.MSBBBBHCtSW TT.I V I - . - , ' . I , ; ' . a jX - v. i.? it..M' "LJi". "1 V"- - ATi. t .'lis ""SSfccaiB h- W". - 3TBP7iftS . VA ..V . j!$" .flr JSr flr V W $ h: j. vJ' Vol. IU.No. 399. HONOLULU, II. I., TUESDAY EVENING, ATKTL 19, 1892. SUBCOIIIPTION " THE DAILY BDLLHT1H T1IK BY AUTHORITY. lustaliao Mail Service ! Ucuhuic simihiiii Ci's LATEST F0P1GN NEWS. Win. G. Irwin tl Company, is l'imi.isiir.i) (iii.iiiTi:i.) Evtity Afternoon Except Sundays M OFVKU KOK SALK At Hit. Olllco, Queen street, Honolulu, TAliI.fr',: '' MibYBOLLETIICO II. I. WAN FltAIMUMUO, rM San Francisco, Ajwill'J, S. 8. JLiiiiie Ac LOCAL LINi:. ier Cinicnt, DANIEL LOGAN & Tho New niut Film Al Steamship , Editor Manager Sled Australia. PAftAFFlNE PAINT CO.'S FOltTlIK ft S.S.AUSTRALIA. RflARIPQSA," Anlvc Honolulu Leave Honolulu COMPOUNDS and ROOFING, NOTICE. Daily Bullotin Publishing Company, Of tlie Oceanic Steamship Company will from H. I'1. for S. F. Are Receiving Now Invoices of (Limilod.) be duo at Honolulu from Sydney REED'S PATENT and Auckland on or about Apiil 1! April 20 Crown LandB for Lcaso on tho May 17 May 21 Tin: iMNTr.nx njr.sTio Felt Steam Pipe Covering, ail sizes. 11 21 of Hawaii. HUiihUJitirxioxn: fiflay 5, 1892, .lunu June The Bombay Gazette publishes Island July 12 July 19 a Daily Hui.i.uiin, 1 your 9? 00 And will leave for tho above port with state paper which llje Af- Aug '.I Aug 10 Ameer of BOOK AND JOB STOCK " " Uinoutlia '. It 00 malls and passengers on oi ...... ghanistan has juot issued. recites lt is notified for public information u. " pur month (de- about that date. Sept 0 Sept 1H It FERTILIZERS : livered r.e Ootl Oct 11 the events that led to the Peiuljeh that land specially adapted for small Vatf For freight or passage, having Nov 1 Nov 8 incident and the Ameer's reason for WOOL DUST, farming and fruit cultivation in suit- WltttKLY BULLETIN SUMMAKY, 1 superior accommodations, apply to preferring British to Russian friend- your f$l 00 BONK MEAL, able portions, may be had upon appli- TllltOUOlI LINK. ship. The Aniecr says Russia only 1JY EVERY STEAMER Wm Q. mWIN & CO.. Id, FISH GUANO, cation to the agent of Crown Lands. foreign. 5 00 Agents. Anlvc from San Sail for San Fran- wants Afghanistan as u, high road to Frauclhco. cisco. India and would place Afghans in ALSO IlL'bCltll'TJOK OK LAND. om ana. -- the van of her army as a special BUCK & iioih ToioiiiioncH a. Alameda May f . .Mariposa OIIIiANDT'H The Crown Land of Olaa compris- For Sydney and Auckland ! target for English cannons and rifles. MuupoMi !uuc2 .. Monowui nt their - The Russians would atrip the Af- High Grade Chemical Cane Manure, ing an area of 1,000 acres is situated Sir-A-(l eonnnunlea-tion- s Mnuuwai June 110. ., . Alamcila dress all business ghans of their :nns and food and in tho District of Puna, and extends "Managkk Daily Bulletin." Alainodu July 28 . Mariposa be- of MnripMe-- Aug 25 . .Monowui outrage and murder their woiiien, from the crater Kilauca to within Address all mutter for publica- mm cause they tar Monowai Sept 22... .Alameda must destroy the Afghans GRASS : 11 miles of the town of Hilo. The tion '(Editou Daily Bulletin." The New Steel to SEEDS and Fine Al Steamship Alameda Oct 20 .. .Mariposa obtain India. Therefore the quality of the soil is excellent and I". O. IIOX hU. II. 1. Ameer COCKSFOOT, Honolulu. Mariposa Nov 17 . ..Monowui declares friendship between Steam Printing Office comprises largo tracts of superior land Russians and AfglTans is next to im- GRASS RYE of deep loamy soil. The now Volcano ALFRED MAQOON, Of tho Oceanic possible. Shore AH, who, when Steamship Company will Co, And CLOVERS. Road, now in course of construction J Attorney at haw and Notary be due at Honolulu from Han Pacific iai! SStnsliip Ameer in 1878, became involved in a l'ubltc. No. 12 .Merchant stieet, Hono- Francisco on or about war with the was, by the Government, iilfords cheap fa- lulu. British, according AND THE to the present Ameer, a fool and a cilities of access to market. Nearly Rflay 5, Refined Sugars, NO. 71 QUEEN STREET, SCHMIDT Ss SONS, 1892, madcap to bring such woe upon his all of tho sections aro heavily wood- RW.Importers & Commission Mer- And will have prompt dispatch with Occidental & Oriental S. S, Co. people and ruin upon himself. Fairbank Canning Co.'s Cornec ed, furnishing durable timber for chants. Fort street, Honolulu. mails and passenger!, for Distrust of Russia lias been grow- Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins. building and fencing purposes The the above poits. ing in Afghanistan ever since Skobe-lef- f altitudu ranges from (iOO to 1000 feet i Hackfeld & Co , t For freight or passage, having conquered in radul succession SALMON IN Where they arc fully piepnied to do all XX General Commission Agents. BARRELS. above sea level. Climate moist and superior accommodations, apply to the chief cities of Western Turke-sta- u. !n kinds of woik in the Intcst styles, at Corner Foit and Queen streets, Hono- For Yokohama & Hongkong. The impression favorable. 