jfflflWENTY permls«lon^.tb hike bus fares. privilegea; to abolish the token' rate presently in effect^ to Increase St.,“S.“S haa left New yorit Hears Tb* ^sdinpany aendees a>lgrge l i t T o ^ Australia, where aftAiWlil represent .part of the 'State, Including thq^ school ticket rate to 15 e«pU ‘pier the Girla FriendlJ^ 8ociet>\--------- U.S.^., F^fessors’Talk Manchester area, • zone end to lacre'ase all odd fares'. eiiUinVisr^xiiteftlM to m»k« gt the mbetihg of the 0. F- S. '"^Jn its petUion to the PUC,'the less than five .cents to five cen*s. 4>ays Id^V t aprjn^ Nights BirJdseV* . Worl^Gouncll and the Australian '^ h e progt^m of the South School 'The gtat« Public DHlltles Com' company lists the following pro­ The public hearing will be held s, home-' joistfimOnwealth G. F. S. Councij, at room 56.5A:. State Office Build­ rl^A meellite Tuesday night in­ mission has set March 2? as the p o s e bus rates: To continue the t e l . m i Itftn.' Bdward ColtmaiK 12B April 20 to 26 in Sydney. ^ U Canii ijate for'a public hearing pn a're­ cash fare of 26 cents per present ing. 165 Capitol Ave., in Hart­ VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 1.18 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, MARCHM, 1959 (Classified'Pag* (O)' \PR1CE FIVE CBN ^ win Rd., last t>Urttt»1^e> cluded a talk by Dr. Harrv Leon- quest by the Connecticut Co. for. fare zones wdth present transfer ford. I t b« held *et for Apr»^ Membera of the 50-,V> Club of. hardt. profe.s,u)r of psychology at < Practic^^each XniShta o f ,Columh*r St. MarVa Episcopal Church sre Hlllyer College. Dr. LeonhardVa reminded ths' the casting and first 'd: talk was ertlHled “ How Do We. In­ Two Mancheateg. stiidenta at thp Maocheeter Barracks. Vateraf« rehearsal for thU year's produc- fluence Our Child's Personality ? ' British Ready Adenau^T, 'H: of W rtd War I. and iU Auxiliary'* iipn. "rhc Cat Haa Nine, " will be University , of C^apeetlcut are Labor Chief Says Dr. Leonhsrdt stated'that a child among the 10 stiltligntsi ygho are one womah fells ^nofhe^r^nd Wfll meat at 3 o'clock Sunday h ^ tomorrow right af 8 o'clock is influenced by his school, his oftemooh at the VFW’ Home. in new parjsh halt. practice leaching foe sMa Weeks in Protest on U.S. neighborhood and friends, and by Manchester High ScHi^Ivand Bar­ Macmillad The Firat Company, Governor's numerous aspects of his environ- nard Junlop-^Hlgh ScliocM.. ’ DOUBLE Memb^rg stnd guests are remind­ mentXThe greatest Influence on BoiM Guard, at Avon and the Miss DOriehe Melehi^. 130 Jobless Insurance Trade Polieies^ HilUtown Leather Pounders 4-H ed of St. Patrick's Gay dinner personality comes from s child's Broad ,St., la teaching English at Horse Club are planning a meeting dance gi thg VFW Home Saturday irents, A'chtld learns, very ijften the high school. Gordon l^aU, 10 *""G REEII In Acjedrd »y example, his parents' general of V R Horse CTuha at the Horse night. A corned beef and cabbage J f-.,.. Trotter St.. Is teaching huslnefas IjOndon; March 1.1 (fl*),— Guard Farm In Avon in May. Lt. dinner will l.e .erved from fi British re.sentment at U.S. X. and ri->nrlng wiU follow until u ain.. n^t^nnhardl re education at the high schooil. STAMPS TODAY! System Fails Aims Bonn, Germany, March 1.1 John Camera, general chairman h'a H Th.t'^nirl^rr^.^rfve to ^he three other "students tfsaoh- NEREIVE trade policies will be among —Bi^iih Prime Minister i of the Horse Guard Horse S h ov 1 a.m, ' ■ / S.trne to are^ Glenn the topics British Prime (fP) r \ will talk to the clubs a b o u t^ e Ofvflop in Ihfjr rnildron n leeiinfir . M a c ni'i i l a n and Chancel- There are a fewiitlcket^kvailahle of aelf-eonfidence or “self-corn- Hartford, March 13 UP) — Tlie*pu*>l*can charge: o f a Judgeahlp Minister Macmillan will care ind feeding of horse.s and the .. .. cstlon; Miss Abhy Lou Stahl, New j lor^'Konrad Adenauer have taken ’ /r»r the British A m eric^ Club's St. head' of the State Labor Council deal for aupport of the adminiatra'- thrash out with officials in precautiona that ahould infiched full- agreement on around horses. Patrick's iMnce S u nday. They Following Dr. Leonhsrdt's talk, tCKlay told a LegUlaftfve commit­ tion'a court reform bill. Washington next week. can be bought at the club. Art Dr. Howard Lockward preaenled Mi"" tee that Connecticut’s tinemploy- The Governor made Jt clear that /Berlin, the German que.stion and;the film "The Truth About Fluor- danch, N.Y., biolbgy.,^ ,• SELF SE "While-the Berlin crlsi.s will re- ' Mrs. John .lob-^oh of t apping MeKsy's orchestra will play ment insurance system "hss ' not the news conference question wa* main the