ISBN 978-92-3-103654-5 URBAN DEVELOPMENT. 18 URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND ARCHITECTURE G. A. Pugachenkova, A. H. Dani and Liu Yingsheng Contents TRANSOXANIA AND KHURASAN ......................... 517 The arrival of the Arabs ................................. 517 The Mongol conquests and their aftermath ....................... 532 SOUTHERN CENTRAL ASIA ............................ 565 The period of Arab rule in Sind ............................. 565 The Ghaznavids in Afghanistan and north-western India ................ 567 The Ghurids ....................................... 572 The Delhi Sultans .................................... 572 Provincial styles: Panjab, Sind and Kashmir ...................... 578 EASTERN CENTRAL ASIA .............................. 581 The Turfan region .................................... 583 Architecture of the towns of the Turfan region ..................... 586 The towns of the eastern end of the Tarim basin .................... 586 The region north of the T’ien Shan mountains ..................... 587 Towns in Mongolia ................................... 591 Conclusion ....................................... 593 516 © UNESCO 1996 ISBN 978-92-3-103654-5 The arrival of the Arabs Part One TRANSOXANIA AND KHURASAN (G. A. Pugachenkova) The arrival of the Arabs When the Arabs arrived in Khurasan and Transoxania they found few towns. The popula- tion lived mainly in the countryside, where there were scattered estates with the fortified kushks (castles) of major and minor dihqan¯ (land-owner)-suzerains and adjacent settle- ments. The ancient towns had either shrunk in size (Samarkand, Merv, Termez, Balkh) or been abandoned. The new towns were few in number, and small (Panjikent). Warfare was rife in the seventh and eighth centuries and, as a consequence, there was a general decline in building activity. This situation only changed in the ninth century, when the sphere of influence of the caliphate finally took in the countries of Central Asia and Islam became solidly established. The cAbbasids relied on the local rulers, requiring only recognition of their supreme authority and the levying of the kharaj¯ (land tax), and did not interfere in the internal affairs of the newly established states. One of the consequences of this policy was the rapid development of towns from the ninth to the twelfth century and the general extension of urban culture in Khurasan, Transoxania, Khwarazm and parts of the Turkish lands to the north. TOWN-PLANNING AND THE GROWTH OF TOWNS The following typology for towns throughout this region has been generally accepted by specialists. The original – pre-Islamic – nucleus of the settlement was transformed into an arg or kuhandiz (fortified citadel), next to which lay the actual town, the shahristan¯ , which was also walled. Outside this wall lay the district of the tradesmen and craftsmen, the rabad (suburb). Some towns do actually follow this plan, but it is by no means in evidence everywhere and at all times. In Samarkand, for example, in addition to the arg and the shahristan¯ (the site of Afrasiab), two other, adjoining, urban areas took shape, the 517 © UNESCO 1996 ISBN 978-92-3-103654-5 The arrival of the Arabs shahr-i darun¯ (inner town) and the shahr-i b¯ırun¯ (outer town), beyond which lay the rabad. Merv possessed an old shahristan¯ (Gavur-Qalca) but a new one (Sultan-Qalca) was built, to which the main activities of urban life were transferred. A new fortified shahriyar-arg¯ (town with a citadel) developed there. Immediately to the north and south lay two walled rabads, which extended beyond their enclosing walls. The towns in the northern regions of Central Asia, where the population was predominantly nomadic, were quite small, with an arg and a shahristan¯ . The outer rabads were small and at times non-existent because of the danger of attacks by the nomads. The shahristans¯ of the medieval towns of Central Asia which were established at that time were strictly rectangular in shape (e.g. Sultan-Qalca at Merv), but where the town had developed in an uncontrolled fashion around an earlier settlement (Balkh, Samarkand) their outline was irregular. They had several gates, located on the main roads into the town. In Merv there were four, in Samarkand six and in Bukhara seven. One of the principal concerns of town-planners at this time was defence. The towns were surrounded by ditches and enclosed by walls, sometimes by a double wall (Mashhad- i Misriyan, the earlier Dihistan). The walls were flanked by rounded towers from which radial fire could be directed. Particular importance was attached to the defensive capability of the gates: towers rose on either side of the gates and on top of the towers were military and surveillance platforms. Often, a drawbridge was erected to span the ditch. There was practically nothing regular about the internal planning of the towns. To a certain extent, it was determined by the main streets, which ran from one gate to another, forming intersections at the town centre. They did not run in straight lines and there were sharp bends. These arteries determined