Evaluation report on strategic document “Operational programme Transport 2007 – 2013” according to Act No. 24/2006 Coll. Project No.: 660 -190/2006, VÚD 346/100 Customer: MDPT SR Published: 12/2006 Director general : Ing. Ľubomír Palčák Project manager: Ing. Stanislav Hreusík, PhD. REPORT IDENTIFICATION Director general: Ing. Ľubomír Palčák RNDr. Ján Hurný, PhD., Ing. Róbert Felcan, Project supervisor: RNDr. Eva Zacharová Division director: Ing. Ľuboslav Žilinčík Project manager: Ing. Stanislav Hreusík, PhD., Ing. Ľubomír Mateček Solvers: Ing. Marta Hajniková,Ing.Mária Štefániková Cooperating organisations: Number of pages 73 Number of figures - Number of tables 26 Number of appendixes 11 Report status Final Director general : ........................................................... Division director : ........................................................... Project manager : ..................................................... 1 Evaluation report on strategic document “Operational programme Transport 2007 – 2013” according to Act No. 24/2006 Coll. Solvers collective, contact addresses: Chief solver of Ex ante evaluation of Výskumný ústav dopravný a.s. Žilina Operational programme Transport: Veľký Diel 3323, Žilina, tel.: 41/5652 819 [email protected] Ing. Stanislav Hreusík, PhD. Chief solver of evaluation report on impacts of strategic Ing. Ľubomír Mateček, authorised civil engineer, Žilina document: Smreková 11, Žilina, tel.: 041/723 53 51, [email protected] Solver of parts: transport infrastructure and urban Ing. Ľubomír Mateček, authorised civil engineer, Žilina environment Solver of parts: natural environment and country: Ing. Marta Hajniková, Žilina [email protected] 2 Evaluation report on strategic document “Operational programme Transport 2007 – 2013” according to Act No. 24/2006 Coll. Content: I. Contract authority basic data 4 II. Strategic document basic data 4 III. Basic data about present state of environment affected territory 6 III.1. Information on present state of environment including health and its probable trend if the strategic document will be realised 6 III.2. Information on relation to protected natural areas, TSES, protected water management bodies and protected soils 32 III.3. Environment and health characteristics of areas that will be significantly affected 37 III.4. Environmental issues including health problems that are relevant from the strategic document point of view 38 III.5. Environmental objectives including health objectives found on international, national and other level relevant from strategic document point of view 39 IV. Basic data on supposed impacts of strategic document including health 40 IV.1. Supposed significant impacts on environment and health (primary, secondary, cumulative, synergic, long-term, permanent, temporary, positive as well as negative) 40 V. Proposed measures for prevention, elimination, minimisation and compensation of environment and health effects 55 V.1. Measures for diversion, reduction or mitigation of potential significant negative environment effects including health, which could result from the realisation of strategic document 55 VI. Reasons for the selection of considered alternatives and description of the way the assessment was performed, including difficulties with needed information providing, e.g. technical limitations or uncertainties 57 VII. Proposal for monitoring of the environmental effects including health effects 57 VIII. Presumed significant cross-border environmental effects including health effects 59 IX. Non-technical summary of provided information 59 X. Economic demands information 60 Appraisal assessment, conclusions and final assessment statement 62 References 64 3 Evaluation report on strategic document “Operational programme Transport 2007 – 2013” according to Act No. 24/2006 Coll. I. Contract authority basic data I.1. Name: Ministry of transport, posts and telecommunications of the Slovak republic I.2. Place of seat: Námestie slobody 6 810 05 Bratislava Slovak republic I.3. First and last name, address, phone number, and other contact data of Contract authority’s lawful representative Ing. Dušan Rizek, section director general of European affairs and international relations, phone: 02/5949 4537 Ing. Róbert Felcan, head of department of programming of transport infrastructure projects, phone: 02/ 5949 4449 Ing. Jozef Sloboda, section of transport policy, phone: 02/5949 4441 II. Strategic document basic data II.1. Title: Operational programme Transport for years 2007 – 2013 II.2. Territory: Entire area of the Slovak republic II.3. Affected municipalities: All self-government regions of the Slovak republic, municipals laying by routs of transport infrastructure located in multimodal corridors TEN-T, by routs of supplementary transport