University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Santa Fe Gazette, 1852-1869 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-11-1865 Santa Fe Weekly Gazette, 11-11-1865 William E. Jones Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sf_gazette_news Recommended Citation Jones, William E.. "Santa Fe Weekly Gazette, 11-11-1865." (1865). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sf_gazette_news/371 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe Gazette, 1852-1869 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CTA'Tvrm a "creí proa í lira 1 uAalü l ia "INDEPENDENT. IN ALL THINGS, NEUTRAL IN NOTHING." Volume VIL SANTA FE, ISTEW MEXICO. NOVEMBER 11, 1S65. Number 22. ahtrtistiiitntj. Sania Jt Mcclili ttt, Ihutisniuiits. aiincrtinnitnts. bbtrtistiwnts. lerlistiiifnis. PTBUSHU) EVERY SATURDAY HORNING AT IWAIRICK KIEt KD.U'II. M. D., UNITED STATUS M AHA rocuivotl before tb last dnjr for Z. STAAB & BRO. othor routes whore tho mnilo of convoyanrt dated nd SANTA FE, HEW MEXICO. SURGEON AN'D ntimiU ot'it.'tlio .jpocittl ;ont of tho Post retielvin propufiiL. PHYSICIAN, lliiví1 by two - ríi ftlvodaiiJ keep cnunuiilly uu lmul a largo Office depttrtinunt, also post otlico blanks, Each bid must be ctnrantmd ri- iWHurtnienl of TKRIIITORY OF KEW IH EllC'O. M.i. ... iti.a 1.; anA wtinr.nt.il OBSTETRICIAN. mail bite, locks and keys, aro to be con- COLLINS, with th. full nm JAMK3 L. voyed without extra charge. should bo iintd plainly encn Foreign and Domostic H. On railroad and steamboat linoi tlio ot person. ' IniTOR AND PROPRIETOR, roT Ornen Df.i'ahtment, MlM lO At the residence of ft'BI ill.. J.n..ln.n.l raailPV. rltrllt Ti' route ntíonts of tho department, tho - Washington, July , be deemed oitrava- 1805. Uritish timiU, when oñ'orod. and joct any bid which may : Fancy Good3, and Canuda Pi;b8CEiptio.h Dry -- . w i Tikmi of HON. JOSE M. GALLEGOS, PROPOSALS will bo rouoived it tlio Con- - tho agents accompnnyhig thoin, are to ba aant, and also lo uisruRaru uie truct Ollico of and bidders. this Ptimirtment, until 3 conveyed without chargo, and for the uso of lliR eontrat'lors - Clothing, 111. 111. bid should be loaletl, lupericrio- la wtvuce wlUiont weep lion. of Wtídnesduy, Feonwry ÜH, lWiit, for the United Stales ntronts a commodious cur, The fifiW SANTA FE, N. H. , .A..A.iiU Mlaln . " ftd' of llio'Uuitpd i.W.II ii.i-- .'i one year, - " cuiiveviiiii the mails Strttos or apartineiitin tlio contro of near, proporly eti .un i"!"'""". Am topy, rostmastor Uen- - from .Inly 1. ISf,.), to Juno 111), 1H70, in 1, dremeil "Socond Auialuit " month, 60 Mi. u. tr, Hardware, tho HMmi, warmu mid furnislied, and udap lis New Mexico, mm, Ollko," mid rant Dv num. M lerntorvof on tlm tctl lo tlio convenient separation nn'l due oral. Contract Urt. " mí to .gent: and will nud by tho sehoduloi of departures security of tho mails, is tobo provided by not by or an iiitmal.r NEW MEAT MAKKET, Chinawaro, encliMio proposal, (or lottera of any kind) Tiixi or Adyxrtisixo : arrival heroin specitiud. the ooiitrnetor, under tho direction of the not in their quarterly returns. ''(W Decisions annouiu'ed by Jfnreh U, WA. ,. Oae tonare, flnl inmtion, Boots and Shoes, department. 17. l lio eiinliaciti ere to no bhcih ",s SANTA l'E, N. M., compttnic? nro KmIi taWttciatDt Imtrliun, ." lUilroad and slcamboat returned lolhe loparlniont bv or before th roipiirod to tnl.e tlie mail from and deliver 7m line, or lm, triiik a eqnaie. licamine (he laws, farm, and'insfructions l.ií ni nfjnh, Will bo' tlie .orvioo mint Liquors and Groceries, into tho post ollioes at tho becinninpi and lilemente in both tantfiugei doublo ib Hi ntiilrririt.'! 'ins ripenM lu thin fit y ii new meut atiU'Wcd.) it bo bes'un on that day, or on the mnil day Aer - mirltH, Mem easioí Will mm Ivers' end of their routes, mid to and from all of- whothor tho contracta b. above ratti. hirettneilcr WI.ii'Ii thry i.lfrr lr.nl.. nt tlie luwial nmrlnl novt altor it, ot t rods from a IMe aland. rnh- -, , li.il' bo In id lieos not more than eighty T tatty tuerte., on literal term. or vnrtpHPf ri'tiill. or not. MtvirlUmnti lie ke;tf han't n full snpply nil ttii if Kmm ley bo T i' to - Santa Pi, Iterniilillo. La tion or landing. PrownnU may 1: rnAnlh.nl, , nr nf ntnreit 1. meat to he had in tlin mi'kflt lor niouoy, aul of the n''iiesluil 111.111,11:1.1,1 u,,iin. nliliill'1li..r.K-li- Los mitled by tlio eompnnios for tho por for - t tu bo lnul in Hi IVrrnory. Albii'iitpqno, l'ino. oro forbidden by law, ami con- heat t iml ,u. Ill tf. contracta, ClMlOOlCTtt Will bttBtCOIIIHlKliltoJ (ill rC'IIMinM Üelun, Socorro, t'raig, L:u munce of nil other sido ervieo that is, for JOB WO H 14. luiiuonlly citnnot be allowed. íiulüorl will houra. trucos, aim Aiesiiin, to fa l'aso, o coa ovor roas worn n einiion or (hcrororo tiuti oo U. GOIJHIAU1!. take notice tney win wits il.paten, ami id thelaUftitjloof Ike art. (Texas.) ;iió miles, and back In ml n . a i ,n .,nHr.,p, il,u .orvipa Accented to éM tío.