was presented with the high- $5,000; five $3,000 scholarships the first MAY1964 213 year; and ten $3,000 scholarships the sec­ BUILDINGS ond year. Information and application forms may be secured from Robert R. Los ANGELES STATE COLLEGE library Douglass, Director, Graduate School of Li­ was dedicated on February 12 as a memo­ brary Science, Box 7576, University Sta­ rial to the late John F. Kennedy, thirty-fifth tion, Austin, Tex. 78712. President of the United States. The dedica­ Two UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES received first tion came at a time when a major addition honor awards and five other academic li­ to the library is being planned; the projected braries received awards of merit in the sec­ addition would increase stack capacity from ond Library Buildings Award Program two hundred and fifty thousand volumes to sponsored by ALA, the American Institute eight hundred and twenty-six thousand and of Architects, and the National Book Com­ provide additional reader stations for twen­ mittee. First honors went to the Charles Pat­ ty-seven hundred students, at a cost of terson Van Pelt library of the University of $6,300,000. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and the Hein­ ST. PROCOPIUS CoLLEGE at Lisle, Ill., ded­ ecke rare book and manuscript library at icated its new library building on April 12. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Awards The $700,000 structure will accommodate of Merit went to the Hollis F. Price library, one hundred and ten thousand volumes, an LeMoyne College, Memphis, Tenn.; Lever­ audio-visual auditorium seating one hun­ ett House library at Harvard University, dred, a microfilm room, language labora­ Cambridge, Mass.; Archbishop Ale many li­ tory, Slav culture center, seminar rooms, brary at Dominican College, San Rafael, and rare book room. Calif.; Otto G. Richter library, University NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL LIBRARY facili­ of Miami, Coral Gables, Fla.; and Lafayette ties at the Agricultural Research Center, College library, Easton, Pa.
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