7D5N 北京大不同 MONO BEIJING NO Shopping Stop NO Optional 【体验】 京剧脸谱DIY | 三轮车游胡同 | 四合院家访 | 南山滑雪场 【景点】 紫禁城故宫 | 慕田峪长城 | 颐和园 | 天坛 | 国家大剧院 【享受】 欢乐谷【金面王朝】大型歌舞秀 |世贸天阶大屏幕 | 乘坐小火车游览奥林匹克公园 【品尝】 全聚德烤鸭 | 花家怡园(四合院) | 西贝莜面风味 | 日本料理自助餐 [EXPERIENCE] DIY Opera Mask Painting | Trishaw Ride in Hutong | Traditional Courtyard Home | Nanshan Ski Village [ATTRACTIONS] Forbidden City | Mu Tian Yu Great Wall| Summer Palace | The Temple Of Heaven |External View of National Grand Theatre [ENJOY] Happy Valley“Golden Mask Dynasty”Show | The Place Centre Point |Train ride tour around the Olympic Garden [GOURMET] Quanjude Roasted Duck | Hua’s Restaurant Delicacy | Xibei You Noodle Cuisine |Japanese Buffet Note: ★ Entrance fees Included ; ~Sightseeing stop KUALA LUMPUR—BEIJING DAY 1 DAY 4 BEIJING DAY BEIJING ~~ Assemble at airport for your flight to Beijing. Upon arrival, Ì Summer Palace: Used to be an imperial garden and palace 6 check in hotel. during the Qing Dynasty. ~ Silk Market: Is a shopping center in Chaoyang District, Ì DIY Opera Mask Painting: Learn and experience the art in Beijing, that accommodates over 1,700 retail vendors, stage make-up of the traditional Chinese Opera. notorious among international tourists for their wide selection Ì of counterfeit designer brand apparel. Train ride tour around the Olympic Garden: 20 minutes DAY BEIJING 2 comfort tour in a train + tour guidance. (Includes train ~ Sanlitun Village entrance fees) ~ Tiananmen Square: The world's largest city square located in ~ The Place Centre Point: With the heart of Beijing. The square contains the Monument to the ~ External View of Bird’s Nest National Stadium + Water Cube: its striking projection screen, People's Heroes, the Great Hall of the People, the National Explore the landmarks of Beijing – Bird’s Nest National Stadium this landmark shopping Museum of China, and the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong. and the Water Cube – Olympic Swimming Pool. mall houses Spanish fashion chain Zara and Canadian Ì Forbidden City: Known as The Imperial Palace Museum, once shoe retailer Aldo’s flagship home of the emperors. Explore the complexpalaces and halls store. comprising of 9000 rooms. (Includes Observotary tower) *If the BEIJING DAY 5 observatory tower is not open, there will not be any replacement or refund.* Experience! Ì External View of National Grand Theatre: The main building is Ì The Temple Of Heaven: The Chinese emperor used to pray unique from the center ball steel shell. *If the National Grand Theater for good harvest. is not open, will replace to Prince Gong Mansion.