Educational Research (ISSN: 2141-5161) Vol. 3(9) pp. 723-731, September 2012 Available online@ http://www.interesjournals.org/ER Copyright © 2012 International Research Journals Full Length Research Paper Motivation and Leadership according to Lao Tzu’s 3 Treasures Prof. Dr. Kim Cheng Patrick Low Ph.D. and Chartered Marketer, Certified MBTI Administrator and Certified Behavioral Consultant/ Universiti Brunei Darussalam; Professor of Management and Marketing/Associate, University of South Australia E-mail:[email protected] Abstract In this paper, the researcher-author relates the applications and benefits of Lao Tzu’s three greatest treasures: simplicity, patience and compassion – to motivation and leadership. This paper includes a research model, research methodology and its findings, discussions as well as an analysis with its concluding remarks. The use of the three treasures of Lao Tzu is really useful for a leader in terms of motivating oneself and one’s followers as well as those whom one leads and cares for. Here, the university don has, in most ways, turned the Chinese philosophy of Taoism into leadership and management lessons and their applications. Keywords: Simplicity, patience, compassion, love, leadership, motivation. INTRODUCTION “Gain and renown are hindrances to students of the Way; and indeed become appealing to their people or they taint our purity of heart. Uncentered, how can we followers. When leaders serve and love their people, they comprehend Tao? (Loy, 1990: Prelude xxi). Tao means really care for them, take care of their needs, and these, “the way of life” and individuals who are motivated by in turn, make their people motivated to obey, respect, pursuing money (profit) and recognition (popularity, care for and follow the leaders as well as implement what power) in life, in fact, should be advised; and should not they have been directed. be encouraged to be the way of motivation in living their The aim and purpose of the paper is thus to relate the life. On the contrary, individuals should be motivated to applications and benefits of the three treasures in relation embrace and practise the three (3) treasures of Lao Tzu’s to motivation and leadership. way of life. Here, Lao Tzu speaks of, “simplicity, patience, (and) compassion.” ( Tao De Ching , Verse 67). Literature Review These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and in thoughts, Simplicity you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, Simplicity is defined as 1. the state, quality, you accord with the way things are. or an instance of being simple. 2. It is the freedom Compassionate toward yourself, from complexity, intricacy, or division into parts: an you reconcile all beings in the world.” ( Tao De Ching , organism of great simplicity. 3. Absence of luxury, Verse 67,) pretentiousness, ornament, etc.; plainness: a life of simplicity. 4. Freedom from deceit or guile; sincerity; Low (2012; 2009) speaks of Lao Tzu’s 3 treasures and artlessness; naturalness: simplicity of manner connects them to organizational leadership and growth, (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/simplicity). Low and here in this paper, the author would relate the (2009) in his study highlighted, ‘Simplicity means without applications and relevance of the three treasures to ego. When there is no ego, one simply gets things done. motivation and leadership. In short, to apply an analogy – There is no attachment; one serves and remains like wine, leaders simply mellow with patience and age, detached. Servant leadership is practiced’. 724 Educ. Res. Patience significant part for creating a new organizational culture. In other words, leadership is regarded as an essential Patience is defined as 1. the quality of being patient, element or a core value in organizational culture. In this as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, mis- vein, leadership and organizational culture are fortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of inseparable (Low and Ang, 2012). temper, irritation, or the like. 2. It is an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay such as to have patience with Motivation a slow learner. 3. Quiet, steady perseverance; even- tempered care; diligence: to work with pat- Motivation is defined as 1. the act or an instance of ience. (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/patience). motivating or providing with a reason to act in a certain Patience (or forbearing) is the state of endurance under way. 2. the state or condition of being. 