Winthrop University Digital Commons @ Winthrop University Browse all issues of the Johnsonian The oJ hnsonian 4-11-1931 The ohnsoniJ an April 11, 1931 Winthrop University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/thejohnsonian Recommended Citation Winthrop University, "The oJ hnsonian April 11, 1931" (1931). Browse all issues of the Johnsonian. 282. https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/thejohnsonian/282 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The oJ hnsonian at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Browse all issues of the Johnsonian by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TheTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATIOJohnsoniaN OF THE STUDENT BODY OF WINTHROP COLLEGE n VOLUME VIII. NUMBER 24 ROCK HILL. SOUTH CAROLINA. SATURDAY, APRIL II. 1931 SUBSCRIPTION SI M A YEAR FACULTY CAST IN MUSIC CONTEST STUDENT GOVERNMENT GIRL SCOUT LEADERSHIP STATE HIGH SCHOOL MURDER TRIAL IS BEN 6REET PLAYERS COMEDY TONIGHT UNUSUALLY GOOD! NOMINATIONS MADE COURSE AT WINTHROP TRACK MEET STAGETODAYD AT WINTHROPi IN'TWELFTH NIGHT' "Sabine H'umrn" Will Give You a rnvillr Won Most Points. With One of Most Interesting Meetings \|ipro>lmately Filly Girls Take four Represenlatlves From Fifteen High eniors Sit as Jurors During Terrible Appreciative Audience Attends Pres- Laugh—Professors Slum Yuu Charleston and Parker School Year Held Last Evening—Elec- Offered by Miss Robertine Mc- Schools Here For Seventh An- Scene—Deep Mystery I'nrolds entation of Shakespeare's Play Something Different District Next tions to Be Held Tuesday Clendon This Week nual Track Event and Surprises Abound By Famous Troupe It's coming tonight, girls; "The Sa- 'Hie South Carolina Music Contest One of the most Interesting meetings The Girl Scout leadership course, of- Fifteen of the outstanding high "Twcnty-two states have it and we Sir Philip Ben Greet and his de- bine Women!" At eight o'clock In the "I 1831. which was held at Winlhrop schools of the slate were represented In of the Student Government Association ; ''"red by Miss Robertine McClendon. arc going to have it." was the cry of lightful cast of English players pre- Mam Auditorium the annual Y. W. I College. April 3-4. was one ol the most the seventh annual track meet which the Senior class. And they have it! during the year was held last evening j opened with much Interest and enthu- sented Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" laculty play to be staged by an all- latcccfsful that has ever been held, was held on Hie Winlhrop athletic They have elected twelve members of a'. 6:30 in the main auditorium. At on Monday, and continued so faculty cast, promises to be one of the Piofcssor Walter B. Roberts, head of field yesterday and today. The meet their class to sit as jurors at a mur- to a house crowded "to the steps," at most entertaining comedies ever pre- | the Winlhrop College music depart- this time, the organization was called ] throughout the week. There were ap- has been very enthusiastic and has der trial! No students have been Winlhrop College. Thursday evening. sented by our faculty. jment and leader of the contest, is to to order by its president. Lucia Daniel. I,,tx'matcly fifty girls taking this been characterized by good sportsman- killed, yet. but you will die from dis- April 9. Adventure is ushered in with the first j'* congratulated. Praise Is also due The students were remnded that to- 1 course. ship and fair play. appointment if you fail to go to the "Twelfth Night" will always be on? rise of the curtain when tho seven ]l,ls assistants. night. April 11, is to be "Town Girls' j At the first meeting, held April 6, The preliminaries were begun yes- college auditorium Saturday night. of Shakespeare's freshest and most de- Roman men rush in. each one drag- Ur- JoscP" Maddcy. president of the Night." and all students were urged to ^Mlss McClendon stated that Girl Scout- I terday promptly at 10 o'clock. The April 18. You have seen the Win- ging or carrying one of the beautiful hl«" sch00' orchestra camp association lightful comedies. The Ben Greet invite their friends and to have as en- g can be summed up in five words: . Itnals were begun this morning al 9 throp stage as a drawing-room, as a Sabine Women whom they have ab-.1""1 professor of music at the Unlver- flower garden, as a desert island, as Players have caught its true spirit of thusiastic time as possible while show- Health; 2, Handicraft; 3, Charac- | o'clock. The lollowlng schools are rep- dueted I. om their husbands! The lirst of Michigan, was the judge of the ; resented in the events: a ship, but not until you see "The riotous