t\i The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada Vol. 7 No. 42 April 27, 1972 Alvin Toffler To Receive One Of Nine Honorary Degrees At 210th Convocation Alvin Toffler, internationally known as Convocation schedule is as follows: following which he advanced to General a "social futurist" for his best-selling Sales Manager for Canada. In 1949 he book "Future Shock" will be among the TUES., MAY 30: Students from the became Vice-President of World Trade nine receiving honorary degrees confer- Faculty of Arts, Huron College, School Corporation and General Manager for red by The University of Western Ontario of Business Administration and Faculty Europe with headquarters in Paris. Mr. at its 210th Annual Spring Convocation of Music will receive their degrees. Mr. Brent was appointed Vice-President ceremonies, May 30 to June 2. Willis will become a Doctor of Laws. and General Manager of IBM World Mr. Robarts will give the address. Trade Corporation with headquarters Other honorary Doctor of Laws degree in New York in 1954. Early in 1962 recipients will be: WED., MAY 31: Dr. Reva Gerstein, he was appointed President and Chair- Professor Vernon T. Mould and Mr. man of the Board of IBM Canada. Mr. John E. Brent, Chairman of the Alvin Toffler will receive Doctor of Board of IBM Canada Limited and Vice- Laws degrees and students of the Fa- Mr. Brent, a native of Brantford, On- President and Director, IBM World culty of Social Science will graduate. tario, holds several other prominent Trade Corporation, New York; Dr. Gerstein will give the address. positions, some of which include: Vice- President and Director of The Univer- Dr. A. Davidson Dunton, President and THURS., JUNE 1: Faculty of Science, sity of Western Ontario Foundations; Vice-Chancellor of Carleton University, Brescia College, King's College, Faculty Vice-President and Director of The Ottawa; of Engineering Science and Althouse Toronto Symphony; Director of In- College of Education students will re- ternational Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Max Ferguson, celebrated Canadian ceive their degrees. Also, Dr. Karel F. Canadian Council, Science Research As- radio personality; Wiesner and Mr. Max Ferguson will re- sociates (Canada Ltd.), Dominion In- ceive honorary degrees. Mr. Ferguson surance Corporation, and the Toronto- Dr. Reva Gerstein, Psychologist, Founder will give the address. Dominion Bank. He is also a member and President of the C.M. Hincks Treat- of numerous boards and is Chairman ment Centre; FRI., JUNE 2: On the final day of of the Advisory Committee of Western's Convocation, the Faculty of Graduate School of Business Administration. He Mr. Vernon T. Mould of Upper Canada Studies, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty received his B.A. in Business Adminis- College; of Law, Faculty of Dentistry and Fa- tration from Western in 1931. culty of Nursing students will graduate. * * * * Mr. Ross B. Willis, former Vice-Presi- Honorary degrees will be conferred dent of Western and currently Vice- upon Mr. Justice Bora Laskin, Mr. John Dr. Davidson Dunton -- President of President of Allpak Products Limited, E. Brent and Dr. Davidson Dunton. Carleton University, Ottawa, will retire London. Judge Laskin will give the address. on June 30 and become Director of the Institute of Canadian Studies at Carle- The Honorable Mr. Justice Bora Laskin, Convocation will begin at 3:00 p.m. ton. A native of Montreal, Dr. Dunton Q.C., Supreme Court of Canada Judge, each of the four days in Alumni Hall. received his education at Lower Canada will be honored with a Doctor of Civil Invited guests and spectators should College in Montreal, University of Gre- Laws (D.C.L.) and an Honorary Doc- plan to be in their seats 15 to 20 min- noble, France, McGill University, Mon- tor of Science degree will be conferred utes before the ceremony begins. treal, Cambridge University in England, upon Dr. Karel F. Wiesner, Resident and the University of Munich, Germany. Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of New -Brunswick. Dr. Dunton began his career as a reporter Following are brief biographical sketches with the Montreal Star in 1935, becoming The Honourable John P. Robarts, P.C., of the honorary degree recipients: Associate Editor two years later. He former Premier, Province of Ontario, joined the Montreal Standard as Editor will be installed as Chancellor of the Mr. John E. Brent -- A graduate of The in 1938 where he remained until 1943 University on the first of the four days University of Western Ontario is Chair- when he became Assistant General Mana- of Convocation. Mr. Robarts will give man of the Board of IBM Canada Limi- ger, Wartime Information Board, Go- the Convocation address on that day. ted and Vice-President and Director of vernment of Canada until 1945. Fol- IBM World Trade Corporation, New lowing this he then became Chairman of Approximately 