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PRO TEINS: Structure, Function, and Genetics, vol. 34, 1999, pp. 69-81. “PCT/US2011/058455”, International Search Report and Written Opinion mailed, Apr. 3, 2012. * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Feb. 14, 2017 Sheet 1 of 8 US 9,567,346 B2 FIG. U.S. Patent Feb. 14, 2017 Sheet 2 of 8 US 9,567,346 B2 B 100% Cell depletion 80/o Cell yield 99% purity m) -- Sny biotin C FG, 2. U.S. Patent Feb. 14, 2017 Sheet 4 of 8 US 9,567,346 B2 FIG. 4 U.S. Patent Feb. 14, 2017 Sheet S of 8 US 9,567,346 B2 treated {4} FGS U.S. Patent Feb. 14, 2017 Sheet 6 of 8 US 9,567,346 B2 N3'-Etity bioti aikyne Biatin alkyne 8 F.G. 6 U.S. Patent Feb. 14, 2017 Sheet 7 of 8 US 9,567,346 B2 Ceixeires cubation iss each asfer teads-free ces?--~~~~x~~~~. ceim Citat begiet 3. Reese recor-grooverror 8.83-8: sea-a-a-a-a-a- s : 8: 35 Before isolation After depletion After release F.G. 7 US 9,567,346 B2 1. 2 BIOTIN DERVATIVES In some embodiments, if R is H. R. is a derivative group and if R is H. R. is a derivative group. In some embodi This application is a U.S. National Stage Application of ments, R is a derivative group. In some embodiments, R PCT Application Serial No. PCT/US2011/058455, filed Oct. comprises 1 to 8 carbon atoms, 1 to 6 carbon atoms, or 1 to 28, 2011, which claims the benefit of priority to U.S. 5 Application No. 61/408,210, filed Oct. 29, 2010, 61/495, 3 carbon atoms. In some embodiments, R is a derivative 070, filed Jun. 9, 2011, 61/501,500, filed Jun. 27, 2011, and group. In some embodiments, R comprises 1 to 8 carbon 61/510,949, filed Jul. 22, 2011. atoms, 1 to 6 carbon atoms, or 1 to 3 carbon atoms. In some embodiments, X is O. In some embodiments, X is S. In some BACKGROUND embodiments, Y is absent. In some embodiments, Y is O. 10 In some embodiments, a biotin derivative is provided that The interaction between biotin and avidin or streptavidin is considered to be practically irreversible. Biotin has a has the formula: affinity constant, or K, for avidin of about 10 M. While the interaction provides an excellent means for capturing biotin-containing entities, releasing those entities once cap 15 (II) tured requires very harsh conditions, such as a strong acid, detergent, and/or high temperature. Such conditions include, for example, boiling in high salt; formamide and EDTA RN l NR heated to 94° C.; 6 M guanidine, pH 1.5; and heating to at least 65° C. in the presence of salt, SDS, and EDTA. Such conditions are generally not suitable for purification of proteins or viable cells or viruses. N-n-r NR, O SUMMARY 25 The inventors have developed biotin derivatives that have wherein: reduced affinity for streptavidin. Thus, in some embodi X is S or O: ments, the biotin derivatives can be separated from Strepta vidin under less harsh conditions than are required for biotin. R is selected from H and a derivative group; Accordingly, in some embodiments, the biotin derivatives 30 R is selected from H and a derivative group: are better suited for applications in which it would be L is absent or is a linker, desirable to dissociate the biotin derivative from streptavidin under less harsh conditions, such as to maintain the struc R is selected from —OR or —COOR, a reactive group, tural integrity and/or viability of the moiety attached to the a protein, a peptide, an amino acid, a dextran, a monosac biotin derivative. 35 charide, a disaccharide, a trisaccharide, an oligosaccharide, In some embodiments, biotin derivatives are provided. In a polysaccharide, a hormone, a lipopolysaccharide, a some embodiments, a biotin derivative is provided that has nucleotide, an oligonucleotide, a small molecule, a cell, a the formula: microplate, and a microparticle; R is selected from H and a derivative group; 40 wherein at least one of R and R is H. X (I) In some embodiments, if R is H. R. is a derivative group, and if R is H. R. is a derivative group. In some embodi s ments, R is a derivative group.
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