CEL E B R A TIN G T O R A H L E A R N I N G t w e n t y - f o u rth dinn e r r e c e ption honoring Ezra & Leah Rubin I N DIV IDUAL | FAMI L Y | C OMMUNITY Honoring Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT & JACKIE WEISS GUESTS OF HONOR Mr. and Mrs. LARRY & MIMI KUCZYNSKI KESSER SHEM TOV Monday, February 19 "' The Treetop Ballroom 1111 Parrot Jungle Trail It is a great privilege for us to honor Ezra and Leah Rubin. Their dedicated friendship towards the Kollel and their commitment to living, and raising a family with an ever-stronger Torah commitment has earned them the love and respect of the so many families in our community. They are role-models of Midos Tovos and Hatzneia Leches as they always seek to only do what is just, honest and right. We are honored to recognize them by presenting them with our Kesser Shem Tov Award. A special thank you to our amazing dinner committee. You have given of your time, expertise, and passion to make this year’s dinner such a remarkable expression of Kavod Hatorah: Mr. Robert Moskovitz Rabbi Eli Riesel Rabbi Chaim Summer Mrs. Rachelli Handler Mrs. Esty Jungreis Mrs. Tova Kahn Mrs. Micky Klein Mrs. Rivka Kravetz Mrs. Malka Lampert Mrs. Blimi Levy Mrs. Tehila Rabhan A very special thank you to Reena Goldberger for an EPIC event! ים את דבר אשר יק י התור רוך ה הז ב את - - We at the Kollel, and indeed the entire community, owe a debt of appreciation to all of you, the supporters of the Miami Beach Community Kollel. Over the past year many generous donors have stepped forward and supported the Kollel. Special thank you to all who joined our special leadership fundraising campaigns BENEFACTORS SOCIETY: Donate $50,000 over 3 years AMUDIM SOCIETY: Donate $25,000 over 3 years PRE-ROSH HASHANA MATCHING CAMPAIGN donating over $5,000 PARNOS HAYOM PROGRAM: $1800 and dedicate a day’s learning הקדוש ברוך הוא ישלם שכרם ויסיר מהם כל מחלה וירפא לכל גופם ויסלח לכל עונם וישלח ברכה והצלחה בכל מעשה ידיהם ONE ON ONE CHAVRUSOS parsha In aM Wednesdays 8:20-9:00 am Yungerleit are available to learn one-on-one with participants on almost any Torah subject. This is the Learn fascinating insights into the weekly parsha preferred way of studying as is done in yeshivos. culled from many classic and contemporary Torah giants and glean new understandings of timely issues. For those who can make the commitment, please contact Rabbi Stern. Rabbi Yekusiel Stern MORNING GEMARA SHIUR north-beach lunch class Gemora Megillah Kedushas Levi Daily 6:00-6:45 am Wed. 12:00-1:00 pm, lunch provided At law office of J.H. Zidell: 300 71st St. Start each morning with Limud Hatorah, studying Gemara Gittin with Rashi, Add Torah to your work day by attending this Tosfos, Reshonim and Achronim. informative and interesting shiur during lunch and learn the famous Sefer Kedushas Levi. Rabbi Tzvi Neuhaus, Rav, Cong. Ahavas Torah Rabbi Y. Gross, Rosh Kollel In-depth MIsechtas shabbos Rabbi Nussi Zemel Z”L Shiur SHULCHAN ARUCH Daily 5:45-6:50 am Monday - Wednesday 8:15-9:00 pm Learn Mesechtas Shabbos with an interactive Interactive and exciting shiur, studying Shulchan and thorough look at the sugyos through the Aruch, Yoreh Deah with an in-depth study of the Reshonim and Poskim. With Chazara and ten text, halacha and interesting and practical shaylos. minutes of Mussar at the end of each shiur. Rabbi Y. Gross, Rosh Kollel Rabbi Elchanon Zweig In hIlchos shabbos: Kollel boKer ZIchron boruch Wednesdays 8:15 -9:00 pm Weekdays 7:30-8:30 am Practical halachic shaylos in hilchos Shabbos. A morning Baale Battim Kollel in the Each week you’ll learn the reasons and Kollel’s Bais Baruch. Participants learn contemporary opinions of relevant questions. Gemara B’Iyun with Chavrusos. Rabbi Shmuel Stein Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Smith IYun In the parsha For Women Thursdays 9:00 -9:45 pm Empower Your teffIlos SHIURIM AT THE KOLLEL AT SHIURIM Tuesdays 9:15-10:15am Learn the weekly Parsha with life lessons.Divrei Torah Empower your tefillos by learning its from Rishonim and Achronim. Includes a Dvar Torah meaning and message. Learn how, what or two for you to share at your Shabbos Seuda. and when women should Daven. Rabbi Yossi Stern Rabbi Y. Gross, Rosh Kollel daf haYoMI agra d’pIrKa Sunday - Thursday 9:00-9:45 pm Friday & Sunday 8:30am • Mon- Thur 9:30-10:25 am gemara baitza shiur Be part of the word-wide Daf Yomi program Rabbi Yossi Manne and develop the discipline and stamina to study a Daf of Gemara each and every day • Mon 10:30-11:30 am and finish Shas in seven and a half years. halacha of the parsha Rabbi Y. Gross, Rosh Kollel Rabbi Y. Gross, Rosh Kollel • Tue 10:30-11:30 am begInner’s geMara hashkafa of the parsha Gemora Megilla Rabbi Tzvi Neuhaus Sunday - Thursday 9:00-9:45 pm • Wed 10:30-11:30 am Learn how to learn gemara. This gemara Megilla hashkafa and halacha shiur focuses on the Gemara’s word usage, Rabbi Dovid Schoen translations, phraseology and structure so you can acquire the skills to be able to study on your own. • Thur 10:30-11:30 am Insights in tefillah Rabbi Shmuly Stein Rabbi Moshe Medrash legal holIdaY prograM For Boys MasmideI erev geMara Shiur prep. 9:20-9:45 am Sunday, Tuesday & Thursdays 8:30-9:00 pm Shiur 9:50-10:45 am After-school Gemara shiur for boys in 6th - 8th For Men & Women grades. This Geshmak extra Gemara learning On legal holidays, the Kollel offers a halachic teaches the boys greater skills and knowledge shiur by the Rosh Kollel on relevant topics. For Boys after caMp The shiur is preceded by learning the background suMMer MasMIdIM prograM sugyos on the topic. Refreshments are served. Sunday - Thursdays 6:00-8:00 pm hIlchos shabbos After camp, on the long summer afternoons, Shabbos 11:00-11:30 am the Kollel provides Gemara and Mishnayos shiurim for boys in 3rd – 9th grades. To properly observe Shabbos, one must learn and Enjoyable, fun environment extra Torah regularly review its halachos. Learn Mishna Berura learning with expert Rabbeim are followed Hilchos Shabbos every Shabbos after davening. by games, refreshments and prizes. Rabbi Y. Gross, Rosh Kollel For Boys PirKeI avos for boYs sfas eMes on the parsha Shabbos 30 min before Mincha Shabbos morning after the kiddush For elementary school boys. Learn the Learn much deeper meanings and lessons lessons and messages of Pirkei Avos. of the weekly parsha and have a dvar Rabbi Yonah Victor Torah to share at your seuda, through the divrei Torah of this classic sefer. For Girls ateret prograM Rabbi Berish Braun Motzai Shabbos 7:30-8:30 pm At Cong. Shaare Ezra shabbos afternoon chabura Gemara Beitza The popuar Ateret program provides a great Winter 3:30- Mincha; Summer 4:00 - Mincha opportunity for girls to spend quality time in a learning environment. Activity is followed With no cell phones, business obligations with ice cream, raffle, prizes, and pizza. or other distractions, Shabbos afternoons offer a unique opportunity for you to For Girls proJect YounIque: learn with Menuchas Hanefesh. Sundays 10:00 am- 12:00 pm Rabbi Shlomo Kravetz At Cong. Shaare Ezra For girls in K - 5th grade. Spend Sunday pIrKeI avos morning in a positive, enriching environment. Shabbos afternoon 30 min before Mincha Learn: dancing, cooking, crocheting, crafting, Learn the timeless messages of Pirkei Avos etc. Davening, stories and snacks. Rabbi Shmuel Stein fWomen’sor woMen events Special events for women throughout the For Boys avos u banim Motzai Shabbos 7:30-8:30 pm year. Keep up with the latest programs by subscribing to the Kollel’s email lists. Send The popular program provides a great requests to [email protected] opportunity for fathers to spend quality time learning with their sons. Learning is followed rebbetZIn YeMIMa MIZrachI with a story, raffle prizes, and pizza. The popular lectures of Rebbetzin Yemima Mizrachi are shown for the Miami For Boys JunIor MasmideI erev Sunday,Tuesday & Thursdays 6:00-8:00 pm community throughout the year. After-school Mishnayos shiurim for boys in 3rd KIddush / seuda shlIshIs wIth frIends -6th grades. An enjoyable, fun environment Shabbos is a special time for family and friends. for boys to learn and review Mishnayos. It is a time to strengthen old friendships and to Chazara program and incentives as develop new ones. The women’s Kiddush on part of the TBMC Program. Shabbos Mevarchim and Seudas Shlishis on summer afternoons allow for busy mothers and wives to The Shiurim are followed by games and prizes. spend time together enjoying true Oneg Shabbos. ROSHEI KOLLEL Rabbi Yaacov Gross Rosh HaKollel The Rosh HaKollel, Rabbi Yaacov Gross, is a musmach of Bais Medrash Govoha and a talmid of HaGaon HaRav Elya Svei, ZT”L. Rabbi Gross came to Miami from the Boston Community Kollel where he taught and studied since its inception. The Rosh HaKollel gives many classes at the Kollel including the daily Daf Yomi, nightly Shulchan Aruch shiur, the Mid-Beach executive lunch class, Tuesday morning women’s Tefillah class and Shabbos morning Mishna Brurah class. Aside from his abundant duties at the Kollel, Rabbi Gross is involved with many other community organizations and private causes. Mrs. Sara Hindy Gross is a principal at Bais Yaakov and delivers shiurim for women.
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