91 that Russia lulu, 11. 1. Wm Q. LRWIH & CO.. I'd, the shortest notice and at the l-- intended to inoie upon India and The lands now otl'cred are valuable Agents. Steameis of the above Companies will most Reasonable Kates. i "W Macfarlane & Co., call at Honolulu on their way to tho that Afghanistan would serve as the FIRE, by leason of their good quality and VJT Importers and Commission above ports on or about the following gateway of their entrance was accessibility, none of the sections be- Merchants. Queen street, Honolulu, datcb: strengthened when ono morning Wler's iiteuliifl the AND ing more than two miles from the II. 1. - m double eagle standard of the Czar Stmr. "China" May 4, 1392 LIFE main Government Road and many of Stmr. July was seen Hoating over the walls of ONSALVES & CO., "Gaelic" 2, 1092 them fronting on it. C"1 Wholesale Grocers and Wine Merv. It was a peaceful conquest, Merchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu, For San Francisco. but none the less important. Then MARINE Terms and conditions favorable. II. I. followed the Pendjeh incident. Fine Job Work in Colors a Specialty 1 Special inducements olTcred to set- TIIWK Steamers of the above Companies will TAUUti: call at Honolulu on their way from On March 30, 1881, there was a tlers. T. WATERHOUSE, JOHN Hongkong and Yokohama to tins above collision between the Afghans and Additional information and partic- Importer and Dealer in General port on or about the following dates: the in INSURANCE. Merchandise. Queen street, Honolulu, Russians the neighborhood of ulars can be obtained on application H. 1. )1 Stmr. "City ol Peking" May 4, 1 892 Peudjeh. The Russian troops had been gathering in the district since at this ollice. Stmr. "China" Juno 21, 1892 Hartford Fire P. &; November. In a with Af- Insurance Co., C. IAUKEA, WILDER CO., CLARKE, CcmmauJjr, Stmr. "Gaelic" Aug. 17, 1892 parley the in Lumber, 1'alnts, ghan commauder holding Peudjeh, a Assets, $6,219,458.98. Agent of Crown Lands. Oils, Will leavo Honolulu at 2 o'clock m., Nails, Salt and Building Matciials r. Hound Tiip Pickets to Russian general used insulting and POSTER PRINTING Oflice Crown Lands Commissioner, of every kind. Corner Fort and Queen loucliiug at Laliaina, Maulai'a Bay jer Yokohama and lviiiiu, 350. threatening language. Sir Peter Londjn & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Honolulu, April 0, 1802. (Opposite streets, Honolulu. and Makonu tho same day ; Mahu-kon- a, who was Brit- Kawailuiuand L.iupalioehoi' tho J'aif' For freight and passage, apply to Lumsdcn, representing Assets. $4,317,052. the oflice of 11. M.'s Chamberlain.') ish interests, hearing of this incident EWERS fc COOKE, following day, arriving at Hilo at 389-l- m 15--lt L Importers and Dealers in Lum- midnight. H. HACKFELD A CO.. gave the Afghans to understand that Thames & Mersey Manna Ins. Co., Executed in the Most Attractive ber and all kinds of Building Materials. 207 tf Agents. they .mist show themselves ready to )1 ("Limited;, Maimer. Fort street, Honolulu. LEAVES HONOLULU. fight and hold their ground at any NOTICE TO MARINERS. cost. Assets, $6, 124,057. TllObdiiy Apiil 20 66 99 Captain Yates of the British HONOLULU IRON WORKS, army held the pobitiou of chief ad- Friday May 0 KA MAILE, New York Life Insurance Co., Honolulu, i i H. I, viser to the Afghan chief. During the process of deepening the Rot tuning leaves Hilo touching The forces met in BILLHEADS. LETTERHEADS, Engines, Mills, Boiler!., at battle. The Assets, $125,947,290.81. channel at tho entrance to Honolulu Steam Sugar Laupaliiichoo game day; Ivawailiac, Afghans STATEMENTS, Coolers; Iron, Brass and Lead Castings; IN THE MclNERiW BUILDING, fought vtdinntly but their NOTEHEADS, harbor tho Dredger will be in opera- Machinery of every description made to A. ji.; Mahukona, 12 noon; Makona, muskets were of little use against 0 m. ; MEMORANDUMS, ETC. tion night order. Particular attention paid to I, Maalaoa Bay, 8 i m, ; Lalia- Ii'Oft Htl'CDl. the breechloaders of the Russians. and day. At night there ina, 10 m. tho following ; riv- will bo Ship's Blaoksmithing. Job Woik ex- i. day ai They were driven from their posi- a danger signal placed on the t ill ing at, 0 m. ecuted at slioi notice. Honolulu A. WuilncMlays Is open now ami offers an un- C.O.BEliGEK, foiwaid derrick of Dredger about 30 and Saturdays.
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