s\) ~ ~ b:c i~ ug h e,\J i z a~r\AJevr 1) Th e Kakapo parrot is found in New Zea land. 2) Lichenostomus melanop s, or Yellow tufted honeyeater. NB: Victoria's official bird emblem is th e helmeted honeyeater, Lichenostomus melanops cassidix. 20) Bru ce Armstrong is better know for his huge 'chainsaw' sculp ­ 3) Dog Monday. tures of animals, such as his huge eaglehawk Bunjil w hi ch over­ 4) M ari anne Faithful!. looks th e Docklands, M elbourn e. 5) Bridge (th e World Tea m O lympiad). 21) The Golden Sec tion . 6) (i) M ichae l and Patrick Ca nn y. 22) (i) Th e remains are those of Lord Nelson (1758-1805); (ii ) Michae l Ca nny. (ii ) th e ca rdinal was Ca rdinal Wolsey (1473 - 1530); and (iii) 19 (M ichae l) and 22 (Patri ck). (iii) th e artist was Giovann i da M aian o. (iv) John Hines was shot and kil led. 23) Edouard M anet (1832-83) and th e offe nding pain ting was hi s 7) Lazza ro Spallanza ni, in Italy 1765. reclining nude fi gure O lympia (1863). 8) 250 mil es or around 402.33 600 kilometres . 24) If 1+2+ ... +2 n is prime, th en 2n (1+2+ ... +2 n) is perfect. The 9) (i) M onaco-population per sq km- 16,35 0. quote is from Euclid's Elements, IX.36, 300BC (ex tra poin t) . (ii) Mongoli a-population per sq km- 1.8. 25) Robert Record e (c. 1510- 155 8) in hi s treatise Th e whetstone of (iii) Botswa na with 33 .6 dea ths per thousand. witte (London, 1557). (iv) Andorra w ith average life ex pec tancy of 83.5 years. 26) A Balmer edge is a kin d of feature in th e spectra of a ce lestia l 10) (i) Narsil. objec t w hi ch occurs at a specifi c wavelength or ra nge of wave­ (ii ) The Prancing Pon y, Bree in Th e Fellowship of the Ring. length s. This fea ture is commonl y use d to diag nose th e nature (iii) Anduril, th e Flame of the W es t. of th e surface of th e Sun and other stars, but has never before (iv) A propheti c drea m of his broth er Faramir, in which he was been seen in vi sible light from black holes . told to 'Seek fo r the Sword th at was broken'. 27) Th e Au stralian Security Intell ige nce O rga nisation. 11 ) Pemulwuy was th e leader of a band of about 100 wa rriors who 28) (i) Easil y recogni sa ble or distinguishable; consp icuous. Thi s waged a guerrilla war on the Europea n colony of New South word so unds very interes ting, and is all the more remark able Wales between 179 0 and 1802. because it is etymologica lly unrelated to the similar-sounding 12) Wreck Bay. On th e south coas t of New South Wales, Wreck and sy nonymous conspicuous (Latin con, an intensive, and Bay lands were returned in 1987. specere, to look). Kenspeckl e is mostly use d in Scotland and 13) Jan Carstenz, a Dutch sea farer, described armed confli ct with northern En gland. Abori gin es on th e northern coas t of Australi a in 1623 . (ii) Study or composition lasti ng late into the night. 14) Noboru Wata ya. Th e name is given both to the hero's ca t and (iii) To despise; to make li ght of; to disparage mockingly. hi s brother-in-law, in a cru cial plot twist. Rel ated to vile and vil ifica tion, vilipend is a word th at dispar­ 15) Art's scree n name is 'trepan' and hi s law yer's name is 'junta'. agement, slander or criticism, but w ith a fairly light to ne. 16) Aunt Saba refuses to consider a divorce beca use of th e inevita­ 29) In Th e Hitchhiker's Guide to the Ga laxy, by the late lamented ble drop in her social statu s that it would ca use . Douglas Adams, th e mea ning of life is 42, w hi le in the 'rea l li fe' 17) (i) Gustave Flaubert. of theoretica l phys ics, string theory w as va lidated w hen all the (ii) Th e Bac h Ca ntata is lch hatte vie/ Bekummernis. potentiall y anomalous equations were shown to be ca pable of 18) The key's name is 'promise'. reso lution to th e number 496. 