NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS WR-225 CLIMATE OF SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA Gary Ryan Weather Service Office Santa Maria, California December 1994 u.s. DEPARTMENT OF I National Oceanic and National Weather COMMERCE Atmospheric Administration I Service 75 A Study of the Low Level Jet Stream of the San Joaquin Valley. Ronald A Willie and Phili Williams, Jr., May 1972. (COM 72 10707) NOAA TECHNlCAL MEMORANDA . 76 M ~I Cli t logical Charts of the Behav10r of Fog and Low Stratus at Los Angeles ~ ~41. National Weather Service, Western Reg~on Subsenes In~~:Ua~onalro.t;'port. Donald M. Gales, _July 1972. (COM 72 11140) 77 A Studv of Radar Echo Distribution tn Arizona Dunng July and August. John E. Hales, Jr., -- · · · CNWSJ Western Region (WR) Subseries provides an informal The Nat.J.onal Weather Se~ce d . k dissemination of results not appropriate, or not yet July l!i72 (COM 72 11136) . · U · p G · medium for the do~en~tion.;:: qw.c is used to report on work in progress, to describe 78 Forecasti~g Precipitation at Bakersfield, Californ1a, smg ressure radient Vectors. Earl T Riddiough July 1972 (COM 72 11146) ready, for formal publica.tton. e senes late ro ess to 8 limited audience. These Technical technical procedures and pr~ctices, or to red f d grrimarilY to regional and local problems of 79 ciimate of Stockton, california. Robert C. Nelson, July 1972. (COM 72 10920) Memoranda will report on mvesugat.J.ons~vo ~ b p widely distributed. so Estimation of Number of Days Above or Below Selected Temperatures. Clarence M. interest mainly to personnel, and hence no e Sakamoto October 1972. (COM 72 10021) . · ·es ESSA Technical Memorande, Western Region Technical 81 An Aid fa~ Forecasting Summer Maximum Temperatures at Seattle, Washmgton. Edgar G. Papers 1 to 25 are 1ll the former sert • in the former series ESSA Technical Memoranda, Johnson, November 1972. (COM 73 10150) . 4 59 Memorande CWRTMl; ~apers 2 to de ffi:'BTMJ Beginning with 60, the papers are part of the 82 Flash Flood Forecasting and Warning Program in the Western Reg10n. Philip Williams, Jr., Weather Bureau Techrucal Memoran · . de t li t d sertes, NOAA Technical Memoranda NWS. Out-of-pnnt memoran are no s e . Chester L. Glenn, and Roland L. Raetz, December 1972, (Revised March 1978). (COM 73 0 Papers 2 to 22, exC<!pt for 5 (revised .e~tion), are available from the Na~onal Weather Service 83 l ~~~parison of Manual and Semiautomatic Methods of Digitizing Analog Wind Records. Western Region, Scientific Semces DtVlston, P.O. Box 1~188, Federal Building, 125 South. State Glenn E. Rasch, March 1973. CCOM 73 10669) . Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84147. Paper 5 (revised editto':'), and all others beguuung \\1th 25 86 Conditional Probabilities for Sequences of Wet Days at Phoenix, Arizona. Paul C. Kangteeer, available from the National Technical Information Semce, U.S. Department of Commerce, June 1973. (COM 73 11284) Sllls Building, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 2_2161. Pnces vary for a!! paper coptes; 87 A Refrnement of the Use of K-Values in Forecasting Thunderstorms in Waahington and microfiche are $3.50. Order by accession number shown m parentheses at end of each entry. Oregon. Robert Y.G. Lee, June 1973. (COM 73 11276) 89 Objective Forecast Precipitation Over the Western Region of the United States. Julia N. ESSA Technical Memorande (WRTMJ Paegle and Larry P. Kierulff, September 1973. (COM 73 11946/3ASJ 91 Arizona "Eddy" Tornadoes. Robert S. Ingram, October 1973. (COM 73 10465) 2 Climatological Precipitation Probabilities. Compiled by Lucianne Miller, December 1965. 92 Smoke Management in the Willamette Valley. Earl M. Bates, May 1974. (COM 74 3 Western Region Pre· and Post-FP-3 Program, DeC<!mber 1, 1965, to February 20, 1966. 11277/ASJ Edward D. Diemer, March 1966. J 93 An Operational Evaluation of 500-mb '!Ype Regreasion Equations. Aiexander E. MacDonald, Station Descriptions of Local Effects on Synoptic Weather Pattema. Philip Williams, r., June 1974. (COM 74 11407 /AS) April 1966 (Revised November 1967, October 1969). CPB-1781?01 94 Conditional Probability of Visibility Leas than One-Half Mile in Radiation Fog at Fresno, 8 Interpreting the RAREP. Herbert P. Ben11er. May 1966 CReVlsed January 1967). California. John D. Thomas, August 1974. CCOM 74 11555/AS> . 11 Some Electrical Proceases in the Atmosphere. J. Latham, June 1966. 95 Climate of Flagstaff, Arizona. Paul W. Sorenson, and updated by Regtnald W. Preston, 17 A Digitalized Summary of Radar Echoes within 100 Miles of Sacramento, Califorrua. J. A Janwuy 1987. <PB87 143160/ASJ Youngberg and L. B. Overaas, DeC<!mher 1966. 96 Map type Precipitation Probabilities for the Western Region. Glenn E. Raach and Alexander 21 An Objective Aid for Forecasting the End of East Wmds m the Columbta Gorge, July E. MacDonald, February 1975. (COM 75 10428/ ASl through October. D. John Coparanis, April 1967. 