0 1620 0749 0426 i , ■ _ ' * PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1960 PROVINCE OF MANITOBA for the Province of Manitoba, 1960 EG GOV DOC leferenc? CAE MA F P71- 1960 ken from ta¬ bard Ex LIBRIS UNiyERSITATIS albertensis PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1960 Printed by R. S. Evans, Queen’s Printer for the Province of Manitoba, 1960 WINNIPEG Un BRARY • a rta To the Honourable Errick F. Willis, Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Manitoba. May It Please Your Honour: The undersigned has the honour to present the Public Accounts of the Province of Manitoba for the year ended 3 1st March, 1960. DUFF ROBLIN, Acting Provincial Treasurer. Office of the Provincial Treasurer. 8th December, 1960. I E | a V ' m The Honourable Dufferin Roblin, Acting Provincial Treasurer of Manitoba. Sir: I have the honour to submit herewith the Public Accounts of the Province of Manitoba for the year ended 31st March, 1960. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, GEO. D. ILIFFE, F.C.A., Comptroller-General Winnipeg, Manitoba, 8th December, 1960. Public Accounts 1959-1960 7 GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA ORDER OF THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Page Main Statements: Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 1960 . 10 Schedules to Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 1960 . 12 Statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the fiscal year ended 3'lst March, 1960 . 26 Statement of Special Warrants issued during the fiscal year ended 31st March, 1960 . 30 Comparative Statement of Revenue, 1952-4960 . 32 Comparative Statement of Expenditures, 1952-1960 . 36 Capital Surplus as at 31st March, 1960 . 38 Revenue Surplus as at 31st March, 1960 .. 41 Capital Division Statements: Provincial Buildings, Furnishings and Grounds as at 31st March, 1960 . 42 Proceeds from Sale of Province of Manitoba Debentures, for the fiscal year ended 31st March, I960 . 44 Statement of Increases and Decreases in the Public Debt, for the fiscal year ended 3'lst March, 1960 . 47 Securities and Accounts Guaranteed by the Province as at 31st March, 1960 .... 48 Summary of Capital Division Receipts and Payments, for the fiscal year ended 31st March, 1960 . 50 Cash Payments, Capital Division, for the fiscal year ended 31st March, 1960 55 Revenue Division Statements: Summary of Supplies on Hand as at 31st March, 1960 . 163 Departmental Appropriations and Expenditures, for the fiscal year ended 31st March, 1960 . 168 Statement of Revenue Division Receipts and Payments, for the fiscal year ended 3'lst March, 1960 . 178 Cash Payments, Revenue Division, for the fiscal year ended 31st March, 1960: Public Debt and Sundry Charges 181 Legislation .v. 183 Executive Council . 184 Treasury . 186 Provincial Secretary . 188 Education. 189 Agriculture and Conservation . 194 Attorney-General . 203 Health and Public Welfare . 211 Mines and Natural Resources . 229 Public Utilities . 237 Public Works .. 238 Municipal Affairs . 256 Labour . 257 Industry and Commerce . 259 Salaries Paid to Employees, for the fiscal year ended 31st March, 1960 . 263 Indemnities and Mileage Paid, for the fiscal year ended 31st March, I960 280, 281 Cash Paid to Corporations, Firms, Individuals, Municipalities, Cities, Towns and Villages, for the fiscal year ended 31st March, 1960 . 