Evaluations UD seeks to sought by buy Central DUSCgroup middle school By DAN PIPER By MEL LYNCH Course evaluations may become University students rb.ay have to go available to students to assist them in back to middle school. selecting courses as early as winter Because of a shortage in classroom session, according to Delaware and office space, the university is Undergraduate Student Congress seeking to purchase the Newark Cen­ (DUSC) President Bruce Rogers. tral Middle School, on Academy Rogers explained that the evalua­ Street, from the Christiana School tions which are filled out by students District. at the end of each semester, are now University President E.A. Trabant conducted on a departmental basis, ·wrote a letter to the school board in and that each department has their late spring, indicating the universi­ evaluation and own method of ar­ ty's interest in the school. He is now riving at statistics when correlating waiting for a response from the the evaluations. board, according to Dr. Robert Rogers plans to get blank evalua­ Mayer, associate vice president of tion forms from each department and facilities management. use those as a basis for making a stan­ If the university can obtain the dard form. He explained that the Review Photo by Terry Bialas school, it will help to fill "substantial evaluations would still be conducted By JIM HUGHES space demands," Mayer said. "Due by departments, but that DUSC would to the shortage of space, many offices correlate and publish the evaluations, THE PLAY WAS A MICROCOSM OF THE ENTIRE AFTERNOON. IT have been located in houses," Mayer placing them in the library for public was Temple's first possession of the game. Quarterback Tink Murphy drop­ said. "Some of the offices are ade­ use. ped back to his own five-yard line, looking to pass. Suddenly the Owl signal quate for use, yet others are only Rogers said that the project, which caller was engulfed by four arms, two belonging to Ron Rossi, the other pair marginal. Also, these offices are ex­ to Paul Brown. The Hen defensive ends neatly packaged Murphy for a 15- aeeds the approval of the Faculty pensive to operate, maintain and Senate, will be handled by DUSC's yard loss. modify." That was all the inspiration needed, as the Delaware football team academic affairs committee. The location of the school would be Faculty Senate Executive boosted its record to 2-0 by slaying mighty Temple 13-7 on Saturday. convenient for both students and (Continuedtopoge16) (Continued to poge 2) (Continuedtopoge2) 1.!;================;;;;;:;;::;=============~ Singer, historian discusses black American culture · • • change the way you survive," By CA~HY O'BRI~N Reagon says, 'Where we are now at thiS tiine is our culture' Reagon s~i~. "Culture lS somethmg you In add1t1on, Reagon also consume and something you "We have kept our culture strength, and their inspira- "We will find a way to performed a few gospel songs make. The minute you try to alive," Reagon said, adding tion for others to follow. reorganize society to stay from her childhood as the define it; it slips out of your that black American culture "I don't want to be in the alive," Reagon said. daughter 0 f a Baptist bands," Dr. Bernice Johnson has given a distinct contribu- now without my past," Rea g 0 n i 11 us t rated preacher in Georgia. Reagon, the Smithsonian In- tion to the American society. Reagon said. the P r 0 b 1 ems that Reagon's warm, earthy stitution's director of the "Everything has to do with Reagon also sang a song black Americans face voice easily recounted the Black American Culture Pro- black American culture." about JoAnne Little, a black with employment, and how s t rug g 1 e s that b 1 a c k gram, and lead singer in the Reagon, who has perform- woman who killed a white many times they must per- Americans have faced, and music group Sweet Honey in ed for eight years with Sweet prison official after he raped the struggles that thev will h form very dangerous jobs and o1 the Rock, explained during a Honey in the Rock, an a her. "I knew the minute s e take the risks of their employ- face in order to make their lecture-recital in Bacchus capella group of four women escaped from prison I had to ment in h er song, "lVJore mark in our present and our Thursdaynight. singing. jazz, gospel, and lecture ThanJustaPaycheck.'' futuresociety. In the program sponsored African music, used her Culture, said Reagon, "is by the university's Minority songs to illustrate the strug- write a song about her. I tried "The only work that the creation of a stuff that Student Center and the gles that black Americans to attach JoAnne to becomes work for you is the makes sure there is a song Delaware Humanities must overcome, and the everybody living," ~eagon workthatyouputintochange