I%rsthe(r time to fight for Maine East . No decisionon MaIne ighs. Nues Events Dinner-. at May 2 meeting DanceSaturday... - No decision concerniog the2, according to Superintendent A bui1dios and gronods.com. Jasttwo mere dayuos the 7411m tatare of aoy haildiog will he Committee liase cmuspletdd pinns Joho Murphy. : : . pitteemeeting will be schedatedEvento Coumsijttee'n Second-An-fer a gela ovmui.ug nf Iwo aed made at the . regalar monthly The regular meeting will.befor Sometime after the hoarduomO Dinoer-Dan. Good fipol. neemlizaug'' , feed and drmk, dmm-' meeting of the Maine Towaohip held at the Ralph J Frost Ad- eting where board membersGood mosto. Tm good in miss. ing and Merriment. Yea eeuu still High School DiStrict 207 hoard of ministration Center, 1131 S. Dee. Wilt COnliOae tconsider possibleSaturday, April 30. make year resernutiena Isp mo- edaeatíon meeting MoodayMay rd., ParkRidge - -. -. :-:ContinaedenPage3O Members of the Niles Events Co..unon Page 30 District 63 - studies leasing.. Village of Nues or possible sale of sch-ooJ.. :Edition . 4I ' Ponder -futU 966-39O.1 4 8746 N SHERMNILES ILL of Wilson -25e per copy VOL 26 NO 40 THE BUGLE THURSDAY APRIL30 19 . Up to$8'ZOOO..Targetèd.for - I Milwaukee Avenue Improvement - . ByEileen Hlruehfeld -; IFrom the W I on school will be ted te g nupaukedtohe releaned from Gt vewKanllapti tChiirch DistrctleauemDeceznhe dueto Left HUnd aCeftor fahoat th ea m thu pendi g 0m c alutraitu -. ,. - .. .-. , Fh f - 0mal approval of a lease arcar- . With -fear heardmembers 5t p eu tnlythreev t by Bud Besser south end of Nues : Dis - .. -------------hero moot be present ta vote-an There aretimen to go back into - ¿"oso" age nears panseo aprojectbau$14½millionApollo school, 101OoDee rd., Des the trenches and mahe the good business matters, Absent were - resolution Taenday night to seekavailable for 30 participatingPlaines. - . fight. And now in the time lo ojm Bestem, Larry Solomon and up to $290,000 io . Communitycommunities ander 00,000 - Reat000atwillkeaboot$3;800. DethldWei, gather up your combat -gear and Development Pando from Coòkpopotatioo io the Coanty for the - Same controversy preceeded . headfor the front to tube on the County to improve and apgrade -Alun, io regard te Wilson Caatlaaedon Page 30 the move because the charch- forces which may attempt to the sooth end of Mitwaakee Continuodonpage 30 close Maine East high school. Avenae. It could he part of a three-year program io which the Bicycle Safety Award. Nest Monday night at the village receives a total of $gyo,000 Maine high nehmt board meeting to improve the area south of Rar- we've received conflicting repor- tu Road on the east side of- to Concerning the superinten- Milwankee Avenne lo the village dent's report regarding the limito and the west side from St. closing of schools. Thin. pastAdathért'o Cemetery south to Monday Parb Ridge Manor Albino Avenue at Nilen soathern .resident Tom Tajiri, stopped to boarder. - tell os Sapecintendest Morphy Cook County representative will air-Isis. recommendations atJack. Peltigrew said the t9t34l5 nest Monday's meeting. Bot Taesday morning Maine's pohlic infnrmatino officer, Karen Lac- . Free blood- Ses, said she knew nothing about . Marphy giving ouch a report nest pressuré readings week: Since Murphy is ont of Free htood pressure readings r town we can't confirm whetherwill be taken by the Community his report wilt he.given MondayHealth.Department of Nitos at night; - Administration Building, 7601 Milwaukee ave.These will be During the coming months it'staken on Tkaroday, May 5, kot- essential concerned residents oseen the honro-of 4 nod O p.m. No begin monitoring the first-Moo- appoiotmeot is necessary.. Cnntinaedoo Page 30, SJB's Super Satisfied. Flea Market "Bugle " customer St. Jobo -Brebenf is planning their Super Annual Flea Market Dorothy Warnke of Nues, ran00 Saturday, April 36 from 10 a classified ad with the Bugle osam. to 3 p.m. There will he free, March 31 for foroitoce anddoor prizes and an adminsian The Bicycle Forum magazine,a national Village ofNileu fioul nationally. - miocellaneonuitemo. charge si oo; The flea market publication, has- awarded first placeto the wilt be held In the charchparktsg Preueetiag the plaque to the originator of the She was very pleased with the Village of Hiles io their "Good Work"awards in program Sgt. James Gerhardt, io Village Clerb response and said that thelot at 0301 N. Harlem ave., Nitos. traffic laws enforcement for bicyclesafety Frank C. Wagner, Jr.l attending the phone "just rang off the book." For further information call 966- programo. The Bicylce Formo magazine, after presen- 1596 : tatios are Hilen Bike Partei officers Chria evaluating aver tOO communities, placedthe MaynardaodStaceyStene, Page 2 TheBugle, Theesday, AprIl 22, 1983 "The Niles Lions Story" Theangle, Thnrsday, AprIl 29,1983 'Help the Lions, help the blind.'most tomilior chant, ut- nsoldnessee-Edltor& Publisher tered by those yellow und blue niaoeMlller-MsnaglogEdOsr P vested volunteers you see os the OohnOneeenr-Copyedlior street corners in October. Yes, SeniorCitizins' A helping the blind is one thing we G do, one of many.Like that VIE E Broomerama" we held bach in NEWS AND 1954, where the funds that were 8746 N. Shermer Road 3 raised went to help buy manually s t. r operated stop-and-gosignal u g lights that were so desperately News for all Niles Seniors(age 62 and over) neededforalltheschool .Iss Ind.p.nsdeni eiimmaeir-.ra-epuprrFotabliahrdin1957 crassings in Nileu, hoth public from the Nues SeniorCenger and parochial. A softball ganse . 