I" AUSTRALIAN OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET ASSOCIATION MILDURA GUN CLUB Three-Day Shoot JUNE 2,3,4 1973 Official Organ of the AUSTRALIAN Australian Clay Target CLAY TARm7T Association SHOOTING NEWS Editor: C. M. BERRY, A.I.S.M. Address all correspondence to Secretary-Editor: C. M. BEERY, Box 2038 S, G.P.O., Melbourne, Vlc., 3001. t OFF,ICI ALS Office: 5th Floor, Nicholas Buildings, 37 Swanston Street, Melbourne, VIC., 3000. Phone: 63-9711. Patron: COPY CLOSING-NOT LATER THAN 1st OF SIR HENRY BOLTE. G.C.M.G. MONTH PRECEDING PUBLICATION. CLUB affillatlon Subscription, $10 per annum. President: f f SHOOTER'S REGISTRATION FEE, 90 per annum, 3 Mr. G. H. HALL, must be forwarded through CLUB Secretary. ? Box 421, Geelong, VIC., 3220. f NoN-SHOOTER sbaraimn. 55 per -m. All t Hon. Life Registrations: The Industilal Prlnting and Publicity Co. Ltd. 122-129 Dover street. Richmond. 3121--42-29511 (3 lholl Mr. John HOUSTON Mr. J. M. TYQUIN f f Mr. D. B. MOTT Mr. K. SOAMES Mr. J. M. WILSON Mr. N. WELLS 1 Honorary Vice-president for 1973: Mr. W. R. MORGAN, I 125 Davey Street, Hobart, Tas., 7000. 1 Executive Committee: Pase . Mr. E. G. BIGGS, No. 4 Hugh Street, Knoxfield, Vic., 3180. Editor's Notes ............................................... 2 Mr. A. M. BURGESS, Current N.Z. Happenings ............................ 4 P.O. Box 3, Cobar, N.S.W., 2835. Mr. A. E. CREGAN. Schedule "A" Shooters ................................ 5 "Moredun," Ben Lomond, N.S.W., 2363. Coming Events ............................................ 6 Mr. K. DOBSON, R.S.D., Echuca, Vic., 3625. News and Views .......................................... 7 Mr. E. HAWKINS, Club Shoot Results ................................. 9 195 Macquarie Street, Wlndsor, N.S.W., 2756 A.C.T.A. Registration List 36 Mr. R. M. HOLTFRETER, .......................... 17 Grey Street, Northam, W.A.. 6401. A.C.T.A. Skeet Handicap Amendments .... 38 Mr. N. W. MASSEY. A.C.T.A. Trap Handicap Amendments 39 Jellicoe Street, Clermont, Q'ld., 4721. .... Mr. R. H. MOYSE. "Dunraven." Barcaldine, Q'ld., 4725. Mr. R. MULES, 63 Argyle Avenue, Marleston. S.A., 5033. Mr. A. PEDERSEN. Depicts !he newly adoped motif fw 6. A.CZA. green reefer Drouin. Vic., 3818. pske~The moly shows our native golden Laorornundm wntrle Mr. D. PERRY, sunounding a mop oflurrmlia dieh conroinr lhe con& of nrmr 138 Hobart Road, Launceston, Tas., 7250. ofeoeh Aurrmiion Sure. The mlr of ormr fmm ls/l lo righr are Mr. A. N. ROWE, rhore ofNew South Woles. Vicron3. Oueentlond. Smlh Auslmb. 6 Pippie Street, Yamba, N.S.W., 2464. Mr. H. SMITH, Shawn olso for ortirlii purposes. ir m Awiil~onAbn'ginol 91 Julia Street. Portland. Vic.. 3305. "OidgccYoo.'' A didgeridm, on ancient obwigiiol m&l Mr. L. S. R. STEWART, inrrmmcnt is a hollow tube of rood soma four wfiw feel long 4490. and about three inchen in diomeur. N is hnded fmm the "Waratah," Cunnamulla, Q'ld., nourhpieea, held close against the mouth, *ilh the lip inside il. Mr. D. R. TAYLOR. lo the lea which keep do orher end miad jurr dmr of lhc 697 Mlin Road, Berriedale, Tas., 7011. ground. 11 is n formidabldookin~instrument and onl.vfew nafiws , master rhearl ofplo.vii~,I pmprly. I.j5Z I WSTRALIAN CLAYTARGETSHOOTING NEWS Augwl.1873 1 At the time of going to press with this publication, Australia may field four shotgunners - two for I.S.U. most of the full $10 shooter registrations have been Trap and two for I.S.U. Skeet. Opening Day is received and yellow pressure sensitive labels have January 24, but practice shooting will be available been despatched to the club secretaries concerned for. from January 14. attachment to the respective handicap cards. In general competition shooting there are basically All new shooters in 1973 have been mailed a cppy two different types of shooting, and, irrespective of of A.C.T.A. shooting rules. All 1972 registered the types of firearms (either pistol, rifle or shotgun), shooters received a copy of the shooting rules within the targets used are either "fixed position" or their July 1972 copy of A.C.T.A. "Shooting News" "moving" targets. publication. The Moving Target Section of Olympic~ ~ or At the time of going to press with this publication. International ~hootingIJnionembraces: 264 signed Amateur Rules Schedule "A" Jorms have (a) Clay Pigeon shooting, where the target size been received and recorded - these are listed at the simulates the, body structure of a pigeon in flight - rear of this publication and only such self-declared minus the wings and feathers, Firearms used are 12 and club-ratified shooters, as noted in the Association gauge shotguns, records, are eligible to compete, at this stage, for ultimate selection as Australia's Tra~and Skeet (b) Running Boar shooting - this is simulated field Shooting Team and Individual ~ntrantsin the 1973 shooting at a paper target sized 51 inches x 29 World Moving Target Championships (Clay Target inches. being a colored replica of a full-sized Section) scheduled