II isj\\\i!F.ii: th e e Bh • . ,1: ,1 , iflrc - „ , ' r . '' I. M N \ , S E m i-W E E K L Y. 4 o. [VOL. XL] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. MARCH 17, 1862. hu r . [NO. 1108.] !. ■' - flA ' .: r . - riU\TnL> MONDAYS AN!) THURSDAYS. From ihc Cliarlestoa Courier. | Class of 188H Daniel Kuii«fles. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA. CONVENTION OF NORTH CAROLINA ^4 N^ohle Kxample.— Amidst the folliea and ^ A LIST OF THE GENERAL OFFICERS IN THE I Glass of 1S35 Jones xM Withers. SENATE. Alamance— Giles Mebane, Thos. Ruffin. sanguinary excesses of the Republicans of the EOWAUD J. HALE & SOJiS. AHMIhS OF THE CON FEDERATE STATES. j Class of 1836 Joseph U Anderson, Lloyd Tilgh- ll i '! I I* ;s I Pasquotank and Perquimons— J M Whedbee Alexander— A. M. Bogle. French Revolution, it is impossible not to admire ‘ ■ a M - Ki rroKs a nd proprietors The followiu'r interesting statistics of the Con- j man. Camden and Currituck— B F Simmons Ashe— J. F]. Foster. the energetic measures adopted against the fer- federate Army organization are due to one of the j 1337 Braxton Bragg, Wm H T Walker. I’rice tor tin Seiiii-Weoklv O bskrver $3 00 if paid in Gates and Chowan— M L Eure Anson— A. Myers, .T. A. Leak. eign enemy. Europe had combined on the side Richinonii correspondents o( the Courier. In the Jno C Pemberton, Arnold Elzey, Hyde and Tyrrell— Jones Spencer Bertie— S. B. Spruill, .James Bond. of royalty. France was menaced on every side advance; 50 if paid during the year of suhscrip- list of IJrigadier-Genorals in tlte Provisional Ar- t. .! I t , ] : . , . - , Henry II Sibley, Jubal A Early. Northampton— J M S Rogers Beaufort— W. J. F^llison, E. .J. Warren. j by their well trained armies, under leaders of re- ion; or $t after the ^ear has expired • f • Miy, the regular order of appointment is perhaps ; |s.j^ '^Viu J Uardee, James H Trapier. tlertford— J B Slaughter Blade*n— Neill Kelly. I putation and experience. Her own people were For the Weekly Obsehvkr S‘J 00 per annum, if paid ini observed^ but we believe the list is ; l.awton, John P McCown. Bertie— David Outlaw Brunswick— T. D. xMeares. iivided, her ports blockaded— yet the prepara­ tv 1 - otherwise correct. The dates of graduation fio:n Class ol‘ 1840 R ichards Ewell, Paul U Hebert, Martin and Washington— J R Stubbs Buncombe— N. W. Woodfin. tions on the part of the French were such as no advance; 50 if paid duriiag the year of sfc\)scrip- West Point are taken from Curdner’a Dictionary Richard B Garnett. Halifax— M C Whitaker Burke— J. C. McDowell. age or country had ever before witnessed. The tion;-or 5>;i S.M) after the year has expired. oI the I'nited States Army: Class of 1841 Robert S CJarnett, Samuel Jones. Edgecombe and Wilson— H T Clark Cabarrus— C Phifer. capital, and every city in the empire, became at ' i;i,A( K ADYERTISKMENTS inserled for 60 cents per Generals tn the L'eijuhir Army. Class ot 1842 Earl Van Dorn, Gustavus VV Smith, Pitt— E J Blount Caldwell— F] W^ Jones. once an arsenal and a workshop for the armies. s^iuare of 1<> lines for the first, and 30 cents for each' Manstield Lovell, James Long­ Beaufort—F’rederick Grist or 1 1 Samuel (\>oper, Va, Adjutant General. Ca^iiden— 1). D. Ferebee. The Assignats compensated for the want of the I ' ' ^l \ ( .* . jiicceeding publicatiim. Yearly advertisements by spe- 2 Albert S Johnston, Texas, commanding in street, Daniel II Hill, Richard Craven— N H Street Carteret— C. R. Thomas. precious metals, circulated in the name of the na­ N '• jiftl contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are Kentucky. , 11 Anderson, Lafayette McLawa, Carteret and Jones— Dr M F Arendell Caswell— Bedford Brown, J E. Williamson. tion. They exhausted the treasuries of mauy ot requested to state the number of insertions desired, or 0 Joseph K flohnston, Va, commanding North­ Alex P Stewart. Greene and Lenoir— J P Speight Catawba— (Jeorge Setzer. ^ the crowned heads of Europe. All Frenchmen, they will b« coniiuued till turbid, and charged accord- ern Virginia. Class of 1843 Roswell S Ripley, Sam’l G French. New Hanover— Eli W Hall Chath.'itn— .J. H Hoaden, .John Manning J r .,! by solemn decree, were declared to be at the ser- M* O lll% ,4'o|»«. iugiy. 4 Robert K Lee, Va, commanding South Atlan­ Class of 1844 Simon B Buckner. Duplin— Dr .James Dickson L. ,J. Merritt. ! vice of the country, until the invaders were driv- Advertisements to be iais^rted inside, charged 50 per tic Coast. Cla.ss of 1845 E Kirby Smith, .Barnard E B«e, Onslow— L W Humphrey Cherokee and (.lay— H. Bryson. ‘ eu from the soil of F"ranee. The young men cent extra. 