3. something that difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in motivates; inducement; incentive. Motivation is derived the face of delay or provocation without acting on from human needs (desires); and motivation is made up annoyance/anger in a negative way; or exhibiting of at least three distinct components: direction, intensity forbearance when under strain, especially when faced and persistent. (Ivancevich et.al, 2008. pp. 109-111 cited with longer-term difficulties. Patience is the level of in Ang and Low, 2012). endurance one can take before negativity. When one is impatient, one rushes and glosses things over. One wants quick results, and this perhaps gives stress to RESEARCH MODE ourselves unnecessarily. One may also perhaps be insensitive, not paying attention to people and hurting Research Methodology their feelings. When one is impatient, one even gets angry easily (Low, 2009). The paper relies on personal observations of thirty-five Taoist practitoners (leaders and managers) and interviewing with them and their employees/followers. COMPASSION According to business researchers, sample sizes larger than 30 and smaller than 500 are appropriate for most Compassion is defined as a feeling of deep sympathy business research. Qualitative studies typically use small and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, sample sizes because of the intensive nature of such accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering studies (Cavana et al, 2001: 279; Sekaran, 2000: 296 – 7 (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/compassion). and Roscoe, 1975). The sample size of thirty-five was Low (2009) highlighted, ‘Compassion and love is a decided because of various aspects including costs, time powerful influencing tool, and helps win many a heart’. accessibility and limited personal resources. The qualitative research interview seeks to describe the meanings of central themes in the life world of the Leadership subjects. The main task in interviewing is to understand the meaning of what the interviewees say (Kvale,1996). Leadership can be defined as the process of influencing Interviews are particularly useful for getting the story others to facilitate the attainment of organizational behind a respondent’s experiences. The interviewer can relevant goals and this definition is applicable to both pursue in-depth information around the topic. Interviews formal and informal leadership position in order to exert may be useful as follow-up to certain respondents to leadership behavior. (Ivancevich et al., 2008). Literature questionnaires such as to further investigate their articles written on leadership styles have shown that responses (McNamara, 1999). This interview method is effective leaders must be pro-active; must be able to helpful since it enables much qualitative data to be accept change; leading and managing change (Low, collected from the interviewees. To get more information 2010a; 2010b and 2010). and data from the various interviewees, open questions Leadership is the driving force of organizations, were deployed (Cavana, Delahaye and Sekaran, 2001); playing a crucial role in every profit or nonprofit they were worded as follows: organization, society, and nation. Leaders’ capability and 1. What do you think of the Lao Tzu’s 3 treasures? behavior may embody strong ethical values in What do being simple, being patient and being organizational culture; they change organizational compassionate mean to you? structures by exercising their influence over 2. How do the three treasures help you in leading your organizations; they create organizational culture; and life? Or in leading and managing business? they take the initiative for the alteration of organizations. 3. Why do you embrace and practise Lao Tzu’s three In practice, leadership is not only a core factor for treasures? executing administration for management, but also a 4. How or in what ways in which you are motivated or Low 725 Table 1. A Research Model on Lao Tzu’s Three Treasures in Terms of Leading and Motivation inspired by the Lau Tzu’s three treasures? even move the immortals. Debasing the Way, not even 5. What do you like about Lao Tzu’s three treasures? heaven forgives us .” (Loy, 1990: Prelude xxi). 6. What attracts you to the Lao Tzu’s three treasures? “A truly great man never puts away the simplicity of a child .” (Chinese proverb) FINDINGS Being simple is good. Simplicity is also a characteristic The remarks and statements made by each respondent feature of nature. In Taoism, in life, simple things of was captured and recorded immediately during the nature can be appreciated. Obtaining joy is not in terms interview so as to avoid or minimise memory lapse and of owning (many) things or possessing the riches of the data loss. After each interview, the authors clarified with world. Truly, one can simply enjoy or appreciate nature’s the interviewees those statements which were not gift, the sight and beauty of a rose, a case of the universe clearand needed further explanation. In this respect, in a flower; or an eternity in catching glimpses of a there were many occasions that repetitive interviews sunrise or a sunset. Truly one who knows how to savor were carried out for one interviewee at different day, time the joys of living will understand the true meaning of life and venue. This is the way the authors established the and of the Tao. verification and the validity of the statements/remarks Simplicity helps and can, in fact, motivate. The best made by the interviewees.
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