Vol. 3, No. 1 June 1983 Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3G3 University of St. Jerome's College Spring Convocation: 85 in '83! The College's assistant dean , Dr. Ted McGee, announced the names of the eighty-five St. Jerome's graduates during the University of Wa terloo's 46th convocation. When Irish eyes are smiling! Two fami lies and four degrees are reason enough to beam with pride for (l. tor.) Laurieand Colleen Maloney of Sudbury and Maureen and Janet O'Connor of Marmara, Ontario. The first student to receive a degree at the arts Among the many guests at this year's .... convocation on May 26 was St. Jerome's convoca tion was Mrs. Angela Massiah, mother 'mature' student Mrs . Margo Baird. She of honours psychology graduate Ernes t Massiah , received her BA degree after many years of who travelled from Trinidad to see her son part-time studies. Congratulations, Margo! 'Y graduate. Her smile tells us it was worth the trip! A feature interview with Claude Ryan ... inside Campus News Awards Night '83 Rita A.M. Wallner Michael J. Donelson Daniel Hutter Janet O'Connor Kelley Teahen Rosie Brady -Zach Ralston Award -College Award - College A ward - College Award -College Award -Notre Dame Award Phil Gore Kevin Davidson Ron Martinello Mary Jane Zettel Filomena Tassi Lori Dyni - House Spirit -English - History - Mathematics - Philosophy -Psychology It was an evening to recognize excellence at man who once advised the former chaplain St. Jerome's College and to celebrate the end to "get to know the students and you'll soon of another school year. The College's 16th come to love them" - a lesson well learned Annual Awards Night was held on March 26 by both men. and was attended by over 400 students, In a later interview, Dr. Ralston recalled faculty and staff. Students received awards his days at St. Jerome's and some of the for outstanding academic, athletic and resi­ many people and events which he continues dence achievements. to cherish. "It's good to sense the freshness A special aspect to the evening was the of a new generation of students," he said. presence of former dean Zach Ralston, who "That's one of the delights of teaching ­ took time away from his teaching duties at everybody doesn't get old together. The the Citadel Military Academy in South teachers get older but the students always Carolina to present the award named in his keep things young." And yes, he said, he Cathy Clifford Patti Anderson honour to Rita Wallner. He was introduced still enjoys those late night walks watching - Religious Studies -Sociology by College president Fr. Norm Choate as a the owls! • BASIC and the VIC-20 The College's • A policeman's lot might be a happier News Briefs second floor sounded like a video arcade one, thanks to College sociology profes­ during the month of May. Thanks to sor Dr. Fred Desroches. He recently No debating this winner! Ernest (Dicky) Commodore Business Machines and Fr. made a contribution to a police manual Massiah, 23, a member of this year's David Mowat, C.R., of the College math on how to relate to Canada's ethnic graduating class in Honours Psychology, department, St. Jerome's offered a four­ communities. Desroches has worked ex­ was a member of the two-man UW evening introduction to micro-computers tensively with the Peel Regional Police debating team which finished eleventh in for the general public. BASIC and the Force Multicultural Committee in study­ the World Debating Tournament held at VIC-20 was "designed to take away ing racial problems and incidents involv­ Princeton University in March. Massiah people's fear of computers by providing ing police. "Canada is becoming an in­ and his partner, Math student Brad Tem­ them with an understanding of their creasingly multicultural society," says pleton, defeated teams from Harvard, the practical uses," says Fr. Mowat. Over 40 Desroches. "This manual is an effort to University of Edinburgh, St. Andrew's adults and children beyond grade 8 regis­ train officers to handle this reality and to University, and others. Next year Mas­ tered for the non-credit course and have diffuse potentially explosive racial inci­ siah is off either to teach English in Japan PEEKED and POKED their way to a dents before they occur. It can be consi­ for two years, or to Minnesota to work in useful grounding in micro-computers. Fr. dered pro-active or preventive law en­ a psychiatric hospital with an eye to grad Mowat plans to offer it again in the Fall. forcement and it makes good sense," he school later. Best of luck, Dicky! adds. Feature Article A feature interview with Claude Ryan Peter