i1m3,,' * tea ^ Sft h^i -f- '/ '}M^ 1MTT OeWlMrTMH , S-^/^x i ART MAr;A7iNit ^^ Mm l^Hlff WT ^t^^ffll ^^^^^^S^^^^p "^^^£ai^p^ Book no. Accession 730t5 At24 262778 NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THE LIBRARY Form No. 37- SM ^i^fe^^^^^^ JU US6" MiCf?o1F/^M land GINEEFL How Would Your Wife Like It? if she had in her house an Aromatic Red Cedar Chest big enough to hang her clothes in full length? If she had it maybe she would let you hang your clothes there and maybe she would not. Maybe you think you couldn't find room enough in your house for such a big chest. Well, it's easy. You simply line one of your closets with Aromatic Red Cedar Tongue and Groove and presto you have the chest. This material is known as "Ceda'line." It is %" thick by 2" or 3% " wide by 12" to 84" long and lays just like flooring. "Ceda'line" is inexpensive One hundred square feet of surface measure will amply cover the interior of an ordinary closet. Measure up one of yours and see for yourself. Hardwood Head- quarters at Fifth and Brannan Streets, San Francisco, will supply enough "Ceda'line" to cover 100 square feet of space for :i^22.50. A carpenter can put it up in one day, or you can nail it right over the plaster yourself. It's perfectly simple. And there you have your glorified Cedar Chest with its pure, delightfully pungent fragrance. It's moth proof, too. Archilecls— try "Ceda'line" in some of your residences and see how it pleases the ladies. They are the ones who decide. IhrdWoodHeadquarterj Since 1ST2 FIFTH AND BRANNAN STREETS .Swtter 1367 San Francisco, Calif. fhey o AKCHlTlCTcS^ T^QX^ XJJK. o Con{enfs o VOL. LXXXVIII JANUARY, 1927 Number 1 o Cover Picture—Sketch of Entrance to Mark Hopkins Hotel o By M . Michelson o Frontispiece—Mark Hopkins Hotki., San Francisco Weeks and Day, Architects and Knirincers o Nob Hill. San Francisco, a.nd the New Mark Hopkins Hotel 43 Q Louis C. MiillRardl, F.A.I. A. Twenty paijes of jilatcd, three pajio* of sketches. five paiies of plans and details. Original Plans Revived in Bin.niNc. Prooram for VVasiiinc.ton "1 o Saint Pail's Episcopal Ciurch, Birlinc.ame, California 7.! W. C. F. Gittam. o o Architect Three patees of plates, four paues of plans and details. o o Relationship Between the .Architect and the Draftsman 81 Irving K. Pond, A. I. A. The Revival of an .Ancient .Art 85 o 5. Pelenc The Need of Better Design in Chi.mney Construction - Q.i D. Knickerbocker Boyd .Architecture and the Law Hearing in Auditoriums I'ern 0. Knudsen, Ph.D. The Architect and Engineer January, 1927 MARK HOPKINS HOTEL. SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA WEEKS AND DAY. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS Architect and ENGINEER^ VOL. LXXXVIII JANUARY, liiliT Xunibcr 1 NOB HILL. SAN FGANCISCQ-^ % NEW"mAR^ HOPKINS HOTEL Vleks \ dAy, Architects. — b — Z^uis C.Mu/iaarJt J41A the k * [ <HE Mark Hopkin.s Hotel, the Fairmont and Brocklebank compose well; they con.stitute a most ^^^^ I ^ formidable array on the easterly end of the plateau of ,=^, X San Francisco's historic Nob Hill. The Pacific Union Club building now assumes a serene aspect within its added en- closure of leviathan buildinjifs. San Franci.sco will appear supreme on this eminence, when the entire plateau is consistently built over. Architectural variety there is; there will be more later on. Why not, if it masses well? The cathedral will lie early Gothic, according to Hobart's design. The Pacific Union Clui) is a renaissance interjjretation of the last century. The mammoth Fairmont Hotel belongs to the classi- cal period. The Mark Hopkins Hotel and other towering structures are distinctly Twentieth Century American, each different in ma.ss, style of detail and proportion. Such variety lends charm and interest, provided, of cour.se, that each added unit is deserving of admiration. The cathedral and club are destined to appear as miniatures enca.sed within its a heavy frame ; the cathedral cannot be made to dominate surround- PhottiKfaphy by Gabriel Muulin 44 THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER inps here, as cathedrals do elsewhere; the conditions on Nob Hill are entirely new and promising of excellent co-ordinate results in a new way. The Fairmont now looks its best: the towering neighbors dignify its block forms and colossal scale ; its form and mass seemed inappropriate to dominate the eminence, whereas the Mark Hopkins is faithfully the pinnacle of Nob Hill. And Nob Hill is the revivified social mecca of San Franci.sco; the engrossed cosmopolitan surge will be there. Incidentally, Nob Hill requires a stately garage; one of fine appear- ance, equal to any building now or hereafter built. Curb parking on the plateau will only accommodate about 250 machines, when every available space is taken, including the 300-car garage in the ba.sement of the new hotel. Nob Hill is THE growing social center where people will con- SKV LINE VIKW (11 MAUK HUl'Kl.N.S HOTKL. SA.N KKANCISCO rhotoKraph taken from Telephone BuildinK stantly surge in motor cars which not only deserve to be