.. Remembering the St. Anthony's School minstrel show E6 g Community Newspaper Company www.allstonbrightontab.com FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 , 2005 Vol. 10, No. 5 40 Pages 3 Sections 75¢ STEALING FOR O? By Audltl Guha credit cards mis,ing. gave her a cop)' of the \ ideo surveillance her walking down Bigelow Street, look­ O'Leary and was reported to be nine STAFF WRITER The nine-month-pregnant sus~ t al­ tape. where the su peel was seen using ing into house and trying to open front months pregnant. A pregnant Crittenton House resident legedly got into the house through the her card at I: 17 p.m. doors. Then she was seen entering the Complaints are to be sought at a was seen breaking into houses and kitchen window and e\ite<l through the One of the stolen items, a Karaoke ma­ Crittenton House. Brighton Disttict Court. steali ng items Aug. 25, according to a front door. chine. wru. found on the lawn of a neigh­ District 14 police met with Crittenton Crittenton House authoritie' did not police report. The 41-year-old "ictim said she called bor at 32 Perthshire Road. House authorities and an attorney and es­ comment. Police responded to a break-in at to cancel her credit card and was told Area re. idents told police they had tablished identity of the suspect who Crittenton Hastings Hou-;e is a 11 :30 a.m. They met the victim at 38 someone u ed it at the White Hen Pantry <.,aw the suspect walJ..ing around, one day lived there, according to the report. Brighton home that prepares young, Bigelow St., who said she came home at 466 Washington St. a blonde and the next as a brunette. She was identified at Danielle Walsh unwed or battered mothers with job and found several electronic items and She went to the "tore and the manager One of them reportedly said they saw of Somerville with an alias of Danielle training and temporary shelter. ER Two eyed in cab slay By Audltl Guha STAFF WRITER weeJ.. after Heureur Previlon, 31, was found stabbed in his cab on Washington Street, APolice Homicide Unit have secured war­ rants for two Boston men on charges of the homi­ cide. Wanted arc Jashawn Robinson, 21. 5-foot, 7- inch. 150 pounds. with black hair and brown eye'>, and Cleveland Martin, 19. who is 6-foot- l inch, ls~ pounds with blacJ.. hair and brown eyes. 111 ... estigator-.. obtained warrant'> from the er· .. bt n DiWi ·t C0u11 !:! ·1 Thurstby. Pol ice believe the sLr...pects have fled the area to avoid atTC'>l. "We are actively looJ..ing for the two rndh idu­ als," said Capt. William E\ans from District 14. "Hopefully we'll apprehend them soon .. Anyone \\>ith information about these two in<li­ \ iduals is asked to contacc 911 or the Boston Po­ r ~ ev MAnHI w H(Al(Y Days after Hurricane Katrina hit, this Exxon station on North Harvard and West avenues last Wednesday jacked up Its prices to $3 .40 a gallon, as lice Homicide Unit at 617-343-4470 01 lo remain consumers across the state flooded the government with reports of price gauging. anonymou-. contact the Crime Stoppers Tip Linc at 1-800-49-l-TIPS. This is Boston 1s 46th homicide of the year com­ pared to 45 for the same time period la-.t year. A real pain in the gas The alleged stabbing took place earl)' Aug. 25. when District 14 officers re-,ponded to the St. By Audltl Guha While filling up the tank la't are out of 'chool and he takes the said Rosie Hanlon of Brighton Gabriel's parking lot at l 59 Wa-.hington St. on re­ STAff WRITER week, the gauge -.toppt."tl at .. :o ub\\~cl y to work. Main Streets, "ho bought a Che\ y port of an unconsciou-. male in ... ide a taxicab. "Ouch." even though there was pace for .. It\ J..illing me. I drive everyday, Tahoe la-,t year. "The minute I Previ lon was found suffering from stab wounds That\ All ston resident Paul more, said BerJ..ele). \\ho dri\cs a e\erywhere. I have five I.ids and bought the SUV. the prices rose:· inside the car. Berkeley's take on rising gas prices. Dodge Durango. He is glad hi' kids two big dogs and I'm their taxi," GAS PRICES, page 13 He was pronounced dead al the scene by a rc- MURDER, page 13 INSIDE LI COLN TREET It's green space, it's art, it's both By Audltl Guha prove that L)atch of land, the de­ STAFF V.RITER velopment corporation said. With 20 artist<; from all over Thanks to a $22.000 grant the country interested in prctt)' ing available to communities through ENTERTAINMENT up a narrow, weedy sttip along the federal Housing and Urban Lincoln Street, Allston rc-.idents Development, the corporation is are excited about the chances for hiring a land cape architect to Fall arts a bener view. -,urve} and review the lope and • "It's going great," -.aid .