3806 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 7, 1990 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS LEGISLATION TO CONTROL THE water supplies and fish populations gets barrel and fresh bread was available only on INFESTATION OF THE WATERS worse. the weekends. OF THE UNITED STATES BY Congressman NOWAK's "Nonindigenous Over the years, of course, modern conven­ THE ZEBRA MUSSEL Aquatic Nuisance Act of 1990" looks toward iences such as prepackaged goods and proc­ solving this problem for the Great Lakes as essed foods were incorporated into the HON. ROBERT W. DAVIS well as other infested U.S. waters. Mr. NOWAK stores' inventories, but it was the personal OF MICHIGAN mandates Coast Guard regulations directing service and the heartfelt caring for their neigh­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mid-ocean ballast water exchange or other bors that kept people coming back to Click's measures to control infestation of U.S. waters Wednesday, March 7, 1990 Store. with unwelcome visitors. Violations of these I want to extend to the entire Click family Mr. DAVIS. Mr. Speaker, today I join my col­ requirements will result in a $25,000 penalty. my sincere hope for a happy and healthy re­ league, Congressman NOWAK of New York, in In addition, this bill establishes groups to co­ tirement. I would also like to request that the the introduction of legislation that will lead to ordinate research on aquatic nuisance spe­ attached newspaper article be inserted in the control the infestation of the waters of the cies, including a Great Lakes Regional Com­ United States by the zebra mussel. RECORD as a tribute to a family that serves as mission. The Nowak bill also declares the a sterling example of the hardy, honest, and The zebra mussel, a tiny aquatic animal, is zebra mussel an injurious species under title causing tremendous problems in the lower sincere people whose efforts were so essen­ 18 of the United States Code, which should tial to the success of our great country. Great Lakes. The thumb-nail sized vermin further discourage interstate transport of this originated in the Caspian and Black Seas. It menace. Finally, the bill authorizes almost $8 [From the Covington Leader, Feb. 7, 19901 entered the Great Lakes when freighters from million to implement the outlined programs. THE CLICKS BEGIN RETIREMENT Europe emptied their infested ballast waters in As a cosponsor of this bill, I agree with its Click Brother Grocery at the corner of Lake St. Clair. underlying concepts: First, that exotic aquatic Idaville-Beaver Road and Dunlap Road is Since 1986, the exotic species has spread species are wreaking havoc on our waters, in­ now only a memory. Alfred Click and his through the Detroit River, Lake Erie, and Lake cluding the Great Lakes; second, that action twin brother, Winfred, closed the store in Ontario. It probably won't be long before the will be necessary by the Coast Guard to stop December, following 56 years of operation! zebra mussel shows up in Lakes Michigan, further importation of harmful aquatic orga­ The business was begun in 1933, the same Huron, and Superior. nisms into U.S. waters; and third, that addi­ year Alfred and Katherine were married. The creatures multiply at an alarming rate; a The first building, across the road from the tional research is needed to develop ways to present structure, was a small, frame build­ single female zebra mussel can spawn about control existing exotic species infestation. As 40,000 offspring. They attach themselves to ing, reminiscent of the "old West" construc­ ranking member of the House Merchant tion. anything solid: boats, piers, rocks, and pipes Marine and Fisheries Committee, I have "We started the business on a shoestring," serving municipal water and sewer systems. pledged to Congressman NOWAK that I will smiled Mr. Click. "We had $400. We bought Last summer Monroe, Ml, came within hours work with Congressman DENNIS HERTEL, the store license and went to Memphis to of losing its water supply because millions of chairman of the Subcommittee on Oceanogra­ Davis Mize Company to buy our merchan­ mussels clogged the city's 10-mile-long intake phy and Great Lakes, to work toward the dise." pipe. goals of the Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance "We bought vinegar in a barrel," added Also at risk are Great Lakes fish popula­ Act. For example, Mr. HERTEL and I will be of­ Mrs. Click. "It· had a pump attached so we tions because the mussel consumes huge could measure a quart or gallon for the cus­ fering an amendment to the National Oceanic tomer. Sugar, coffee, beans and rice also amount of plankton and algae-the first links and Atmospheric Administration