* Ì Trishaw Ride in Hutong + Traditional Courtyard Home: Visit Ì Wangfujing Street: The most well-known and prosperous and learn about the culture, history and lifestyle of old business street with modern and fashion trends. As many Beijing. modern plazas and buildings built into use, Xidan is a newly Ì Happy Valley "Golden Mask Dynasty" Show: The show rising area featuring many new trades and a combination of features a Chinese fairy tale, in particularly an ancient shopping, official business, entertainment and dining. romance legend. Enjoy the whole show with stunning acrobatics, dances, acoustics, costumes, lightning and surreal effects. Trishaw Ride DAY BEIJING 3 DAY 7 BEIJING—KUALA LUMPUR Ì Mu Tian Yu Great Wall: 2500 years of history, one ~ Proceed to airport for your flight back home with of the greatest constructions in the world and unforgettable memories. also the achievement of Chinese. It becomes the seven wonders of the world and one of the world Water Cube UNESCO heritage preserved site. (Includes both The design of Water Cube combines modern technologies with Chinese way cable car + shuttle bus) traditional values. In tradition, Chinese Ì conceptualized a square Earth and Nanshan Ski Village: The only ski village located a round Heaven, and this formed the at Beijing & North China with total area more design's central theme. Moreover, the than 4000m with a variety of ski activities. Enjoy cube shape dominates ancient urban buildings. Its design is of traditional style to skiing and various winter sports. (Includes 3 hours meet all its functional requirements. The of entry, Ski Shoes + Ski Poles + Ski Suit + Locker) Water Cube looks like a huge blue box, it is *Professional Ski Guiding at own expenses. Subject to weather, blue in order to reflect sunlight. It shines in may change to indoor skiing. If indoor skiing is closed, will be the sunlight like a pearl in water. replaced to Yonghe Temple & Beihai Garden.* The Temple of Heaven Day Breakfast Proposed Lunch Proposed Dinner Proposed Hotel QUANJUDE ROASTED DUCK 1 - - Meal on Board Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant was Hotel Buffet Quanjude Roasted Duck 90 Hua’s Restaurant Delicacy 90 founded in 1864. It has a history of 149 years. 2 Sichuan Chinese + As an old and famous roast duck restaurant, 3 Hotel Buffet Old Beijing Cuisine 50 Beijing Renaissance Hotel / similar Quanjude Roast Duck is almost the synonym Face Changing Drama 60 of Beijing Roast Duck. Known as "the first 4 Hotel Buffet Boutique Cuisine 50 Lao She Tea House 80 dish to taste in China", Quanjude Roast 5 Hotel Buffet Xibei You Noodle Cuisine 60 Cantonese Cuisine 50 Duck is highly praised by heads of state, Hotel Buffet Japanese Buffet 140 Yi He Chun Tian Cuisine 60 - government officials, communities, and 6 domestic and foreign tourists. 