No. 14 CHESTER COUNTY LAW REPORTER 4/06/17 NOTICES CORPORATION NOTICE Please note: All legal notices must be submit- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Articles of ted in typewritten form and are published exactly Incorporation have been filed with the as submitted by the advertiser unless otherwise Department of State of the Commonwealth of specified. Neither the Law Reporter nor the Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, PA on or about printer will assume any responsibility to edit, March 20, 2017. Comstar Holdco, Inc., 1103 make spelling corrections, eliminate errors in Mason Drive, Downingtown, PA 19335 has been grammar or make any changes in content. The incorporated under the provisions of the Business use of the word “solicitor” in the advertisements Corporation Law of 1988, as amended. is taken verbatim from the advertiser’s copy and the Law Reporter makes no representation or CORPORATION NOTICE warranty as to whether the individual or organi- zation listed as solicitor is an attorney or other- DK Thorndale, Inc. has been incorporated wise licensed to practice law. The Law Reporter under the provisions of the Pennsylvania makes no endorsement of any advertiser in this Business Corporation Law of 1988. publication nor is any guarantee given to quality McCreesh, McCreesh, McCreesh & Cannon of services offered. 7053 Terminal Square Upper Darby, PA 19082 IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA CORPORATION NOTICE CIVIL ACTION - LAW NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Articles of NO. 2017-03216-NC Incorporation have been filed with the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the name Department of State of the Commonwealth of change petition of Kayla I. Durrell, mother of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, PA on or about minor child, Camryn I. Easterling was filed in the February 21, 2017. TDR Contracting, Inc., 531 above-named court and will be heard on April 24, Media Road, Oxford, PA 19363 has been incor- 2017 at 9:30 AM, in Courtroom Courtroom 8 at porated under the provisions of the Business the Chester County Justice Center, 201 West Corporation Law of 1988, as amended. Market Street, West Chester, Pennsylvania. Date of filing the Petition: March 24, 2017 DISSOLUTION NOTICE Name to be changed from: Camryn I. Notice is hereby given by Bacton Hill Bible Easterling to: Camryn I. Durrell Church, a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation, Any person interested may appear and show that said corporation is winding up its affairs and cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said dissolving in that manner prescribed pursuant to petitioner should not be granted. the Nonprofit Corporation Law of 1988 so that its corporate existence shall cease after completion CORPORATION NOTICE of its dissolution plan and filing of Articles of Dissolution in the Department of State of the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Articles of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Judith Incorporation were filed with the Pennsylvania Anderson, Attorney, PO Box 17497, Pittsburgh, Department of State on March 8, 2017, effective PA 15135. 3/9/2017, for ALA Corporation, in accordance with the provisions of the Pennsylvania Business Corporation Law of 1988. 2 No. 14 CHESTER COUNTY LAW REPORTER 4/06/17 DISSOLUTION NOTICE ESTATE NOTICES NOTICE is hereby given to all persons inter- Letters Testamentary or of Administration ested or who may be affected that Elizabeth having been granted in the following Estates, all Group Holdings, Inc., a Pennsylvania domestic persons having claims or demands against the stock corporation, with registered offices and estate of the said decedents are requested to make doing business at 120 East Uwchlan Avenue, known the same and all persons indebted to the Suite 101, Exton, PA 19381 will file Articles of said decedents are requested to make payment Dissolution with the Department of State of the without delay to the respective executors, admin- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and that its istrators, or counsel. Board of Directors has wound up and settled the 1st Publication affairs of the corporation so that its corporate existence shall be ended. BISBING, Kenneth Charles, a/k/a Kenneth C. G. Alan Bailey, Esquire Bisbing, late of East Goshen. Christine Bisbing, 120 East Uwchlan Ave. care of ROCHELLE S. RABIN, Esquire, 101 Exton, PA 19341 Lindenwood Drive, Suite 225, Malvern, PA Dated: March 23, 2017 19355, Executrix. ROCHELLE S. RABIN, Esquire, 101 Lindenwood Drive, Suite 225, DISSOLUTION NOTICE Malvern, PA 19355, atty. NOTICE is hereby given that The Woman’s BYRD, Harry M., late of West Chester, West Club of Downingtown, a Pennsylvania non- Whiteland, Chester County. Carla M. Myers, profit corporation, have approved a proposal that 1212 Ashbridge Rd., West Chester, PA 19380, the corporation dissolve voluntarily and that the Executrix. Board of Directors is now engaged in winding up CORCORAN, Adele, late of West Goshen, and settling the affairs of the corporation under Chester County, PA. William C. Corcoran, Jr., the provisions of Section 5975 of the care of ROBERT M. SHUTSKY, Esquire, 600 W. Pennsylvania Nonprofit Corporation Law of Germantown Pike, #400, Plymouth Meeting, PA 1988, as amended. 