INSIDE: l Analysis: A third way for Ukraine? – page 2 l The world reacts to Kyiv’s decision on EU – page 3 l Euro-Maidan spreads around the globe – page 5 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXXXI No. 48 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2013 $1/$2 in Ukraine Cabinet rejects EU association pact, igniting largest protest since 2004 by Zenon Zawada Vienna on November 21, as his position on the Cabinet resolution. KYIV – Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers Opposition leaders called for the resig- adopted a resolution on November 21 halt- nation of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov ing preparations for signing the Ukraine-EU and his Cabinet and Mr. Yanukovych’s Association Agreement at the Eastern impeachment should he fail to sign the Partnership Summit in Vilnius on agreement in Vilnius. In that event, they November 28-29. The resolution calls for also asked the EU leadership to impose measures to ensure national safety and sanctions on the members of his adminis- renew lost production and trade with the tration. countries of the Moscow-led Customs “We are tired of betrayals, disappoint- Union. ments, poverty and lawlessness,” declared The Cabinet resolution ignited on Oleksander Turchynov, the close political November 24 the largest mass demonstra- confidante of imprisoned former Prime tion in Kyiv since the Orange Revolution of Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. “We want to 2004, drawing between 100,000 and live in a normal, civilized European state 200,000 Ukrainians to Kyiv’s European where there’s freedom of speech, respect Square to demand the resolution’s cancel- for people and their rights, where every- ation and the Association Agreement’s one’s equal before the law.” signing by Mr. Yanukovych. Mr. Yanukovych is expected to announce The resolution was not submitted to the his decision on whether to agree to the European Union (EU) as the Ukrainian gov- terms and sign the pact at the very summit ernment’s official position and therefore itself, having confirmed he will travel to lacked any international standing, leaving Vilnius. the door open for a final decision from The main obstacle remained the EU Viktor Yanukovych, who as Ukraine’s presi- demand of arranging for Ms. Tymoshenko’s dent is designated as the final authority on release. For the agreement to be signed, the country’s foreign policy decisions. experts said, either Mr. Yanukovych has to “Ukraine has gone and will continue to Zenon Zawada agree to pardon Ms. Tymoshenko or the EU go on the path of Euro-integration,” the Protesters hold a sign, “Luhansk Oblast for the EU Agreement with Europe,” at the president said during a working visit to November 24 demonstration in Kyiv, which was the largest since 2004. (Continued on page 4) Major conference in New York presents latest research on Holodomor Dr. Lubomyr Hajda (Harvard of Quebec at Montreal), with Frank Sysyn Day one focuses on why, how and where University), who served as chair for the (Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, conference opening, noted the importance University of Alberta) serving as moderator. the genocide occurred of moving Ukrainian studies more into the Dr. Hrynevych noted at the outset of her realm of comparative studies. remarks that, significantly, hunger is one of text for the discussions that were to follow. by Roma Hadzewycz “Why did the Holodomor Happen?” was the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. She He compared the Irish famine – known as the topic of the conference’s first session, in cited the work of Dr. David Marples the Gorta Mor, or Great Hunger – to the NEW YORK – A landmark conference which the participants were Ludmila (University of Alberta), who said one needs Holodomor, since both used famine as presenting new research and newly discov- Hrynevych (National Academy of Sciences instruments of policy. ered information about the Holodomor, or of Ukraine) and Roman Serbyn (University (Continued on page 8) Famine-Genocide of 1932-1933 in Ukraine, Prof. von Hagen explained that genocide brought more than 50 prominent scholars and atrocities are “the highest stages of from around the globe to the Princeton colonialism,” citing the Holodomor and the University Club of New York on November Holocaust, both of which took place on 5-6. Ukrainian territory, as extreme examples of The two-day conference, titled “Taking colonial rule in Ukraine’s history. The Measure of the Holodomor,” was part of the Ukrainians and the Jews, he said, were sub- Ukrainian Historical Encounters Series, jected to similar treatment by occupying whose program coordinator is Dr. Walter powers. During the Holodomor, he said, Zaryckyj, executive director of the Center Ukraine experienced a “double colonial for U.S.-Ukrainian Relations. It was present- burden” – it was plundered and its people ed by the center in collaboration with the were destroyed. Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, He explained: “Colonialism did not cause Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, the Holodomor in Ukraine in 1932-1333 any Holodomor Research and Education more than it did the Irish famine of 1846- Consortium and National Academy of 1852 or the Bengal famine of 1943, but it did Sciences of Ukraine. provide a context, an ecology, in which ruling The conference opened with “A First elites and their bureaucracies were able to Word Concerning the ‘Great Famine of achieve new highest stages – or, more accu- 1932-1933,’ ” featuring Prof. Mark von rately, lowest stages – of colonialism under Hagen (Arizona State University), who pro- the party-state dictatorships of Stalin, Alexander Balaban/CUSUR vided the historical background and con- Hitler, later Mao and Pol Pot.” Dr. Andrea Graziosi of the University of Naples. Author and columnist Anne Applebaum. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2013 No. 48 ANALYSIS A possible third way for Ukraine: Kyiv waits for better EU deal Students joint Euro-Maidan in Kyiv KYIV – Ukrainian President Viktor KYIV – Several thousand students joined no Association Agreement, no Customs Union Yanukovych said financial terms offered by protesters in Kyiv on November 26 to the European Union to convince him to close demand that Ukraine’s government sign by Fuad Chiragov ukovich_vspomnil_kak_aliev_pomog_spas- ti_ukrainu). Moreover, during the 2009 a key political and trade deal with the bloc the EU Association Agreement. It was the Jamestown Foundation Blog third day of large protests in the capital. On Russia-Ukraine gas crisis (http://www. had been humiliating and that he would November 21 wait for improved conditions before agree- November 26, leaders of the three main reuters.com/article/2009/01/07/uk-rus- ing on anything. Mr. Yanukovych made the opposition groups, the Batkivshchyna The majority of experts think that only sia-ukraine-gas-factbox- statement in a televised interview on party, the UDAR party and the Svoboda two options exist for Ukraine: either an idUKTRE5062Q520090107?sp=true), November 26 as thousands of pro-EU union – respectively, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Association Agreement with the European Azerbaijan increased its oil supplies to Ukrainians continued to stage mass demon- Vitali Klitschko and Oleh Tiahnybok – cir- Union or the Russia-led Customs Union. Ukraine, which helped Kyiv overcome the strations in Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities culated an appeal for unity among their However, there is actually a third way that consequences of the disruptions of its gas urging the government to sign an supporters. The appeal said, “We are differ- was suggested by the Ukrainian newspa- imports (http://www.trend.az/capital/ Association Agreement with the EU. He said ent, but we are united by one demand: per Obozrevatel on August 20, with a col- energy/1814577.html). the EU for the past three years had demand- President Viktor Yanukovych must sign the umn titled “Azerbaijan can offer a third Similarly, Azerbaijan stepped in to help ed Ukraine sign a loan agreement with the association agreement at the Eastern way for Ukraine” (http://obozrevatel.com/ Belarus deal with its gas purchase debts to International Monetary Fund in exchange Partnership summit in Vilnius.” On abroad/69145-azerbajdzhan-mozhet- Gazprom in November 2010. The Russian for EU technical assistance worth 610 mil- November 25, jailed former Prime Minister otkryit-dlya-ukrainyi-tretij-put.htm). natural gas monopoly began decreasing gas lion euros. Mr. Yanukovych said the IMF told Yulia Tymoshenko launched a hunger This possible third way for Ukraine shipments to Belarus until its debts were Ukraine it would have to raise taxes for the strike in solidarity with the pro-EU pro- would mean not signing the EU repaid. And with a lack of financial resourc- population and freeze salaries and pensions. tests. (RFE/RL) Association Agreement as well as refrain- es to make the payments to Gazprom, the Mr. Yanukovych said, “We don’t have to be ing from joining the Customs Union of Belarusian President Alyaksandr humiliated like this. We are a serious, UCCA condemns use of force Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Such an Lukashenka said that he “approached the European country.” He added, “As soon as NEW YORK – The Ukrainian Congress option does not necessarily imply an isola- president of Azerbaijan, and President we agree on normal conditions, then we will Committee of America (UCCA) on tionist stance against the EU; rather it Ilham Aliyev lent $200 million within less talk about signing.” The Ukrainian presi- November 25 issued a statement condemn- means exploring the potential outside than one day, and Belarus closed its $187 dent’s statement came shortly after Russian ing any use of force and urged the govern- partnerships for Ukraine to be able to million debt to Russia.” Gazprom resumed President Vladimir Putin said Moscow was ment of Ukraine to refrain from further vio- withstand external pressure currently its full gas sales to Minsk three days later concerned about the impact on Russia’s lence against the peaceful protesters gath- being applied to it.
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