(ISSUED WITH MILITIA ORDERS 1915). CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE 2ND INFANTRY BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS AND SEVENTH BATTALION NOMINAL ROLL OF OFFICERS, NON -COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND MEN. 10m. 2-15 H.Q. 593-2-29. 74381 -1 At 1 '1. } HEADQUARTERS STAFF -2nd INFANTRY BRIGADE. 7th BATTALION. 1. TAKEN ON STRENGTH Country Reg. Rank. Name, Surname first. Corps (if any). Name of Next of Kin. Address of Next of Kin. of No. Birth. Place. Date. 1914. Lieut.-Colonel.. Hart -McHarg, William Fred- erick 6th Regt Hart- McHarg, Mrs. Jane 113 Clifton Hill, St. John's Wood, London, Eng Ireland Valcartier.. Sept. 23 Major Odium, Victor W C. M. R Odium, Mrs. S. E. Tressa 2023 Grant St., Vancouver, B.0 Canada Major Byng-Hall, Percy Indian Army Byng -Hall, Mrs. Muriel Annie. 1382 St. Patrick St., Oak Bay, Victoria, B.0 India Valcartier.. Sept. 23 Captain Gardner, Stanley Douglas..... R. N. W. M. P Gardner, Mrs. Ray 5 Cavendish Rd., Clapham, London, S.W., Eng England Valcartier.. Sept. 23 Lieutenant Bowden, Smart Ernest Sydney S. Africa Watson, Mrs. Norman N 10141 122nd St., Edmonton, Alta Scotland Valcartier.. Sept. 24 Lieutenant Brothers, Orlando Frank S. Africa Brothers, Mrs 22 Clarendon Rd., Leeds, Eng England Valcartier.. Sept. 23 Lieutenant Bellew, Edward Donald 18th Royal Irish Regt Bellew, Charlotte Muriel P. O. Box 2215, North Vancouver, B.0 At sea Valcartier.. Sept. 24 Captain Edmond-Jenkins,William Hart Royal Irish Rifles Jenkins, Capt. W. A Brynderwen Sketty, Swansea, Wales Wales Valcartier.. Sept. 24 Captain Gibson, George Hubert Rae.. Royal Scots Fusiliers Gibson, Mrs. Effie 2186 7th Ave. W., Vancouver, B.0 Scotland Valcartier.. Spet. 24 Captain MacMillan, John McLarty 6th Regt MacMillan, Isobel May 1857 Nelson St., Vancouver, B.0 Scotland ¡ Valcartier.. Sept. 23 W Captain Humble, Bernard Maynard... 6th Regt Humble -Crofts, W. J Waldron, Sussex, Eng England Valcartier.. Sept. 23 Captain Barton, William Nil Barton, Nellie Campbell 2422 Oak Bay Esplanade, Oak Bay, B.0 England Valcartier.. Sept. 25 Lieutenant Hodgson, Reginald Drury 6th Regt Particulars will be furnished when available. Lieutenant Kendall, Richard A Particulars will be furnished when available. 16201 Sergeant-Major. Philpot, David 2nd W. Y. R. E Philpot, Mrs. Olive A 509 6th Ave., New Westminster, B.0 England I Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16202 Q. M. S Young, Archibald Ford 88th Regt Young, Douglas Strathallan, Craham Pk., Croydon, Surrey, Eng England Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16203 O. R. Col.-Sergt Keatinge, Walter Herbert 1st Regt Keatinge, Mrs. Cecilia S 1520 Burton Ave., Victoria, B.0 England Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16259 Q. M. S Welford, Herbert 90 h Regt , Welford, Mrs. Margaret 160 Broadway E., Vancouver, B.0 England Valcartier.. Sept. 23 162('6 Q. M. S Youhill, William Henry 90th Regt., etc Youhill, Mrs. Sadie 1863 Cornwall St., Vancouver, B.0 Canada Valcartier.. I Sept. 23 23 16204 Sergt. Drum.... ¡ Cocroft, Frederick 6th Regt Cocroft, Florence Collingwood, E. Vancouver, B.0 England Valcartier.. Sept. 16208 Sig.-Sergeant.... Lindsay, Robert Roy. Scots. Fus Lindsay, Mrs. R 78 Scott St., Perth, Scot Scotland Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16205 Pion. Sergeant.. Rowe, Frank Arthur Scots Guards Rowe, George Allen Northport, Ont Canada Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16207 Trans. Sergeant. Barge, William Robert 44 A. M. C Barge, Mrs. Ruby C White Rock, B.0 Canada Valcartier.. Sept. 23 . 