97 Eastern Pacific Cut-Off Low of April 21·28, 1974. William J. Alder and George R. Miller, 22 Derivation of Radar Horizons in Mountainous Terrain. Roger G. Pappas, April 1967. January 1976. CPB 250 711/AS) 98 Study on a Significant Precipitation Episode in Western United States. Ira S. Bren11er, April ESSA Technical Memoranda, Weather Bureau Technical Memorande <WBTMJ 1976. (COM 75 10719/AS) 99 A Study of Flash Flood Susceptibility-A Baa.in in Southern Arizona. Gerald Williams, August 25 Verification of Operation Probability of Precipitation Forecasts, Aprii1966-March 1967. W. 1975. (COM 75 11360/AS) W. Dickey, October 1967. CPB-176240) . 102 A Set of Rules for Forecasting Temperatures in Napa and Sonoma Counties. Wesley L. 26 A Study of Winde in the Lake Mead Recreation Area. R. P. Augulis, January 1968. CPB- Tuft, October 1975. (PB 246 902/ASJ . 103 Application of the National Weather Service Flash-Flood Program in the Western Regton. 28 t.JZ!':~r Extremes. R. J. Schmidli, April 1968 (Revised March 1988). CPB86 177672/AS). Gerald Williams, January 1976. (PB 253 053/ASl . (Revised October 1991 • PB92-115062/AS) 104 Objective Aids for Forecasting Minimum Temperatures at Reno. Nevade, Durmg the 29 Small-Scale Analysis and Prediction. Philip Williams, Jr., May 1968. CPB178425) Summer Montba. Christopher D. Hill, January 1976. CPB 252 866/AS) 30 Numerical Weather Prediction and Synoptic Meteorology. CPT Thomas D. Murphy, USAF, 105 Forecasting the Mono Wind. Charles P. Ruscha, Jr., February 1976. CPB 254 650) May 1968. CAD 673365) 106 Use of MOS Forecast Parameters in Temperature Forecaating. John C. Plankinton, Jr., 31 Precipitation Detection Probabilities by Salt Lake ARTC Radera. Robert K. Beleaky, July March 1976. CPB 254 849) 1968. CPB 179084 l . 107 Map Types as Aids in Using MOS PoPs in Western United States. Ira S. Bren11er, August 32 Probability Forecasting-A Problem Analya.ia with Reference to the Portland Ftre Weather 1976. CPB 259 594 l District. Harold S. Ayer, July 1968. (PB 179289) 108 Other Kinda of Wind Shoar. Chriotopber D. Hill, Auguat 1976. (PB 260 437/AS.l 36 Temperature Trends in Sacramento-Another Heat illand. Anthony D. Lentini, Febnwy 109 Forecasting North Winds in the Upper Sacramento Valley and Acljoining Foreats. 1969. CPB 183055) Christopher E. Fontana. September 1976. CPB 273 677/ASJ 37 Dispoaal of Logging Residues Without Damage to Air Quality. Owen P. Cremer, March 110 Cool Inflow as a Weakening Influence on Eastern Pacific Tropical Cyclones. William J. 1969. CPB 183057) Denney, November 1976. CPB 284 655/AS) 39 Upper-Air Lows Over Northwestern United Statas. A.L. Jacobson, April 1969. PB 184296) 112 The MAN/MOS Program. Aiexander E. MacDonald, Febnwy 1977. CPB 265 941/AS) 40 The Man-Machine Mix in Applied Weather Forecasting in the 1970a. L. W. SneUman, August 113 Winter Seuon Minimum Temperature Formula for Bakersfield, California, Using Multiple Regresaion. Michael J. Oard, February 1977. CPB 273 694/AS) 1969. CPB 185068) . E Olse Octobe 1969 43 Forecasting Maximum Temperatures at Helena, Montana. DaVld . n, r · 114 Tropical Cyclone Kathleen. James .K. ~·ors, February 1977. CPB 273 676/AS) 2 116 A Study of Wind Gusts on Lake Mead. Bradley Colman, April 1977. ~PB 268 847) . 44 ~~Z: ~turn Perioda for Short-Duration Precipitation in Arizona. Paul C. Kangieser, 117 The Relative Frequency of Cumulonimbus Clouds at the Nevade Test Stte as a Function of October 1969. CPB 187763) . K-Value. R.F. Quiring, April 1977. CPB 272 831) . 46 Applications of the Net Radiometer to Short-Range Fog and Stratus Forecasting at Eugene, 118 Moisture Distribution Modification by Upward Vertical Motion. Ira S. Bren11er, April1977. Oregon L Yee and E. Bates, DeC<!mber 1969. CPB 190476) <PB 268 740) .. 47 Statisti;,.r Anaiya.ia as a Flood Routing Tool. Robert J.C. Burnash, DeC<!mher 1969. CPB 119 Relative Frequency of OccurrenC<! of Warm Seaaon Echo Activity as a Function of Stability lndiC<!e Computed from the Yucca Flat, Nevada, Rawinsonde. Danyl Randerson, June 1977. 48 ~=- Richard P. Augulia, February 1970. CPB 190157) CPB 271 290/ASJ 49 Predicting Precipitation Type. Robert J.C. Burnash and Floyd E. Hug, March 1970. CPB 121 Climatological Prediction of Cumulonimbus Clouds in the Vicinity of the Yucca Flat Weather Station. R.F. Quiring, June 1977. CPB 271 704/ASl m~ . 50 Statistical Report on Aeroallergens (Pollens and Molds) Fort Huachuca, Arizona, 1969. 122 A Method for Tranaforming Temperature Distribution to Normality. Morris S. Webb, Jr., Wayne S. Johnson, April 1970. (PB 191743) . June 1977. (PB 271 742/AS) 51 Western Region Sea State and Surf Forecaster's Manual. Gordon C. Shields and Gerald B. 124 Statistical GuidanC<! for Prediction of Eastern North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Motion • Part Burdwell, July 1970. (PB 193102) I.
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