1 i D c fS VOL. VII., NO. 416. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1910. TWENTY PAGES. Class Matter, Under Ac of Congreu of March 8, 187. Entered Jan. 19, 1903, at Honolulu, Hawaii, ai 8eon4 THAYtR BOBS IIP j, - SEMI-TROP- IC 15 GREATEST Mi SERENELY AGAIN CARNIVAL IS ON ELLIS Alleged Swindler Is Arrested in Hongkong, Charged With ISLAND Crime There. Join in Festivities for Christmas Trees for Over Two Thousands MAXl LA, November 30. The Hong- the Opening of the Christ- kong Telegraph, dated November 25, Thousand Five Hundred has the following article therein, eon-ernin- g mas Holidays. the much discussed Alford Fin-la- y Children. Thayer, who left here some time ago for the China coast, leaving his HONOLULU IS JOYOUS SIGHT financial affairs in this city in a rather PARENTS ARE IN HOSPITAL chaotic Condition: "Alford Finlay Thayer, an American, was arrested at noon today on his ar Confetti and Ribbons Utilized rival lrom Manila. He appeared before Immigrants Are Afflicted With J. K. Wood, second police magistrate, by the Mingled Nations this afternoon, charged by A. Davies, Contagious Disease, but manager of the Hongkong Hotel, with for Funmaking. issuing cheques to the total amount of " Kids " Happy. $470.82, on the 23.1 of September last by falsely pretending that he had an ' account with the Hongkong and Shang- - XEW YORK,. December 25. Carnival night in Honolulu! i hai Bank in Manila, where, in fact, he The Surely nowhere else in all the wide has no such account. greatest single Christmas party, prob- of world was there such a cosmopolitan "Inspector llanso was in charge ably ever held, took place last evening the case and the defendant was unrep- outpouring of exuberant joy within the on Ellis Island. So many were the resented. V same area. The spirit of Christinas "The case was remanded till tomor- children, over 2300 of them, that it took Eve, with all its good will, was in evi- row at twelve o'clock so as to enable a score of Christmas trees to go round. ; 3 find the dence, and the throngs which filled the the defendant to bail. In As far as possible there was a ordered defend- tree for meanwhile, his worship each streets, from King to P.eretania and ant to be detained in police custody." nationality. from Alaken to Nuuanu. "particularly, These immigrant children in. i 1 arrived volleyed and thundered with confetti SINGS IN STREET. the harbor from a number of foreign, to hearts' content, each ports and horns their SAN FRANCISCO, December 23. during the past week, those from individual a unit of good humor and Italy being in the lead. Madame Tetrazzini, of the Metropolitan It was discov- 1 fun. ered when the steamers M Opera house singers, who is touring the arrived that a the time being Santa Claus took For to reopening of contagious disease was prevalent among -- H WISHING YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS. West preparatory the & back seat. the New York season, sang last night the parents of these little ones, or they s Early in the evening the preparations at the Lotta Fountain, at the junction had been in contact with those who took shape. Hardly had the semitropic of Kearny, Geary and Market streets. were affected. sua dipped below its horizon of blue Twenty thousand persons thronged the ARMED E ONE IN streets and buildings, listening to the Grappling with the danger, the im- sea a blare of trumpets was heard. than famous singer. migration authorities separated the This was a signal that the festivities 1 ! il parents fr,t he children who were ':i: were in order. TOPS 1 TUMID WHITEHOUSE CHRISTMAS. N STYLE j found free of disease and segregated From All Directions. E CHRISTMAS 1 r WATIiXGTOX. December 25 Pres- - i them iu the quarantine hospital on AYaikiki and Moana. from Ka- - From I ident Taft and his family, following Hoggman Island. lihi and Xuuanu, came the roisterers. (Faith Still Remains That Good i the custom now long established by the Hut the hearts of the lonely children Many came on the cars, for the com-- ; i ,1.,i''t' Executives of the United States, Filipinos in Maui Smallpox Camp ; Late Shoppers CrOWded StOreS, were gladdened in pany provided a special service, lasting; Weather will Prevail for the speim v in lamias j;tv quieuy at an unusual manner, While Early the White House. No visitors outside last night, by the visit of Santa Claua an hour later than usual; some came iu and Well Protected From Morning. Ones Began Finale Monday of the intimate friends and relatives and all his brothers, and it will automobiles; from nearer points came of the in be a All Outsiders. Over Again. first family the land will be day to be 5 thousands on foot. All Honolulu, with received. j remembered, not only by the , her titty thousand inhabitant-'- joined j little boys and girls from foreign lands, Hit in the whirlpool of joyousness. The Malihini Christmas Tree was STEAMERS SINK. but by the immigration officials and Along Fort street, between King and (Special to The Advertiser). prepared this year on faith and thee "Hytw" are you, old aiau M. was seemed charitable visitors who took part. Hotel strtets, the xorte. It remains qui'te a store of the same ar- Christmas! Out having something for VALENCIA, Spain, December 24. 