January 1900.] PSJ'CHE. 7 13 ( 7) Vertex not advanced in front of the eyes ; median carina of pronotnm sc;~rcely elevated. I.f ( 15) 13ody u~ually broad between the shoulder~; Yertex narrower or equally wide with one of the eyes; second femoral carinae more o r less flexuous. or undulate, or lobate, or clype:1tc, 1·cry rarely straight. Gen. f'aratdlix Hoi. 15 (14) Vertex strongly n:trrnwed in front, the front bonier nc:~rly o tw-half the breadth of an eye, or less; body usually prolong<tte; branches of frontal costa sub-parallel, closely approximate. Gen. Tclmald!ix g .. n. n. 16 (3) Ante rior femor:t abo\'e cli~tinctly ancl broadly ~ulc:1tc: pronotum in front produceJ more or less above the head, Yery frequently hooked, ;11:cuminate, or, to a certain extent, obtusely rounded angulate; antennae sixteen to twenty­ two articles. Subfamily n ,\TB ACHID I :-IAE Dol. 17 ( 1 8) Body strongly tumid; do rsum of the pronotum com·ex, lightly punc­ tate, lateral carinae in front of the !>houlders wanting. Gen. !'axilla Dol. 1 S ( •7) Body narrower; clorsu1n o! the pronotum, bet\Yeen the carina rather conC<II'e , conspersecl with m ore or less longitudinal wrinkles, lateral carin::~e in front <1f the shoulders present. Gen. Tclligidca Scudd. THE" COCOONS'' OR •· CASES" OF SO~IE I3liRRO\\'l;'\G CA TERPlLL\RS. BY CAROLINE G. SOULE, BROOKLINE, l\1,\SS. From much watching of pupating enough to give ample room for c;15es. caterpillars, e~pecially of such sphin­ Into each box 1 put a lan·a ready to gids aud ceratocampids as go into the pupate, and wandel ing in ::-e;1rch of a ground to pupate, 1 gradually came to suitalJ!e place. All burro\\ed very tlouht the exactness of the statements, soon, and I left the boxef> undi»turbed made in many books, that such catct­ for a few days, that 110 unu ~u al condi­ pi!LJrs :;pin "cases'' or ''cocoons" in tion should atlect the larvae. the earth insiJe of which they transform. On examining the boxes, which IY<IS La&t summer I had a good ~npp ly Yery carefully done, l found, in t:Yt:r} of f'ro!oparcc ccleus and caroliNa, case, no sign uf ~ilk, and no "ca~e" !'hila m j>elus pa ndorus and ache111o11, which held together nt al l. 1 found an Cera/om/a amyntor, and l'aonias cxco­ o\':11 cavity, smooth, and large enough ecatus, with which l experimented. tu !Jolcl the pupa easily, allo\l·i,,g free Into tin boxes I put sifted earth Jeep motion of the abdominal :;egments and PSJ"CHE. danuary IQOo . even space to turn over completely. upon the ,·enter, and soon cast the larva The walls of the c:l\·ity seemed pressed skin. I repeated this experiment sev­ by the turning of the caterpillar and eral times. and with difl'erent species, moi~tened by the sticky fluid \Yhich and always with the same result. exudes from such larvae in the early D;yocampa rubicunda ga,·e the stages of pupation. This combined same results abo, though much less fluid and pressure served to keep the fluid exudes from these. earth from falling upon the caterpillar I satisfied myself that with these under ordinary circumstances, but a species the cell formed for pup:1tion very slight touch with pencil, fingers, could not be called either <I ca"'" or a or stem ~ent the upper walls down as cocoon, since it could not be taken up dirt, not as fragments of a case or of a as a whole without taking up enough of wall. the surrounding earth to keep from it all I then put less earth in a tin and put pres~ure and jar, !IS the~e destmy it at on it a caterpillar which was ready to once. burrow, and watched it. I tried the same plan with Dcilcphila Butting its head agaii1st the earth it linea/a, which in my former experiences made a ~mall hole, then worked the has always spun a slight cocoon, like a hole larger until it would admit the fish-net, between leaves. entire body, which the earth was not The four ~pecimens I put into the deep enough to cover. four tins "ith earth, shaped cells for The c::tterpillar then mo,·ed about in themselve~, and dicl not spin at all. this hole, butting the sides with its he<ld They did not burrow as deep as the · until there was room to spare. and the other lan·ae however. walls we1c packed by the pre~sure. The boxes were kept tightly co\·ered Exudation had begun and the fluid was except when I was watching the e<lter­ forced <lgainst the walls by the crawling pillars, so that the earth "as not dried and butting uf the caterpillar, so that too much. all wa~ absorbed by the earth. The pupae were a II perfect, but no There was no spinning whateve1, better, except those of the l'rotoparce nor any of the '"e.J\·ing motion of the and C. amyntor, than tho~e made by head made by the caterpillar when the other larvae pupati1;g in ti ns with­ spinning. At tirst the caterpillar by out ea1 th. on its venter, ~hortened and moist. Tn making their cells the caterpillars After n tby or two it turned upon une did not bring earth to the surface, but side, curled slightly in a cun·e. Next merely pu~hed it back 011 all sides. so it turned on the other side, then on its that in the tins with deeper earth there back, still slightly curled. Then the was no trace of any bill row or cater­ ends of the skin began to look empty, pi II a r. and the caterpillar slowly rolled over International Journal of Peptides Advances in BioMed Stem Cells International Journal of Research International International Genomics Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 Virolog y http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 Journal of Nucleic Acids Zoology International Journal of Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 Submit your manuscripts at http://www.hindawi.com Journal of The Scientific Signal Transduction World Journal Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 Genetics Anatomy International Journal of Biochemistry Advances in Research International Research International Microbiology Research International Bioinformatics Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 Enzyme International Journal of Molecular Biology Journal of Archaea Research Evolutionary Biology International Marine Biology Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014.
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