282 Payments to Examiners, for the fiscal year ended 31st March, 1960 . 339 Late Accounts Paid during the fiscal year ended 31st March, 1960 341 List of All Fees or Commissions retained by Revenue Officers . 353 8 Public Accounts 1959-1960 Order of the Public Accounts—Continued. Page Trust and Special Division Statements: Statement of Reserve for Debt Retirement . 361 Statement of Interest Paid from Reserve for Debt Retirement . 362 Sinking Fund Investments as at 31st March, 1960 . 364 Detailed Statement of Sinking Funds, as at 31st March, 1960 . 306 Summary of Trust Division Receipts and Payments, for the fiscal year ended 31st March, 1960 . 368 Statement of the Fire Insurance Reserve Fund as at 3'lst March, 1960 . 371 Miscellaneous Trust Funds on Deposit with various Government Departments as at 31st March, 1960 . 372 Subsidiary Accounts and Statements: Accounts: The Liquor Control Commission: Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 1960 . 374 Profit and Loss Account, for the fiscal year ended 31st March, 1960 . 375 Manitoba Farm Loans Association: Book Value of Assets as at 31st March, 1960, and Report of Comptroller- General . 378, 379 Receipts and Payments, for the fiscal year ended 31st March, 1960 .... 380, 381 Manitoba Telephone Commission: Balance Sheet as at 3'lst March, I960 . 382 Manitoba Text Book Bureau: Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 1960 . 383 Profit and Loss Account, for the fiscal year ended 31st March, 1960 . 384 Municipal Affairs: Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 1960 . 385 Statement of Receipts and Disbursements, for the fiscal year ended 31st March, 1960 . 386 Statements: Statement of Reserve for War and Post-War Emergencies . 387 Statement of Accounts due Her Majesty, Discharged, Cancelled and Released . 388 School Districts Reserve Fund, as at 31st March, 1960 . 389 Special Reserve Funds for Sewage Disposal and Water Supply System Debentures, as at 31st March, 1960 . 400 Schedule of all Accounts Examined and Audited during the fiscal year ended 3-lst March, 1960 . 402 Classified Aanalysis as to the purpose for which Public Debt is outstand¬ ing as at 31st March, 1960 (Insert after) . 410 Manitoba Debentures and Treasury Bills outstanding as at 31st March, 1960 (Insert after) . 410 Balance Sheet As at 31st March, 1960 282 Cash Payments to Corporations, etc., 1959-1960 GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA Cash Paid to Corporations, Firms, Individuals, Municipalities, Cities, Towns and Villages. Arranged in Alphabetical Order to Show the Amount Paid to Each Payee Where the Total Payments Exceed $500.00 for the Year Ended 31st March, 1960. (For Salaries, Page No. 263) Name Address Amount Name Address Amount “A” Aetna Bedding Company Ltd., Winnipeg . 673.29 A & A Frozen Goods Ltd., Aetna Life Insurance Com¬ Winnipeg .$ 847.66 pany, Winnipeg . 2,235.62 A A & R Store, Anola . 1,060.80 Aetna Roofing Company AActive Electric Co., Winni¬ Ltd., Winnipeg . 2,619.00 peg . 1,547.20 A & F Educational Film Cor¬ A-l Sewage Services, St. poration, Montreal, Que. .. 555.00 Boniface . 1,190.00 Age and Opportunity Bu¬ Abbott, Lawrence, Winnipeg 575.31 reau, Winnipeg. 7,500.00 Abbott, L. S., Winnipeg . 918.74 Agricultural & Horticultural Abbott Laboratories Societies Grants (Total) .. 