No. 1 item on the agenda and Luropean security, a (,er- and Mrs. Stanley Blasrhlk of a buffet will he aerved. .fdatlon," and apoke in favor of „ fulfilled its chief piirpo.ses.” the drat tine the matter had tieen of the Angio-U.s. discussions, man government spokesman 'flUondaling Manchester water. Barnard Incjude. W l ^ The system, said Mitchell Sviri- raiad as far ,aa he \vaa concerned. Cites Soviet Manchester afe co-chairmen of Mrs Vrnimr<l, 184 HoITistfr nurinjj th« buj*infH« mrftin^ Bristol. Engll.sh, Mary- Macmillan has stressed thpt be in-i ^jjid todaV. i resen’atWhtr^n!! programs for the doff, / ‘has be^n going '^backward He reiterated that the charge tends to spell out the reasons for statement cam* after M ac-• annual Delta' Zeta State .Day r?- .-?t \^*as flprteri first virp presiilcnl thr bp^rinninp of the evening. F^A innne Christie. ! \ Available during the past 20 years.” waa “thoroughly without basie." Britain's irntartion ,, *l recent of the Hartford County Ferterfltion membpr.s disVussed various needs I Kng)i«li; Mi.ss Dianne \ DeLys.: ___ .. , , . , . „ ..i, millan ancj Adenauer wound up imlon 'hflich.vjn, arranged hy tlie Sxdridoff’s testimony was Ribicoff aald that legislative American trade dectilons, ; ^ morning aesaton Potentiality of Deniocratir Women Tue.sday of the school, including the rdno- Springfield, Mass;, music; Samuel; HERE Couiiflawar ., ea. 39c prepared for delivery to the Gen­ .Greater Ha.lfor- .Alii.iinae Chap­ Mrs .Mari Datinaher, .S.l Bigelow vation of the school kitchen. Presi-, Hoiiga.a, New Britain, history^ and leader* have said nothing: to him BaBirally. the four principal U.S. of more than two fimira. Only an ter. The buffet' luncheon ' -ill be Broccoli .. bunch 39c eral Assembly’s Labor Commit­ about aurh an inquirj', ann ne ne- moves which have stirred interpreter wa.s preaent held on April 4 at 1 pm. in Srt was elected recording ser- dent David Keith slated that he Alan Stickles, West Hartford, his tee. He said the AFL-CIO group r<>(,ry. | would appoint Committees to re-i tory. Asparagus . lb. 39e clared that it wa* a leRis.lative .articular opposition in Britain Macmillan arrjved ye.slerday Meriden. does hot advocate that any spe­ matter an^i'way. _ lire; from talks with French President i For N -^ar ----------------- --------------------------------------- ------------ -------------r----------- -- --------------^--------------------------------------------- Lettuca ... hood 23c cific legislation be enateted, but "Anvbodv can do what tney i. The announcement last year r’hnri#m am nuniu in p » h « h « ' Tomple Orongos 79c rather that certain improvements please,” Ribicoff said. | of UJ8.'quolss for the import ?h. Unlled S,rie" next WashinRton, March 13 </P) (lArge Size) Dhz. be made In the State's cbmpensa- He added, however, that If the i^ad'and zinc and restriction^ on week for conference with Presi- ■ — Many Consfresa members tlon laws. L.egislature investigates "every oil Imports. dent Eisenhower. beiian talkinK of how to cut Ltmons...... 4 for 23c Sviridoff presented three pro­ piece of exaggeration on the floor 2 . The rejection of the English posals On behalf of organized la- Apparently th* French and President Eisenhower’* f 3,- Phmp §n0lfgh Gropofruit ... 3 for 39p of the Liegislatur* it won't have Eleiitric Company’s bid to furnish West German governments over- much time for anything else." equipment st the Greers Ferry, ; i^ens the Briti.sh j 930.000.000 forcigif aid pro- (Florida Seedless) 1. Elenefit levels, h«^ said, should | may PINEHURST on Wednesday.'a Republican leg­ Ark.. dam project. hsve had to ea.*e the Berlin crisis I fifram immediately aft^r it m s r m D’Anjou Poors .. Ib. 29e bq raised “ ‘at the, maximum ini islator charged that a tniddleman 3. The U.S. altitude at the recent [reached the Capitol today. orm r to close the gap between I by proposing s wholesale with- ; Farm Fresh draws! of troops from Central I But some of thooe who said Doiiclous Apples av^'SM earnings and average (Continued on Page Ten) (Continued on Page Thirteen) Y99iig $aP9gh 2 lbs. 35c behefitfc” He said every recog--] Buro|>e. Uhe figure looked too bin also nfzed aiithority in the Unemploy-; Mgcmillah obvion.sly eonghl to . .said the President had made a meht insurance field, as well as _ , * _ . - j quiet tVest German fears thfll hiS . iccent mi.ssion to Moscow hpd 'slronn arnument for the pro- frfjrr.. CHICKENS 302 Main, Corner Middle Turnpike leaderq ,«f both political parties. , a / 1*17(5 iSlOCK KCSCUBrS have said payments 8ho\ild cover ; -- ------'' ..........
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