523 TRADES DIRECTORY, 1914. CEM-CHA ' West Brothers, Lombard wharf, Lombard CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE. Basten Mrs. Jane,ll Graveney rd.TtngSW Brown J oseph William, 133 Marmadon rd. road, Battersea SW & L. N. W. R. Hackney & Stoke Newington (Spense Jas. Baster Arthur A. 5 Belitha villas, South Plumstead SE Canterbury road, Kllburn Cochrane,sec.),142 Stoke Newington rdN End lane, Sydenham SE Brown Misses Rose & Edith, 9 Mulberry Wiggins & Co. Chancellor's wharf, Chan­ Streatham (Henry E. Baden, hon. s-ec. & Bateman T. J. 20 Holbeach rd. Catford SE place, Hammersmith W cellor's road, Hammersmith W H. W. Carter, o.ssistant sec.), 213 Battershill FredJas.254 BaH:.:~.m High rdSW Brown Theodore, 43 Coomer rd.FulhamBW Streatham High road SW Bavin MrsJJliza,61Pelton rd.Greenwich SH Brown Thos.20 Burlington rd. Fulham SW Baxter Leond. 82a, Cornwall rd.BrixtonSW Brown Thos. 165 High st. Homerton NE CEMETERIES. Sydenham, Forest Hill & District (F. W. Madge, chairman; A. de Ste Crolx, Baxter Mn. Maud, 7 Squarey st. Ttng SW Brown Miss U. 822 Garra.tt la. TootingSW .ABNEY PARK CEMETERY CO, LTD. sec.), 54 London road, Forest Hill Slil Beale Albert E. 12 Salvador, Tooting SW Browne MissE.34 Haymerle rd.Peckhm SE {Arthur Cla.rk, sec. & registrar; Henry Woolwich Chamber of Commerce (Incor­ Bean MissH.162Northcote rd.Battersea SW Brushwood Mrs. Ellen, 16 Renbold place, J. Holloway, asst. sec.), Stoke Newing­ porated (F. G. Goodman F.O.I. sec.), 36 Bearman Mrs. Ada Eliza, 242 Lyham Greenwich SE ton N (T N 178 Dalston); cemeteries, Plumstead Common road SE road, Brixton SW Bryant Geo. Hy.48 Garvan rd.Hmrsmth W Abney Park N; Chingford Yount (T N Beaumont Albert, 2 Spencer road, Dart- Bubbs Percy Wm.82 Blissett st.Grnwch SE 124 Chingford); Hendon park, Mill Hill mouth Park hill NW Budd:M:rs.Ellen,28Straight's mth.GrnwchSE N W (T N 657 Finchley) & Greenford CHAMOIS LEATHER :MFRS. Beer Albert T. 50 Restella rd.Tooting SW Bull Wm. T.7~ Winstanley rd.Battrsea SW Beinder By. 56 Oswald st.Low.Clapton NE Bullin William, 69 Hardens Manor way, park, Greenford, Middlesex. T N 2 Castle Jsph. <~io Albt.7 Arthur st.PckhmSE Southall Bell Rd. 37 Oscar st. Deptford New TnSE Charlton SE Battersea (St. Mary's) (William Erneet Bellingham Miss Mary, 64 Glenthorne rd. Bullock Mrs.E.41 Monsell rd.Finsbry.Pk N Bishop, supt.), Battersea Rise SW CHANDLERS' SHOPS. Hammersmith W Bunce Henry, Southend, Catford SE Bromley Hill (John Warner, supt.), Bennett Arth. 95 Avenue rd.Cambrwll SE Burbridge Frederick C. 9 Palmerston st. Southend, Catford SE Adams Daniel, 12 Cronin rd. Peckham SE Bennett Chas. 74 Humbolt rd.HmrsmthW Camberwell SE Camberwell (Charles William Tagg, town Adams Jas. G. 63 Surrey la. Battersea SW Bennett Jn. 59 Lilford rd. Camberwell SE Burfield Mrs. F.K.lORam sq.WandswthBW clerk; Douglas James Robinson, supt. Alborough G.J.l28 Bedford rd.ClaphamSW Berry Albert, 1 Bedford ter. Holloway N Burford George John, 49 Ohapman road, & registrar), Forest Hill road, East Alien Geo. 10 Southville, 8. Lambeth SW Berry Jas.13 Wheatsheaf la..S.Lambeth SW Hackney Wick NE Dulwich SE Alien Mrs. A. M. la Church passage, Besfor Jas. Jn. 13 