andadanceinyourheadthat Forum, Reagon, speaking on traditions of black American said. the work you must do," gives you the right to be." contemporary black culture, culture. The story of Samson and Reagon said. "If you work out how you said that "black American Performing a bout six the Philistines was the theme Reagon explained that with got here historically, than you existence has never been songs, Reagon started with of an old gospel song that black American culture there can pass it on,'' Reagon said. cleanly clear of the larger the theme of death in her Reagon used to show God's are two sides to the idea of Black American culture is American society. Therefore, song, "They're Fallin All commitment to liberation, work, what you see and what telling blacks to announce we must redefine the whole Around Me." The song ex- and a black American's you don't see. "There is the themselves. "You have to be society before we can plained that those who died struggle for that same Iibera- work you do to survive and strident and visible," said the redefine black culture." have left their mark, their tion and reorganization. there is the work you do to cultural historian. "That's · "Where we are now at this the only way we're going to time is our culture," said turn this century." Reagon. But her position as a Reagon received her bistorian makes her look to An arch ri·val defeated bachelor's degree in history the future, remarking that on the F in th s from Spelman College in "what is now is enough. We Ufl e Ufl Georgia and her Ph.D., also must get beyond the now·" inSide Aday offestivals in Newark and Wilmington ... 9 The Hens beat Temple .. .l6 in history from Howard "Black American culture is University in Washington. a lot about restructuring the She was very active the Civil space we live in," Reagon Rights Movement of the told an audience of about 40 people. (Continued to page 4) Page 2 • THE REVIEW • September 22, 1981 .. .Rogers seeks course evaluations (Continued from page 11 "The evaluations should be popularity contest," and the Secretary Barbara Martin for the benefit of the students process was discontinued. Use Review classifieds said that the proposal would and the professors," Rogers Some professors are con- have to be submitted to the said. cerned that publishing the Faculty Senate executive Martin said, "It ( a stan- evaluations might "deter committee by one of the dardized evaluation) would students from taking dif­ senators. The executive com- certainly help when review- ficult, but worthwhile, mittee would then assign it to ing tenure. One of the sticky courses," Rogers said. in the Helping Professions - sponsors needed a standing committee, which points is that there is no con- According to Rogers, some for Parents United, a self-help group for would then place it on the sistent way of using the departments agree with the families dealing with intra-family sexual abuse. Senate agenda, to be voted evaluations. Their systems of publication of the evalua­ A service offered by Parents Anonymous of DE on. arriving at figures are so dif- tions. "Agricultural sciences Inc. ·The evaluations, which are ferent." and business and economics used mainly for tenure, are Rogers said that the evalua- departments, which tradi­ Ph~ase call 654-1102 or see our volunteers at "technically available to tions were accessible to tionally have had favorable the "Experimental Expo" in the Student Center, students in the department of- students in the library as late student evaluations, are in Thurs. 24. fices, but you'll have a hell of as 1976, but some faculty favor of making them a time finding them," Rogers members felt they were available," Rogers said. The said. becoming "too much of a Arts and Sciences and engineering departments, which usually have had un­ *********************************************** favorable student evalua­ tions, are "lukewarm and * * without comment." ! The mreer~ision you make today ! One professor who makes his evaluations available, Rogers added is Dr. James K. ! could influence national security tomorrow. ! Oliver, of the political science * * department, who often prints Jt For prof~ionals at ~SA contribute to the dual Mathematics: )ou'll work on diverse blank below and send it to ~lr. Bernard ~orvell. his course evaluations in the lt* missions of foreigll intelligence production and Agene~· problems applying a variety of mathematical College Recruitment Manager. :'l:ational Security !* syllabus. communications securil\: disciplines: Specific assignments mfght include soJv. Agen(l: Attn: Office of Employment (i\152R). Fort ...,..- "A student has the right to * Our Electronic Enwneers. Computer Scientists ing communications-related problems.
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