AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE AMES CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - CITY HALL MAY 12, 2020 *DUE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC, CITY HALL IS CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC THROUGH MAY 15, 2020. THEREFORE, THIS WILL BE AN ELECTRONIC MEETING. IF YOU WISH TO PROVIDE INPUT ON ANY ITEM, YOU MAY DO SO AS A VIDEO PARTICIPANT BY GOING TO: https://zoom.us/j/826593023 OR BY TELEPHONE BY DIALING (for higher quality, dial the following number: US:1-312-626-6799 Zoom Meeting ID: 826 593 023 YOU MAY VIEW THE MEETING ONLINE AT THE FOLLOWING SITES: https://www.youtube.com/ameschannel12 https://www.cityofames.org/channel12 or watch the meeting live on Mediacom Channel 12 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public during discussion. If you wish to speak, please see the instructions listed above. The normal process on any particular agenda item is that the motion is placed on the floor, input is received from the audience, the Council is given an opportunity to comment on the issue or respond to the audience concerns, and the vote is taken. On ordinances, there is time provided for public input at the time of the first reading. CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m. PROCLAMATION: 1. Proclamation for “Peace Officers’ Memorial Day,” May 15, 2020 2. Proclamation for “National Public Works Week,” May 17-23, 2020 CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made prior to the time the Council members vote on the motion. 3. Motion approving Minutes of Special Meeting held April 21, 2020, and Regular Meeting held April 28, 2020 4. Motion approving Report of Change Orders for April 16 - 30, 2020 5. Motion approving new 12-month Class E Liquor License with Class C Beer Permit and Sunday Sales - HyVee Gas #5018, 636 Lincoln Way 6. Motion approving Class E Liquor Ownership Change for Walgreens #12108, 2719 Grand Avenue 7. Motion approving renewal of the following Beer Permits, Wine Permits, and Liquor Licenses: a. Special Class C Liquor License with Outdoor Service - Octagon Center for the Arts, 427 Douglas Avenue b. Class B Liquor License with Catering Privilege and Sunday Sales - Gateway Hotel and Conference Center, LLC, 2100 Green Hills Drive 8. Resolution approving appointment of ex officio student liaison to City Council 9. Resolution approving the Police Department’s application to and participation in the Department of Justice Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program 10. Resolution approving application for grant funding under 2020 Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program and authorizing acceptance of Grant, should it be awarded 11. Resolution approving waiver of the City’s Purchasing Policy requirement for formal bidding procedures and extension of engagement with Ahlers and Cooney, P. C., of Des Moines, Iowa, for legal services related to application of Iowa Code Chapter 20 in an amount not to exceed $15,000 12. Resolution temporarily waiving requirements of Ames Municipal Code Section 26A.3(1)(b) to allow the President of the Iowa State University Student Government to appoint a Transit Board Trustee 13. Extension of contract with Habitat for Humanity for the sale of 3305 Morningside Street: a. Resolution approving Second Amendment to Agreement between the City and Habitat for Humanity of Central Iowa, Inc., for purchase and new construction of property 14. Resolution renewing contract for FY 2020/21 Custodial Services for the Ames Public Library with ABM of Des Moines, Iowa, in the amount of $90,509.40 15. Resolution approving renewal of contract for Professional Services for Power Plant Fire Risk Mitigation with Burns & McDonnell of Chesterfield, Missouri, in an amount not to exceed $50,000 16. Resolution approving renewal of Emissions Testing Services contract with C.E.M. Solutions Inc., of Hernando, Florida, in an amount not to exceed $33,000 17. Specialized Wet Dry Vacuum, Hydro Blast, and Related Cleaning Services for the Power Plant: a. Resolution approving renewal of contract with HTH Companies, Inc., of Union, Missouri, for Specialized Wet Dry Vacuum, Hydro Blast, and Related Cleaning Services for the Power Plant in the amount not to exceed $145,000 b. Resolution approving contract and bond 18. Resolution approving contract and bond for Boiler Tube Spray Coating and Related Services and Supply 19. Resolution accepting completion of Chemical Storage Floor Repair for Electric Services 20. Resolution accepting completion of Unit No. 8 Boiler Feedwater Pump Repair 21. Resolution approving Final Plat for 1499 South Dayton Avenue (Wheelock Corner Subdivision) PUBLIC FORUM: This is a time set aside for comments from the public on topics of City business other than those listed on this agenda. Please understand that the Council will not take any action on your comments at this meeting due to requirements of the Open Meetings Law, but may do so at a future