CLASSIFICATION . PROJECT EVALUATION SUMMARY (PES) - PART I" Report Symbol U~7 1. PROJECT TITLE 2. PROJECT Ntt~~"'R 13. MISSION/AID/W OFFICE 511-0495 USAID/Bolivia 4. EVALUATION NUMBER (Enter the number melntalned by tha CARE OPG raportlng unit a.g•• Country or AID/W Admlnlstratlva COde. Flleal Year. Sarlal No. beginning with No. 1 aaeh FYI 84-5 zg REGULAR EVALUATION o SPECIAL EVALUATION 5. KEY PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION DATES 6. ESTIMATED PROJECT 7. PERIOD COVERED BY EVALUATION FUNDING A. Flm B. Final Co Final From (month/yr.) 3/79 PRD-AG or Obligation Input A. Total $ 959,339 (month/yr.) 1/83 Equlvalant . Eltpacted Dallvary 314,000 To FY...l!i. FY82.- FY-B.2.. B. U.S. S Data OT t;valulltlon Ravlew • R/84 B. ACTION DECISIONS APPROVED BY MISSION OR AID/W OFFICE DIRECTOR A. Lin decilloni and/or unralolved I.uas; clta thola Itams needing furthar aNdy. B. NAME OF C. DATE ACTION (NOTE: Mlalon decilions which anticipate AIDIW or regional offlea action Ihould OFFICER RESPONSIBLE TO BE specify tYpe of document...g•• alrvram, SPAR. PIO,which will p .....nt ct.tanad ,.qunt.,) FOR ACTION COMPLETED Attached is the final evaluation of the CARE OPG. The evaluation was performed under the direction of CARE K.Jones-Patron and did not follow the PES format. The Project has HHR ended and no follow-on activity has been planned. (USAID/B) Under the Disaster Recovery project, however, CARE is constructing fifty-two potable water systems in the S. Dunn altiplano. The lessons learned and highlighted in the CARE evaluation were used in the design of the potable water component of·the Disaster Recovery project. 9. INVENTORY OF DOCUMENTS TO BE REVISED PER ABOVE DECISIONS 1)4/ A 10. ALTERNATIVE DECISIONS ON FUTURE OF PROJECT N/A Implamantatlon Plan Project Papar o o e.g., CPI NetwOrk 0 Othar (Specify) A. 0 Continue Project Without Change D Financial Plan o PIOIT B. 0 Change Project Design end/or Other (Specify) o Change Implementation Plan 0 Logical Fram_ork o PIO/C D Agr~ement C. D'lCont'nue Project o Project o PIO/P. 0 11. PROJECT OFFICER AND HOST COUNTRY OR OTHER RANKING PARTICIPANTS AS APPROPRIA:E (Names and;,les) DP:WJGarvel~nk: 'VI';'-- CARE:SDunn: (Subs) RLeon de Viv,:ro: ~ _ Typed NlIrtIe ne.nry n. .1.1 HHR:KJones-;~~: h DD:DACohen:~' ( jrirector o lite 8/14/84 ? "--- AID 1330-15 (3-78) • v., '.~ .. ~", :.~.~._ ~ ;~ ~ .. !. .," ...... .:.:••0 •• "4.. •• " .. ". ". ..> : ~." ~ : ::' '- ..... " -",~. :,...~ :::.. .' • .c.- •• '.•"". .. : .-~ .~ . ":: . 6 ", :.•.. .' :'~:.- . ~ .... ", ".' 0 .... '. :.-' r~~ ' •••.::,_••• ~. ',:" ',' ~ .... " .. ,.. .... ~ ....~ . ... ", -- .' " -, ---- " PROJECT ASSISTANCE COMPLETION REPORT CARE OPG No. 511-0495 - .... "7 (2nd.copy) " " --' r .' '. .:: . ~ L. o' -~1 -~ .!... PROJECT ASSISTANCe CC~fPLF.TIONREPonT .. "'! ~ .==~ CARE OPG Ho. 51l-~t9S -~ ... ~. ... ... -':~ '!' •• ' ~. • ~. • .•.~ #>~. " . .... _. '. - ,-- _. '. ..'." .. '.: . ., :. - ~ ~ • -.;. oo.' . '''.•• '"::.<'::'~'- .. • oo'. ..:" .. -:. '. .':: i·:': '.' ~ . ... .