r ESTABLISHED JULY 1. IK. VOL. XXXVII., NO. (372. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1903. PRICE FIVE CENTS. CZAR CONSULTS RAT ON PENDING DAVIDSON IS THE THE SPIRIT WORLD FOR THE VENEZUELANS NEW ARCHBISHOP ON STATE POLICY OF CANTERBURY Minister Bowen Is Recalled to Wash- Interesting Glimpses of the World's ington to Present Castro's Case Queen Alexandra's Candidate, the Affairs Through the Agency of to the English and German Young Bishop of London, Is Associated Press. Commission Latest From the Not Chosen. Caribbean. Mrs. McKinley's Tournament Prize Argentine The King Prefers the Bishop of Winchester SchoolsAmending Football Rules Rem- Who Comforted Queen Victoria in Her iniscence of Meyerling Knocked Out by Last Illness Succeeds Dr. Frederick Fitzsimmons Acre Incident. Temple. (ASSOCIATED PRESS CABLEGRAMS.) NEW YORK, Dec. 29. A curious story regarding the Czar, who, as is well known, has of late years taken a great interest in LONDON, Jan. 8. King Edward today appointed as Archbishop private says spiritualism, comes from St. Petersburg through sources, of Canterbury, Dr. Randall Thomas Davidson, who has been Bishop the Tribune's London correspondent. This story is to the effect of Winchester since that The Hague conference was the direct result of a spiritualistic 1895. seance, at which, having received a call, Emperor Nicholas was told The appointment of the aged Bishop to the highest office in the it his duty bring peace in the world. that was to about Church of England is the result of the King's good feeling for the Mrs. McKinley's Pnze. prelate who attended and comforted Queen Victoria during her last YORK, Dec. Mrs. McKinley has given a prize to be Ed-wa- NEW 29. moments. The Bishop was a favorite of the Queen and King rd contested for at the progressive euchre to be held at the Waldorf-Astori- a wished to advance him as a fitting reward for his untiring de- under the auspices of the Alumnae of St. Joseph's Academy, of this city, on the evening of January 7th. votion to the throne. Argentine Schools. There were three candidates for the position, the Bishops of Ripon, London and Winchester. NEW YORK, Dec. 29. Twenty-fiv- e women school teachers went from the United States to the Argentine republic a few years The Bishop of London, a radicalist in church matters, known ago for the purpose of introducing American educational methods PRESIDENT CASTRO. as the Phillips Brooks of London, was a favorite of Queen Alex- into that country. The result is that the schools of the great repub- andra for the See of Canterbury, and court gossip declared that the system and developed (ASSOCIATED PRESS CABLEGRAMS.) lic of the south are now modeled upon the born Queen's influence would elect him. During his illness a few weeks here. As a further result Argentina has sent James H. Fitzsimmons, CARACAS, Jan. 8. United States Minister Bowen has received ago the Queen sent one of own nurses to him. In mak- director of the National School of Commerce, of Buenos Ayres, as orders to leave Venezuela for Washington to present the Venezuelan her attend a special commissioner to the United States to make a study of the case to the British and German Commission. ing the appointment of Bishop Davidson, the King is said to have latest school methods, to buy school supplies and to engage seven WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan 8. United States Minister Bowen been influenced against the Bishop of London because of his youth. schools that competent educators as directors of the new normal cables from Venezuela that President Castro is now willing to submit opened next year. are to be without difficulty Mr. Fitzsimmons has been in consultation with Mayor Low and further to The Hague conference settlement of the with Superintendent Maxwell of the New York schools and from disputes between Venezuela and Germany, Great Britain and Italy. WITHDRAW OPPOSITION both of them received promises of assistance in making his mission European advices indicate the willingness of both England and Ger- will Washington for a conference with the Ar- a success. He visit many to settle the matter amicably without invoking the machinery TO CUBAN RECIPROCITY gentine minister. Before returning to South America he will make a tour of the United States, studying the common school systems in of The Hague tribunal, and it is therefore hoped that a settlement the various States. He will also visit the universities wnere tnirry will be reached without formal arbitration. The latest proposal is Argentine youths are being educated at the expense of their gov- that Minister Bowen and the British, German and Italian embassa- ernment; dors at Washington act as a commission to settle the dispute. But Beet Sugar Men Ask That No More Con- Reminiscence of Meyerling. cession Be