authorization in the lakes' food chain. Depriving local spe­ came in 50 and 100 pound quantities and bill for fiscal year 1991 which earmarks $3 mil­ were weighed for the customer.' ~ cies of food threatens the region's $2 billion lion for zebra mussel control research as part During these early days, there was no commercial fishing industry, not to mention of the Natiooal Sea Grant College Program. electricity. Therefore, there was no milk in the billions of tourism dollars generated I urge my colleagues in the House-espe­ a country store. Bread could be bought only through sport fishing. cially those representing Great Lakes dis­ on the weekends. So far, researchers have not devised a tricts-to support measures to eliminate this Packaging, as well as price, has certainly method to eradicate the zebra mussel that is scourge from our waters. changed. Mr. Click remembers that sugar both safe and effective. I'm hopeful this bill sold for 10 cents a pound; 100 pounds of will do just that. navy beans for $2.75; 196 pounds of flour in Last year, President Bush signed into law THE CLICKS BEGIN a wooden barrel for under $5; and kerosene my bill to control the discharge of ballast RETIREMENT · for 10 cents a gallon. Sack tobacco was five water into the Great Lakes. The Coast Guard and 10 cents and candy, with no wrappers, less than one cent. Candy bars and cokes, has the authority to control the importation of HON. JOHNS. TANNER with no deposit, were five cents each. harmful species via vessels. However, what OF TENNESSEE "From the porch of the old store," contin­ may be needed is a requirement forcing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ued Mr. Click, "I have seen as many as 400 oceangoing vessels to dump their potentially rabbits hanging. People from the communi­ contaminated ballast water before they enter Wednesday, March 7, 1990 ty would kill the rabbits. We would buy the St. Lawrence Seaway and take on cleaner Mr. TANNER. Mr. Speaker, Alfred and Win­ them and resell them to a man who would water so that any viable exotic species are fred Click ended an era recently when they come by, dress them and take them to the not introduced into the Great Lakes. The closed the store they operated with their curb market in Memphis.'' Coast Guard will be reporting to the Congress wives and families for 56 years in Tipton "We also bought eggs from our customers in June on their suggestions for controlling the County, TN. The Click family stores were fix­ for 10 to 15 cents a dozen," remarked Mrs. Click. importation of alien species by vessels. tures in the ldaville and Dunlap communities. The Clicks were also livestock dealers and The measures offered by the Coast Guard For many years, they provided the necessi­ raised their own beef for the store after will help us to prevent future episodes such as ties for rural families from hoop cheese to electricity was installed in 1937. These were the zebra mussel, river ruffe, and alewife. But shoes and yard goods. They started their op­ the days before the government required now we must concentrate on how to eradicate eration in 1933 before electricity came to their that the beef be inspected and a USDA this existing problem before the effect on local community when vinegar was bought by the stamp placed on the product. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. March 7, 1990 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 3807 NEW BUILDING The Clicks are quite unique and are CFrom the Housing Affairs Letter, Dec. 15, A large, modern building was built across among the fortunate few. They have been 1989] the road at the present location in 1949. able to stay right on their land, operate a FHA HOME FuND SHOWS SIGNS OF MENDING However, two years later, the building business and provide for their livelihood. burned. That same year the Click Brothers They live on a farm within sight of the The past year has been a season of discon­ bought the J.H. Barrett store at Idaville and store, which is built on land, originally part tent for FHA, with disclosure of a $4.2 bil­ named it Click Brothers No. 2. Winfred of the farm. Mr. Click has also traded live­ lion loss in fiscal 1988, abuses by closing began operation of this store and they also stock for many years. agents and multifamily coinsurers, and de­ rebuilt the original store, which Alfred and OTHER INTERESTS faults by major coinsurance companies. Katherine continued to run. But latest figures indicate the Mutual They are members of the Sharon Associ­ Mortgage Insurance Fund, FHA's largest A spacious, brick building was erected and ate Reformed Presbyterian Church, which still exists today.
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