98,657.58 Limited, St. Boniface . 1,681.70 Agricultural Institute of Abbott Laboratories Canada, Winnipeg . 1,160.00 Limited, Montreal, Que. .. 2,851.57 Aikenhead, Allan, Mafeking 940.92 Abel, Ross, Minnedosa . 601.60 A.I.M. Steel Limited, Ed¬ Abraham, Henry, Winnipeg- monton, Alta. 5,355.00 osis 749 30 Aklavik Constructors, Abrey, Oral E., Dauphin .... 14,399.64 Thompson . 1,665.03 Ackland & Son Ltd., Winni¬ Alberta-Saskatchewan- peg . 22,354.30 Manitoba School of Nar¬ Acme Chrome Furniture cotic Education, Winnipeg 1,000.00 Company Ltd., Winnipeg 521.50 Alberta Trailer Sales Ltd., Acme Letter Service & Calgary, Alta. 30,665.60 Printing, Winnipeg . 591.70 Alberta Trailer Sales Ltd., Acme Paper Box Company Edmonton, Alta. 17,589.25 Ltd., Winnipeg . 2,210.72 Alchem Limited, Burlington, Acme Radiator Service, Ont. 1,514.22 Winnipeg . 1,085.29 Alcoholism Foundation of Acme Sash & Door Company Manitoba, Winnipeg . 25,000.00 Ltd., St. Boniface . 3,317.65 Alexander, Francis J., Acme Welding & Supply Lenore . 1,088.31 Ltd., Winnipeg . 9,487.10 Alexandra Hotel, Rivers .... 647.85 Acorn Construction Ltd., Alexandra Hotel, Virden .... 565.98 Rivers . 4,938.62 Alf’s Garage, Carberry . 1,732.45 Adair, Mrs. Joyce M., Win¬ Alix, Joe, Berens River . 2,477.00 nipeg . 553.90 Allan, Killam & McKay Ltd., Adam, A., Ebb and Flow .... 1,040.90 Winnipeg . 3,435.43 Adams Supply Company Allan, W. K. G. (Dr.), Ltd., A., Winnipeg . 2,816.81 Virden . 1,185.16 Adams, Ivor, Swan River .. 23,965.47 Allan’s Auto Glass Ltd., Adam’s Store, Skownan . 3,001.34 Winnipeg . 967.70 Adamski, John P., Brandon 900.00 Allard, Mars, Winnipeg. 774.42 Adamson Brothers, Allard Motors Limited, Dau¬ Gladstone . 700.00 phin . 5,453.27 Addressograph-Multigraph Allen Electronics Ltd., Win¬ of Canada Ltd., Toronto, nipeg . 858.41 Ont. 11,670.75 Allen-Stoltz Lumber Com¬ Addressograph-Multigraph pany Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. 3,791.16 Sales Agency, Winnipeg .. 3,969.22 Allen Limited, Thomas, Addy, B. F., Winnipeg. 1,271.68 Toronto, Ont. 11,480.60 Adolph, Howard L., Good- Allied Consultants of lands . 824.20 Canada, Toronto, Ont. 109,779.36 Aero Surveys Ltd., Vancou¬ Allison, Wilfred S., Portage ver, B.C. 18,536.80 la Prairie . 830.12 Cash Payments to Corporations, etc., 1959-1960 283 Name Address Amount Name Address Amount Alloy Metal Sales Ltd., Win¬ Applied Hydraulics nipeg . 622.18 Company, Winnipeg . 1,368.62 All Saints Nursing Home, Arborg Memorial Medical Winnipeg . 2,515.69 Nursing Unit, Arborg . 12,955.00 Almey, Maurice, Holland .... 1,075.00 Arbuckle, R. H., Winnipeg .. 655.00 Alonsa Hotel, Alonsa . 2,557.00 Arbuthnot, Dr. J., Portage Alpha Manufacturing Com¬ la Prairie . 5,172.15 pany, Winnipeg . 1,297.07 Arctic Construction Co., Alsip Brick Tile & Lumber Churchill . 666.00 Company Ltd., Winnipeg 2,514.11 Arctic Units Limited, Alsto Distributors Limited, Toronto, Ont. 50,202.11 Winnipeg . 3,099.45 Argue, Charles N. and Har¬ Altamont Hotel, Altamont .. 1,230.75 vey A. Cochlan, Winnipeg 2,000.00 Altona Co-operative Service Arlington Hotel, Morden .... 2,562.20 Ltd., Altona . 600.00 Armco Drainage & Metal Altstadt, Arnold, Seven Sis¬ Products of Canada Ltd., ters Falls . 5,165.88 Winnipeg . 397,753.31 Aluminum Goods Limited, Armstrong, R.
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