networks and also 1st class road routs are directly affected. Through changes of level and quality of residential transport service operational programme indirectly concerns all municipals in the territory of Slovakia. II.4. Affected authorities: • Ministry of construction and regional development of the Slovak republic • Ministry of economy of the Slovak republic • Ministry of finance of the Slovak republic • Ministry of education of the Slovak republic • Ministry of culture of the Slovak republic • Ministry of agriculture of the Slovak republic • Ministry of defence of the Slovak republic • Ministry of foreign affairs of the Slovak republic • Ministry of interior of the Slovak republic • Ministry of health of the Slovak republic • Ministry of environment of the Slovak republic • Bratislava self-government region • Trnava self-government region • Trenčín self-government region • Banská Bystrica self-government region • Nitra self-government region • Žilina self-government region • Prešov self-government region 4 Evaluation report on strategic document “Operational programme Transport 2007 – 2013” according to Act No. 24/2006 Coll. • Košice self-government region • Association of towns and communities of Slovakia • Association of employers of transportation, post offices and telecommunications of the Slovak republic II.5. Approving authority: • Government of the Slovak republic, • European commission. II.6. Content and main aims of strategic document and its relation to other strategic documents Strategic documents and EU politics • Lisbon and Gothenburg strategy • EC legislation in the area of cohesive policy • EC legislation in the area of competition rules • EC legislation in the area of public procurement • EC legislation in the area of protection and improvement of environment • EC legislation in the area of transport • EC legislation in the area of health • EC legislation in the area of rules of equal opportunities, sex equality and undiscrimination • European action plan for environment and health on the years 2004-2010 Strategic documents and politics of SR • National strategic and reference framework 2007-2013 • Development strategies on competitiveness of Slovakia by the year 2010 • National strategy of sustainable development • Strategies, principles and priorities of state environmental policy of the Slovak republic • National action plans for environment II, • Application of Agenda 21 and evaluation of indicators of sustainable development in the Slovak republic • National Environmental Health Action Plan for citizens of the Slovak republic III (NEHAP III) for years 2006-2010 • Action plan of sustainable development in SR for years 2005 – 2010 • Conception of protection of nature and landscape • National strategy of protection of biodiversity • Updated action plan for implementation of National strategy of protection of biodiversity in Slovakia for years 2003-2010 • Proposal for accession of SR to European convention for landscape • Conception of territory development of SR 2001, Report on current state of KURS 2001 (Slovak spatial development perspective) from 2005 and Territorial general plan of road transport worked out by KURS 2001 • Other national, sector strategic materials o Transport policy by the year 2015 o Actualisation of new project of motorways and expressways building o Long-term programme of development of railways o Programme of development of railways by the years 2010 and proposal for financing of investments (actions) o Conception of combined transport development o National report on relation between transport and environment in SR o Action programme for the transport and environment o National plan to improve safety of road traffic for second half year of 2005 with outlook by the years 2010 5 Evaluation report on strategic document “Operational programme Transport 2007 – 2013” according to Act No. 24/2006 Coll. III. Basic data about present state of environment affected territory III.1. Information on present state of environment including health and its probable trend if the strategic document will be realised III.1.1 Variety of Operational programme Transport, definition of zero alternative Operational programme Transport was elaborated in single variant. The reasons for this practise are several. Operational programme is document of strategic significance in the area of transport with impact on environment. In its development line it ties in cross-section and sector strategic documents that have already been approved by National council of the Slovak republic and a Government of the Slovak republic. In cross-section strategic documents there were alternatively solved broader contexts of transport alone and also transport in context with sectors
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