Granted to Philippine To- NEW YORK, Dec. 29. The body of Harris Tranquiline, the THE PHILIPPINES TO HAVE cab driver who drove Crown Prince Rudolph of Austria and was bacco and Sugar Growers. a witness to the nobleman's murder in Meyerling, Austria, in 1889, A NATIVE CONSTABULARY will be removed to Vienna after having lain in potter's field on Ward's island, since 1895. died in the insane asylum at Ward's island in May, 8. Tranquiline WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 8. The House has passed the WASHINGTON, Jan. The American Beet Sugar Associa- having lived in this country since the time he was hurried 1895, after Philippine Constabulary bill. tion has passed resolutions withdrawing its opposition to Cuban Wn; his master's death, his pockets filled with gold. two weeks after WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 8. The Senate Committee on Vienna Tranquiline won the friendship of the Crown Prince reciprocity but recommending that the treaty be amended so that, In $2,-500,0- the Philippines has reported favorably on the bill appropriating 00 presence, his conviviality and his courte- Rudolph bv his remarkable for the purchase by the of animals for farming during the period of five years covered by that instrument no sugar ous manners. He was known as "Baron Shan" and was present at government the Meverling castle on the fatal night of January 30, 1889, when his use for Filipinos who have lost their work-anima- ls in the epidemic exported from Cuba shall be admitted to the United States at a master and the Baroness Vetsera met their tragic death. of rinderpest or "surra" which preceded the cholera outbreak. Hurried to this countrv by the imperial family in their efforts Brewster Cameron, representing the Manila Chamber of Com- reduced duty greater than twenty per cent of the rates of duty there- among the Austrians to hush up the scandal, he "became a favorite merce, has been in Washington several weeks working in the in- Fp;f losing his money, became a on as provided by the tariff act of 1897. The Association also of tht Side. Tranauiline after terests of legislation for the Philippines and chiefly for this bill. patient at Bellevue Hospital and later was sent to the Ward's island adopted resolutions protesting against unnecessary stimulation of asylum to die. It was on his death bed that he told of the detairs of Through the appropriation it is hoped to give agriculture in the Phil- of Philippines by tariff the famous double tragedy. ippines a fresh start. By the restocking of the country with the the sugar and tobacco industries the further water buffalo the rice plantations can again be worked on a large reductions. , Amending Football Rules. (Continued on page 7.) NEW YORK, Dec. 29. It is asserted by persons usually well ee at Ensenada. informed in such matters that the intercollegiate football rules com-nitt- Plague will have to'abolish mass plays before the beginning of next SAN FRANCISSO, Jan. 8. Bubonic plague is causing much action on the part of the committee, the. season or, that failing such alarm in Mazatlan, Mexico, and Ensenada, Lower California. The authorities Of a number of the universities will take such steps that the framers of the rules will be forced to legislate against the close port of 5lazatlan is quarantined. There have been an alarming num to this effect was mado formation method of attack. A statement ber of cases in both cities and the utmost precautions are being taken. recentlv bv the president of an eastern university and since that it has become known that various college authorities have had con- Both the American and Mexican governments are active in ef- objections to the present siderable correspondence regarding the forts to prevent the further spread of the disease, and vessels enter- methods of play and that Chairman Walter Camp of the rules com- mittee has written to the universities regarding the advisability of ing or leaving Mazatlan are subjected to the most rigid rules. calling a meeting of the committee in January for revising the rules. o Those who run the faculty end "of athletics in the colleges are. it is said, iust about unanimous for a radical alteration ot the rules. Drop in They say that the physical well-bein- g of the young men committed Refined Sugar. to their charge, if nothing else, demands a change ; that football, as it SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 8. The Western Sugar Refining Com- is played today, has come to be too much a contest involving mere brute force and that the injuries sustained in the game now are too pany has reduced the price of sugar twenty cents a hundred pounds. serious and too numerous to permit of its continuance in its present The drop is not explained.
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