'lit at times as though everybody insisted WA1LUKC, December 23. Clifford ticle to keep the weather propitious - upon trying that new bitulithie pave- Charlock, agent of the board of health, the kids? So am I, and off thev go to- Spanish steamer Industria and the tnin'orrow morning until after the last get. her. steamer ment, which, within a marvelously short thinks the diphtheria epidemic is un- French Conseil were both sunk THFSEE MILLIONS time, was spread with a gaudy covering child has filed past Santa Claus and Honolulu was buying mad vesterdav. iu a collision on the Mediterranean Sea der control, as no new eases have de- of confetti and paper ribbons. the last table is stripped of its gifts. There is an old story told of the back uot far from here. Many lives were was a promenade of veloped outside of thuse under espion- bW.ks of Australia, where men usually lost. is supposed that the collision Altogether, it Everything is ready now except for It ARE the Nations. First came the Hawaii-aus- , age of health officers. Hamakuapoko, CO out prospecting in pairs, that if a was caused by a mistake in signals. SUFFERING hoisting the tree in place and the few --nan was seen bv himself he no like a great famiiv of children all nr.ner "fn Ten urn n in.T TCnl-- nro free nf' was i good or of whom seemed to know every other . last things that can not be done until that he had killed his mate. STRIKE AVERTED. one; liai.i.v as larks, the prettv girls -" "'" pia.c.mv tomorrow. It was something the same in town yes- THROUGH FAMIN a.s as centers of contagion a powdered with confetti and garlanded j clean iar It has been decided to start things terday, if man walked along the CHICAGO, December 24. The threat- ! many-colore- street without half a dozen parcels with ieis and ribbons. are concerned One new case, that of than ened strike of the locomotive engineers t earlier at first planned, because out Mulihinis from all quarters ot he Kaupa-kalu- a sticking from under his arms and Manuel Perreira, developed at has grown so on lines throughout the country was a j the affair much bigger a green and red painted express wagon NEW YORK, December globe took part in mild way. dignity this week. aeneu louav. wnen a settlement was 23. Advices j the bciieved possible, vanishing as they collected the paper than committee trailing along behind him, then he had provi'lintr for an increase in from China, received here yesterday, t'o o'clock mean 0eted into Armed Guards. that start at ten would something wrong with him. The stores one-thir- d powder. The kamaamas entered wages of ten and per cent. teli a terrible story of famine in Anhui the spirit of the carnival with all the Monday night last five sick Filipinos, a great manv spoiled noon dinners. The were beehives of activity and despite . band will be on hand at nine o'clock, the rain and the slush in the streets. Province. Heavy rains and consequent oldtime energy of experience. in what is designated as the Spanish and a soon thereafter as possible the white was the order of the day among INTERMARRIAGE. floods have ruined the crops, the coun- Oriental Touches. cami) located about one thousand vards thing will uegm. the women fol'r was evidently this try people coloring to leeward of Sugar, It EEXO, December 24. Tokawa, are flocking to the cities and But there was an oriental the the Those w io are starting children off which caused an Knglish malihini to a the were to be small- the streets are lined with the dead. injected into the. occasion Mill, declared cases of to the tree please remember then, that observe, "By jove. old chappie, all Japanese, today married Miss Fred- . Scores varioloid type. The planta- I is stated in messages tnrong of Japanese and Chinesi pox of the the distribution will start shortly after those splashes of white remind one of erick, a white girl. The marriage has the received in national people board of health ncr.
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