Smith becomes Former Quebec Liberal leader Claude Ryan gave Update! How does a Quebec Liberal leader such full-time journalist the luncheon address at the conference "Canadian as yourself walk the fine line of being attacked on Culture: International Dimensions," hosted by the one hand as a tool of the Federalists in the University of St. Jerome's College on May 24 Ottawa, and attacked on the other as being a - 26 . Ryan, who is also a member of the Quebec closet separatist? National Assembly for the riding of Argenteuil, paused to speak with Update! The text of that Ryan: Well that's the plight of moderates in interview follows. We welcome our readers' a polarized society, and if you have convic­ comments. tions you've got to hold on to them regard­ less of the storm. There will come better Update! What must the Quebec Liberal Party do times. I am not concerned with that at all. As to unseat the Levesque Government? for my own position in that dilemma, I think I have been treated unjustly on both sides; Ryan: They have to win the confidence of but I could not care less because I spoke my the voters. They need to assert themselves convictions all the time, and I think these as a party with a strong platform in favour of convictions are in accord with the true social and economic progress in Quebec. reality of this country. Sooner or later there That platform must include sound integra­ will be a time when they are better under­ tion of Quebec with the rest of Canada on stood. But I think it would be evil to After 15 years in the History Department at terms which are acceptable to Quebec. abandon your convictions because they ap­ St. Jerome's Dr. Peter Seaborn Smith has pear to be less popular at a certain time. taken a leave of absence from academia to Update! Do you see Prime Minister Trudeau as pursue a career as a full-time journalist. His an obstacle to the Quebec Liberal Party's chances beat will be Latin America. of electoral victory? "You've got to hold on to your Smith will be based in New York and will fly to Brazil every month for one to two Ryan: Well, there's no election in sight; I convictions regardless of the storm. week stays. He will be filing stories for think that last time he didn't help. I think his There will come better times." Canadian Press and for The Globe and Mail, constitutional policies did not help. For the the Financial Post, Maclean's, Time, time being, the feeling of Quebeckers to­ Harper's, The International Herald Tribune, wards the Constitution is one of indiffer­ Update! Are you saying that history will judge The Wall Street Journal, CBC Radio and The ence. The constitutional changes of last year Claude Ryan more favourably than your critics Journal, among others. ran into considerable opposition in Quebec. today? Smith intends to cover such stories as The Government was opposed to those Ryan: I'm not afraid at all because there's arms purchases in Latin America now that changes, and I was opposed personally to been great continuity in my views I believe, Brazil is a major world supplier, the upcom­ the way in which they were imposed. We've regardless of the role which I had to play. ing conference of the Confederation of heard precious little about them for the past Brazilian Bishops and the huge Jari forestry two years, but that doesn't mean that they Update! Are you optimistic about the future of project in Brazil which threatens the interna­ have become more acceptable as a result. It's Quebec within Canada? tional markets of the Canadian paper as if the people are thinking 'well, there's industry. little which can be done at the moment, so Ryan: Well, the problems which brought me As for the transition from the academic to let us wait'. into politics have not yet found a solution. journalistic life, Smith says many factors We have to grope in order to find solutions, have worked in his favour. "I've spent a lot because if we keep ignoring problems with­ of time in Brazil during the past twenty out really tackling them, sooner or later they years developing a working knowledge of will explode in our faces. the country. Being fluent in the language has been a big help. And I think being an Update! Is there anything you would change or historian brings an important dimension to do differently if you could start over again as news coverage. Academic writing and teach­ leader of your party? ing makes you think on your feet, and that is Ryan: Well, I'd rather not speculate on that an essential quality in a good journalist." because it would be completely unreal.
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