fun. and they infected their au- | Ing our town t'udents a snatch of "dor- r; 4. Service, and 5. Happiness. She Legend of Leonora" will you see it as sound is the distressful scream of the {contests. j mltory life." id that character is the sum of | Anderson. Briton's Neck. Chester, Co- dience with It. At times both players unfortunate women! I Greenville high school with 35 points a courtroom. In their last dramatic Luca then spent the next few mln- .owledge and the application of that' lu",bla' Fiom,ct ' Grcat Falls- Ma>cs" and audience grew hilarious. The eve- epstakes and Allen Taylor, 'col- ' ville. McColl. Nichols. Oakway. Pickens. fling before leaving us in June, the Sciplo appeal's .es reviewing for the students the re- ledge. ning was thoroughly enjojed. the ac- list of Columbia, won the $100 schol- Hock Hill. Sardis, Whitmire, Winlhrop Seniors are giving us something i Mrs. Claire order to acquire the spirit of the ! arshlp to the National High School suits and accomplishments of the re- which no one can afford to miss. tors were fully appreciated, and they Kearsc Graueli, who screams, hisses Scout program, the members of Training School. j Orchestra Camp at Interlochcn. Mich. cent S. I. A. S. G. Conference, which They think that they know what seemed abandoned to the joy of their and claws at him as though she knew le leadership course played the gam The events were: 50-yard dash, bas- In tiie sweepstakes Charleston was sec- she attended in Beiton. Texas, from trials are .and with a selected number acting. no pity. April 1-4. The Instructive speakers a! Come Along." and learned the song. Kctball throw, running high Jump, dls Sir Philip Ben Greet, as the pom- ond with 25 points and Parker District cus of the most tried they are going to Miss Mnlchus fights and screams at the conference were: Dean Ellen Har- "Wind." The group of girls taking the ""row, 65-yard hurdles, baseball pously aspiring Malvolio. was perfect. threw, running broad Jump. 15-yard | "rcscm the,r "''"-modern play In the lop of her voice, b'.it Dr. John Coul- The winners in other contests were ris of the University of Alabama. Miss course in Girl Scout Leadership func- He made a ridiculous but convincing dash, shot put. 220-yard pursuit relay. v"ch a st>'lF ns has ncvcr •**" wlt" son fights to the end when he drop; as follows, in the order named: Margaret Peck of the University ol tioned as a troop with Miss McClcn- Malvolio. ever in character with voice "the tamed shrew" in front of liis Texas. Dr. A. O. Bowden of New Mex- den as captain. For the division into The officials of the inwi were: j and enunciation "tuned and adjusted Girls' glee club: Greenville. Parker Referee and Starter Miss Allelic | Thrills! Excitement! Suspense! All hut with the other Sabine Women. ico Stale Teachers' College, and Dr. patrols, there weie four different sets , to the part.' He entertained his au- District, Rock Hill. these are awaiting you Saturday In spite of the tcrrilic struggle. Mr. Ro s ol trefoils with the names of animals i Sefton. Boys' glee club: Greenville. Parker >' - Crouch of Baylor College. night as you see a lovable, charming, dience as well as his fellows at Lady Barron Nichols finally overcomes Miss which were Imitrtcd. Cltrk of Course—Miss Frances Hod- I Di: Florence. | Dr Hardy, the president of Baylor fascinating woman tried for murder. Olivia's couit. His antics and their Allelic Scfton. while Mr. Griffith Pugli. Each patrol selected a leader, chose 11 Mixed chorus: Greenville. Parker I College, extended to the delegate Is Leonora guilty? She is illogical tricks on him produced much sincere Jr.. brings in the stubborn and resent- !' key to the college and Its campus and a name, and got ip a stunt explaining Scorer—Miss Lillian Wcllner. District, Sumter. and beautiful. Does this Jury- convict merriment. ful Mis- Juliet Pcgucs. the name. The .'our patrols were < 1 • Announccr—Supt. F. M. Mack. j' Music Memory (high school depart- said that he was delighted for this rep- vcrdlct depends on a cor- The ringleaders In the deviltries Wake Robin, <2i Iroquois. I3> Laffa- Timekeeper—Prof. J. Thompson j The fourth Sabine Woman <Mrs. ment': Sara Wealherly. Bennettsvllle; resentative body of southern women to evidence is against her. played on the unsuspecting Malvolio lots. 14) Wildcats. rown. Prof. S. Barron Nichols. Prof. EuiliK'tl Gorci Is dragged ill by Mr. R. Wi'lium King. Ilartsvlllc; Sidney Dun- be present at Baylor for their confer- w .. ... .but she I® unreasonably attractive. were the red-laced drunkard. Sir Toby The meeting, held on Tuesday. wu- 'W. D. Mugginis. Prof. Terry.
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