7 Meal on Board - - - * Meals & Hotels may be amended from time to time. 天 朝之 都 MUTIANYU GREAT WALL 慕田峪长城其历史悠久,文 化灿烂,在中外享有“万 里长城,慕田峪独秀”的 美誉。 符号表示:★ 含门票;~游览站点 吉隆坡─北京 北京 北京─吉隆坡 DAY DAY DAY 1 4 7 ~~ 于机场集合办理登机手续,然后乘搭班机飞往北京。抵达北 Ì~ 颐和园是中国现存规模最大、保存最完整的皇家园林,为中国 ~~ 今天,我们乘搭当日航班,依依不舍告别北京返回家园。 京后送往酒店休息。 四大名园之一,被誉为皇家园林博物馆。 Ì~ 京剧脸谱是具有中国民族特色的一种舞台化妆方法,苹果特别 国家体育场(鸟巢)位于北京奥林匹克公园中心区南 部,为2008年北京奥运会的主体育场。工程总占地面 安排游客体验京剧脸谱DIY。~ 积21公顷,场内观众坐席约为91000个。奥运会后成 北京 为北京市民参与体育活动及享受体育娱乐的大型专业场 DAY 2 Ì~ 乘坐小火车游览奥林匹克公园,约20分钟的小火车乘坐+导览解 所,并成为地标性的体育建筑和奥运遗产。 说,让游客省下脚力,舒适游览园区。 (含火车票) ~~ 天安门广场是明清帝王时代紫禁城正门 ~~ 外观 2008 奥运主会场,国家体育馆及国家游泳中心—鸟巢~+~~ 外的宫廷广场,也是世界最大的城中 水立方。 广场。 Ì~ 明清两代的皇宫-紫禁城故 北京 宫是世界上现存规模最大 最 DAY 5 完美的古建筑群,也是世界文 Ì~ 天坛是北京“天地日月”诸坛之首,是中国和世 化遗产之一。规模宏大 界上现存最大的古代祭祀性建筑群,始建于明永 的故宫,建有大小 乐十八年,是一座典型坛庙,是明清两代皇帝 六十多座殿阁,收 祭天祈谷的场所。 藏品达百万件。特 ★ 三轮车游胡同游览老北京式建筑,感受 别安排游览故宫 老北京生活的变迁;四合院家访体会北 最美建筑—— 京人的市井生活。 紫禁城角楼。 *如故宫角楼不开放, ★ 观赏大型剧场秀—《金面王朝》。以舞 将不作其它调换,不 蹈诗剧的结构形式,华丽的舞美灯光、舞蹈、杂 另退费。* 技等艺术手段,在一个小时里,史诗般地再现了 中华文明的恢宏气势。 Ì~ 在国家大剧院除了欣赏大器的剧院外观,更特别安排入内观, 京剧脸谱,是一种具有中国文化特色的特殊化妆方法。由于每个历史人物或某一 北京 种类型的人物都有一种大概的谱式,就像唱歌、奏乐都要按照乐谱一样,所以称 在导览员的带领下深入了解剧院始末。 (含每人特调饮料一 DAY 6 为“脸谱”。关于脸谱的来源,一般的说法是来自假面具。京剧脸谱艺术是广大 戏曲爱好者的非常喜爱的一门艺术,国内外都很流行,已经被大家公认为是中国 杯,纪念赠品一份) *如国家大剧院不开放,将以恭王府替换* ~~ 秀水市场原是北京市比较有名的商业街之一,拆迁后的秀水 传统文化的标识之一。 ~~ 王府井大街南起东长安街,北至中国美术馆,全长约1600 街,已成为一座商场,依然是北京著名的商业中心。主要经 米,是北京最有名的商业街。王府井的日用百货、五金电料、 营中国传统的丝绸制品和精致的手工艺品和进口商品。 服装鞋帽、珠宝钻石、金银首饰等,琳琅满目,商品进销量极 ~~ 三里屯村 大,是号称“日进斗金”的寸金之地。 ~~ 由曾获奥斯卡奖和四次艾美奖的好莱坞舞台大师 JeremyRailton担纲设计的全球第三大的LED天幕—世贸天阶~ 大屏幕。一到夜晚,人们常被笼罩在海洋中、星空下,碰上 北京 节假日或者搞活动时,那画面更是赏心悦目。 DAY 3 Ì~ 慕田峪长城拥有二千五百多年的历史。它不但是世界最伟大的 建筑之一,也是中华民族古来今往劳动人民智慧的结晶,列为 世界七大奇迹之一和世界著名文化遗产之一。长城始建于秦始 皇时期,其中居庸关由于形势险要,所谓“不到长城非好汉” ,您一定要好好眺望长城的美景。 (含上下览车+摆渡车) Ì~ 南山滑雪场占地面积4000余亩,是北京及华北地区唯一集滑 雪、滑道、滑翔等动感休闲运动项目为一体的冬季度假村。您 也可尽情享受滑雪的乐趣及各项雪上运动。(教练自费) (含3 小 时入场 +雪鞋+雪杖+滑雪服+储存柜) *视天气状况而定,如天气欠 佳,将由室内滑雪场代替;如室内滑雪场不开放将由雍和宫、北海公园替代。* 《金面王朝》剧场秀 西北莜面 在人气社会餐厅享用中国 大西北特色面食!筱面是 去壳燕麦片制成,其拥有 蛋白质、脂肪、维生素、 矿物质、纤维含量更是同 类食粮中的首位,浇上番 茄烧汁的筱面更是营养、 美味与卖相兼具! 慕田峪长城~ Mu Tian Yu Great Wall 松鼠桂鱼 南山滑雪场 松鼠鱼这道苏菜的名字由来有两个说法:一 Nanshan Ski Village 是因为烹调好的鱼状似松鼠,因而得名;另 颐和园 一个说法是炸好的鱼上桌前,随即浇上热腾 Summer Palace 鸟巢+水立方 腾的卤汁,它便吱吱“叫”了起来,活像一 Bird's Nest + Water Cube 只松鼠而得名。 紫禁城故宫 天 早餐 建议午餐 建议晚餐 建议酒店 Forbidden City 1 - - 机上用餐 红烧肉 天安门广场 红烧肉是中华的经 2 酒店早餐 全聚德烤鸭(分店) 90 花家怡园(四合院) 90 Tiananmen Square 北京 典名菜,口感肥而 3 酒店早餐 老北京风味 50 蜀国川菜+川剧变脸秀60 不腻、软糯香甜, 天坛 金茂万丽酒店 / 同级 是老少皆宜的美 Temple of Heaven 4 酒店早餐 精品私房菜 50 老舍茶馆 80 食。