Distribution Weather Temper**™ 7 Today grt**. tritrim *»**?,* ««& ta dM RED BANK Wa, Fair tonight and tomorrow, 19,025 low tonight in «Tff high to- morrow near M. Saturday partly 1 Independent Daily f cJoudy, warm and humid. SM (^ MONDAY TH*OUOH,KlBty-UT.U» J Dial SH I-0010 Weather, page 2. limed dally, MonJtT throurh Friday. Second Cl«ji PMtan VOL. 85, NO. 42 Paid at Red Bank tad at Additional Milling Otncea. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Permission Granted Billions for Space Race For Airport Change JFK Feels U.S. Will Overtake Soviet By 1970 NEW SHREWSBURY — yBoth the site plan approval and a mi- WASHINGTON (AP)—President Kennedy said: "Anybody who at-' He said there is no similar infor- with the Soviets, Britain and] The session with reporters got nor subdivision were approved by Kennedy says the United States tempts to suggest that we are not mation about troops. France. under way with news from Ken- the Planning Board last night pouring billions of dollars and behind misleads the American He said that if Soviet Premier Getting closer to home, Kenne- nedy that the U.S. nuclear sub- for modification of the Red Bank a tremendous effort into overtak- people." • Khrushchev comes to the United dy put himself in the cheering sec- marines Skate and Seadragon Airport: ing Russia in space—"and I think Russia or Russians figured in Nations this fall—and he doesn't tion for a Senate subcommittee's one from the Atlantic Fleet and The board favored both propos- by the end of the decade we will." one way or another in a wide know that Khrushchev will—"I investigation of profits on Ameri- one from the Pacific, had met un- als by a 7 to 1 margin, the lone dis- This was a sort of hopeful look range of conference topics. would hope I would have a chance ca's stockpiling of $8 billion in der the Arctic ice cap and had ientlng vote being cast by Mayor at long-term prospects in reponse to talk with him" and any other strategic materials. surfaced together through a hole Karl K. Baron. Board member to a news conference question Reds in Cuba heads of government who might 'Big Profits' at the North Pole. Kennedy called James Brown did not attend the Wednesday about Russia's orbit- For example: come. The President said and repeat- it "an historic rendezvous," and meeting. ing of twin cosmonauts. Kennedy said "The Bloc"—he Tht President said that Russia's ed that extremely large profits "exceptional technical feat," and The minor subdivision, consist- It was tempered by mention an meant the Communist bloc—has action in abolishing its comman- were made by the Hanna Mining congratulated all involved. ing of a 300-foot strip along Apple even dozen times that this coun- put large quantities of supplies dant's office in Berlin certainly Company with very little risk to From there he went into a bid St., was granted to Walter Laud- try now is behind, second, or late and an increased number of tech- cannot by itself affect U.S. rights the firm, that he could under- for Congress to hurry along ap- enslager of the Air View Flying or that the Soviets have a lead. nicians into Cuba in recent weeks. based on a four-power agreement stand the desire of some witness- proval of a farm bill, one to tight- Service, current owner of the air- es "to limit the investigation by en drug laws, a constitutional port. charging it is an attack on former amendment to outlaw poll taxes President Eisenhower, but I think as a voting requirement in feder- County Right of Way the Congress ought to do its job." The motion for passage of the Seek Return of Seeing Eye Dog al elections, his foreign trade bill ' Kennedy spoke of former Secre- without restrictive amendments, subdivision was made by board tary of the Treasury George M. and a $100 million loan to the member Herbert L. Willett, 3d, LEONARDO—Residents of this area-have been urged to be on the lookout for a me- Humphrey as a responsible offi- United Nations. and included a clause that signa- cial of the company. Humphrey tures be withheld until the plans dium sized German shepherd dog, a female, Politics expected to still be wearing a leather collar has contended the inquiry is an at- This was the right season to be revised to show an Increase of and carrying a leather leash. tempt to slap at Eisenhower 10 and'five feet along Shrewsbury bring up political questions. And through himself. Kennedy said he will be putting Ave. and Hance Ave., which will The dog is