DISTRICT SURVEY REPORT OF RIVER SAND SIMDEGA DISTRICT (As per Appendix -X of MoEF & CC Gazette Notification no.-125, dated 15.01.2016) 1. INTRODUCTION Simdega District is situated in the south western part of the state of Jharkhand. It borders with Orissa and Chhattisgarh states. It comprises of the area, which was erstwhile the Simdega Subdivision of the Gumla District and was created on 30th April 2001. The district is situated between 22 degree and 20 minutes to 22 degree and 51 minutes north latitude and 84 degree and 01 minutes to 85 degree and 05 minutes east longitude. It consists of ten blocks/Circles namely Simdega, Kurdeg, Bolba, Thethaitangar, Kolebira, Bano, Jaldega, Pakartanr, Bansjore and Kersai. The responsibility of General Administration of Simdega District lies with the Deputy Commissioner. He is the Executive Head and carries out the role of Deputy Commissioner, District Collector and District Magistrate. The Additional Collector, MESO Project Officer, Executive Magistrates, Treasury Officer, District Panchayati Raj Officers and many others assist the Deputy Commissioner in carrying out day-to-day work in various fields. The Deputy Commissioner is the Chief Revenue Officer as District Collector and is responsible for collection of Revenue and other Government dues recoverable as arrears of Land Revenue. The District Rural Development Agency has also been created for the implementation of Integrated Rural Development Programme. It has been the principal organ at the District level to oversee the implementation of the anti-poverty programmes of the Ministry of Rural Development. Under the Zila Parishad there are 10 Blocks and 94 Panchayats. The Chairman of the Zila Parishad committee is Smt. Menon Ekka and the Vice Chairman is Sri Birsa Manjhi. History of Simdega District In the ancient times, Simdega District was known by the name of Biru-Kaishalpur Pargana, which was reigned by Raja Katangadeo. After his demise, Maharaja Shivakarna subjugated it. Munda Tribe and Kharia tribe entered into this part in 1441 A.D and Oraon tribe settled here in about 1503 A.D from Rohta Tribe. For some time it was part of the Kalinga Empire and subsequently in 1336 A.D Harideo of Gang dynasty that is the royal family of Ganga Vanshi Gajapati of Kalinga-Utkala Empire was made king of Biru. The ancestors of Royal family still reside at Biru. At present, Biru is situated at a distance of about 11 km from Page | 1 District Survey Report of River Sand, Simdega District District headquarter, Simdega. Ganga Bishun Rohilla was famous freedom fighter from Simdega. Geography of Simdega District The landscape of Simdega District is formed of hills and undulating plateau. About 1194.50 sq. km areas of the district are covered under the forest. Simdega district is primarily settled by the Scheduled Tribes with 70.2 per cent population. This is the highest among all the districts of Jharkhand closely followed by Gumla district with 67.2 per cent Scheduled Tribe population. The majority of the Scheduled Tribes belong to the Christian faith. Demography of Simdega District According to the 2011 census report the total population of Simdega district is 5,99,813. It comprises of 2,99,905 