Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius Director, Center for the Study of War and Society Lindsay Young Professor Professor, Department of History 915 Volunteer Boulevard 6th Floor, Dunford Hall University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-4065 (865) 974-7320 e-mail: [email protected] http://web.utk.edu/~history/faculty/f-liulevicius.htm EDUCATION University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA: Ph.D., Modern European History, 1994 Fields: Modern Germany; Russia and Eastern Europe; Cultural History Dissertation: "War Land: Peoples, Lands, and National Identity on the Eastern Front in World War I." ACTR Summer Russian Language Program in Moscow and Leningrad, USSR, 1989 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA: M.A., Modern European History, 1989 University of Chicago, Chicago, IL: B.A. with General Honors in the College; Special Honors in History, 1988 Senior Thesis: "Karl Follen: The Self-Invented Man." (awarded Emile Karafiol Prize) Director: Dr. Michael Geyer PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Director, Center for the Study of War and Society, from 2008. Full Professor, Dept. of History, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, from 2010. Associate Professor, Dept. of History, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2001-10. Assistant Professor, Dept. of History, University of Tennessee, Knoxville,1995-2001. Visiting Scholar, Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, 1994-1995. Teaching Assistant, University of Pennsylvania, 1990-1991. FOREIGN LANGUAGES German (fluent), Russian (reading), Danish (reading), Lithuanian (fluent). Liulevicius, 2 PUBLICATIONS Books The German Myth of the East: 1800 to the Present (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009). War Land on the Eastern Front: Culture, National Identity, and German Occupation in World War I (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000). Kriegsland im Osten. Eroberung, Kolonisierung und Militärherrschaft im Ersten Weltkrieg. German language edition of War Land on the Eastern Front, trans. Jürgen Bauer, Fee Engemann, Edith Nerke (Hamburg: Hamburger Edition of the Hamburg Institute for Social Research, 2002). Articles (Forthcoming) “The Baltic Area in World War I” in Bruegemann et al., Handbuch zur baltischen Geschichte. (Forthcoming) “Das Besatzungsregime von Ober-Ost im Vergleich” in Besatzungserfahrungen in Europa (1914-1945), ed. Nicolas Beaupré et al. (Klartext) [translation of 2006 article from Histoire et Societes]. “War and Conflict in the Baltic Sea Region: An Historical Perspective”, Baltic Rim Economies, October 2011, p. 31: http://www.tse.fi/FI/yksikot/erillislaitokset/pei/Documents/BRE2011 /BRE%203-2011%20final.pdf “German-Occupied Eastern Europe” (Chapter 30) in A Companion to World War I, ed. John Horne (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2010): 447-463. “The Languages of Occupation: Vocabularies of German Rule in Eastern Europe in the World Wars”, in Germans, Poland, and Colonial Expansion to the East, ed. Robert L. Nelson (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009): 121- 139. “Building Nationalism: Monuments, Museums, and the Politics of War Memory in Interwar Lithuania” in Nordost-Archiv, vol. XVII (2008): 230-47. "German Military Occupation and Culture on the Eastern Front in World War I", in The Germans and the East, ed. Charles Ingrao, et al. (Purdue University Press, 2008): 201-208. “Precursors and Precedents: Forced Migration in Northeastern Europe during the First World War” in Nordost-Archiv, vol. XIV (2005): 32-52. “Die deutsche Besatzung im ‘Land Ober Ost’ im Ersten Weltkrieg”, in Besatzung. Funktion und Gestalt militärischer Fremdherrschaft von der Antike bis zum 20. Jahrhundert, ed. Günther Kronenbitter, Markus Pöhlmann, and Dierk Walter (Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 2006): 93-104. “Das Land Ober Ost im Ersten Weltkrieg: Eine Fallstudie zu den deutsch- litauischen Beziehungen und Zukunftsvorstellungen”, in “Kollaboration” in Nordosteuropa. Erscheinungsformen und Deutungen im 20. Jahrhundert, ed. Joachim Tauber (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2006): 118-127. Liulevicius, 3 “Der Osten als apokalyptischer Raum. Deutsche Fronterfahrungen im und nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg” in Traumland Osten. Deutsche Bilder vom östlichen Europa im 20. Jahrhundert, ed. Gregor Thum (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006): 47-65. “Von ‘Ober-Ost’ nach ‘Ostland’?” in Die vergessene Front. Der Osten 1914/15: Ereignis, Wirkung, Nachwirkung, ed. Gerhard P. Groß (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2006): 295-310. “Les dimensions sociales de l’occupation militaire: la domination allemande en Europe du Nord-Est pendant la Première Guerre mondiale”, in Histoire et Societes: Revue Européenne D’Histoire Sociale, No. 17 (January 2006): 20-31. “Elective Ethnicity: The Phenomenon of Chosen National Identity in the Modern Baltic