Іі5Ьв(і by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.. a fraternal non-profit association| b ШrainianWeelcl V Vol. LVI No. 46 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13,1988 50 cents Cona^'xans protest Soviet rights abuses Multitudes ІП Lviv mark November 1 Act in historic vigil at Yaniv Cemetery OTTAWA - Tens of thousands of believed to be the Revs. Mykhailo Ukrainians in Lviv publicly commemo­ Havryliv and Petro Zeleniuk. rated the 70th anniversary of the No­ Requiem services were offered at the vember 1 Act that proclaimed the graves of Gen. Myron Tarnawsky, independence of western Ukraine and commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian established the Western Ukrainian Galician Army (UHA), and Kost National Republic on the lands former­ Levytsky, well-known publicist, lawyer ly ruled by the Austro-Hungarian and prime minister of the Western Empire. Ukrainian National Republic. News of the public commemoration Ihor Kalynets, a national rights was reported by the Ukrainian Central advocate whose activities stretch from Information Service and disseminated the days of the generation of the sixties by the Ottawa-based Ukrainian Infor­ C'Shestydesiatnyky"), read a collection mation Bureau. of poems about the Russians' destruc­ Citing eyewitness sources, UCIS said tion of the graves of the Ukrainian Sich that 20,000 to 50,000 persons, including Riflemen (Sichovi Striltsi"). several Ukrainian Catholic priests, took Rostyslav Bratun, a member of the part in the candlelight ceremony at the official Writer's Association, delivered historic Yaniv Cemetery on the outskirts an address in which he spoke about of Lviv. According to eyewitnesses, the fighting for the independence of U- crowd was described as a ''sea of kraine. The two-hour ceremony con­ humanity" and others characterized the cluded with chants of "Siava Ukraini." atmosphere "very moving." The throng sang songs of the Ukrai­ Other sources told The Ukrainian nian "Striltsi," and the Ukrainian blue Weekly that the event marked the first and yellow flag was displayed at the site SUSK members call for national rights for Ukraine during vigil before the Soviet time that a November 1 commemora­ of the ruined graves. TTie militia keenly Embassy in Ottawa. tion at the Yaniv Cemetery was held monitored the ceremony, but made no attempt to disrupt it, the eyewitnesses government continues to violate inter­ with official permission. The sources by Andrij Hluchowecky also said the clergymen officiating were reported. Ukrainian Information Bureau national law and its own constitution. "We ask you to take this opportunity OTTAWA — As part of an interna­ to advise the ambassador that your CSCE delegation heads for Soviet Union tional campaign to protest the lack of government will find it difficult, if not glasBOSt and perestroika in Ukraine, the impossible, to assist the USSR finan­ Ukrainian Canadian Students' Union cially, or otherwise, in view of such for higli-level talks on human rights (SUSK) held a candlelight vigil before abuses of power. "The open letter WASHINGTON - A delegation Assistant Secretary of Commerce the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa on continues. ''Your intervention in this composed of members of the U.S. Louise Laun. The group will be in Mos­ Monday, November 7, beginning at matter enhances the possibility of Congress and the administration will cow on November 14-18 and then will 5:30 p.m. This protest coincided with global justice, a prerequisite to world begin a visit to the USSR on Monday, spend two days in Leningrad. the Soviet Embassy reception marking peace." November 14, aimed at promoting In addition, nine other members of the anniversary of the Bolshevik Revo­ The candlelight vigil organized human rights issues. Congress are part of the group, as are a lution of 1917' through the Ukrainian Information According to Rep. Steny Hoyer (D- number of aides, including Helsinki In an open letter distributed to the Bureau in Ottawa, was intended to Md.) chairman of the Helsinki Com­ Commission staffer Orest Deychakiw- guests of Alexei A. Rodionov, ambas­ show solidarity for the persecuted mission, who is to lead the delegation, sky. sador of the USSR to Canada, the faithful of Ukraine and to highlight the the group will seek the release of the two The group is expected to meet with Ukrainian students appealed to the new political developments taking Helsinki monitors who still are serving top Soviet officials, and possibly with many foreign government dignitaries shape in that part of Eastern Europe. sentences for their activity in monitor­ General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev. and officials attending the Soviet recep­ One such political occurrence high­ ing Soviet implementation of the 1975 As well, the group will meet with tion to intercede on their behalf