male members and 2,99,908 females. Economy of Simdega District The agriculture in Simdega District is very primitive and under developed. Majority of the rural population depends on traditional methods of agriculture. Other problems in the agriculture sector include lack of irrigation facilities, absence of scientific inputs, poor marketing facilities, under developed infrastructure etc. The agriculture is mainly dependent on seasonal rain. Even though the average rainfall of the district is 1100-1200 mm due to lack of rainwater harvesting techniques most of the rainwater remain unutilised. Despite a large population of milk cattle, yield of milk in the district is very poor. Lack of awareness coupled with local varieties of breed makes it less productive. Attempts are being taken to support the dairy sector and make it more cost effective. Jharkhand is known for its rich mineral resources. However, presences of important minerals are yet to be explored in the District. The main mineral resources found in the district are stone chips and river sands. Despite having potential natural resources and various raw materials for small, medium and major industries the sector very much under developed in Simdega district. There are no single industrial units present in the district. It clearly indicates the lack of development of the district. Tendoo leaves found in the district in major scale but all are exported to other states. The district has also having favourable conditions of Tasar rearing, Lac cultivation, Timber industry, Handicrafts, Electrical, Automobile etc. Simdega is very near to the state capital Ranchi. It also shares the boundary with the industrial town Rourkela of Orissa and Jashpur Page | 2 District Survey Report of River Sand, Simdega District District of Chattisgarh. However, trade and commerce as a source of economy is still in its infancy. The major exports of the district are paddy and other forest products. Food grains and other things of daily use are imported on large scale. Even though the district Bazar Samitee exists it lacks necessary infrastructure, staff and other facilities. Local trade and business is mainly centered upon local hat bazaars and weakly Hats. 2. OVERVIEW OF MINING ACTIVITY IN THE DISTRICT The mining activity in the district is only restricted to the mining of minor minerals i.e. of Sand, Stone and Brick Clays. Altogether, there are 53 leases of Stones & Sands, which have been granted to the district. The mining in all these leases is regulated as per different minerals concession rules of Jharkhand. A total 23 Brick Making Units are also granted in the district. The mining in all these leases is regulated as per different minerals concession rules of Jharkhand. There is no lease of major minerals in the district. At present 53 leases of Stones & Sands and 23 Brick Making Units are operational in the district. 