967-6100 ext. 76 with Lion Bill Wetendorf, a blind 8060 Oakton, Niles member, as umpire and a talent May 20th set for demonstration inMarseffles show helped raise the oeeded Seek State '$$$ foods for this community project. SHIJFFLEBOARDIURTOPEN Programs, always an impar- The Niles Senior Center Meno Club is offering as oneof their tant part of the club's meetings activities open games on the ohsffleboard conclu for the month for library expansion have bordered so the near great of April. TIte last date that the shuffleboard courts wifi be open Blase, Hoelbi to view - 000f theo again we won't talk forplay is Thursday, April 2lfrom 3-4 p.m. Lion Bill Wetesdorf, with hin leader Dog DaRe, helping oat 05 byEileetslllrurbfeld about those, hut none have been "Candy Day." Making a cotstribatioo and recieving btu "fe" HEALTh AWARENESS LUNCHEON A mUllos dollar enpansion andlure with a portino of the addition easdy is Fire ChiefAl Hoelhl. The Niles llenior Center will be having a health awareneus rnovatiOn nf the main Nileg capable of supporting a second luncheon on Friday, April 29 at 22-30 p.m. The cast of the hin- library mold begin as early as story, possibly built at a future Doppler demonstration more variedthao those presentedtoday. cheon Is $2.50. The menu will include a very elahorate salad, October, 1953 If o grant ap-date. iby the Niles Uons. Jost a sumple Do you think there might be a By Diane Miller special naladdressing, as well an bread andcraekero. StaB nur- plicotion for State Uhracy Con- Also inclsded will be areas for of what has been put together rn-place for you in oor ranks? Well, se Cria Friusni will he summariuing the evento of the April strrsrtiou fandaiu obtained. Werk Larsons move PIZZA'1'ictadm a joint meeting with ALLif yoa're a typical Nilesite who an enlarged children's room, penetrales storm clouds is ex- Health Awareness month.Pleage call 967-6106 ext. 370 for on the structure, f860 Oakton,servire lobby, enhibition, new Ñiles Mayar Nicholas Blase THE BEST 4ROUND" the civic clubs in NUns ander sisebelieves in Motherhood, Apple reoervations. Niles,couldtake one year. and Fire Chief Al Hoelhl along peeled to spot tornadoes up ta 70 , roof, an inspriationat film 00 Or-Pie, and the Anserican Flag, we hook and display, auditoriom and to Sun City miles away. roe syosemIs C Approval ta send the grant ap- general reference,business with other area offi,e.uls will chard School and a talk by Traf-wsuldtove tohave you intins, oar DRIVER'STRAINING pliration os completed by the Mr. and Mrs. Will Larson, NiIm travel to Marseilleu, Illinois on capable of localizing a toreado oficopter Police Officer Leonard30th Anniversary year. reference, patron computers, touchdown lo a specific area in- z There will he a two part review course on Monday, May 2 and library's interim administrator, lping, reading meuzanine andresidents far over 30 yearn, Friday, May 20 10 view a demon- Baldi from WON, you most This year we plan lo work bar- Monday, May 9 from 10 am. to 12-30 p.m.Thin coarse will an architectural firm and lihrary recenlly moved to Son City, otration of Ihn newly imtalled ulead of giving the entennive remember him. der than ever, became NUes H no opaco fer otorage, offices and molti-countywarningsnow review the hook "Rolen of the Road" and prepare its students cossnitant vsa given ut a Con- workrooms. Ariosos upon Mr. Laroon's Dopplerradaroystem. More than jaut another sociallonger that straggling little town forthe written driviog enamination required hythe Secretary of tiusotion of the April board retirement. The Larusiss lived at transmitted by radio and televi- club, Ihn Nileo Lions have provenwe live in, hot a progressive Chief HoelbI told The Bugle he si005tati500 lathe poblic. State'sOtfice. This course will be held atthe Nitm Park District meeting, Sunday, April 24. Alter Deadline for doesmeotiog in-the game address, 7902 N. Nora, was "very pleased with the that doing things for the corn-community that wants for very Recreatioo Center at 7877 N. Milwaukee. There is no charge for review ofptans presented hy con- formation to be sshmilted to Ibfor their entire 30 years in Niles.
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