5 (r T Beauregard, Lou, commanding Army Wm IJ C Whiting. Bladen, Brunswick, <Scc—Jno D Taylor Chowan— R. II. J>illard. i marched to meet the foe— the old men forged of Potomac. Class of 184t)— Thomas J .Jackson, Cadmus M Cumberland and Harnett— Duncan Shaw Cleveland— W\ J. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy ! arms and provided* provi.sions— the women fabri- SPKCl NOTU’E. Wilcox, David R Jones, Wm M Sampson— Thoinas I Faieon M'tjur Generali in the l^rooi&to'ial Army. Columbus— Richard Wooten. ' cated tents and clothes, and attond«ii the hospit­ From and after thi^ date, no name of » new subscriber Gardner. Wayne— W K Lane • Craven—(ieo. Green, .Jno. D. Whitford. , als— the children made lint to dress the wounds 1 * David K Twitriirs, (Jeorjria, resifjned. will be entevcil without ]>ayment in advance, nor will Cla>s of 1848 Nathan G Evans. Johnston— J W B Watson Cumberland and Harnett— l>avid McNeill, A. of the patriots. At tho very moment that the 1 Leonidas I’olk, Lou, commanding at Memphis. ' he piiper be sent to such subscribers for a longer time Cla.ss of 1804 J H li Stuart. Wake— M A Bledsoe S. McNeill, M. J. McDuffie. idea of a nation’s rising “eu masse” was ridiculed 8 liraxton Bragg, Lou, commandinsj: at Pensa­ : ■ m is paid for. Nash— A J Taylor Currituck—John B. Jones. throughout Europe, the Convention, under the cola. GENKUAbS WHO WERE -\«.)T URADUATEiS AT WEST Such ofonv old subscribers as desire to take the pa- ; Dorn, Miss, Army of Potomac, POINT. Franklin— W Harris Davidson— B. A. Kittrell, B. 0. Douthit. direction of Carnot, had created eleven distin«t Warren— T J Pitchford per on this system will please notify us when making ^ 5 r.ustavcTS W Smith, Ken, Army of Potomac. 'I’he tollownig G.'norals were appointed to the Davie.— Rob’t Sprouse. armies. Now for the result of this unexampled Granville— C 11 K Taylor Duplin— J. T. Rhodes, .James Dickson. energy and patriotism. reauttaiices. Jan ’y I, 18-’)8. 0 Theophilus H Hohncs, X C, Army of Poto- ol<l I'nited States Arn.j, without passing through the West Poitit Academy:— l>avid E. Twiggs, ap- Person— C L Winstead Fjdgecombe and Wilson— W. S. Battle, Geo. The British historian of the time informs us fciT I'O ADVERTISERS. Orange— Josiah Turner, Jr Howard. that in seventeen months the I’rench armies 7 William J Hardee, Georgia, Missouri. poiiaced in 1^12; Wm. W Loring, in 1830; Thos. Persons out of town who desire advertisements in- Alamance and Randolph—Jonathan W'orth F’crsyth— T. J. Wilson, D H Starbuck. gained twenty-seven general battles, had been Beniamin linger, S C, commanditig at Nor­ T. Fauntleroy, in 183<>. fort,‘d in the Observer, and persons in town with whom Chatham— W S Harris F’ranklin— A. D. Williams. victorious in one hundred and twenty-seven ac­ folk. The following (Jenerals tirst saw service in the we have not regular aiccountp w ' please send with the Mexican war;— M. L. BOnham, Henry R. Jack­ Moore and Montgomery—^W D Dowd Gaston— S. X. Johnston. tions, and had taken one hundred and sixteen K I 9 James Longstreet, Ala, .\rmy of Potomac. iveiiisecnent as much moi» Lvy wish to invest in son, Gideon J. Pillow, Samuel R. Anderson, Richmond and Robeson— Alfred Dockery Gates— A. J. Walton. strong cities and fortified places. These succes­ 10 John B Magruder, \ a, eomnianding at York-j II. according to our adverlit rjis oh the tirst page. Anson and Union— S H VValkup Granville— Thomas B. Lyon, T. L. Hargrove, ses were obtained over the best disciplined armies town. (’has. Clark, Thos. C. Hindmau, John C. Breck­ We do not wish 10 open any more such accounts,—or inridge, Benj. F. Cheatham, Richard Griffith, Guiltord— Peter Adams S. S. Royster. in Flurope, elated with their past triumphs over 11 Thonuis J Jackf-on, Va, comtnanding North­ Caswell— Bedford Brown Greene— W. A. Darden. warlike enemies, and commanded by generals of indeed any accounts. The process of collection is 100 western \ irginia. Albert Pike, Adley II. Gladden, Maxcy Gregg. The following (ienerals participated in the Rockingham— I' L Simpson Guilford— Jno. A. Gilmer, Ralph Gorrell, R great experience and most dazzling reputation, litiicult, and we have to pay cash for every thing we 12 Mansliold Lovell, \'a, commanding Coast ot m L Texan wars and the wars with Mexico:— Ben. Mecklenburg—.lohn Walker P. Dick. while the armies jof the Republic consisted of n<e or sell in these times. Ijouisiana. ie r' 'i in ■> Cabarrus and Stanly— V C Barringer Halifax— R.
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