16239 M. G. Sergeant. Clark, Henry Steeve 6th Innis. Drags ' Clark, Mrs. Emma May 1728 5th Ave. W., Vancouver, B.0 England I Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16439 Arm. Sergeant.. Hunter, Edward Imp. Yeo Hunter, Mrs. Ellie Lynn Valley P.O., B.0 Ireland Valcartier.. Sept. 18 16217 Lance-Corporal. Cook, Joseph 90th Regt McLean, Mrs. John Nine Mile Creek, P.E.I Canada Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16219 Private Andrews, Charles Llewellyn... 104th W. F Andrews, Harold Haverhill, N.H., U.S.A Canada Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16261 Private Allingham, Leonard Francis... A. M. C Allingham, Mrs 402 Wellington St., Sarnia, Ont Canada Valcartier.. Sept. 24 16249 Private Brown, Edward R. N Brown, Edward I Rainham Rd., Chatham, Eng England Valcartier.. Sept. 24 16236 Private Birch -Reynardson, Edward Vere O. T. C Birch -Reynardson, Henry Vere Totton, Southampton, Eng .. England Valcartier.. Sept. 23 17301 Private Brown, James Particulars will be furnished when available. 16245 Private Blackie, Ernest J Nil Blackie, John Spring Bay, Ont Canada Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16235 Private Bozson, Walter R. N. W. M. P Bozson, Arthur Charlton-on -Medlock, Manchester, Eng England Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16234 Private Bruce, Alexander Munro Scot. Horse Bruce, Mrs. Fanny Napanee St., New Westminster, B.0 Scotland Valcartier.. Sept. 24 16238 Private Carter, Harry N. Mtd. Rifles Carter, Richard 1145 Semlin Drive, Vancouver, B.0 England Valcartier.. Sept. 24 16220 Private Courtney, Albert George 11th Regt., etc Courtney, Mrs. Mary. 188 Upper Fort St., Sydney, N.S.W, Australia Australia Valcartier.. Sept. 24 16256 Private Clark. James Nil Clark. Frederick King's Own Y. L. I., Hong -Kong, China England Valcartier.. Sept. 24 HEADQUARTERS STAFF -2nd INFANTRY BRIGADE -Continued. 7th BATTALION -Continued. TAKEN ON STRENGTH Country Reg. I Rank. Name, Surname first. Corps (if any). Name of Next of Kin. Address of Next of Kin. of No. Birth. 'Place. Date. I 1914. 16257 Private Cottew, Harold Nil Cottew, Mrs. S Herne, Kent, Eng ,, I England Valcartier.. Sept. 24 16221 Private Corridan, Edward David Pat- rick King Ed. Prov. Horse Corridan, Mrs. Edward 325 Nepean St., Ottawa, Ont Canada Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16263 Private Carr, Harry 4th A. M. C Carr, W. W Easington, Durham, Eng England Valcartier.. Sept. 24 16262 Private Conlin, Francis Peter Michael. 1st Hussars Conlin, Mrs. M 139 Margaret St., Sambre, Ont Canada Valcartier.. Sept. 24 16211 Private Callahan, James Joseph R. C. R French, Mrs. M Varsey St., Boston, Mass., U.S A Canada Valcartier.. Sept. 25 16209 Private Chambers, James Irvine Nil Chambers, Mrs. M 53 Colt Terrace, Coatbridge, Scot Scotland Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16222 Private Davies, Valentine Llewellyn Greatrux 6th Regt Davies, Edward G Roselawn, Weston- Super -Mare, Eng Wales Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16252 Private Davidson, George A 4th Terr. Bord. Regt. Davidson, Mrs. Caroline Nanaimo, V.I., B.0 England Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16223 Private Fitzpatrick, Fred. H. Ed...... 6th Regt Fitzpatrick, Godfrey Alex Mt. Shannon, Sligo, Ire Ireland Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16224 Private Gilchrist, John A. and S.f High Gilchrist, Allan ... 