CULVER CITIZEN OX LAKE MAXINKUCKEE— INDIANA’S MOST BEAUTIFUL LAKE VOLUME LVII CULVER, INDIANA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28,1950 NUMBER 15 County Red Cross Lake Maxinkuckee Association Patrolman Opening Night of Drive Falls Short Summer Theatre Of 1950 Goal Huge Success The 1950 Red Cross fund cam­ If the enthusiasm of the capa- S-- paign in Marshall county Vaised citv audience which thoroughly en­ §6,776.31, it was announced this joyed the opening performance of week. The drive was $4,009.69 the premiere session of the Maxin­ short or the goal set at 810,871. kuckee Playhouse here last night., Although the Red Cross acti­ can be taken as a criterion, vities in Marshall county will be then a highly successful season is curtailed a little, none of the assured for the summer theatre major function.? of the organizaj- group. tion will be neglected, local of- A talented cast fully lived up have announced. National to the theatre tradition of “open­ received $2,968.02 and the local ing night” and the audience gave chapter, $3,808.29 from the drive. their hearty approval in rounds of Following is the total am ount applause at the final curtain of raised by townships. Culver and Noel Coward's comedy “Blithe Union, $957.50; Plymouth and Spirit.” Center township, $1,997.30; Ar­ To all local patrons of the open­ gos and Walnut, $532.82; Bour­ ing night, the excellent perform­ bon and Bourbon township, ance of Dorothy Oberlin and Mary $858.85 Bremen and German, Bishop was outstanding. Miss Ob­ $1,485.97; Green township, $221.- erlin, who portrayed Madame Ar- 25; LaiPaz and North township, cati, gave one of her finest per­ $151; Tyner and Polk, $329.90; formances here and her efforts Tippecanoe and Tippecanoe town­ contributed much to the success ship, §88.50; and West township, of the opening play as did those of $153.22. Miss Bishop. Paul Laumann was superb in Walter Johnson, Jr., to the lead role and supporting the ►Sail For Portugal; three were Margit Friedlander, Pictured above is Captain Viea Messham, Herb Johnson and Heads Youth Hostel James I. Rich (USA Ret.) recent­ Nancy Todd. Walter Johnson, Jr., left Mon- Community Chest ly appointed patrolman for Lake Local Concern Over The plot of the opening play 'OT Montreal, Canada, where Maxinkuckee and the shore road. is concerned with a crazy spirit­ ■ he will board the Greek liner, Makes Grant to 4-H An interesting article in last Sun­ Korean Crisis ualist who calls back a mischie­ ►Columbia, sailing July 1 for Lis­ day's South Bend Tribune tells vous ghost «from the other world. bon, Portugal. Johnson will be a The Culver Union Township of the work of versatile Capt. National concern over the Ko­ In one of the funniest scenes of leader for the American Youth Community Chest Board this Rich. rean crisis is being reflected in (the play, Madame Arcati holds Ho.stels. His group will include week acted favorably 011 a peti­ Fully deputized, Capt. Rich has every locality throughout the na­ a seance and goes off into a six young people from various tion by interested persons in the been engaged by the Lake Max­ tion. In Culver, opinion ranges trance to recall Elvira; but a pro­ sections of the United States. Union Township 4-H program inkuckee Association, Inc. to from those who believe that war blem arises-once Elvira does re­ With bicycles, a minim um of when they granted “a sum not effect greater safety on the lajke is imminent to the other extreme turn, Madame Arcati forgets how personal equipment, and sleeping to exceed $2 5 0 which is to be and -011 the highways during the of those who ; believe that the to make her go back again. Seen bags the group will travel through used for the completed 4-H pro­ summer months. In line with his struggle between north and south and heard only by her husband, Portugal, Spain, France, Algiers, jects only. The fund is to be ad­ duties there are noticeable re­ Korea which broke into open con­ the spirit flits about the stage Tunisia, and Italy. They will be ministered by a committee to be sults already. In addition to flict on Sunday is an unimportant playing pranks on the other gone two months. appointed by Guy Davis, vice- watching traffic speeds 011 the and a localized aspect of the Com­ people in the play. A surprise end­ Mr. Johnson, a graduate of Ind­ chairman of the Community roads and regulating boat speeds munist revolution in the Far East. ing brings the curtain down on k ianaia University and an overseas Client Board.” on the water he also watches for The large majority of local per­ the play. war veteran, is the assistant prin­ Tickets for the gala .premiere The -gtant of money will pro­ fires and accidents. sons contacted believe that the ms,cipal of Mishawaka high school. play are being sold rapidly, but vide funds whereby all those who A versatile personality, Capt. situation is extremely critical. .there are still seats available for complete projects will be reward­ Rich served on the staff of the There are several service men here all remaining nights. In Culver “Take it Easy on 4th-Be ed ffor their efforts. Members of Academy for twenty-seven years. who served in Korea. For those tickets can be bought through JtaAdive on 5th” is Holiday the board attending the meeting The Tribune article calls atten­ who do not have access to geo­ Oberjin’s Electric Store or by HVdvice of Safety Council included Mrs. Raymond Lowry, tion to his reputation as a graphical data on Korea here is a brief resume of the affected area. Phoning Culver 203. And all pa­ Don’t make your steering Mrs. J. D. Newman, Colonel Ro­ Santa Claus for public functions Korea occupies a mountainous trons are reminded that comfort •wheel a wheel of chance-because bert Rossow, Glenn Tibbetts, Mrs. throughout this area. (peninsula in northeastern Asia and enjoyment is the theme of you bet your life! That advice Guy Dajvis who was the iproxy for More than one hundred shore dividing the Yellow Sea from the .the Playhouse, so dress to have caime from the National Safety her husband, Robert Rust who residents are members of the Lake Sea of Japan. Its coastline is 600 fun. Curtain time— 8:30. Council as the nation approached exercised the proxies of W ilbur Maxinkuckee Association. Mrs. miles long and southern Man­ the Fourth of July holiday, one Taylor and C. S. McMinn. E. W. Lucy O’Neal is president. churia lies along the northwestern BUSINESS HOUSES TO CLOSE of the most dangerous periods Carter, chairman of the board frontier except for a few miles With the possible exception of of the year. who is in Arizona was not able HOLSTEIN SHOW where Siberia touches the border. restaurants, service stations and Last Fourth of July almost to attend the meeting. The North Central Indiana The north part of the nation has possibly drug stores, all business 700 persons were killed by acci­ Holstein Club Black and White valuable mineral deposits. The places in Culver will be closed in dents of all kinds during the Show was held last Saturday, climate is dry and bracing. Silk­ observance of Independence Day three-day holiday. Many more OAR-TRUOK COLLISION June 2 4tli, at the Fulton County worm culture and rice are the im­ next Tuesday, July 4. died later as the result of injur- A collision involving a passen­ 4-H ifairgrounds at Rochester. portant pursuits of livelihood. There will be no rural or city k 1es received during the celebra- ger car driven by Fred Katlun Twenty breeders brought out Historically, Korea is an ancient delivery of mail. The lobby of fction. Traffic accidents were the and a gravel truck owned and 5 8 head of high quality Holstein kingdom with a history extending the post office will be open to ^M iief killer, alone accounting for driven by George Bus-art resulted cows and heifers for judge Carrol back to the 12th century, B. C. the public from 8 to 6 p.m. a,bout 300 deaths. in approximately $430 damage, Thompson, Flora Vocational Agri­ Following the Sino-Japanese war The Council expects more plea­ accident occurred last Wednesday cultural teacher, to place. of 18 94-95, Korea was an inde­ N OT ICE sure-seeking motorists to pile in- along Lake Shore Drive near the Senior and Grand champion •• pendent nation until the Russo- The Culver Citizen office will 'm ore cars and roll up more A. R. McKesson garage. The Kat­ ship ribbons went to John A. Japanese war of 1904-05 when be closed all day, Tuesday July ,es on this holiday and the lun car was damaged considerably. Newman and Sons, Culver, 011 Japan occupied the nation. 4. Because the holiday comes the ek end preceding it than ever Both cars were headed west. their first prize three-year old, The independence of Korea was day before the regular press day C•efore in the country’s history, Busart had stopped and was pre­ Culver Eden Paul Violet. Claude restored after the surrender of Ja ­ of The Citizen deadlines for all ♦or many it will be a four-day paring to turn left into the Ford Newman, Culver, and Herbert pan in World War II. Divided into copy have been advanced. Dis­ — vacation. More than 3 6 million garage when the accident oc­ and Keith Warner, Rochester, al­ two zones with the northern half play advertising copy for the July motor vehicles will be on the curred.
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