1. Stone - 40 Nos. 2. River Sand - 13 Nos. 3. Brick Making Units - 23 Nos. Page | 3 District Survey Report of River Sand, Simdega District 3. THE LIST OF MINING LEASES IN THE DISTRICT WITH LOCATION, AREA AND PERIOD OF VALIDITY I. Jh jkeukjk;.k izlkn] dksysfcjk ekStk& tkeVksyh] 2-50 01-10-2013 ekbZfuax Iyku vuqeksfnr firk&Jh rkjds'oj Fkkuk& dksysfcjk] ls i;kZoj.kh; Lohd`fr izkIr izlkn] dksysfcjk] IykWV ua0 30-09-2023 izkIr fleMsxkA 1771]¼va'k½ rd C.T.O Vaild up to 30-06-2018 [kkrk ua0-237 ¼uohd`r½ Fkkuk ua0- 122 62 TPD Jh vfuy dqekj flag] dksysfcjk ekStk& VkaxjVksyh] 2-00 13-12-2013 ekbZfuax Iyku vuqeksfnr oYn Jh fojs'oj flag] Fkkuk& dksysfcjk] ls i;kZoj.kh; Lohd`fr izkIr yfl;k] fleMsxkA IykWV ua0 702 12-12-2023 C.T.O izkIr ¼va'k½] rd Vaild up to 30-06-2018 [kkrk ua0- 67 ¼uohd`r½ Fkkuk ua0- 129 62 TPD Jhefr vfgY;k nsoh] fleMsxk ekStk& dksulsjk] 2-50 07-02-2014 ekbZfuax Iyku vuqeksfnr ifr& Lo0 lR;ukjk;.k Fkkuk& fleMsxk] ls i;kZoj.kh; Lohd`fr izkIr izlkn] IykWV ua0 366 06-02-2024 C.T.O izkIr fizUl pkSd fleMsxkA ¼va'k½] rd [kkrk ua0- 60 ¼uohd`r½ Vaild up to 31-03-2018 Fkkuk ua0- 55 20 TPD 4- Jh eukst dqekj flag] fleMsxk ekStk& cax:] 1-40 27-03-2015 ekbZfuax Iyku vuqeksfnr oYn Lo0 >qyu flag] Fkkuk& fleMsxk] ls 26-03- i;kZoj.kh; Lohd`fr izkIr xzk$iks0 lyMsxk] IykWV ua0 2025 rd C.T.O ds fy, vkosfnr fleMsxkA 1934¼va'k½] ¼uohd`r½ [kkrk ua0- 142 Fkkuk ua0- 76 5- fe[kk,y lksjsax] fleMsxk ekStk& rkeM+k] 1-00 05-06-05 vof/k [email protected] gsrq firk Jh cjukcl lksjsax] Fkkuk fleMsxk] ls 04-06- vkosnu i= izkIr¼iqujh{k.k okn xzke$iks0&rkeM+k] Fkkuk& IykWV ua0 693 15 rd nk;j½ fleMsxk] ftyk& ¼va'k½] ekbZfuax Iyku vuqeksfnr ¼uohdj.k fleMsxkA [kkrk ua0- 273 i;kZoj.kh; Lohd`fr izkIr yafcr½ Fkkuk ua0- 54 6- eks0 eatwj vfy] dksysfcjk ekStk&xkscj/kkalk] 1-00 14-06-05 vof/k [email protected] gsrq oYn eks0 vQxku vfy] Fkkuk& dksysfcjk] ls vkosnu i= izkIRk xzk$iks0 dksysfcjk] Fkkuk& IykWV ua0 92 ¼va'k½] 13-06-15 ekbZfuax Iyku vuqeksfnr dksysfcjk] ftyk& [kkrk ua0- 54 rd i;kZoj.kh; Lohd`fr izkIr fleMsxkA Fkkuk ua0- 115 ¼uohdj.k yafcr½ 7- Jh fujHkku lkgq] fleMsxk ekStk%& cax:] 1-45 05-10-16 ekbZfuax Iyku vuqeksfnr firk Lo0 dan: lkgq] Fkkuk& fleMsxk] ls 04-10- i;kZoj.kh; Lohd`fr izkIr]C.T.O lk0 cax:] iks0 IykWV ua0 26 rd izkIr [kw¡VhVksyh] 1974¼va'k½] ¼uohd`r½ Fkkuk& fleMxk] [kkrk ua0- 142 Vaild up to 30-09-2018 ftyk&fleMsxkA Fkkuk ua0- 76 496 CFT/Day Page | 4 District Survey Report of River Sand, Simdega District 8- Jh vt; dqekj izlkn] dksysfcjk ekStk& tkeVksyh] 2-00 23-03-2017 ekbZfuax Iyku vuqeksfnr firk Jh j/kqokj izlkn] Fkkuk& dksysfcjk] ls 31-03- i;kZoj.kh; Lohd`fr izkIr xzke&xksrjk 'kkeVksyh] IykWV ua0 20 C.T.O ds fy, vkosfnr iks0&xksrjk] Fkkuk$ftyk 1772¼va'k½] rd fleMsxkA [kkrk ua0- 237 ¼uohd`r½ Fkkuk ua0- 122 9- Jh nsouUnu [ksjokj] dksysfcjk ekStk& xkscj/kkalk] 1-00 18-05-2017 ekbZfuax Iyku vuqeksfnr firk Jh jkeVgy Fkkuk& dksysfcjk] ls 31-05- i;kZoj.kh; Lohd`fr izkIr [ksjokj] xzke&lajxkikuh IykWV ua0 92 ¼va'k½] 20 rd C.T.O izkIr Vaild up to xEgjVksyh] iks0$Fkkuk [kkrk ua0- 54 ¼uohd`r½ 17-05-2017 u;k C.T.O ds dksysfcjk] ftyk& Fkkuk ua0- 115 fy, vkosfnr fleMsxkA 10- Jh vejsu len] dksysfcjk ekStk&xkscj/kkalk] 1-50 18-05-07 vof/k [email protected] gsrq firk Lo0 bljkbZy Fkkuk& dksysfcjk] ls 17-05- vkosnu i= nkf[ky len] xzke& uokVksyh]] IykWV ua0 92¼va'k½] 17 rd ekbZfuax Iyku vuqeksfnr iks0$Fkkuk& dksysfcjk] [kkrk ua0- 54 ¼uohdj.k ftyk& fleMsxkA Fkkuk ua0- 115 yafcr½ 11- Jh lqjsUnz yksgjk] dksysfcjk ekStk& VkaxjVksyh] 2-00 18-05-17 ekbZfuax Iyku
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