~ ~ ~ I. IUTRODUCTION .. ' ...' .. .' . ~., , .. '.. The project supported by this OPG envisioned cons~ruct1on of :: " potable w3t~r and sanitary disposal Syste!iiS (latrines) in" o. .. i thirty-nine rural comr~~nit1es of La Paz Department. in an.ef­ fort to improve public health conditfons in the commun1tic~ . .. - selected. Thl! original grant W\l$ for the period Harch 27, 1979 to March 26, 19G2. but this was subsequently a~~nded to . extend the completion date to DecelciJer 31,1992•. In addition to constr~ct1on activity. the project called for truinir.g of cOrn:nunfty members 1n administration and It'.~intcnanc~ of the sy~ta~5. CARE, its counterpart the Ragional Devcicph~nt CorporatiQn of La PaL (COROEP.~Z). and cc:m:un1ty mamb~rs \.Jere " to collaborate on tIle ~ttainr.Jant of th(!se goals. II. PRESENT STA~JS OF THE PROJECT- A. Procurement Procu~:~nt of all matcr1al~ wa~~ompl~t~~::~~l.within r" -- ,. - .... t~e amended completion date. Polit1~1~uphcavals and econo~ic difficultIes in 901fvin during the life of the project caused many delu1sand required increased finan­ cial inputs over the original budget figures. B•. Construction ". Thirty-nine potable \;~ter SYStgm5 were bunt \"/1thin th~ amended project completion date (see appendix I). Con- . struction targets for latrine construction (80 per project • .. ~,.) () PROJECT A$SISi~~C£ COMPLETI~N REr~~T I CAR~O?G ~o. 511-04954 ,. ___Pane:I Tl.'O• ". .-. fo~ w~rc ~~t ~ a total of 3120) not for a varfety of reasons. 4 '": '. ' .-.,- .,In the initial t~!O years of project activity. progress \1ZlS " .nearly on schgdule. Cooperntton between CARE nnd CORDEPr~ 1961. ~eever, serious difficulties be~an to develop be~cen CARE and COROEPAZ, pri~~r1'y over the latter's failur= to honor its CO::1n1 ti:lents unc~, thG 1ntet"-1nst1tut1onal t1n"O!c· ~rent to provida financial support for trans~~rt and aJ~in1s­ tr-:lt1on. j.1f111c nttemptin9 to, norti'.al i ze relations ahd c'p~ra­ t1on~. t~ cc~mlete w~t~r . CARE was ob1iged ...unilaterally three systcr.:s bp.ca!l~!~ (If ccr.:ni c.:::;nts ~:C! de t~ thg CiY:Inun1ties • ;\• ~vi::-1on C:,~~ ~cnp;-'::'··1 ~ot ....1\,;:;'. or· t"=r.......... .,_.. III' .:.t'-' 11.... anre"''':!o"t:; C;f.~,.. i·'.. l":'ll• .;ID a-'1d ....'..--I .... tions co:uplctely br..:::~ dm'!Il liY early 1~S2. r.;rcin~ ~I~~f. to CCRDEP.,\7 :ntcr Jur.: 1952. This l~ft ~ total f)f 1.~ vl!\t~r- ~loil,;'!, ·.1ith neither financ1a1 00\· techr.i~a1 J.s~1st-:m<:c fr~ .the co.unt~rpart. Increased financial SLipport fr'um Cft.fiE -'. headquarters. plus an accelerated effort by b~th Cf~~E staff and cor.:nUn1ty ree..~bcrs. enabled CARE to succassfully Clln~truct BEST AV"lI:"'/I[JLE corv :' ,. ..... t • ; ~ .;. '7...- P:l!lai'hrei"':'=' . f:".~ -: -.:..: :.'~ _': _ '.. _.. ':'""..-"" _. '.. ... - .. _. .- .... ___ . '" these rcJr!.a~ning systems withfn"tfte-'extension' per10d gr~nted' :", by USAID~:: Th~: f~ct(;M d~~~~1bed:-a~ove. combined tl11:h pol1i"'- , . !": ~ ~ _ ..~.. '"" ... ~. '''': .. ., _~. t' __ •_. __ • .... ___ _.. ~ .. -- ....... .... _. _. :- ___ .. ·1eal uph:avals an~-local materiel prccu.e~~nt-pro~le~s, ,- . were~~h;-b1~~·~- ~~~s~~·':.ro~ "faHti-r~ 'to :r~-ac~;' ~Ul:.getS on> s'ch'ed I; '. ..~~::~::: ~::.. ~ ~ ..... --..._ .... .... ,.;. : : :: :: - :.;.- ,. ul0 in th1~ proj~ct. - -- --- ..... -... - c. Training - ." .. ' Thr!~ training courses"~are 'held f~r C~~Ui1ity Ji:~ters d~r-' 1ng the life of the project. (The last ~as ~ctual1y held in February 1983. om months after the completion date). T\1O IIl;!mhers frobl e:.ch of 'the project cO~i;un1tie: attcndc:1 CIne of ses~1,!f~. fl~2 "t~~r~6S ~n ° othe "training :t1el'e -condu:ted c::;oner'. .. - ai;1on ,'11th rCMl)~ch-a cos r.atioi!