c s H p I E L E D c R H E p N ' R s 0 G c R A r M p c s H CAMPERS have enjoyed JENED'S superb facilities p for 29 years. A new policy, established several I E summers ago, enabled those with physical handicaps L to share also in the many joys and values of camp E living. Its continuance this year reflects the enthusiastic D response which it has been receiving. c Forested mountain peaks overlook the spacious, level R grounds of JENED. All buildings are modern, ramped, H frame structures with up-to-date plumbing facilities. E p Separate campuses for children and adults ... N both facilities and program are planned for: R ACTIVITIES • CHILDREN-to enjoy real camping ' • Arts and Crafts 0 >1-,t, • Nature Lore • ADULTS-to make friends and to fill many happy s ~ • Bowline • hours with fun and entertainment in a hotel-style - • Gardenln1 G • Trout Flshln1 resort. ~ • Tennis ~ c • Swimming All this-and an integrated therapy program, under R • Boating • PhotograpltJ the supervision of qualified therapists, for A ,--r • Athletics A • Dramatics those campers requesting it. • Music M • Dancing M -- • Newspaper Writin1 p Will your child be among the two million youngsters throughout the Jenea·s mstruct1ona1 swim period nation happily heading for camp . part of a complete aquatic this summet? program of swimming and boating . under the watchful eyes of c Red Cross waterfront instructors. s H p I Berrying time ... nature study. E L E D JHNFD'S AIM is to provide real The therapy program is on a func­ camping adapted to the needs and tional basis with motivation stemming c physical capacities of our campers. We frotn camp activities. Functional and R offer actual experience in group and self-help activities are taught and en­ H dcmocrntic living which enhances the couraged, working toward the goal of development of the "whole" child. self-reliance. Speech and hearing ther­ E The values of camping are .recog­ nized by authorities in child care and apies are coordinated with dramatics, p development. Dr. Charles W. Eliot, music, and choral speaking. N late president of Harvard said, "The Like all campers, the physically summer camp is the most important handicapped child comes to camp R step in education that America has seeking new experiences, new friends, ' given the world." and new activities .... s 0 Teamwork on the athletic Shuffleboard, tennis, volley-ball, G bowling- c R O.ur resident doctor and nurse con­ A stantly checking. Roughing it on an overnight-away A from camp. M M p Therapy can be fun. Our tots love to spatter-paint. s with a social and activities staff on hand to welcome p you and encourage your participation in new and exciting experiences. E And then, set your own pace . Loll around, if you wish-play bridge-sunbathe or E be a relaxed spectator for awhile . Carnival time-one of our popular A fleet of colorful boats for the Jamboree Nites. energetic rower or Kodak-toting c QR ENGAGE in one of the many sporting activities drifter. available-there'll be instruction and assistance too. We're proud of our beautiful indoor bowling H alleys, tennis courts, and our trout stream, for the anglers in the group. p Our complete swimming facilities You'll find charming, modern, private rooms each include a 4·foot deep, ramped en· with adjoining bath or shower. Yes, our doors are all quite wide with ramped entrances. There's a hard­ R closure for the beginner. Special· Your invitation to leisure and top walk, too. ized, expert instruction by Red pleasure-one of our pine-panelled Pleasure planned programs . it Cross personnel. lounges. is so easy to make friends. Therapy, for those campers staying three weeks or 0 longer and desiring it, is available at no extra cost. Batter up . ! ! hobbies are born in the arts Of course, planned evening social programs are an G crafts shop. integral part of Jened life ... camp-fire sings, danc­ ing (wheel-chair, too), movies, cabaret nights and basketball exhibitions in our gym ... to name a few. R You can enjoy the relaxation of our spacious lounge A with its friendly fireplace and informal atmosphere. Choose Brahms or boogie-woogie ... or harmonize "Sweet Adeline." M • s ly Jack Pldcerfng 'Ibrf'f: 0.Ctf'fllt ,,,.:. all r·hr1q·ally FOR CAMPERS WITH p ii • :?pt.rt.cd ~.tu.nlaY en ttH•:r-~ir ..... ..!! ~- SPEECH OR HEARING PROBLEMS ... E People have Good results in therapy are more easily attained E when it's fun ... been Ta/king All campers enrolled for the speech or hearing c program receive intensive therapy daily. Formal H Our campers came to us last year from places far lessons are integrated with dramatics, choral and near: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, speaking, music and regular camp living. Com­ Connecticut, Massachusetts, Washington, D. C., plete "carry-over" is our goal. p Missouri, Texas, Michigan, Maine, Kentucky, Maryland, Alaska, Canada, and Brazil. This special program is for the benefit of campers with speech or hearing R problems arising out of cleft palate, stuttering, articulatory disorders, aphasia, cerebral palsy, hearing loss and deafness. 