and lighted was the recent demonstration of Helsinki Accords. The two are Ukrai­ dissidents representing various rights communicate to the Soviet Ambassa­ tens of thousands of Ukrainians at the nians Lev Lukianenko, a lawyer, and movements within the USSR. dor the following demands: historic Yaniv Cemetery in Lviv, U- My kola Matusevych, a historian. Both Among the topics that are to be raised ^ the release of all political prisoners kraine commemorating the proclama­ are currently serving exile sentences, by the U.S. officials are freedom of by the end of 1988, as promised to West tion of the November 1 Act of 1918. The having completed their terms of impri­ religion, individuals and the law, free­ German Chancellor Helmut Kohl; ' thousands, according to eyewitness sonment in labor camps. dom of emigration and'Communication. ^ the immediate release of Ukrainian sources, sang songs of the Ukrainian Rep. Hoyer told The Washington The delegation will also press for the human rights activist Ivan Makar, the Sich Riflemen ("Sichovi Striltsi"), and Times that he is hopeful the Kremlin release of all remaining political pri­ first political prisoner of the glasnost the Ukrainian blue and yellow flag was will release the two men. "The release of soners in the Soviet Union, some 150 to era; displayed at the site of the ruined graves all the Helsinki monitors is essential," 200 in number, Rep. Hoyer told The e the legalization of the Ukrainian of the Ukrainian soldiers. he said. "We're Helsinki monitors and Washington Times. Catholic and Ukrainian Orthodox The Ukrainian student protest in we're not in jail — we don't think any The invitation to visit the Soviet Churches, and the curtailment of perse­ Ottawa with many participants waving other monitors should be in jail either." Union was extended by members of the cution of Evangelical Christians and blue and yellow flags of their own, The U.S. delegation is composed pri­ Supreme Soviet as a result of the Baptists, Pentacostals, and other faiths; emulated in a small way the new bold­ marily of members of the Commission October 1987 ABC News "Capital-to- ^ the constitutional recognition of ness and vitality so evident in the events on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Capital" program which discussed the Ukrainian as the official language of unfolding in Ukraine today. as the Helsinki Commission is formally issue of human rights. During the Ukraine; "This opportunity to display my known. Other delegation members televised discussion, Vadim Zagladin, ^ the recognition of Ukraine as a solidarity with our brothers and sisters include Sen. Dennis DeCoricini CD- one of the Soviet participants, suggest­ sovereign and independent nation. in Ukraine, with people like Makar and Ariz.), the commission co-chairman. ed to Rep. Hoyer and Sen. Daniel P. The Ukrainian protest also called on (Vyacheslav) Chornovil, has given me, Assistant Secretary of Defense Moynihan the establishment of a per­ the guests to remind Ambassador at least, a new sense of the struggle that Ronald Lehman, Assistant Secretary of manent bilateral group of the United Rodionov, that three years of glasnost is going 0П presently in my ancestral State for Human Rights and Humani­ States Congress and the Supreme and perestroika notwithstanding, his (C^ontinued on pag^ 4) tarian Affairs Richard Schifter, and (Continiicd Ш page 3) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13,1988 No. 46 Estonians request U.N. peace-keeping force A GLIMPSE OF SOVIET REALITY NEW YORK - As an appendix to nomy." The ERSP noted that it believes its "Memorandum to the United Na­ even though the Estonian Supreme Byelorussian Party approves program tions General Assembly Concerning the Soviet will probably condemn these Situation in Estonia (September 17)," changes at a special session November the Estonian National Independence 16, there is no realistic hope that to improve native language status Party (ERSP) directed an appeal on Moscow will pay any attention. by Dr. Roman Sokhanyk "a profound and all-around analysis of November 6 to that same body asking "While the Estonian people have the state of the culture of inter-nationa­ that U.N. observers be sent to Estonia clearly and unanimously shown their The Byelorussian Party leadership lity relations, and patriotic and interna­ as soon as possible. willingness to solve their own problems has approved a long-range program for tional upbringing of the population'' in The ERSP also asks the implementa­ in a peaceful and democratic spirit and the improvement of the status of the all of the oblasts, cities, raions, labor tion of all other measures including the tradition," the ERSP expresses grave Byelorussian language in the republic's collectives and educational institutions use of UN peace-keeping forces,
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