同时,红烧肉 5 酒店早餐 西贝莜面风味 60 粤菜风味 50 还富含胶原蛋白, 是美容养颜保持肌 6 酒店早餐 日本料理自助餐 140 怡和春天 60 - 肤弹性的好菜。 7 机上用餐 - - - CLICK FOR DEPARTURE DATE & *餐食与酒店会随着季节与当时情况,作最适当的调整。 TOUR FARE 团号 Tour Code: CHINA_PJW07_PEK017 旅行必备 : Travel Essentials : 1. 护照或签证 - 团员有责任确保护照有效期需至少6个月(从返程日期算起),并且取得必要的签证 1. Passport & Visas - Each tour member is responsible to ensure their passport is valid for at least six (6) months 和准证。 from the return date of the trip and all necessary visas and permits have been acquired. 2. 旅游保险 - 出发前,建议您购买全面的旅游保险。 2. Travel Insurance - It’s essential that you take out a comprehensive travel insurance before travel. 条规: Terms & Conditions: 1. 行程、膳食、酒店住宿和交通可能会有所更动,恕不另行通知。 1. Itineraries, meals, hotels and transportation are subject to change without prior notice. 2. 若出现无法预测的特殊情况,特别是在旅游旺季期间,蘋果旅遊将保留更改或取消行程的权利。 2. AVC reserves the right to make changes to or cancel the itinerary at any time due to unforeseen circumstances, 3. 若蘋果旅游的宣传手册或任何传播媒介,出现任何形式的失误或遗漏,本公司一概不负责,并且保 especially during peak periods or in the event of a force majeure. 留更正的权利。 3. AVC is not responsible for omissions, printing and/or presentation errors in brochures or in any media where 4. 每位参与蘋果旅游团的成员,必须为自身安全或行为负责。若出现无法预测的特殊情况(例如:交 such information may be presented; AVC reserves the right to make corrections as required. 通延误/取消、天气、疾病、示威、战争等等),因而引发额外支出的问题,蘋果旅遊一概不负责, 4. Every person participating in AVC’s tours shall travel at his/her own risk. AVC shall not be held liable to any 旅客需自行负责额外的费用。 person for additional expenses that may be incurred due to delays or changes in any transport services, 5. 详情条规,请参阅单据背页或浏览 https://applevacations.my/web/terms.php sickness, weather, strikes, war or other causes. 5. For other terms & conditions, refer overleaf of invoice or visit https://applevacations.my/web/terms.php 中国团 - 附加条规: *Note: AVC refers to Apple Vacations & Conventions Sdn Bhd 1. 所有行程以中文讲解为主。 2. 三人房-房内第三名住客的床褥,将以折叠式为准。 China Tours - Additional Terms & Conditions 1. Tours are conducted in Mandarin. 3. 团费仅适用于大马公民,外国公民则需缴付额外费用。 2. Triple Room - Third person shall be based on rollaway bed. 4. 车上购物 - 为了您的方便起见,车上会售卖道地小吃。若您有兴 3. Tour fare quoted is for MALAYSIAN, non-Malaysian surcharge applied. 趣购买,请向我们的导游洽询。 4. In-coach Shopping - For your convenience, a variety of local snacks are offered for sale on board the coach. If interested, please place your order with our tour guide. applevacations.my LET’S HAVE A CHAT 03-2141 8250.
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