0 Experienced and qualified speech therapists and audiologists are in G charge of this program, which includes: • SPEECH CORRECTION • AUDITORY TRAINING R • LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT • LIP READING A Of course, this is just one of the extras we have at Jened . M 3:t no extra cost to you. ! I • I l I I ' !; 1: Fo1· enrollment forms, Ii rc.·scrvations, or further ! LEONA S. BURGER, M. A. Teachers College, Columbia University-Special Education for details about CAMP ! ! Physically Handicapped; B.A. Brooklyn College-Speech Therapy, is a speech therapist and JENED, kindly fill in ; DODD audiologist. She has been associated with The Mt. Sinai Hospital Speech Clinic in New York and mail an attached i ! prepaid card - or con­ i City, and the Hearing & Speech Center in Utica, New York. : t;Kt person listed below : HONORA B. RUBENSTEIN, M. A. Hunter College-Special Education for Physically Han­ who is nearest your ! home. dicapped; B. A. Hunter College-Music and Elementary School Education, is a teacher at I i School-Clinic P. S. 67 Brooklyn, New York, cerebral palsy unit. She has taught at the Passaic ! CAMP JENED i ,, County Cerebral Palsy Treatment Center, Clifton, New Jersey. i I l:l I I .g I !<>NORA B. RUBENSTEIN I ! ,, e~ 845 Gerard Avenue ! ~ .2 DR. I. JAY BRIGHTMAN of Albany, New York-Medical Supervisor. NcwYork51, New York D .s Molt Haven 5-2495 I B ALBERT FARINA, Ed.D., Columbia University, is the Assistant Director of Athletics, i I ] ...... ;,_~ ,. ~ Q Brooklyn College, N. Y. C.-Head Counselor. I , d) 0 j I• "O "'0 I I ON A S. BURGER i I ' 4> ..0 The Staff at Camp Jened consists of teachers of special education, therapists, social workers, i , . 1-4 ! ,· 0 0 I 4 l 4 Genesee Street rll psychologists, graduate and undergraduate students in these fields. Our resident camp physician Cl) ! El «i"' and registered nurse are on campus. There is a high ratio of 1 trained staff member to every lJlk:a 4, New York i I' o Q .2 2112 campers. (Utica 3-8686) j ~ I r ~ s ! !· B .B !i 1,,: ~ .9 MEMBER OF i i I ' "O I I ' ;:; AMERICAN CAMPING ASSOCIATION • ! • 0 I ~i '. ~ • For enrollment forms ::!! ::!! rcsr.rvations, or fur the ti> "'-I ti> "'-I details ahout n CAMF Em n JENUD, kindly fill i ~ ti> c ~m ~rncl mail an attached ti> c pt·cpaid card - or con c: ~ U> ~ U> -t ~ n ~- c: tact person listed belo" - =i ~ n ~- w z ::! =i z who is n .a::a. l> 111 n w nearest youJ > a ~ l> z 111 home. G') . U> > 9 U> m ~ G') ~ ~ U> ...a::a. ~ z "'O m -~ U> z m z "'O CAMP JENED m ~ z m m ::u m ~ ::u ~ "'m c.. ~ 111 m "'m c.. ~ 111 JfoNORA B. RUBENSTEIN m ;"- "O ~ ;"- "O -< "'-t ·"' r m 0 ~ -< "'-t ·"' r 845 Gerard Avenue ~ m z 0 ~ m ~ -< m z m I m ~ -< NcwYorkSl, NewYork -t i m " sion "' -t sion Mott Haven 5-2495 c ? )> " c ? )> c: ::u c: ::u ~c i "!> l ~a 9 T. EONA S. BURGER :z · ~ :z 1434 Genesee Street :< • :< Utica 4, New York • ( lJ tic a 3-8686) •r .' ,/:- r ~ I • 11111111111111 ll II I }. 1111111111· 111111111 Operated by the Camp Jened Foundation, Inc. MEMBER OF - A Non-Profit Membership Corporation AMERICAN CAMPING ASSOCIATION HUNTER, NEW YORK TEL: HUNTER 4231 Please reply to D 31 PARKSIDE COURT, UTICA 4, N. Y.-REdwood 3·8686 0 510 MADISON AVENUE, N. Y. 22, N. Y.-Eldorado 5-5633 (N. Y. C. OFFICE) HONORARY MEMBERS SENATOR JACOB K. JAVITS New York SENATOR KENNETH B. KEATING New York MAYOR ROBERT F. WAGNER New York City EXECUTIVE BOARD BERNARD A. ABRASHKIN New York City PERRY E. BAISLER, Ph.D. New Paltz, New York MRS. I. J. BECK Saratoga, New York MOE BERGMAN, Ed.D. New Rochelle, New York MRS. HAROLD BURGER Utica, New York MRS. MILTON DORFMAN Rome, New York HARRY R. GOSLING Utica, New York FRANKLIN M. GOULD, M.D. New Hartford, New York MRS. LIONEL 0. GROSSMAN Syracuse, New York MARK R. HARWOOD, M.D. Syracuse, New York STUART E. KROHN, M.D. Utica, New York SAMUEL R. MILLER New York City CHARLES G. RAWLINGS Rome, New York SOLOMON ROF New York City MRS. JOSEPH ROTHENBERG New York City MRS. MURRAY RUBENSTEIN Mount Vernon, New York MRS.
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