105 North View, Wallyford, Musselburgh, Scot Scotland Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16253 Private Graham, Frank .. R. G. A Adie, Mrs 21 River St., Ayr, Scot Scotland Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16215 Private Gracey, Thomas 27th Regt Gracey, Mrs. E. J 1113 Leith St., New Westminster, B.0 Scotland Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16225 Private Hayes, George David 6th Regt Hayes, W. J 3006 3rd Ave. W., Vancouver, B.0 Canada . Valcartier.. Sept. 18 16258 Private Hunt, William Lucas 6th Regt Hunt, Mrs. Margaret E. Lucas 2407 Yew St., Vancouver, B.0 England Valcartier.. Sept. 24 16260 Private Jones, Albert 4th A. M. C., eto Jones, Mrs. J 36 Granville Rd., Chester, Eng England Valcartier.. Sept. 24 16212 Private Johnson, Frank William 22nd Horse Johnson, T. James ¡Carrying Place, Ont Canada Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16214 Private James, Henry 86th Regt Leeds, Mrs. E Summerfield Rhyl, N. Wales Ireland Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16240 Private Lees, Harold Andrew 6th Regt Lees, Harold Box 2211 North Vancouver, B.0 England Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16248 Private Loureiro, Frank Hong Kong Vol. Artly Loureiro, Mrs. Mary The Albany, Hong Kong, China China ... Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16243 Private Metzler, Seymour 63rd Regt Metzler, Florence Mrs 1629 10th Ave. E., Vancouver, B.0 Canada Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16230 Private McCarthy, Daniel Enniskillin Fus McCarthy, John 44 Cuerdon St., Coff Byron St., Liverpool, Eng England Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16250 Private Martin, Owen Nil Hodgson, H. M Alberni, Vancouver, B.0 England Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16255 Private McDowell, Samuel Nil McDowell, Mrs. Elizabeth. .' Enogh, Ballymore Co., Antrim, Ire Ireland Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16213 Private Morris, Henry 85th Shropshire Regt Morris, Mrs. H 3524 25th Ave. E., Vancouver, B.0 England Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16237 Private Nicholls, Rupert 11th Hussars Nicholls, Henrietta 804 Richards St., Vancouver, B.0 England Valcartier.. Sept. 18 16231 Private Nott, John Charles 102nd Regt Nott, Harry Kamloops, B.0 England , Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16251 Private O'Connor, Peter 23rd Welsh Fus O'Connor, Joseph 2228 Western Ave., Seattle, Wash., U.S A Ireland Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16233 Private Pode, Frank 3rd Hussars Cooper, Mrs 97 Tavistock Rd., Plymouth, Eng England Valcartier.. Sept. 17 16227 Private Pryke, Herbert William 6th Regt Pryke, James Barnett Loddon, Norfolk, Eng England Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16226 Private Parry, Harry 5th Loyal N. Lance Parry, R. E 3 Crosby Rd., Bolton, Eng England Valcartier.. Sept. 24 16246 Private Pearless, Hugh Nesbitt Natal Mtd. Police de Rougemont, C. D Pickridge, Forest Row, Sussex, Eng England Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16254 Private Painting, Charles W ,. R. M. L. I Painting, Mrs. Martha Plastoe Cottage, Barford, Warwick, Eng England Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16229 Private Raymond, Rowland Nil Raymond, Mrs. C. C Church St., Parry Sound, Ont Canada Valcartier.. Sept. 25 16228 Private Robinson, Frederick 6th Regt Carn, Mrs Davenport Cafe, Granville St., Vancouver, B.0 . Canada. Valcartier.. Sept. 25 16232 Private Smith, William Royal Marine Art Smith, Mrs. Ann 357 Peshire Ave., Newark, N.J., U.S.A Scotland Valcartier.. Sept. 18 16244 Private Sheppard, Walter Nil Scale, Miss G Chateau Kerien, Chatelandren, CCotes du Nord, France England Valcartier.. Sept. 23 16242 Private Scott, George D 43rd Regt Scott, C. S Finance Dept., Ottawa, Ont Canada Valcartier.. Spet. 23 16264 Private Smith, Stanley John No. XIV F. A Smith, Mrs. F. G 302 Christina St. Sth., Sarnia, Ont England Valcartier.. Sept. 24 16218 Private Williamson, William Dundas.. Scots. Regt Williamson, George Ruh cudbright, Scot Scotland Valcartier.
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