Langford rd.Fu1hamSW Burgess Sl.E.51 Dashwood rd.S.Lmbth SW Deptford Borough (Albert Wait, snpt.), Greenwich SE Besley By. 7 Wood st. West Norwood SE Burree William, 4:2 Havelock terrace & 20 Brockley road, Brockley BE Alien Mrs. Helen Sophia, 18 Kingsdale Bii~~m::S~~:h &W Son, 6 Bradmore lane, Gladstone terrace, South Lambeth SW Fnlham (Alfred Casselton, supt.), Fnlham road, Plumstead SE Burrough Mrs. B.9 Sotheron rd.Fulhm SW Palace rd SW & Munster rd.Fnlham SW Allen Jas.Wm.103 Bridge st.Greenwich SE Bickmore Wm.Alfd. 29 Ann st.Plmstd SE Burrows Miss E. 11 Hibbert st.Battrsea SW Greenwich Borough (John N. Bharman, Alien Thomas, 126 Roan st.Greenwich SE Biggs George Thomas W. 34 Brooklands Burrows Wm. 145 Berries at.Queen'a PkW supt.), Well Hall road, Woolwich SE Alien Wm.Jn.71Councillor st.Cmbrwll SE road. South Lambeth SW Bnrton James, 36 Russell st. Battersea SW Greenwich Royal Naval (John Williams, Allgar Miss Elizh.lO Putney Bridge rdSW .tSuzgs Hy. Herbt.53 Prince's rd.PlmstdSE Bnsh Mrs. Eliza, 23 .Milstead st.BrixtonSW supt.), Woolwioh road, Greenwich SE Allison Mrs. Emma., 114 Meyrick road, Billings Mrs. Mary Ann, 226 Millfields Bush Miss M. 4 Tindal street, Brixton SW Hammersmith Borough Council, Margra­ Battersea SW road, LoW€r Clapton NE Butcher Geo. 29 Brookdene rd.Plmstd SE vine gardens, Fulham SW Allworth Miss L.6 Creed pl.Greenwich SE Bilyard Hy.Thos.41Kirkside rd.Blckhth SE Butler Arth. E. 30 Nelson's row,ClphmSW Hampstead (William Alexander Cochrane, Ambrose Charles Edward, 18 Combermere Birch Robert John, 301 Kensal road, Ken- Butler George, 61 Wayford st. BttrseaSW supt.; Rev. James M. Willoughby D.D. road, Stockwell SW sal New Town W Butler Mrs . .Mary,82 Brightfield rd.Lee SE & Rev. J. Sylvester Poulton, chaplains), Anderson E. T. 33 Brocklebank road, Bishop Edward, 9 Elfin rd. CamberwellSE Butt .Mrs.M.A.4Datchelor rd.CamberwellSE Fortune Green road, Kilburn NW Wandsworth SW Bishop Jas.23 Lennox rd.Finsbury Park N Butterworth Henry, 47 Gainsborough road, Highgate, Pee London Cemetery Co Anderson Frederick, 24 Boone st. Lee SE Bishop Mrs. Laura, 2a, South street, Hackney Wick NE Hither Green (G€orge Richards, snpt.), Anderson James, 6 Stockwell green SW Hammersmith W Bygrave Wm.6 Daintry st.HackneyWckNE Verdant lane, Catford SE Andrews Alfred J ames, 16a, Railway Bishop Waiter, 11 lferton pl. Grnwch SE Cable Thos.Robt.57 Haymerle rd.PckhmSE Huguenot (closed), East hill, Wands­ place, Plumstead SE Blackford Frdk.l4 Frauces st.BatterseaSW Calcott By. Rolfe,3 Oglander rd.PckhmSE worth SW Angel! Chas.Geo.34 Walmer rd.PlumstdSE Blackman Alfd.66Garratt la.Wndswrth SW Campbell Fraser,18 Orchard hl.LewshmSE Kensal Green (All Souls) (Protestant), Angelo Salzano, 77Wardley st.WndswthSW Blackmore Benj. 64 Villas rd. Plumstd SE Campion William,82 Azof st.Greenwich SE Harrow road W ApplebyHarry,5 Stronsa rd.Shphrd.'sBshW Blackmore MissE.43Church rd.HomertnNE Cann Chas. D. Greyhound la. Strea.thm SW Kensal Green (St. Mary's) (Roman Catho­ Appleton W. F. 33 Basing rd.PeckhamSE Blakeley Hy. 31 Mirfie1d st. Charlton SE Carmody Thomas, 5 Himley rd.TootingSW lic), Harrow road W Argue Mrs. C. 74 Blakes rd. Peckham SE Bland