World” in The Baltic World as a Multicultural World: Sea, Region and Peoples, ed. Marko Lehti (Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2005): 155-163. “L'Invasion comme voyage: l'occupation allemande sur le front de l'Est durant la Premiere Guerre mondiale” in 1914-1945 L’Ère de la Guerre: Violence, Mobilisations, Deuil. Tome 1 1914-1918, ed. Anne Dumenil, Nicolas Beaupré, Christian Ingrao (Paris: Agnes Viénot Editions, 2004): 183- 205. “Representations of War on the Eastern Front, 1914-1918” in Power, Violence and Mass Death in Pre-Modern and Modern Times, ed. Joseph Canning, Hartmut Lehmann and Jay Winter (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004): 191-204. “L’esperienza di soldati e civili nella Grande Guerra: la gente commune sul fronte orientale, 1914-1918” ["Soldiers' and Civilians' Experience of World War I: Common People on the Eastern Front, 1914-1918”] in Storia e Memoria: Rivista semestrale. Istituto Ligure per la storia della Resistenza e dell’età contemporanea, Vol. 9 (1) (November, 2000): 91-103. “As Go the Baltics, So Goes Europe,” Orbis: A Journal of World Affairs, Vol. 39 (3) (Summer, 1995): 387-402. “Is Kaliningrad Really Lithuania Minor?: The Baltic Crucible of National Identities,” Hoover Working Paper Series in International Studies, January, 1995. Encyclopedia Articles “Occupation, Military” in Encyclopedia of Modern Europe, vol. 4, ed. Jay Winter and John Merriman (Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2006). “Tannenberg” and “Les Allemands entrent dans Varsovie” in Bruno Cabanes and Anne Duménil, eds., Larousse de la Grande Guerre (Larousse, 2007). Entries on “Ober Ost”, “Besatzung (Osten)” [Occupied Eastern Europe], “Ostpreußen” [East Prussia], in Enzyklopädie des Ersten Weltkrieges, ed. Gerhard Hirschfeld, et al. (Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 2003). Liulevicius, 4 Other Publications (Forthcoming) Preface for Culture, Identity, and Memory: Lithuania during Two World Wars (Vilnius). “Kodel buvo kariaujama?” (interview with Dr. Laima Lauckaite) Naujasis Zidinys/Aidai, 2014, Nr. 4. “Five Things You Need to Know About World War I”, The New York Times Upfront Magazine, March 17, 2014: 18-21. “Fact-Finding in Syria: How to Gather Intelligence in a Warzone”, Foreign Affairs Online, May 2, 2013. See: http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/139362/vejas-liulevicius/fact-finding-in- syria “Der vergiftete Sieg: Wie der erste Krieg im Osten Hitlers mörderisches Weltbild prägte” [The Poisoned Victory: How the First World War in the East Shaped Hitler’s Murderous Worldview”], in Der Spiegel, No. 10, March 1, 2004: 130- 38. URL: HYPERLINK http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/0,1518,289317,00.html Reprinted in Spiegel-special issue and in Der Erste Weltkrieg. Die Urkatastrophe des 20. Jahrhunderts, ed. Stephan Burgdorff and Klaus Wiegrefe (Munich: Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, 2004): 105-117. Recorded Lecture Courses (all by The Great Courses, Chantilly, Va.) “History of Eastern Europe”, 2015. 24 lectures. “History’s Greatest Voyages of Exploration”, 2015. 24 lectures. “Turning Points of Modern History”, 2013. 24 lectures. “Espionage and Covert Operations: A Global History”, 2011. 24 lectures. “War, Peace, and Power: European Diplomatic History, 1500-2000”, 2007. 36 lectures. “World War I: The ‘Great War’”, 2006. 36 lectures. (Audiofile Magazine 2007 review: “stunning clarity”). “Utopia and Terror in the Twentieth Century”, 2003. 24 lectures. Podcasts: March 2014 podcast interview with The Great Courses, “The Crisis in Ukraine”. See: http://www.thegreatcourses.com/podcast/the-torch-special-edition-the-crisis-in-ukraine [This podcast was retweeted by iTunes Podcasting retweeted to their 295,000 followers] TEACHING FIELDS Modern Germany Diplomatic History Cultural History Modern Europe Eastern Europe and Baltic Sea region Liulevicius, 5 HONORS AND AWARDS Lindsay Young Professorship, 2009-10, 2010-13, 2013-15, 2015-2017 Univ. of Tennessee College of Arts and Sciences Senior Excellence in Teaching Award, December 2014 Univ. of Tennessee Chancellor’s Award for Graduate Teaching, 2014 In Feb. 2014, one of Germany’s main national newspapers, Die Welt, listed War Land (which appeared in German translation) as a must-read for the anniversary of the First World War, in an article entitled, “These Are the Best Books on the First World War”: http://www.welt.de/geschichte/article123412340/Das-sind-die-besten-Buecher- zum-Ersten-Weltkrieg.html Univ. of Tennessee Humanities Center Fellowship, 2012-13 Univ. of Tennessee Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2012 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, 2005-2006 Hendrickson Professorship in the College of Arts and Sciences, 2005-2007, 2007-2009 Univ. of Oregon’s Center for Educational Policy Research College Board Best Practices Course Study designates History 335 a best practices course, with specific elements
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