~' r.'':1l'':pm'ler tr.1fni.l~ ~r~u!l·l· zation. In c;jditicn to t?,=~nical :;u~jc:cts on ::Jfnt~lian~;.o of the \'1ater syi::::~J topics c~'1err.:d \Jere pu~l1c h.::;!lt~ ?n~ san1- .", ,0-. '" (see appet1cib II. s:;r.:pl~ syl1~tus}o The \:Qurses 1J!.t;~d ~1 days e'ach. and generated a' !;rea-t dea'l of enthusisr.l aii!Cn~ .. - ... .. '. -=- - cO!i::!un1ty mer...':crs "in' .'~otE:mdanceo III. FI:~~~IC~~L 'INPUTS A;;:~"Jnd1x tIT sho,is 1nputs by sys te!.• I) " CARE/USAiO, COROEPf\Z ':!i..1 the co;,~~~ities. The latter two ~re necessarily rough e~tim~t~s: . ..; .., as thaya~e ~ased rr~linly on nJanpo\'ler and locally supplIed raw . j ~~:. ., ' ..... ~ • ~. :. -_.. -.. i'" -: ~ ~ : .. :- -:: ~.' _ :. _ _. .. ~ :.. ~~ I _. ", ; material 1n~uts. Appendix II! is an overall financial project . !.:- -:: :- -:-:.~:- .. -:. -' -:--: -' -: ~:- :- -, ~~: ~! ... ~ : ~ :.::-:-: : .;. ....... .: .... :-'..~: ~ summary of c~ntr1but1ons ~~rle by CARE, USAID, CORDEPAZ, and the ....-: ' .. -~. BEST A'/;~I:.._Il{!'LE eepy .. ~. ... t i) PROJECT ASSISTA:1CE C~~PLETIO~ REPOKT I Cft~E, OPG No. 511-0495 . Page four .' ··.So . coD":rnunfti~s. It should be noted that. for 'reasons dfs- .. cussed em-Her in thfs report, CORDEPAZ effectively withdrew from .. ~hfs project in ~arlt 1932. leaving CARE and the communities to systC!~ f1n~nc1al ". comPlete the rc::'.ainina and cover the short- . , . fall caused by their \r.rfthdrawal. IV. PROJECT ACCCP.f'LIS~~GnS The initially contcmpl~t~d cut~lUt cf thirty-n1n,! potahle \':at2:" systems in rural ccr.~unit1cs in La Paz Depar~nt WdS ~ch1evcd within the amended target completion c!ate of the project1 in spite of the fa~t that this took place duri~g a per1~d of poi1t~ . 'ieal u~ta€aV~~,l econo;-:',k d1fficul ties. an.d iU!ltured .CA~E:/CoL::lter­ p~!"r·t ~:!lat1ons. ;,;i:~xim.::;~1v i 3, 5QG rural 'Iill (]:;~i'Z l;~ilC:~:ttact c -I~';S ap"~r""'lt r·~ tic'"•• .,.1:\1'1 l ~, t:r.... ~..l; '.1 .,.. .... __.1 ..ell '""c-"f:a'l..... ~ ..•• "'1•. :-·"'r"""'ul"'t1""no ,.;~. ~w.. ,..'"n,f•• l:wW .-" . been enlarged by the C9:l~::!.mities thens~1vcc; by comicctili'J ac:M1- at little additional CQst to the co~~un1t1es. While 1t is too early to accurately measure the actual impact ".." of supply of eafe ,;:at(:r on the health of cO!!mmfty m~:nbers) CARE· carried out a s~niple survey of 6 villa~es cov~Ted by the proj­ ect in the Province of ~uri1lo. ~see appendix IV). The resul ts BEST AV;1/LA:!LE COpy . ...... '" - ,J .' ... \.- fROJECT ASSlstAN£E EOHPLETIOH REPO~T I CARE. OPG No. 511-0~gS. .. ' .. _~- _.- ...... _. ~ . .'.' ..;.- Page five . ". ~ .... , . th~ h~d:a ... '-, _. on.,-tho·whale 1nd1cnta th!t project has positive impact .. -_ ....- . -. .... '. ... :"." on~tbe health of,c!111dren from 0-4 years of· age, as wan as a .._--~_ ... -.. - ... ~ .... ~lutor.yet:fect ov~rail w· .. __ _•• on-the.... hygienic ccm!ftfons. in the vl1. la~s~.=The sml~~ry ....: . following is a of the brief evaluation dona . .. '--" .... ~.. - - ... ., ... '. f-01''' this project~ • _" wi _ '''' - gu111ihu~_~~' This village.
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