housed, but require to be centralized under reliable control and prompt telephone call. The main entrance of the Mark Hopkins faces a triangular plaza, which is in fact an extension of the Nob Hill plateau, pedestalled on walls flanking precipitous Mason and California streets. This plaza will, of cour.se, pre.sent trafiic difficulties which are insuperable, but which are scarcely less uncommon elsewhere. Ye olden days provided ye lady's carriage with separate driveway and porte cochere entrance; only pedestrians came and went by way of vestibule entrance. Superior cleanliness and reliability of motor-powor than hor.se-power ordains that the automobile shall approach the main portal, everywhere, hence the driveway, main entrance and porte cochere JANUARY, 1927 49 MARK HOPKINS HOTEL. SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA WEEKS AND DAY. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER 60 II II 11 II 11 ri )r u M _ irn II r 11(11 1' 1 1f <i r II ) ( III ii 11 I ir « n I II u o ii!i> II It MMl J Iniif.ii; ii^«r.Jb.(. « :,'y,. , PRELIMINARY PERSPECTIVE. MARK HOPKINS HOTEL WEEKS AND DAY. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS JANUARY. 1927 61 MAKK HOI'KINS HOTEL. SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA WEEKS AND DAY. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 52 THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER MAIN ENTRANCE. MARK HOPKINS HOTEL. SAN FRANCISCO WEEKS AND DAY. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS JANUARY, 1927 53 i :: ''kA..- t ; ... .-.,H-Vv //-//f 0/ii Lm£ '&&' •e^ ^i tH4^ Off l/Jf£ CC jfjM ;,\Tnxce jecr/o/r oh i me cc nil DETAILS. MAIN KNTRANCE, MARK HOI'KINS HOTEL WEEKS AND DAY. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 54 THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER i m illl 11 Jl 3^ .'ciiSS ^ <i MJEL.aa as !i DETAIL OF SOUTH WALL. MARK HOPKINS HOTEL WEEKS AND DAY. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 55 JANUARY, 1927 SKETCHES. MARK HOPKINS HOTEL. SAN FRANCISCO WEEKS AND DAY. AlKHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 56 THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER UroniF Krill work hy Michel & I'feffcr LOIIHY. MARK HOPKINS HOTKL. SAN FRANCISCO WKKKS AND DAY, ARCHITKCTS AND ENCINEERS JANUARY, 1927 CI Q — tLLk'ni0H icfuic t mtiiii. LLLi'lTlOl romtP KifCBLH Dcnn^ or Motrn Smll or A/j/4f Pi/imo Hoo/^ DETAILS. PEACOCK COURT. MARK HOPKINS HOTEL WEEKS AND DAY. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS G2 THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER ROOM OF THE DONS. MARK HOPKINS HOTEL. SAN FRANCISCO WEEKS AND DAY. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS JANUARY, 1927 63 ROOM OF THE DONS. MARK HOPKINS HOTEL. SAN FRANCISCO WEEKS AND DAY. ARCHITECTS AND ENC.INEERS 64 THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER MURAI. IN ROOM OK DONS. MARK HOPKINS HOTEL BY MAYNAUD DIXON AND FRANK VAN SLOUN JANUARY, 1927 65 MURAL IN ROOM OF DONS. MARK HOPKINS HOTEL By Maynard Dixon and Frank Van Sloun MURAL IN ROOM OF DONS. MARK HOPKINS HOTKL By Maynard Di.x<in and Frank Van Sloun 66 THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER PKACOCK COURT. MARK HOPKINS HOTEL. SAN FRANCISCO WEEKS AND DAY. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS JANUARY. 1927 67 PEACOCK COURT. MARK HOI'KINS HOTKL. SAN FRANCISCO WEEKS AND DAY. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINPIERS 68 THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER ,^-.,\.- -, >_^^^^ -'> fi - Vr ? 'i 1 «! i * ; ~ ^ijT t-^fzt'-;t-.-.^';.v.;- '.r.-T-. -.iH.-.r.-.-ti; ~rr.i ..-.... -. .,... W' WW" DETAILS, GRILL ROOM. MARK HOPKINS HOTEL WEEKS AND DAY. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS JANUARY, VJ27 69 TYPICAL BEDROOM. MARK HOPKINS HOTEL Weeks and Day. Architects and Engineers SINCLK ItEDROOM. MARK HOPKINS HOTEL Week« anil Day. Architects and Enjfinecri* 70 THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER Architectural detail throughout the principal public rooms is char- acteristically Spanish-Moorish; the ceilings are richly endowed with arabesque relief and parti-color designs. Some of the ceilings are heavily beamed and some of the walls are elaborately panelled in designs of mahogany and walnut, whereas some of the walls are of Spanish-plastic severity, concentrating the eye on elaborate window and door embellish- ments and ceilings. The decorations also extend into a generous display of splendid murals; several of them painted by some of California's best artists. A l>road frieze in the ballroom allegorically depicts a processional theme of Spanish-California history, magnificently executed. Futurists have also had their fling to show some things to which God must aspire, to become really great. The hotel exterior presents splendid silhouettes from all points of the compass; a characteristic that is of greatest importance to towering structures. Its mass, position and relationship to the hill and to the adjoining buildings fulfill every requisite.
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