I arion of AND INTER-ISLAND ADVERTISER. Onward, Skye! Queen of the West! AUGUST 1951. Price 6d. No. 7. tion to those who would, as in the past centuries. EDITORIAL dictate to you; force upon you conditions which have no relation whatsoever to that which you so urgently need. Generally speaking, an EdHorial consists of a This monthly newspaper/ magazine is by no review of current events, but this one, with your means a party organ. It is exclusively for the permission, by-passes these formal approaches to use of the people of Skye and the neighbouring the miBd of the reader, and instead presents to Islands. you in this issue a rough outline of the progress May you also allow me to state its forma­ made by this periodical and monthly newspaper tion, production and distribution involves a con­ or magazine. siderable amount of research. accuracy, bme and money ere it reaches your hands. In its first issue, which was launched upon the To keep it increasing in circulation, advertis­ public and the Island of Skye in February of this ing on a large scale is necessary. "The Clarion " year, an idea . was born, which since has proved has now a sound footing in the Isle of Skye, and to be the foundation of a better understanding be­ its circulation goes "far o'er the sea.'' as well tween the people who, in many cases, live tens of as to the casual passer-by. If you have some­ miles . apart, have through the medium of "The thing you do not need-your neighbour or fel­ Clarion," been brought together mentally. low Islander may need it !-Advertise it in "The Clarion." It's a sure medium of getting in touch Nevertheless. it is felt that the readers are still with " the fellow next door! " There is no one in reluctant to voice their opinion on current events these austere times who can afford to have articles as it relates to them, in living, church, local and of value lying about, especially when a friend political affairs. We, therefore this month, issue a may need what you don't want!-" Do it that special appeal to readers to send to this office letters blessed minute; don't put it off, don't wait!"- or articles for publication in the "Clarion," with their opinions on the following subie.cts, chosen . as * * * it were, at random:- . A Dane, touring this Country, came in to 1 " The Evictions of ' The Three Men of Knoy­ ' The Clarior) " office. Intoxicated with the exqui­ dart.' " site beauty of this Island. he remarked that he met "The New Crofters' Commission and what a man at London Docks and told him he intended do you think would be the first imp:rovement to visit Scotland. The Docker replied that he that the new Crofters' Commission should sug­ could not see this country unless he saw SKYE! gest to be considered if we are to survive as an There has been an improvement in the road Island people and prosper as a community? situation in Skye by the recent reconstruction of a modern standard of the highway running In your Celidhs by the peat fire, many of you, through the village of Portnalong, in Bracadale. unconsciously and in a matter of fact manner, ex­ It should be a strong point with the .Skye press in mild discussion sounder views than any District Committee to continue to have at least commission ever dreamed, or will dream, of. You the roads in the villages of the Island brought up are men and women who live in Skye and know to this standard, as it al6o should be for the in­ exactly what will suit you best, and it is your life habitants of those villages who clamour for you have to live-not theirs! for these improvements. It, without any doubt, means to these villagers, an increased prestige, Therefore, " The Clarion " has been established and also tends to inspire in the young a pride to form a bridge to convey your side of the ques- in their homes and a place of habitationn. 2 THE CLARION OF SKYE Circumstances may deprive some of schooling and of book learning, but none are placed in a Portree's Opportunities position in which they are deprived of the means of education if their mental faculties are only alert and receptive. Towns and cities are schools The good weather prevailing during the to the wise, but the countryside is a school to months of April, May and June, has accelerated the sage. See and hear all you can which is instructive and inspiring. Never miss an eloqu­ work on the Hydro Electric Scheme in Skye. The ent man who moves you as the thunder of the picturesque and homely village of Portree has now tempest. Emerson says:-" Eloquence is the become a busy centre of activity, where the throb appropriate organ of the highest personal energy." of industry makes one feel that here at least the It is to be feared that eloquence is almost a lost Hydro Scheme seems to propagate progress. art. Lorries can be noticed plying outwards to the countryside with loads of pylons that are to carry We have fallen back on a race of talkers. the light to all parts of the Island. ·In recent Interesting and convincing they may be-but, years, Portree has almost doubled in size, and ere still-only talkers! " To disparage eloquence," long will develope into the nucleus of a large says Lord Morley, " is to depreciate mankind." town if this spreading out continues. With the The fire which kindles enthusiasm in the listener provision of more power, Portree has every chance is the supreme element of power in a speaker. to become a centre where light industries will be It distinguishes genius from mere ability; true established-and why not! There are many of eloquence is " logic on fire." the necessities of life which could be manufac­ If it comes within five miles of you, do not tured here with the assistance of cheap electrical miss it! In the Gaelic tongue, it is equally im­ power. In Skye, there is wanted laundries, and pressive, and more so to those whose mother ton­ a large first class bread factory (with the usual gue that language is. Great Churches were built small-bread manufactury.) Why should there be into the stately piles they are by men who had 18 to 25 tons of bread coming into Skye weekly? great thoughts of God. One can. even in Skye, Out of your loaf comes a large bite to Nationalised build up in his mind great thoughts. Yes, in Railways and, of course, MacBraynes. A slaughter Skye and its quiet country side, these great house and a grading station is also wanted without thoughts can be turned into the practical by elim­ more delay. inating self, envy, and the lust for gold, for the ... pursuit of making the Island a better place than The sawmill, the renewed tweedmill, the two one has found jt. very modern garages at the approach to Portree This mearis YOU, and see to it that, day by from the West end, would ·pass as very modern day, you, however humble be your occupation; features in any South country industrial centre, however high be your office. that your main ob­ and it is to be hoped with the introduction of jective is a better Island for you and posterity.! a higher voltage from the power station now be­ ing built, that with it will be established similar * * * useful projects, which not only are urgently need­ It is gratifying to learn that in conjunction ed, but would prove to be a means incalculable with Hydro Electric Power in Skye, the Hydro Elec­ in value, especially in keeping the population from tric Board have established a scheme which further decline. not only js of great importance but also of the The fishing industry is also in great need of greatest benefit to the Island people. It is called a flip-up, as is also the need for fresh fish be­ the Hydro Electric Wiring Scheme. which provides ing more quickly distributed to the centres of pop­ the oppoFtunity to wire Skye homes on a seven ulation outwith Portree. years payment basis of the whole sum involved ... in the individual undertaking. Messrs Neil Beaton. There is no need for holding pessimistic views Ltd., Electrical Engineers, Portree, ar<c one of those in regard to this thriving town and Capital of firms specially approved by the Board to carry out Skye. Portree is advancing rapidly, but there the wiring and installing of gadgets, etc. The is a great need for more fraternising with the above. no doubt, will be taken advantage of on a country people, who DO NOT GO TO PORTREE! wide scale, and should be of great benefit to the PORTREE !-You help them. They will help people. many of whom could not afford a lump sum. you! It is also hopeful that light industries may be more speedily established, as this is much needed. especially when the employment now afforded by The Poetic Quotation for the building of the Power Station and dams ceases on their completion. It is felt that influence should the Month. now be asserted to attract sueh industries t0 the Island for the future welfare of its peoples. The This World's a hive whence t-hou canst derive no initiative taken by the local firms to wire the homes good of Skye should not be treated ljghtly, as their ser­ But what thy soul's vexation brings; vices are always available for unavoidable break­ And 'case thou meet some petty, petty sweet downs in the years to come, thus affording the Each drop is guarded with a thousand stings.
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