19462, Executor. ROBERT M. SHUTSKY, UNRUH, TURNER, BURKE & FREES, Esquire, Robert M. Slutsky Associates, 600 W. Solicitors Germantown Pike, #400, Plymouth Meeting, PA P. O. Box 515 19462, atty. West Chester, PA 19381-0515 ELVIN, JR., Trevor D., late of Oxford, Chester County, PA. David P. Elvin, care of R. DISSOLUTION NOTICE SAMUEL MCMICHAEL, Esquire, P.O. Box STATEMENT OF WITHDRAWAL 296, Oxford, PA 19363, Executor. R. SAMUEL OF A FOREIGN REGISTRATION MCMICHAEL, Esquire, P.O. Box 296, Oxford, NOTICE is hereby given to all persons inter- PA 19363, atty. ested or who may be affected that EDiS Development Group S, Inc. a Delaware stock EVANS, Mary L., late of Uwchlan Township. corporation also registered in Pennsylvania, with Craig S. Evans, care of W. MARSHALL PEAR- registered offices at 110 South Poplar Street, SON, Esquire, 311 Exton Commons, Exton, PA Suite 400, Wilmington, DE 19801 and doing 19341-2450, Executor. W. MARSHALL PEAR- business at 116 Pine St Suite 320 Harrisburg, PA SON, Esquire, 311 Exton Commons, Exton, PA 17101 will file a Statement of Withdrawal of a 19341-2450, atty. Foreign Registration with the Department of FRISCO, Elizabeth, a/k/a Elizabeth Gincley State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Frisco, late of Westtown Township, Chester that its Board of Directors has wound up and set- County, PA. Kenneth E. Gincley, care of MARI- tled the affairs of the corporation so that its cor- TA MALLOY HUTCHINSON, Esquire, 1250 porate existence shall be ended. Stephen Fieldstone Dr., West Chester, PA 19382, Marshall, Esquire, 1120 Youngsford Road, Executor. MARITA MALLOY HUTCHINSON, Gladwyne, PA 19035 Dated: March 23, 2017. Esquire, 1250 Fieldstone Dr., West Chester, PA 19382, atty. 3 No. 14 CHESTER COUNTY LAW REPORTER 4/06/17 HAGGERTY, Elsie M., late of Borough of MCQUAID, Kathleen P., a/k/a Kathleen Spring City, Chester County, PA. Larry J. McQuaid, late of Easttown Township, Chester Haggerty, care of LISA J. CAPPOLELLA, County, PA. Timothy McQuaid, care of Esquire, 1236 East High Street, Pottstown, PA RICHARD C. PARKER, Esquire, 175 Strafford 19464, Executor. LISA J. CAPPOLELLA, Ave., Ste. 230, Wayne, PA 19087, Executors. Esquire, 1236 East High Street, Pottstown, PA RICHARD C. PARKER, Esquire, Miles & 19464, atty. Parker, LLP, 175 Strafford Ave., Ste. 230, Wayne, PA 19087, atty. HAMILTON, Caroline T., late of Uwchlan Township, Chester County. Donna Price and NASTASE, Orazio M., a/k/a Orazio M. William Price, 1519 Old Farm Road, Nastase, Jr., and Orazio Matteo Jake Nastase, Wilmington, DE 19805, Executors. DANTE W. late of East Bradford Township, Chester County, RENZULLI, JR., Esquire, 120 John Robert PA. Nicole Nastase Addis, care of STACEY Thomas Drive, Exton, PA 19341, atty. WILLITS MCCONNELL, Esquire, 24 E. Market St., P. O. Box 565, West Chester, PA 19381, HASTINGS, Clara M., late of Tredyffrin Executrix. STACEY WILLITS MCCONNELL, Township, Chester County, PA. Christine M. Esquire, Lamb McErlane, PC, 24 E. Market St., Haskings, care of DENIS A. GRAY, Esquire, 115 P. O. Box 565, West Chester, PA 19381, atty. Bloomingdale Ave., Carriage House, Ste. 100, Wayne, PA 19087, Executrix. DENIS A. GRAY, NIKELLY, John G., late of Kennett Esquire, Palmer & Gray LLP, 115 Bloomingdale Township. Margaret W. Nikelly, care of L. Ave., Carriage House, Ste. 100, Wayne, PA PETER TEMPLE, Esquire, P. O. Box 384, 19087, atty. Kennett Square, PA 19348, Executrix. L. PETER TEMPLE, Esquire, Larmore Scarlett LLP, P. O. HENNEMAN, Andrea Lodahl, late of West Box 384, Kennett Square, PA 19348, atty. Chester. Pierson W. Backes, 80 Marshall Corner Woodsville Road, Hopewell, New Jersey 08525, O’NEILL, Francis E., late of Schuylkill Executor. KEVIN A. POLLOCK, Esquire, Law Township. Bridget Jensen, 8 Homestead Lane, Office of Kevin A. Pollock LLC, 100 Federal Royersford, PA 19468 Executrix. MARZIA P. City Road, Suite C-104, Lawrenceville, NJ TONGIANI MIRABLE, Esquire, 254 Bridge 08648, atty. Street, Phoenixville, PA 19460-3450, atty. LEVY, SR, Joseph T, late of East Goshen. PALMIERI, Dominick, late of Exton. John Levy, Esquire, 301 W. Mt. Vernon Ave., Gregory Palmieri, 5230 Miller Drive, Macungie, Haddonfield, NJ 08033, Executor. PA 18062, Executor. LUSCH, Paul Francis, late of East Goshen PURNELL, SR., Thomas Weiss, late of West Chester. Lauren Lohr, 113 N. Cedar Lane, Upper Oxford. Rebecca Davidson, 108 Heather Upper Darby, PA 19082 Executor. Hill Drive, Downingtown, PA 19335, Executrix. MATASIC, Charles Steve, late of East STRAPLE, William F., late of Caln Goshen Township, West Chester, PA. Charles Township, Coatesville, PA. Randolph Straple and Sherman Matasic, 919 Schuyler Drive, West Sharon Bowyer, care of H. MICHAEL COHEN, Chester, PA 19380, Executor. Esquire, 144 West Market Street, West Chester, PA 19382, Executors. H. MICHAEL COHEN, MATHERSON, Pauline Vose, a/k/a Polly Esquire, Lachall Cohen & Sagnor, 144 West Matherson, late of Easttown Township.
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