üi, ir. WM. WHITE, oueoii w eok. Tlioro will bo " proparnd by required fur all Jut Work ondelivery. lliom through tho wliol. term of tho con fS.Prit Luiive .Santa Monday S of tlio Depart- HKALKRIÜ Fr at u in; postinitslers, or other agent tract. Arrive at Kl livo tlio mails convoyad on Paioiri Java; ment, to accompany IK. Postulaste at oincci on r near rall- - CITY BREWERY, JO i H Leavo 1'aso Mondav at a m; railroads and sti'nmors, specifying the num- 1.... - ft roiius, uill Iliiiru 1111.11 r.Ui'"1" - Merchandize & Provisions, sovoraí bags. uift'i.j Arrive at Santa Fr in few days. ber nnd destination of tho On station, will immediately altor the iKlth of BANT A FK, N. M. liids to - likowino, recepta will run twice a week, by a srho- other principal routes, March noxt, report thulr exact oiiwno. On baud anil for enlo : of departures tho dulo and arrivals to ho rriiiirod and way bills forwarded; nearo-- station, and how thoy ar. llrewery we from the t Hfulmr pnrelmsed tlie hmmvl be proposed by the bidder, invitod. bitter to bo examined bv tho auvoral mail, to onabl. nr iuriMwli tli" riiixeii cf f'iinTa l''u ami otherwise supplied wilh the (J iin'i'Hf'ii UUY GOODH, 17 102 From Santa l'V, by On?!, Los to insure regularity in tho delivery r i.M.HDllI,8MtarkH.iY tliu Town nml I'usla tliuuliuut Jio 'IVrritoiy, w illi uV Santa the l'ottininler General to direct a best artil lo r fwr. Liiccnh. and Ahiiuiu to Tierrn of maiU. supply from tho 1st of July noxt. Wo hop.' by Ntrli t attention, to mako it to the Inter- CLOTII1NU, Amurilla, onco a week, and back. of Con- for per Ill, riection oilitcon of an act est oí. til imirmil.e (14. 4. No nav will bo made trina not Jtiddurs ti stato dislaiieo, and propuso .March 1, 1H15, próvidos that Kre.ih yetifct ti'lisluntly Oliliauil Tordillo. formed: for each of inch omissions, not gress approved llOUTM n schedulo of arri- and UK I, I. ft VVH lit. AND SHOKS departures and times pay fur the transportation of tho mail vals, Mitisftu'torilv explained, three the contraéis of the be deducted. For arrivals sllllll 110 lul, III everv caso, m ...non Mo. Sit. U. 1740J From trip mur 1'LUUi:, Santa Fí, hv Poini Ulanea, -- ufliciont gunrantooi for so Imliinil lime as 10 ureait cinmosnm bidder loudering In. ',,) Santo JUnningo, (n. 0.,) lar rn;,t.r.,i ...,Ft'.,r,,,ii,wn without other refer with depending mailn, and not sullleiuntly BACON, Cuvijio, n. 0.,) Algudont'-i- and modo of inch transportation ipi i v. ence to tho NOTICE (j(J excusen, iiiwniiiij'L-iiiinn- San Isodora, (. o..1 to Canon muy oe necessary 10 pruvmo 101 LIIU II IB MlKjffl 1" 1U1 irjinii B. - than i. WilllfimV. B. V;rUHI U a f .leinox, (n. 0.,) oneoa week, and ll icvi. ami security of such onrjfnii: SALT, tod deliii'iiien'ciei of tho kind herein speei-llu- duo celcritv, certainty, tJiiiiiK Lmiiiiieis at hiri Crnii; N. M.. rum IIiIn ilat.'. back. law, bids that enlargtid penalties, proportioned to tho traiisiortiition." Under this lll.M'KKl.V k UI.AKE. Pidder to slate tlUtuncrt, and propose tho mails with "crteri- - íi'pl, ZUl 1SC0. 0 ROCE HIES ETC. thereof, and tho importance of tho propose to transport asohoduleof departures and arri- nahiro mail, may bo made. It, mrlainlil, ana smirtii," nanny ucm vals. - C.H.HíJiCKiKr.C. H. lti.A;lB,ff.V. Waiit.WKii. e. For leaving behind or throwing oflfthe decided la be the anil leii.it bids, r con- 17(04 From Atbuiiioriiuo, bvCbilili, (n, 0.,) mails, or any porl'mn of them, for tho ad- strued as nruvidiuij the, enlirt mail, HINCKLEV, DLAKl-- & WARDWKLL, CONTENT Or OMl L4ÜI 01' Taji'iuo, (n. o., .Mtinjitio, n. 0.,) for mission of pnongora, or for being concern- lar.je, and whatever bt Iht I'tintadol Agua, in. o.,) Fori Stan- luiircetr maj Moi'cbnnts anil gonaral (lealon, tu.nr setting or running an express con- :ind ed in up mode at conrtijaaet necessary w nmtrt in Tlti liHtilmioii in iiniler llio direction of the Moat ton.
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