the location of the town’s focal points with small squares here and there and the main bazaars stretching along the streets, either uncovered or with light awnings, and sometimes with an extensive covering of vaulted and domed roofs. Between these main streets lay guzars¯ (Persian, lanes) or mahalls (Arabic, quarters), criss-crossed by a tangled web of alleys, in which living accommodation, the local mosque, the maktab (elementary school) and the public water cistern were to be found and which preserved the communal life-style. The different trades and crafts had their own special quarters: those with harmful side-effects such as potteries and iron-foundries were located in the rabads whereas the ‘clean’ trades (sewing and embroidery, jewellery, etc.) were to be found inside the shahristan¯ . CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS The architecture of the period reflected the advances which had been made, in particular in construction engineering. Unbaked brick and pisé (rammed earth) remained the basic 518 © UNESCO 1996 ISBN 978-92-3-103654-5 The arrival of the Arabs wall- building materials until the tenth century, with wooden roofing or else unbaked vault- ing and domes. From the tenth century, baked brick with a high-strength ganch (gypsum) mortar was increasingly employed in monumental architecture. Its use as a building mate- rial for walls and vaulted, domed structures provided architects with new ways of putting their ideas into practice, enabling them to devise original solutions in terms of space and volume. As a more costly building material and one whose use required great skill, it was essentially employed in monumental, mainly religious, architecture and in certain struc- tures which had to be waterproof (bridge piers and abutments, bathhouses). It is notewor- thy that unbaked brick and reinforced pisé structures continued to be used, as in earlier times, in secular buildings, even in the palaces of the rulers, not to speak of the living accommodation and workshops for the general population. This is not just because they were easy and cheap to make, but because clay is a poorer conductor of heat than baked brick, providing protection from the heat in summer and the cold in winter. Baked brick was, however, used for Islamic religious structures, which were built to last. ARCHITECTURAL ORNAMENTATION The development and refinement of various forms of architectural ornament continued from the ninth to the twelfth century. Decorative brickwork made of regular or shaped bricks, wood and ganch carving, passed down from pre-Islamic times but with differ- ent ornamental motifs, carved terracotta and, from the twelfth century, the appearance of glazed brick and the use of glazes (pale blue, dark blue, white) to pick out decora- tive motifs on carved terracotta: such was the variety of decorative techniques which, in interiors, also included decorative painting. The decorative motifs were varied but girih (geometric designs forming a knot) predominated. Their development was linked to the spectacular advances made in mathematical science in the medieval East, which were the basis for Central Asian architects’ and decorative craftsmen’s use of applied geometry. Stylized plant decoration was co-ordinated with girih; and Arabic epigraphy also acquired a special significance, being used for Qur’anic texts and other inscriptions containing his- torical information relating to influential figures and to the period at which the building was constructed. These inscriptions, which were executed in the geometric Kufic or flowing, cursive naskh scripts, were an important decorative element in the design of the building. The palaces of the rulers were distinguished by their large proportions and wealth of artistic decoration. In the Samanid palace in Samarkand (the site of Afrasiab), archae- ologists have uncovered several halls in which the walls were decorated with carving in ganch. The motifs are large geometric figures enclosing fine plant decoration. The eleventh-twelfth-century palace in the shahriyar-arg¯ at Merv is on a square plan with a 519 © UNESCO 1996 ISBN 978-92-3-103654-5 The arrival of the Arabs small interior courtyard surrounded by both large and small rooms, but only small decora- tive fragments have been found. The decoration is extremely rich, however, in the palace of the rulers of Termez at the same period. A courtyard is also the key to the organization of this palace’s plan. There is a portal at the entrance to the courtyard, on both sides of which are a number of differentiated rooms. Along its axis runs a five-columned portico leading to an audience hall. Within the hall a central area was marked out, at the far end of which stood the throne. Surrounding the central area and separated from it by columns was an ambulatory. The roofs were vaulted. Walls, columns and vaults were covered in the most elaborate ganch carving in which girih, in all its various forms, has pride of place, although there are also heraldic motifs – a pair of lions facing each other with jaws locked together.
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