E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JULY 27, 2020 No. 132 Senate The Senate met at 4 p.m. and was Meanwhile, Democrats used the same RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY called to order by the President pro rule to prevent even taking up Senator LEADER tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). SCOTT’s very thoughtful police reform The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- f legislation. The rule in question is the jority leader is recognized. cloture rule, which brings debate and PRAYER f amendments to a close so we can get to The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- the finality of a bill. What Democrats REMEMBERING JOHN LEWIS fered the following prayer: blocked was ending debate on pro- Mr. MCCONNELL. Today, as we Let us pray. ceeding to police reform and starting speak, the U.S. Congress confers a rare Eternal Lord God, we again thank to consider any amendments that and high honor on a national hero who You for the life and legacy of Rep- wanted to be offered, but it would have richly deserves it. Our distinguished resentative John Robert Lewis. taken yet another cloture vote to get late colleague, Congressman John Lord, accept our gratitude for his to final passage. Lewis, is lying in state in the Rotunda. ethical congruence that motivated him The cloture rule ensures that no po- I had the honor to speak at this to find a moral way to get in the way. lice reform bill could be passed by the afternoon’s ceremony—how amazing to We are grateful that his passion for U.S. Senate unless at least 60 Senators reflect on John’s incredible American freedom summoned our Nation to em- were satisfied with the outcome of the life. It began deep in the segregated brace our best hopes and not our worst amendment process. In other words, it South, ran through lunch counters in fears. Inspired by his exemplary pil- guarantees that the concerns of the mi- Nashville, jail cells in Mississippi, grimage, may our lawmakers strive to nority party—whether that be Repub- across the Edmund Pettus Bridge, up live with such integrity that they will lican or Democrat—would have to be the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, and stand on the right side of history. addressed. There was no excuse for pre- brought him to the halls of Congress. Lord, help our Senators to strive to venting the Senate from even begin- He made heroic contributions to our see You more clearly, to love You more ning the legislative process on this ex- Nation’s march toward racial justice. dearly, and to follow You more nearly tremely important and timely issue of He also brought an unforgettable ex- day by day. ample of moral urgency, respect, and We pray in Your sovereign Name. police reform. Amen. There is also no excuse for Demo- love to Washington that left an impact crats who claimed to oppose the 60-vote on everyone he met. His example will f requirement to cut off debate on prin- be missed here in the Capitol. He will PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ciple when they were last in the major- be remembered forever by a grateful The President pro tempore led the ity, who then immediately began using Nation because, as far as I am con- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: cloture to block bills that had majority cerned, it is not really the rest of us in I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the support when they lost their majority, Congress who are conveying an honor United States of America, and to the Repub- and who still continue to use cloture to upon John Lewis today, not this time. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, block progress on important issues Rather, it is John who is bringing indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. today, but who now fully admit that greater honor to us, to this Capitol, The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. they will change the Senate institu- with his presence, one final time. ERNST). The Senator from Iowa. tion—the protection for the minority— f Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I if it suits their partisan purpose in the HEALS ACT ask unanimous consent to speak for 1 future. minute in morning business. I yield the floor. Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, COVID–19 has killed nearly 150,000 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without I suggest the absence of a quorum. objection, it is so ordered. Americans. It has caused massive lay- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The f offs on a historic scale and left 17 mil- clerk will call the roll. lion people out of work. It has thrown FILIBUSTER The senior assistant legislative clerk the lives and the trajectories of our Na- Mr. GRASSLEY. Former Vice Presi- proceeded to call the roll. tion’s children and young adults into dent Biden and Minority Leader SCHU- Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, uncertainty. MER have indicated a willingness to end I ask unanimous consent that the order Our Nation stands now at an impor- the so-called filibuster if Democrats for the quorum call be rescinded. tant crossroads in this battle. Amer- gain a majority in the U.S. Senate The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ican families’ historic sacrifices after this year’s election. objection, it is so ordered. brought our medical system through ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S4491 ® Pdnted on recycled papfil. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:43 Jul 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27JY6.000 S27JYPT1 Dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4492 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 27, 2020 the springtime intact. The very early fore, with even more support for fami- To make a law, bipartisan talks need stages of our economic recovery have lies who care for vulnerable adult de- to come next. So there is one big ques- been promising and our Nation needs pendents. tion facing the country right now: to continue to proceed with a smart Chairmen COLLINS and RUBIO have Which version of our distinguished and safe reopening. designed a sequel to their historic PPP Democratic colleagues are the Amer- At the same time, the virus is still to help prevent more layoffs of Amer- ican people about to get? Are we going with us. It is still spreading, and it ican workers. to get the Democratic Party we got in does not care about our fragile eco- Republicans want to continue a Fed- March, when our colleagues met us in nomic progress or our frustration with eral supplement to State unemploy- good-faith negotiations and worked restrictions, or anything else, besides ment insurance. In fact, we will pro- with us to turn our framework into a infecting as many people as possible. pose a weekly dollar amount that is bipartisan product—the Democrats So we have one foot in the pandemic eight times what Democrats put in who helped us pass the largest rescue and one foot in the recovery. The place when they controlled the White package in American history without American people need more help. They House and Congress during the great one dissenting vote—or will the coun- need it to be comprehensive, and they recession. But we have to do it in a try get the Democratic Party we saw need it to be carefully tailored to these way that does not slow down reopen- in June, when our colleagues refused to crossroads. ing. suggest amendments or improvements We are also going to help this coun- That is what this Senate majority to Senator TIM SCOTT’s police reform has assembled, and that is what Chair- try pivot into recovery. The American bill and chose to block the issue alto- people don’t just want relief; they want men ALEXANDER, BLUNT, COLLINS, GRA- gether? opportunity so long as the reopenings HAM, GRASSLEY, RUBIO, and SHELBY, Their actions last month left some can be safe. So Chairman GRASSLEY and Senators CORNYN and ROMNEY are observers wondering whether the will walk through strong economic in- introducing today. They will be coming Democrats had made this cynical centives to boost worker retention, get to the floor shortly to introduce their choice to give up on bipartisan legisla- Americans rehired, and help small components. tion altogether right through Novem- businesses buy the PPE, testing, and Together, their bills make up the ber, whether the Democrats had deter- supplies that will protect employees HEALS Act—health, economic assist- mined that strengthening our Nation and customers alike. ance, liability protection, and with bipartisan action might hurt their Senator ROMNEY has legislation to schools—health, economic assistance, political odds and, therefore, it might liability protection, and schools. help a future Congress ensure our crit- ical national trust funds remain suit their fortunes better if pain and Just like in March, with the CARES chaos simply continued. I hope that is Act, Senate Republicans have authored strong. In looking to our long-term jobs fu- completely off base. I know our Demo- another bold framework to help our ture, there is no question this pan- cratic colleagues know this crisis is Nation. Now we need our Democratic demic has America and our allies reex- still urgent. I know they know Amer- colleagues to reprise their part as well. amining our degree of dependence on ican families need more help. They need to put aside the partisan China.
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