George, 17 Elm st. Plumstead SE Carpenter H. A. 233 Sumner rd.PeckhmSE Lambeth (Rev. James Masters Carrack Armstrong Jas.lo Inverness pl.Plmstd SE Blood Jas.23 Appleford rd.Kensal Nw.TnW Carr Miss Alice Jane, 48 Dacre st. Lee SE B.A. chaplain; Rev. Waiter Baxendale, Arthur John, 72 Wilcox rd.St-h.Lambth SW Boardman Mrs. AJ!'nes, 31 Hardens Manor Carr Mrs. E. A. 34 Dendy st. Balbam SW Nonconformist chaplain; Frederick Geo. Ascott Mrs.Caroline,95 Dartmth.Pk. hi NW way, Charlton SE Carr George, 80 Kingsman st.Woolwch SE Tombs, mperintendent), Blackshaw rd. Ashton Samuel, 73 Prince's rd.Plmstd SE Bollen Wm. Jas. 140 High st. Eltbam SE Carrod Mrs. E. M. 227 York rd.BttrseaSW Tooting SW Attmore Miss H. 37Dalwood st.Cmbrwl!SE Bond Mrs. Miriam, 35 Manor way, North Carter George, 24 Spencer st.Battersea SW Lewisham Borough (William Bu~, supt.), Attwater A. 13 Lucas street, Deptford Woolwich, E Carter Samuel, 46 Mooltan .st. Fulham SW Ladywell road, Lewisham SE New Town SE Bone C. 31 Avenue road, Camberwell SE Casey John Henry,10a,Downes st.PckhmSE London Cemetery Co. ; offices, 29 New Austin Chas.96Mill la.WestEnd,Kilbrn NW Booker Arthur,46 Heath rd.Sth.Lmbth SW Castle Wm. 12 South st. Hammersmitli W Bridge street EC (H. M. Dodd, sec.) Ayling George Jn. 20 High st. Eltham SE Booth Mrs. Mary Rosina, 29 Chapman rd. Cavargna Mrs.E.82Sidney rd.Homerton NE (Northern station) (Rev. John Thomas Bacon Philip,51 Berries st.Queen's ParkW Hackney Wick NE Chadwick Henry,9 Dutton st.GreenwchSE Bingley L.R.A.M. chaplain; Rev. G. C. Bailey George, 37 Tooting gro. Tootng SW Borthwick James Hastie, 32 Moat place, Champion A.J.83Lw.Richmond rd.PtnySW Postans, Nonconformist minister; Robert Baker Charles By .2 Rennell st.Lewshm SE Stockwell SW Chance John, 9 Trevelyan rd. Tooting SW Forster, supt.), Swains lane, Highgate Baker Frank, 266 Kilburn la.Kensal GrnW Boston Wm. 61 Kingsman st. Woolwch SE Channing Mrs. Jane,54 High st.Wlwch SE N; (Southern station) (Rev. Robert Baker Geo. 42 Claremont st.Greenwich SE Bottomley Thomas Henry, 136 Pomeroy st. Chapman Alfd.19 Ferrierst.Wandswrth SW Henry Wilson M. A. chaplain; Rev. B. Baker James,51 Becklow rd.Shprd's.BshW New Cross SE Charlesworth Mrs. William Henry, 76 All en, Nonconformist Jninister; Henry Baker Miss M. J. 42 Bournemouth road, Bottwood Mrs.Mrgt.lOHercules rd.HollwyN Brisbane street, Camberwell SE 0. Clements, supt.), Linden grove, Nun­ Peckham SE Boulden Wm. 25 Carlwell st. Tooting SW Chave Arthur, 97 Kirkwood rd.PeckhmSE head SE Baker Mrs. Hester,2 Purcell cres.FlhmSW Boutelaer Edwd. 92 Andover rd. Hollwy N Cheesewright James Henry, 30 Beavor Nunhead, see London Cemetery Co Baker Mrs.Mary, 70Prout rd. Up. ClaptonNE Bowers John, 2 The Blade, Plum stead SE lane, Hammersmith W Old Charlton, Cemetery lane,Charlton,Kent Balding Jn.34a, Priory gro.Sth.Lmbth SW Bowker William,8 Colwell rd.E.DulwchSE Cheney Mrs. Elizabeth, 13 Kinnear road, Plumstead (G. E. Ismay, supt.), Wick- Ball MissM.l30Cotrenham rd.Up.HollowyN Boyle John, 209 Cator street, Peckham SE Shepherd's Bush W ham lane, Welling, Kent Ballanger J onathan Charles, 69 Lurgan Boyle Mrs.
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