\llston block of land this summer. resident Harry Matti..;on of the preVIew process so far. ''We'\.e got a good Party Oct.1 core group of neighbors interest­ A steering committee com­ .... SEE PAGE 15 ed in the project an<l about 20 pri.;ed of residents, activists, The old American Legion hall on Chestnut Hiii Avenue. artists interested in \\Orking on grd.llt organization repre enta­ INSIDE the green sttip project." ci ves. artists and park sef\ice offi­ Spearheaded b)' the All ton­ cials wt I narrow the list to four Don't they keep records? Commentary 10 Brighton Community De\eloir later thi month and a kickoff ment Corp., the project received a party is scheduled Oct. I at the By Audltl Guha qualify as public use? Community Notes 37 boost with grants from the New Allston Branch Library for the STAFF WRITER The American Legion has been unable to use England Foundation for the Am communit} to meet the finalists. In 1946, the city sold the building at 186 it for seven years because of its poor condition Crime 9 and the National Parks Sef\ ice. The four winners will each re­ Chestnut Hill Ave to the American Legion for and sold it last month to an Allston developer for designed to support artists in ceive a $1,500 planning grant. $500, on the condition that it be fo r main­ $1 Million. Destinations 24 community collaborations. The artists will work with the tained for public use. Today, neighbors are The builder is weighing anything from child­ Whatever the design and art in­ COC and the community to cre- LEGION, page 12 Ubrary Notes 26 wondering, does a bank or a Trader Joe's stallments, the main goal is to im- PROJECT, page 12 Obituaries 25 People 26 \I \EL Call For a Free ClllHOPH \ CTIC Mortgage Loans Market Analysis! Polltlcal Notebook 4 Dover 1 fl,.,,.E OttllNTAl RUGS • CAIPETING Local knowledge. I~ Sports FREE IN HOME Experienced answers. AD Sizes & Widths DESIGN ~21. 3 7 \~ Auto Shawmut Properties CONSULTATION Many Styles 134 Tremont Street • Brighton ] Work Injuries & RUG TRIAL Peoples & Colors Federal Savings Bank All AMERICAN HOME AID, INC. Yo ur Neigl1borl100<l Ren/tor® Allston ~29 \lonh Harvard Strut Medical Suppl PS 556 Cambridge St .• Bri(d1ton Brighton 435 \lar,.;et Street ~~~~~~~~~~- Tel. 617-787-21 21 (617) 254-0707 • w~w.pfsb.com 151 Sutherland Rd. • Brighton r.. ..,..,..._ C2 I s lu1w111111.com 7 98238 60009 2 (617) 787-8700 www.dovrm.19.com l;3 ~s....v., fiJj(. 617-713·4300 Page 2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, September 9, 2005 www.allstonbrightontab.com Allston-Brighton History Then By Wiiiiam Marchione neighborhood, known as Allston Heights, In the early years of the major Allston-Brighton civic leader of his day, who helped organize BRIGHTON ALLSTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY 20th century. Dating from 1906, Seven Gables was designed by and played a long-term leadership role In the Allston We had no winners this week who knew this was the Seven architect Charles K. B. Nevin and built by contractor Victor Congregational Church on nearby Quint Avenue. He was also a Gables. This rambling Jacobean half-timbered style residence, once Swanson for the children of Samuel Shapleigh, a wealthy coffee leader of the Massachusetts Prohibitionist Party, serving as that known as "Seven Gables" Is situated at 7-11 High Rock Way, and tea merchant, who resided In an adjacent freestanding French party's first candidate for Mayor of Boston as well as Its 1894 Allston, and Is Indicative of the upper-class orientation of that Provincial style r~sldence at 5 High Rock Way. Mr. Shapleigh was a candidate for Governor. Winners Next week's None .... contest \ Hint: Think you know what this old Brighton schoolhouse was? Send your answer by fax to 781-433- 8202 or e-mail to allston­ [email protected]. If you are correct, we wlll run your naine In next week's paper. Good luck. Allston-Brighton TAB submission We want your news! I Key contacts: Editor ..................••.... Nick Katz (781) 433-8365 Welcome to the Allston-Brighton . [email protected] TAB! We arc cager to serve as a deadlines for submissions, obits Reporter .................... Audili Guha (781 ) 433-8333 forum for the community. Please . aguh1\~nc.com The Allston-B1ighton TAB Needham office by Fnda) at 5 take several weeks to appear ~nd us calendar listings, social news Editor in chief ......••.
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