for November 12 to 22 inclusive at European Wild Boar, with scoring rings the Melbourne Gun Club, Lilydale. Victoria, within superimposed over the heart/lung area. The target the International Shooting Union. To all possible travels back and forward. on an open run, over a 10 entrants - have you lodged your Schedule "A" form metre opening and each shooter at a range of 50 yet? The form is contained in duplicate elsewhere in metres has to fire a shot on each run, using a special this publication. running boar .22 rimfire rifle. The match is of 30 slow and 30 fast runs per shooter: The Amateur Rules Schedule "A" Form requirements also apply to British Commonwealth Slow = boar covers 10 metres (30 feet) in 5 Games participants and selectees. seconds. Australia's shotgun entrants for both the 1973 I.S.U. Fast = boar covers 10 metres (30 feet) in 2% World Championships and the 1974 British seconds. Commonwealth Games will bk selected by the he aiming polnt is approximately 27 ~nchesahead Association from the highest scorers in the I.S.U. of the bullseye, depending on the ammunition used. Trench and I.S.U. Skeet finals scheduled for October 5, 6, 7 at Lilydale. Victoria. Both of these types of shooting were included in the 1973 Moving Target allocations to the Australian The Xth British Commonwealth Games will be Shooting Association, two of whose members are the conducted at Yaldhurst. Christchurch, New Zealand. Australian Clay Target Association and the Sporting over the period January 25th to February 1st and Shooters' Association of Australia. AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGETSHOOTING NEWS The Clay Target Section will be conducted by the Mixed Runs - Tuesday, November 20, 1973. Australian Clay Target Association at its member Free Day - Wednesday, November 21,1973. club, the Melbourne Gun Club situated some 30 road miles (48.3 kilometres) east of Melbourne in the Shire Further details of the opening and closing of Lillydale and more specifically described as - ceremonies, the shooting procedures and national travel the Maroondah Highway (Highway 34) from participants will be published as this information Melbourne, thence when reaching the top of Albert becomes available. Hill, just before the township of Lilydale, turn left at Area host clubs have applied for and received Victoria Road and proceed five miles (some 8 A.C.T.A. a~~rovalto conduct, within their areas, kilometres) due notth where the road terminates in qualifying e6kinations within the shooting rules of the the gun club property. International Shwting Union. The Running 'bar Section will be conducted at. These host clubs as at the time of this publication Springvale, some 15 road miles (24 kilometres) going to press are: south-east of Melbourne along Princes Highway U.U. 1S.U. I.S.U. Sing 5 1S.U. (Highway 1) - known also as Dandenong Road - by Trcnsh Tm Tnv SM the Sporting Shooters' Association. Victoria: Each of such Moving Target Championships are Melbourne being conducted by the Associations concerned as Metropolitan . separate ventures within the following combined Mildura programme as submitted to, and agreed by the Morwell International Shooting Union: Geelong TRAP AND SKEET New South Wales: Hawkesbury Combined Opening Ceremony - Monday, Wag@ November 12. 1973. N.S.W.G.C. Practice - Tuesday, November 13,1973. Tasmania: Practice - Wednesday. November 14,1973. Hobart Practice - Thursday, November 15, 1973. Oueensland: * Teams and Individual Events - Friday, Novembef Brisbane 16, 1973. South Australia, Western Ausbalia- Nil. Teams and Individual Events - Saturday, November 17, 1973. Individual Events - Sunday, November 18, 1973. Host clubs for ISU skeet eliminations are required Free Day - Monday, November 19.1973. to have an acceptable time delay switch in conformity with the I.S.U. rules. Skeet Teams and Individual Events - Tuesday, Whilst each registered shooter and each member November 20, 1973. club has received the conditions of the 1973 Skeet Teams and Individual Events - Wednesday, eliminations and final events within our May and July November 21, 1973. 1973 publications, each host club has been Skeet Individual Events - Thursday, November 22. additionally asked that: 1973. (a) each conducting club read and interpret the combined Closing Ceremony - Thursday "nominations" as being "Maximum nominations 510 afternoon, November 22.1973. , per 100 targets." (b) Contestants shoot at each 100 I.S.U. type RUNNING BOAR targets in a one day competition Combined Opening Ceremony - Monday, OR November 12,1973. as an event Practice - Tuesday. November 13,1973. during any carnival of two to three successive days BUT Practice - Wednesday, November 14,1973. no further lapse, or break period. beyond a three-day Practice - Thursday. November 15. 1973. carniyal is to be permitted. Teams and Individual Evehts - Friday, November (Thus;25's or 50's totalling 100 over 16.
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