June 9, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 8 10735 farmer Ben was successful, and as a rancher ical, cultural and natural resources. Visitors to During the 1956 Olympic games, Morrow he was well known for the excellence of his America’s National Parks this summer are not only won gold medals, but he won them in white-faced Herefords. He also raised hogs saddened to see that Congress has made record breaking fashion. Morrow gained the and on occasion, sheep. Every success that America’s cherished park ranger the most re- title of ‘‘world’s fastest person’’ by breaking Ben had from his family to his business deal- cent addition to the endangered species list. Jesse Owens’ 200-meter world-record time ings showed the conviction to do what was ABC news reports that the number of rangers that had stood for 20 years. right and to do it right the first time. has dwindled to a point where visitors are now Morrow’s accomplishments were widely Ben’s philanthropic efforts did not go unno- seen photographing them. celebrated in South Texas and all across the ticed by his community. The park in the city of In reality, these cuts represent a pattern of United States. Mr. Morrow appeared on the Burlington hosts his name and the ‘‘Golden calculated disinvestment in the agencies and cover of Life Magazine; and Sports Illustrated Wheat Award’’ that was given in recognition programs that exist to protect the health of our named him the ‘‘Sportsman of the Year.’’ Mor- for his service and involvement with the Kit communities and safeguard our natural re- row also received the Sullivan Award, given Carson County Memorial Hospital. It is said sources for future generations. Year after year each year to honor the nation’s top athlete. that Ben spent many hours comforting the pa- of cuts to environmental and natural resource Throughout the years, Bobby Morrow has tients and sharing the Word of the Lord. The spending are seriously eroding the ability of continued to accumulate honors and acco- Kit Carson Memorial Hospital was not the only these agencies to improve our air and water lades that celebrate his incredible athletic ca- place that Ben was able to minister; it is quite quality and to protect and restore our wildlife reer. In 1975, Morrow was inducted to the notable that the only State he did not minister and natural spaces. USA Track & Field Hall of Fame. He was hon- in was the State of Vermont. The Bush administration and the Republican ored by his alma mater when Abilene Chris- Ben was a man of courage and strength leadership in Congress are choosing to mort- tian University placed him the school’s Sports and admired by those around him. He was un- gage America’s natural resource legacy to pay Hall of Fame in 1988. In 1989, Morrow was daunted by doubt and his faith always pre- for the spiraling costs of the Iraq war and the also elected into the Olympic Hall of Fame. vailed. Ben F. Parmer was a loving husband, unconscionable tax cuts to the wealthiest in Bobby Morrow has been an inspiration to wonderful father, a man of incredible faith and our society. These decisions do not reflect my thousands of people in South Texas and integrity. He is deeply missed by his family priorities or the priorities of my constituents in across America. His accomplishments on the and community. It was an honor to not only Minnesota. track have been celebrated and will be cele- know him and attend his church and receive I join the National Audubon Society, Na- brated for many years to come. I ask the his teaching, but to have represented him in tional Parks Conservation Association and House of Representatives to join me today in the U.S. Congress. many other conservation organizations in op- celebrating Mr. Bobby Morrow on the 50th an- f posing H.R. 5386 as insufficient, unsustain- niversary of his world-record-setting race. able and unacceptable. f DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, f ENVIRONMENT, AND RELATED RECOGNIZING BRETT JAMES MAIN AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS ACT RECOGNIZING BOBBY MORROW FOR ACHIEVING THE RANK OF OF 2007 (H.R. 5386) EAGLE SCOUT HON. SOLOMON P. ORTIZ HON. BETTY McCOLLUM OF TEXAS HON. SAM GRAVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MINNESOTA OF MISSOURI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, June 9, 2006 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, June 9, 2006 Mr. ORTIZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- Friday, June 9, 2006 ognize Mr. Bobby Morrow, of South Texas, Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota. Mr. Speak- Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly pause and to celebrate the 50th anniversary of his to recognize Brett James Main, a very special er, I rise today in opposition to the Department shattering Jesse Owens’ 20-year-old record in of the Interior, Environment, and Related young man who has exemplified the finest the 200-meter dash to gain the title of world’s qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- Agencies Appropriations Act of 2007, H.R. fastest person in 1956. Mr. Morrow is a leg- 5386. As a vigorous supporter of our national ing an active part in the Boy Scouts of Amer- endary athlete and hero to people all over ica, Troop 314, and in earning the most pres- parks and natural resources, I object to this South Texas and the country. bill’s dangerous cuts and I regret the message tigious award of Eagle Scout. As a native of South Texas, Bobby Morrow Brett has been very active with his troop, of waning support for our natural treasures began his long and distinguished track career that it sends to the youngest generation of participating in many scout activities. Over the at San Benito High School in San Benito, many years Brett has been involved with Americans. Texas. There Mr. Morrow won a state cham- H.R. 5386 provides $25.9 billion for federal scouting, he has not only earned numerous pionship in the 100-meter dash. His high merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- agencies including the Environmental Protec- school success soon brought many offers from tion Agency, the U.S. Forest Service, the Na- ily, peers, and community. universities to run track in college. Bobby Mor- Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in tional Park Service and the U.S. Fish and row chose Abilene Christian College (now Uni- commending Brett James Main for his accom- Wildlife Service. This bill represents a $145 versity) to pursue his dreams of racing. plishments with the Boy Scouts of America million cut from the funding level enacted for Bobby Morrow honed his lightning starts and for his efforts put forth in achieving the fiscal year 2006. It eliminates the successful and sharpened his skills to dominate the 100- highest distinction of Eagle Scout. and popular state matching grants, which are and 200-meter dashes in the 1950s. In 1955, delivered through the Land and Water Con- Mr. Morrow won the AAU national title in the f servation Fund. It cuts $200 million in federal 100-meter dash. The next year, in 1956, he MIGRATION, BENEFICIAL? YES assistance to the clean water activities of successfully defended his 200-meter title and states—over the last 3 years, the Clean Water added an AAU championship in the 200-meter HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL Fund has been cut by 50 percent, or over dash. OF NEW YORK $660 million. Bobby Morrow continued his excellence at IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H.R. 5386 also cuts $100 million from the the amateur level, capped off by qualifying for National Park Service’s budget at a time when the 1956 Melbourne Olympics, joining an Friday, June 9, 2006 parks are struggling to cope with past reduc- American team with an established pedigree. Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tions. The number of rangers in Yosemite Na- During those 1956 Olympic Games, Morrow enter into the RECORD an article by Mr. War- tional Park has fallen from 45 to 8 over the achieved legendary status, becoming the first ren Hoge, titled Nations Benefit From Migra- past 5 years. These dramatic reductions make person since Jesse Owens to win gold in the tion, U.N. Study Says, published in the New it impossible for the remaining rangers to fulfill 100- and 200-meter races. He then won a York Times on June 7, 2006. their vital and far reaching duties, which in- third gold medal while anchoring the United Mr. Hoge cites Mr. Kofi Annan in calling for clude educational programming, ensuring States’ worldrecord-setting 400-meter relay broad international cooperation in order to en- safety and security and management of histor- team. sure rapid growth in global migration. 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