meeting. The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public; however, at no 2 time is it appropriate to use profane, obscene, or slanderous language. The Mayor may limit each speaker to three minutes. HEARINGS: 22. Hearing on 2019/20 Asphalt Street Pavement Improvements (14th and 15th Street) [Continued from March 24, 2020]: a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to Manatt’s Inc., of Ames, Iowa, in the amount of $774,662 23. Hearing on Steam Turbine No. 8 Parts Procurement: a. Motion accepting Report of Bids and delaying award 24. Hearing on 2019-20 Multi-Modal Roadway Improvements a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to Iowa Plains Signing, of Slater, Iowa, in the amount of $244,105.80 25. Hearing regarding vacating Ingress-Egress Easement at 2500 SE 16th Street: a. Resolution approving vacation of Easement at 2500 SE 16th Street 26. Hearing regarding vacating storm water retention easement across portions of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Additions of Dayton Park Subdivision: a. Resolution approving vacation of storm water retention easement across portions of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Additions of Dayton Park Subdivision 27. Hearing regarding extension of Industrial Tax Exemption Ordinance: a. First passage of ordinance extending Industrial Tax Exemption Ordinance until 2030 28. Hearing on Zoning Text Amendment relating to trash and recycling collection areas in commercial zones: a. First passage of ordinance PLANNING & HOUSING: 29. Kingbury’s Subdivision, Third Addition (315 SE 3rd Street): a. Resolution approving Development Agreement related to dedication of right-of-way and future street improvements b. Resolution approving waiver of construction of SE 3rd Street paving and storm sewer improvements c. Resolution approving Final Plat 30. Second Substantial Amendment to CDBG 2019/20 Annual Action Plan: a. Resolution setting June 9, 2020, as date of public hearing ELECTRIC: 31. Resolution approving revisions to Smart Energy Rebate Program PUBLIC WORKS: 32. Resolution approving alternative bike routes for 2019/20 Arterial Street Pavement Improvements (13th Street from Wilson Avenue to Duff Avenue) ADMINISTRATION: 33. Events, facilities, and service closures related to COVID-19: 3 a. Motion providing direction to staff ORDINANCES: 34. Second passage of ordinance relating to the industrial use parking requirement DISPOSITION OF COMMUNICATIONS TO COUNCIL: COUNCIL COMMENTS: ADJOURNMENT: 4 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE AMES CITY COUNCIL AMES, IOWA APRIL 21, 2020 The Special Meeting of the Ames City Council was called to order by Mayor John Haila at 6:00 p.m. on the 21st day of April, 2020. Council Members Bronwyn Beatty-Hansen, Gloria Betcher, Amber Corrieri, Tim Gartin, Rachel Junck, and David Martin were present. Ex officio Member Devyn Leeson was also present. Mayor Haila announced that it is impractical to hold an in-person Council meeting due to the Governor of Iowa declaring a public health emergency because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, limits have been placed on public gatherings, and this meeting is being held as an electronic meeting as allowed by Section 21.8 of the Iowa Code. The Mayor then provided how the public could participate in the meeting via internet or by phone. AMES PLAN 2040 WORKSHOP ON FUTURE LAND USE MAP: Planning and Housing Director Kelly Diekmann said the draft Future Land Use Map of the City and descriptions of the designations have been provided. Mr. Diekmann stated that questions and comments from the Council will be received during the meeting and following the meeting, and then direction from Council can be given at the City Council meeting on April 28. Mayor Haila advised that a Land Use Map and a Zoning Map will both be needed. Mr. Diekmann concurred. Mr. Diekmann said the point of the map is to describe future land use of the city as well as general character of areas. He noted zoning will be detailed and on a different map after receiving clarification from Council on the concepts. The following categories of land use designations were reviewed: Neighborhoods, Centers, Special Development, and Employment. Council Member Martin asked about the areas on the map not previously named growth areas. Mr. Diekmann answered that throughout the scenario exercises there were a few Tier 1 areas that can be built off existing areas, so they were included. Mr. Diekmann added that the Tier scenarios not chosen are not included, but the areas needing protected for future use need will need to be discussed. He noted the area to the south includes some Tier 3 area because it’s connected. Council Member Betcher said some near-campus neighborhoods are being labeled as Established Neighborhoods. Mr. Diekmann explained that staff could have gone either way, naming those neighborhoods Traditional or Established; that designation is easy to change.
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