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Allen Sant New Employees 2-3 Photography President's Breakfast 4 Jim Brady/John Davies StaffEleaions 5 Domenic Panacci Placement Personnel 6 Production Assistant Retirees Ann Thomas StaffBaseball 7 Teena Delahunty Elderhostcl 8 Metal Arts Award Keclesdalc Paper 9 OSCA Conference: Equine Awards Humber College 10 of Applied Arts Arr Workshop and Technology Roger Caron at Hwnbcr 11 1980 Poets at Lakeshore Board of Governors Computer Systems 12 Edward S. Jarvis, Chairman CHBR Radio Mrs. Ivy Glover, Vice Chairman Teaching Conference Mrs. Leanna Bendera Pot-Pourri 13 David G. Deaves Christmas at Humber 14-15 John K. Fenton Travel Herb M. Forth 16-17-18 Mrs. Kathleen Goodbrand ESL Graduation 19 Arnold R. Gould Candid Camera 20-21-22 Frank Lambert Marathon of Hope 23 Miss Molly Pellecchia Rodger D. Schwass Igor's Recipes 24 Leo E. Venchiarutti Humber Happenings is published 4 times per year - February, May, Septem­ Gordon Wragg, President ber and December - by the Office of Public Relations, Humber College of Applied Arts and Technology, P.O. Box 1900, Rexdale, Ontario M9W 5L7. HUMBER WELCOMES NEW EMPLOYEES Lynne Bentley Penny Braithwaite David Bright Lois Acker Librarian Information & Registration Clerk Groom Karel Kreiss! Norma McCormack Mary Lou Maddison Mike Moutalis Secretary Teaching Master Caretaker Continuous Learning Learning Resource Centre Registrar's Office Applied Ans Computer Programmer Clerk/Cashier Computer Centre Bookstore Health Sciences Custodial ,_ Gordon Brown Elizabeth Capell Barbara Carruthers Lenore Caner John Ng Laura O'Neill Heather Reid Joanne Rennie Technician Marketing Clerk Program Coordinator Operator•Switchboard Teaching Master Information & Registration Clerk Typist/Steno Typist/Steno Grounds Maintenance Marketing Services Health Sciences Administrative Services Technology Registrar's Office Business Educational and Student Services Robert Connors Teena Delahunty Dr. Margaret Denis Kathleen Dorbyk David Riley Mark Robinson Mary D. Samanski Diane Stefanson Program Consultant Typist/Steno Program Consultant Cabinet Maker Program Consultant Teaching Master Clerk/Cashier Professional Development Officer Technical Studies Continuing andCommunity Public Relations Professional Development Continuing and Community Ed Continuous Learning Applied Ans WendyDutka William Stokes Gail Summers Linda Thompson William Thompson Typist/Steno Bruce Huntly Gerry James Program Manager Teaching Master Operator/Receptionist Park/Sea.rrityGuard Continuous Learning Commercial and Academic Studies Teaching Master Teaching Master Health Sciences Telecommunications Sea.rrity Business Also new at Humber but unavailable for pictures are: Julie Attwell Betsy Gibson Robin Morell Mary Jane Roebuck Applied Arts Financial Services Health Sciences Health Sciences Barry Baker John Hughes Hans Nixdorf Elise Rotblott L.R.C. Creative Arts Technology Applied Arts Charles Bent I ey Lynda MacIntosh Phyllis Post Colleen Sullivan Technology Applied Am L.R.C. Bookstore Theresa Chairamonte Sue Mais Karen Reece Riet Van Brenk Computer Centre Applied Arts Library Registrar's Office Sharnsudin Jiwa Michael Walton KenWar Dalal Damien McOuaid Donna Reid Teactitng Man Michael Keogh er Arthur Knowles Divisional Services Coordinator Food Services Plant Services Registrar's Office 'Technology Teaching Maner Michael Koyanagi Health Sciences Program Consultant Master Applied Arts Teaching . Studies Continuing and Community Ed Academic and Commercra 1 2 3 PRESIDENT'S BREAKFAST Approximately 1,000 faculty and staff attended the Presi­ ogical boom, to insist on funding support from the provin­ dent's "Welcome Back" Breakfast at the North Campus in cial government by being "aggressive and vocal" and to late August to hear former Ontario New Democratic Party avoid the complacency that resulted in the problems bein g Leader Stephen Lewis speak. experienced by universities today. In a speech containing frequent humorous anecdotes, Mr. As companies look to employing fewer people and to Lewis spoke about the coming surge in technological ad­ relying increasingly on automation, Mr. Lewis believes that vancement and warned about the lack of employment the community colleges are placed in a challenging position. opportunities for both blue and white collar workers. He Stephen Lewis, who retired from politics in 1978, holds urged Humber to meet the needs