VOL 1 | NO 1 | FALL 2017 WWW.SARCOMAJOURNAL.COM theSARCOMA Official Journal of The Sarcoma Foundation JOURNAL of America™ FEATURE ARTICLE Sof t Tissue Sarcoma: Diagnosis and treatment PAGE 7 EDITORIAL Introducing The Sarcoma Journal An exciting initiative in peer-reviewed professional education and advocacy PAGE 4 CASE REPORT Bilateral chylothorax in an AIDS patient with newly diagnosed Kaposi sarcoma PAGE 20 CASE REPORT Pulmonary sarcomatoid carcinoma presenting Premier Issue as a necrotizing cavitary lung lesion Diagnostic dilemma PAGE 22 › EDITORIAL‹ VIEWS AND NEWS BY WILLIAM D. TAP, MD | Editor-In-Chief Introducing The Sarcoma Journal—The Official Journal of the Sarcoma Foundation of America™: An Exciting Initiative in Peer-Reviewed Professional Education and Patient Advocacy › I WELCOME YOUR he Sarcoma Journal — Official ing affiliations with the Sarcoma Foun- PARTICIPATION IN Journal of the Sarcoma Founda- dation of America and its comprehensive THE SUCCESS OF THE tion of America™ represents a program of sarcoma research, patient sup- SARCOMA JOURNAL Tnew and exciting initiative in pro- port and education and advocacy. As you fessional education. We invite you to share explore the first issue of the journal, you BY SUBMITTING in the excitement surrounding the launch will discover how our editorial content is MANUSCRIPTS, of a medical journal designed to be your an extension of this three-tiered approach. INTERESTING CASE most authoritative and comprehensive The SFA program is characterized by a STUDIES, ORIGINAL source of scientific information on the di- multi-dimensional and uniquely coordi- RESEARCH, AND TOPIC agnosis and treatment of sarcomas and sar- nated outreach program of videos and we- PERSPECTIVES—AS coma sub-types. binars, websites (a new journal website is WELL AS REVIEW On behalf of myself, our editorial launching as well) a sarcoma-specific clin- ARTICLES—AND SHARE board, and editorial staff, I welcome you to ical trials database, newsletters and related YOUR THOUGHTS ON this journal as we explore new treatment materials— all aimed ultimately at finding HOW WE CAN BEST paradigms for this disease, translational a cure for this disease. This profession- SERVE OUR COMMUNITY research that bridges the bench and the al journal complements and extends the AND PATIENTS. clinic, and a broad range of science to en- SFA’s mission. compass the many facets of sarcoma. In Although The Sarcoma Journal has a —WILLIAM D. TAP, my opinion, the startup of this publication position within the SFA umbrella, my fo- MD, CHIEF, MEDICAL could not come at a better time. cus is foremost on ensuring that The Sar- ONCOLOGY SERVICE As cancer specialists and allied health coma Journal contains the most accurate, AT MEMORIAL SLOAN care professionals who attend regular relevant and up to date information avail- KETTERING CANCER meetings of your peers, including ASCO able. I urge you to explore our highly infor- CENTER and CTOS, we have seen a dramatic shift mative and relevant sarcoma-specific con- in management within the last few years. tent—including original reports, review In many ways we are at a threshold of a articles, a Journal Club, expert opinion, new era in sarcoma management, and the meeting reports, and patient advocacy that spectrum of treatment is expanding across encapsulates the latest findings from the subspecialties, promising more effective bench with implications for the bedside. strategies for our patients that are based on Whether it is discussing the latest find- an improved understanding of disease bi- ings in advanced sarcoma sub-types or ology. We need a resource to maintain and implications of genetics as a prognostic clarify our focus on this disease as research factor, you will find the information in opens new avenues for us to consider in this journal, reliably analyzed by our team the management of patients with sarcoma. of experts who are leading sarcoma clini- When I was approached to serve as Edi- cians and investigators. All of the content tor-in-Chief of The Sarcoma Journal by the we provide is presented in a thought-pro- Sarcoma Foundation of America, I began voking, lively and peer-reviewed format; to recruit an esteemed group of colleagues we welcome your comments and sugges- whose knowledge, worldwide reputation tions to keep us on the forefront of patient as thought leaders, and dedicated work as care as we cover a rapidly evolving land- researchers would reflect our commitment scape of new information in the treatment toward finding a cure for sarcoma. Many of sarcomas and frame it within a context of the colleagues who will join me on the directly applicable to enhancing the quali- Editorial Advisory Board have long-stand- ty of patient care. 4 THE SARCOMA JOURNAL | JUNE 2017 | VOL 1, NO 1 the theSARCOMA SARCOMA Ofcial Journal Ofcial Journal of The Sarcoma of The Sarcoma Foundation JOURNAL of America™ Foundation of America™ JOURNAL Editor-in -Chief WILLIAM D. TAP, MD FALL 2017 Managing Editor FRANK IORIO Managing Director FRANK IORIO Tel: 973-209-8990 Creative Director MARY ELLEN NIATAS Art Director KAREN BLACKWOOD Director, Journal Manufacturing Services MICHAEL WENDT Account Manager, Classified Advertising TIM LAPELLA Tel: (484) 921-5001 Fax: (484) 921-5005 EDITORIAL Chairman STEPHEN STONEBURN President/CEO ALAN J. IMHOFF 4 Introducing The Sarcoma President, Digital & CFO DOUGLAS E. GROSE Chief Digital Officer LEE SCHWEIZER Journal—Official Journal of The Vice President, Digital Publishing AMY PFEIFFER Sarcoma Foundation of President, Custom Solutions JOANN WAHL ™ Vice President, Custom Programs CAROL NATHAN America Vice President, Custom Solutions WENDY RAUPERS William D. Tap, MD SVP, Finance STEVEN J. RESNICK Vice President, Operations JIM CHICCA Vice President, Human Resources & Facility Operations CAROLYN CACCAVELLI Vice President, Marketing & Customer Advocacy FEATURE ARTICLE JIM MCDONOUGH Vice President, Sales MIKE GUIRE Vice President, Society Partners MARK BRANCA 7 Soft tissue sarcoma: Circulation Director JARED SONNERS Diagnosis and treatment Corporate Director, Research & Communications LORI RASKIN Ashley Pariser, MD, Jeffrey Wayne, MD, John P. Hayes, MD, Editorial Director KAREN J. CLEMMENTS and Mark Agulnik, MD COVER: © JOVAN VITANOVSKI In affiliation with Global Academy for Medical Education, LLC. Vice President, Medical Education & Conferences SYLVIA H. REITMAN Vice President, Events DAVID SMALL CASE REPORT Subscription Service Tel: (800) 480-4851 20 Bilateral chylothorax in an AIDS COPYRIGHT © Frontline Medical Communications. No part of this publication patient with newly diagnosed may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, Kaposi sarcoma recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. Rebecca E. Neril, MD, and Kimberly Lam, MD PERMISSIONS POLICY Authorization to photocopy articles in this publication for internal or personal use, or for the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by Frontline Medical Communications to libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Transactional Reporting Service, provided that a fee of $3.00 per CASE REPORT article is paid directly to: CCC, 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923. Telephone: (508) 750-8400, Fax: (508) 750-4744, or at 22 Pulmonary sarcomatoid www.copyright.com. CCC is a not-for-profit organization that provides copyright licensing on behalf of FMC. This consent does not apply to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, carcinoma presenting as a for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. necrotizing cavitary lung lesion: Reprint requests: For article reprints, eprints, or licensing in the United States and Canada, please contact Wright’s Media toll free Diagnostic dilemma at 877-652-5295. For all others outside the USA & Canada contact Ray Thibodeau at Gaurang Nandkishor Vaidya, MBBS, Rushikesh Shah, MD, Content Ed Net. Tel: 267-895-1758. and Amit Dhamoon, MD EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING POLICY Statements and opinions expressed in articles and communications herein are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the editor, publisher, or any organizations endorsing this journal. Neither the editor, publisher, nor organizations endorsing this journal guarantee, warrant, or endorse any product or service advertised in this journal, nor do they guarantee any claim made by the manufacturer of such product or service. Except as noted, authors have reported no competing interests. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Please send address changes to The Sarcoma Journal, Subscription Service, 7 Century Drive, Suite 302, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Attn: Frank Iorio. Call 973-206-8990 or email fiorio@frontlinemedcom. com. Enclose address label, provide complete new address, and allow 8 weeks for processing. The Sarcoma Journal, Official Journal of the Sarcoma Foundation of America™ (ISSN 2573-1521) is published monthly by Frontline Medical Communications, 7 Century Drive, Suite 302, Parsippany, NJ 07054. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or part without the written consent of the owner. 2017 subscription rates (includes full-text access to sarcomajournal.com): United States: $177 individuals (print & online), $309 institutions (print only), $89 students; elsewhere (excluding Japan): $235 individual (print & online), $403 institutions (print only), $89 students. (All students/residents: Send
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