19) Th e Wiener Kun st im Hause (Viennese Art at Home) group. She 30) They all won th e 2004 Walkl ey awa rd s in their va ri ous fi elds of first ex hibited her ceramic art at th e 1900 Pari s Exhi bition. journalism. The winners are: Rh onda Lewis, Mt Eli za, VIC; Tyler Saxton, Mill Park, VIC; Pat Pil grim & Co, Randwick, NSW. <)> 0 !: ' > ~() EUREKA STREE Iz> c t::! !: ~ g:: o ;<J-., COMMENT !:"' c" 4 Andrew Hamilton Out of our depth )> ~ ~ n I > "'.., LETTERS g ~ "' _V>"' 5 Gavan Breen, Christopher Fogarty 4 and Noelleen Ward I )> 4 V>"' COLUMNS )>z 0 4 7 Capital letter I m Ja ck Waterford The Right stuff 0 r- 47 Meng Haoran Missing my friend, fi e Xisi 0 9 Archimedes () Tim Thwaites Spicks and specks Cold night, Li Bai Drinking alone with -< the moon, translated by Ouyang Yu 10 By th e way Brian Matthews Plus ~a change 11 Summa theologiae FICTION James McEvoy Violence transformed 36 Mary Manning The third Great Bang 50 Watching Bri ef Juliette Hughes Must grumble IN PRINT 39 An ecumeni ca l spirit THE MONTH'S TRAFFIC Philip Harvey reviews Fresh Words and 8 Mick Sexton Joy and sorrow in Deed : The McCaughey Papers, edited by Sri Lanka, Ben Fra ser Back up to par Peter Matheson and Christiaan Mostert. 40 Tracking a reign of terror FEATURES Ben Fra ser follows Sally Neighbour through In the Shadow of Swords: 12 Th e arc of Europea n reconciliation On the trail of terrorism from Hugh Dillon examines the Afghanistan to Australia. Editor M arcell e M ogg Ass istant editor Robert H efner Dresden legacy. 42 Lo st in the detai l Graphic designers Maggie Power an d Janneke 14 The case for reconciliation Storteboom Peter Stanley reviews John Hamilton's Director Christopher Gleeson Sl Kirsty Ruddock looks at the place of Goodbye Gabber, God Bless You. Bu siness manager Mark Dowell customary law in the Solomons. Marketing/ advertising manager Ca mille Collins 43 Th e shores of th e past Subscriptions Denise Ca mpbell 18 Austra lia's judicial iso lation fan e Carolan enj oys an encounter Ed itorial, production and ad ministration Australia has moved far from with Barry Hill in The Enduring Rip: assista nts Geraldine Batt ersby and Lee Beasley its jurisprudential roots, argues A History of Queenscliffe. Fi lm ed itor Siobhan Jackson Poetry editor Philip H arvey Franl< Brennan. 44 Forgiving and forgetting Jes uit editorial board Andrew Hamilton 24 Th e comforting word St, Greg Baum, Virginia Bourke, Jane Mayo Gavan Daws's Prisoners of the Carolan, Christopher Gleeson 51, M arcelle Gillian Bouras looks at loss and Japanese: POWs of World War II in the Mogg, Jack Waterford. fa miliar things. Pa cific prompts some reflection from Patrons Eureka Street gratefully acknowledges Denis Tra cey. th e support of C. and A. Ca rt er; th e trustees 26 A fa rewell to arm s? o f th e es tate of Miss M . Condon; W.P. & M .W. Anthony Ham considers the 45 Th e shortlist Gurry diminishing influence of ETA. Reviews of the books A f ter the Eureka Street magazine, ISSN 1036- 1758, 28 Beginning of the end Fireworks: A life of David Ballantyn e; Aus tra lia Post Print Post approved pp349181 / Troy Bramston reviews the Whitlam When faiths collide; Classical 003 14, is published ten times a year by literature: A concise history and In Eureka Sl reet Magazine Pt y Lid, cabinet papers. the shadow of 'Ju st Wars ': Violen ce, 300 Victoria Stree t, Richmond VI 3121 31 M arch for Bros nan PO Box 553, Ri chmond VIC 3121 politics and humanitarian action. Tel: 03 9427 73 11 Fax: 03 9428 4450 Louise Clarl<e reflects on the email : eureka@ jes pub.jes ui t.org.a u anniversary of John Brosnan. http://www.eurekastreet.corn.au/ Responsibili ty for editori al content is accepted 32 What li es benea th THEATRE by Andrew Hamilton 51, Peter Davis looks at the efforts of 46 Rare fruit 300 Victori a St ree t, Ri ch mond Sri Lanka to eradicate landmines. Printed by Doran Printing fohn Carmody savours Prokofiev's 46 Industrial Drive, Braeside VIC 3195. 34 A boy in Damascus The Love for Three Oranges. )e uit Publications 2005 Unsolicited manusc ripts w ill nol be returned. Susan Dirgham is entranced by Pl ease do not send ori ginal photographs or art a local Damascene. work unless requ es ted. Reques ts fo r permi ss ion FLASH IN THE PAN to reprint malcri al from th e magc1z in e should 48 Reviews of the films Alexander, Closer, be addressed in w riting to th e editor. POETRY Sideways and Million Dollar Baby. Th is month 17 Yang Weizhen Random thoughts, Yang Cover: W hirling dervish by Susa n Dirgham, Ji Mountains deep and shallow, Zhang story p34.
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