3,100 graduate and York. He joined the company in 1931 the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, undergraduate degrees will be awarded as a student salesman in Toronto. His a position he retained until 1958 when during the Tuesday to Friday cere- first important promotion was to the he resigned to become President of monies in Alumni Hall. post of Branch Manager in Toronto, Carleton University. continued page l) Law School. During this time he be- he was appointed a Visiting Professor at Spring Convocation came a leading authority on constitu- Cornell University where he conducted continued from page 1 tional law. He gave up teaching to be- research into future value systems. Mr. come a judge of the Ontario Court of Toffler has also been a Visiting Scholar Appeal. Five years later, at the age of at the Russell Sage Foundation. Mr. Max Ferguson -- The creator of "Raw- 57, Justice Laskin set a precedent by hide" and hundreds of other fictitious being appointed the youngest Canadian characters, is a renowned Canadian radio Supreme Court Justice. He has been des- personality. A graduate of The University cribed as a "towering academic schoLar". Professor Karel F. Wiesner -- A native of of Western Ontario, Mr. Ferguson began Judge Laskin is Chairman of the Board Prague, Czechoslovakia, is one of Canada's to develop his showmanship with mimi- of Governors of the Ontario Institute for leading organic chemists. He received his cry and impersonations during noon hour Studies in Education, and has served on education at Charles University in Prague, broadcasts over a public address system the Board of Governors of York Univer- graduating in 1945 with a Doctorate in at Western. He began his radio career sity and Carleton University. He is cur- Physical Chemistry. In 1946 he worked with CFPL Radio and soon joined the rently Chancellor of Lakehead University. in Zurich, Switzerland at the Federal In- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in stitute of Technology. In 1948 he joined Halifax, where much to his distaste, he * * * * * the University of New Brunswick as an was assigned to a program of western Assistant Professor of Chemistry. Two music. In an effort to disguise his voice Mr. Vernon T. Mould -- Graduated with years later he became an Associate Pro- he adopted a raspy western drawl and so an Honors Associate Ontario College of fessor and from 1951-62 held the posi- the "Rawhide" character was created. Arts degree in 1948. His career began at tion of Professor of Organic Chemistry. Rawhide was such a success, Mr. Fergu- Upper Canada College where he remained He is currently Resident Professor of son was transferred to Toronto and the and is currently Head of the Art Depart- Chemistry at the University. His contri- program broadcast on the national net- ment. Western is honoring Mr. Mould butions to the field of organic chemistry work. In 1962, a new program, The Max for his unique and outstanding contribu- have contributed greatly to the growth Ferguson Show, which included satirical tion to the restoration of Sainte-Marie of the University's reputation. sketches on news stories, began. In 1970, Among the Hurons. Mr. Mould was ap- he dropped the shows, but remained with pointed Chairman of the Sainte-Marie In 1963, Professor Wiesner was awarded CBC radio network. His book, "And Museum Planning Committee working the Palladium Medal of the Chemical Now ... Here's Max" won the Stephen with The University of Western Ontario Institute of Canada. He is a Fellow of Leacock Medal for Humor in 1968 and in conjunction with the Ontario Govern- the Royal Society of Canada, the British in the same year he received the Windsor ment in 1965. At the same time he be- Chemistry Society, and the Swiss Chem- Men's Press Club Quill award. came a member of Western's President's istry Society. In 1969 he was elected Advisory Committee on Sainte-Marie. to the Royal Society of London. Pro- Born in Durham, England, Mr. Ferguson From 1968-70 he served as Chairman of fessor Wiesner is noted for his work in spent most of his early years in London, the entire project. He has been a mem- the area of synthesis and structure de- Ontario. ber of the Huronia Historical Parks, . termination of natural products as well as Publications Committee, Artifacts Com- his studies of fast reactions by polarography. mittee and Development Council. Mr. Mould spent five years re-creating, in Dr. Reva Gerstein -- A Psychologist, ob- miniature, the world as it existed from tained the degrees of M.A. and Ph.D. pre-Columbian times to the demise of Mr. Ross B. Willis -- A native of London, from the University of Toronto. Follow- Sainte-Marie in 1649. He co-authored a attended The University of Western On- ing graduation she taught psychology and filmscript on Sainte-Marie which re- sociology at the University of Toronto.
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