black on the back and black, Other cases are coming up, go to the county for road tan and yellow around her muzzle. She in some time campaigning in late weighs about 85 pounds. Kennedy said, and they involve September and October. He de- widening. Urg profitp fi s by a good many scribed as useful a "nonpolitical County plans call for a right Her name is Pride. people. (See KENNEDY, Page 2) of way of 80 feet on Shrewsbury Pride was the pride of Philip Castle, 62, Ave. and 60 feet on Hance Ave. of 47 Watchung Ave., West Orange, until a Site plan approval was granted clap of thunder burst across the sky about James Loeb, president of Air 9:30 Monday night and frightened 'the' ani- Taxi Co., Inc., who will purchase mal so much that she ran away. the airport from Mr. Lauden- Pride also provided sight for Mr. Castle, Raceway Sale slager. who is blind. She and he were trained to be Mr. Loeb's plans call for a dis- steady companions in a six-week course at continuation of the use of the BELL'S KNELL — After ringing out for the events in Seeing Eye, Inc., Morristown, two years ago. north-south runway, the con- She was the third Seeing Eye dog he has struction of a new administration tha lives of area residents for more than 100 years, owned. i building of masonry, ,and the Held in Doubt Shrewsbury Hose Company's bell is lowered to rosr in "She was my best friend, and now she erection of new hangars. a place.of honor in front of the new fira house. Work- FREEHOLD — Reports of that three other interests have Mayor Applauded •Is gone," said Mr. Castle? "I want her back. pending sale Please help me find her." of the Freehold offered to purchase the track men of the Farrell Contracting Co. fake the old belt Raceway to two Woodbridge from the present owners. Among Mayor Baron received a loud George Burke, director of Camp Happi- round of applause from the ap- dawn from fh« 70-foot tower, which is stated for demo- businessmen for $6.1 million those have been the owners nf ness, Burlington Ave., which is maintained were clouded today by owners' Yonkers Raceway, who have in- proximately 50 members of the lition. as a vacation retreat by the New Jersey audience when he asked the board statements to the contrary and spected the Freehold facilities at Blind Men's Asspciation for members here, WHO HAS PRIDE? — Here it Philip a shareholders' suit to block the least,once since the racing sea- to deny both applications. "The said "A major search is being mad«t, fpr the reported deal. people in the area are opposed to Cattle, 62, of Weir Orange, and his son started here 15 days ago. dog. Mr. Castle has faith that either' the Seeing-Eyo German (hepherd dog, Pride. The .only public statement An official of the raceway the encouragement of the airport To Ring No More dog will return to him or be returned." . made by the present owners, In this request," said Mayor Bar- described the ownership situa- Mr. Burke said Mr. Castle and The director explained that "it Harold and Bernard Sampson, tion as just like a "game of mu- on, "and it is our responsibility Milwaukee real estate men, has to protect their interests." Fire House Bell Is Being Retired Pride became parted Monday js difficult for blind, persons to sical chairs . waiting to see night when, "sensing that a storm ottain .properly trained . dogs in 41 Streets been that they are "not selling." who gets .the brass ring." The mayor also said, for the By JANE E. MORROW took in nearly half the present was coming, Mr. Castle took the adequate numbers. We have Abraham and Sigmund Som- Paid $5 Million benefit of council members on borough of Shrewsbury. dog out for a walk before it have, cjose- to 200 campers here mer, Woodbridge, contend that The Sampsons purchased the the board, "The effects of this SHREWSBURY — The old fin house bell was lowered from its From the time the fire com- broke. Since it was to be a short this, summer... and ,only, three they have a commitment to buy ttacte fqr $5 million Ins* year . will be felt by the voting public. pany was formed in' 1908 until walk, he did not put the usual of them with Seeing Eye ,<fogs. $180,000 the track from the Sampsons with from Fred Fatfler o! Maple- Mr. Loeb was flooded with a tower yesterday to an honorable it-tirement after years of mark- Dr. Fahnestock's gift of the bell, harness on Pride, but took her Pride was our last dbg visitor n closing date of Sept.
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