imposed by the technol- an Honourary Doctorate Degree from McMaster University. Stephen Lewis, former Leader of the Ontario New Demo­ ... Mr. and Mrs. Wragg enjoy the festivities cratic Party, addresses faculty and staff at President's "Welcome Back" Breakfast Humber'sanswer to the Mendelssohn Choir 4 OPSEU ELECTS OFFICERS Humber College members of the Ontario Public Service President and Helen Toth of the Learning Resource Centre Employees Union (OPSEU). representing clerical workers, at Lakeshore 2 is second Vice-President. security guards, inside and outside employees and the Others elected to the executive include: Don Stevens maintenance staff, re-elected Joan Jones of Financial Ser­ (Creative and Communication Arts Division), Treasurer; vices, North Campus, as President of the new union ex­ Pauline Gould-Corney (Bookstore, Lakeshore 1). Secretary; ecutive. Terry Anderson (Transportation), chief shop steward. Sixty support staff members, a record number, attended Chris Little of the Registrar's Office, North, and Mary Sul­ the election meeting in November. livan-Harknett of Training in Business and Industry, North, Don Cole, Security, North Campus, was elected first Vice- are trustees. '\ Joan Jones Don Cole Helen Toth Pauline Gould• Corney Terry Anderson Chris Little Mary Sullivan-Hark nett A.S.A. ELECTS EXECUTIVE Administrative staff at Humber College have a new Campus is Vice-President. Peggy Eiler, Chairman, Human executive. Angus (Gus) King, Dean at Lakeshore 1, replaces Studies and Ross Richardson, Director of Marketing Bob Cardinali, College Comptroller, as President of the Services, are Treasurer and Secretary respectively. Administrative Staff Association. Stewart Hall, Chairman The executive was elected by membership for a one year in the Continuing Education Department at the North term of office in late October. Angus (Gus) King Stewart Hall Peggy Eiler Ross Richardson 5 PLACEMENT UP WARM WELCOME 8.1% THIS YEAR FOR NEWCOMERS "I'm very pleased with the number of graduates who have found full-time employment related to their studies," said Martha Casson, Director of Placement Services at Humber. The latest statistics show that placement is up 8.1% over the 78/79 period and a record 90.8% of this years graduat­ ing class are currently working full-time in jobs related to their fields of study. In addition to the statistics reported by Martha, overall employment (part-time, not related to field of studies etc.) is at an impressive 96.3%. A breakdown of the figures shows that full 100% employ­ ment was achieved by graduates in the following programs: Arena Management, Early Childhood Education, Fashion Don Dean Modelling, Landscape Technology, Retail Floriculture, Secretarial Programs, Funeral Services, Refrigeration and New employees need not feel "lost" when they join the Air Conditioning Technician, Civil Technology, Electrical Humber family, thanks to the efforts of the Personnel Technician, Electronics Technology, Industrial Instrumen­ Relations Centre. tation Technician, Mechanical Design Technician, Precision Orientation sessions, which are held on a regular basis Instrumentation Technician and Hydrographic Survey. every three months for both support and administrative staff, have become "a critical component of our staff train­ Over 90% found employment in Data Processing, ing and development program. We feel strongly that a Computer Programming and the Business Administration positive induction into the Humber community is a worth­ Program and 95% in Advertising and Graphics Design, while endeavour," according to Don Dean, Personnel Interior Design, Package Design and the Theatre Arts Administrator for the College. Program. Besides receiving an overview of the community college Furthermore, "as a result of a significant improvement in system and Humber's role within that system, new the labour market for nurses and registered nursing employees are introduced to the benefits of working at assittclnts, 96.4% of the graduates in this branch of the Humber. Sessions are held in the President's Board Room, health care field found full-time employment," according and are chaired by Don. to Martha. Items on the agenda include a brief welcoming address by Indeed an admirable record ... and one that all of us at Mr. Wragg, an explanation of Humber's organization and Humber can be proud ofl that of the
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