Case Report Urol Int 1999;62:213–216 Received: June 19, 1998 Accepted after revision: March 8, 1999 Urethral Carcinoma Recurrence in Ileal Orthotopic Neobladder: Urethrectomy and Conversion in a Continent Pouch with Abdominal Stoma Riccardo Bartoletti a Alessandro Natali a Mauro Gacci a Michelangelo Rizzoa Cesare Selli b Departments of Urology, aUniversity of Florence, and bUniversity of Udine, Italy Key Words incidence of complications such as nighttime inconti- Bladder carcinoma W Ileal neobladder W Urethral nence, high postvoid volume, urinary infections, lithiasis, carcinoma recurrence or long-term augmentation of reservoir capacity [1]. Ure- thral carcinoma recurrences are reported in about 5% of the patients treated with orthotopic urinary diversion and Abstract are often due to an inadequate preoperative evaluation of A patient who had previously undergone ileal neoblad- disease and localization of bladder carcinoma at the blad- der with Studer technique presented an urethral recur- der neck [2]. rence of a transitional cell carcinoma. Further surgical treatment consisted of urethrectomy and creation of an intussuscepted ileal loop which was anastomosed to the Case Report pouch and provided a continence mechanism allowing A 68-year-old male patient, who originally presented a T N M self-catheterization. 2 0 0 (G2) bladder tumor and underwent 12 months earlier orthotopic Copyright © 1999 S. Karger AG, Basel ileal neobladder diversion according to Studer, was admitted to our institution with hematuria. A cystourethrogram showed an urethral lesion (fig. 1a). Com- Introduction puted tomography and magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the presence of a solid lesion measuring about 3 ! 2 cm, infiltrating the corpus spongiosum (fig. 1b). A biopsy specimen demonstrated ure- Orthotopic ileal neobladder represents one of the ma- thral recurrence of a transitional cell carcinoma. The surgical ap- jor achievements of urologic surgery during the last de- proach consisted of a first perineal phase and a second abdominal cade, and an increasing number of bladder carcinoma phase. patients undergo this form of reconstruction. There are The perineal phase consisted of urethrectomy and closure of the ileal neobladder. With the patient in the lithotomy position, an numerous technical variants in the creation of an ortho- inverted ‘Y’ incision and bulbourethral muscle dissection were per- topic ileal neobladder, and among them the Studer proce- formed; then the urethra was completely dissected and resected at the dure is one of the most popular, as it demonstrates a low anastomosis level. The ileal neobladder neck was closed with Dexon © 1999 S. Karger AG, Basel Dr. Riccardo Bartoletti ABC 0042–1138/99/0624–0213$17.50/0 Department of Urology Fax + 41 61 306 12 34 Viale G. Pieraccini, 18 E-Mail [email protected] Accessible online at: I–50139 Florence (Italy) www.karger.com www.karger.com/journals/uin Tel. +39 055 417 645, Fax +39 055 437 7755 a Fig. 1. a Retrograde urethrogram. b Pelvic magnetic resonance imaging, sagittal view, demonstrating recurrence of an urethral bladder carcinoma in a patient with ortho- topic ileal ladder. b plus O, and the corpora cavernosa were reapproximated. After accu- loop was anastomosed to the abdominal wall in the lower right quad- rate hemostasis two Redon drains were positioned. rant. A 22-Charr Foley catheter was positioned through the nipple The abdominal phase with the patient in the supine position, con- valve in the ileal neobladder. Fifteen days after surgery, the patient sisted of midline incision and complete anterior ileal neobladder dis- was able to perform self-catheterization. A sufficient valve-closing section; then the peritoneal cavity was opened and another 20-cm pressure at maximum filling was demonstrated by postoperative cys- ileal loop was isolated. An end-to-end anastomosis was performed to tourethrogram (fig. 2b). restore intestinal continuity. The isolated loop was invaginated for The patient underwent three cycles of platinum-based chemo- about 10 cm with the mucosa outside, then stabilized with staples therapy and has been followed for 1 year with good function of the using TIA 55 and prepared for implant (fig. 2a). The ileal neobladder neobladder on regular self-catheterization. No dilation of the upper was opened, and the nipple was sutured inside the reservoir with 2-0 urinary tract has been documented with sonography. Monocryl in order to guarantee continence. The distal tract of the 214 Urol Int 1999;62:213–216 Bartoletti/Natali/Gacci/Rizzo/Selli a Fig. 2. a Intraoperative photograph showing intussusception with TIA 55 stapler of an ileal loop which was sutured to the anterior aspect of the neobladder in order to provide a continent stoma. b Postoperative cystog- raphy showing catheterization through ab- dominal stoma (arrowhead). b Discussion faces outside has also been proposed for the creation of a continent abdominal stoma [6]. Urinary diversion with the creation of an intestinal A clinical comparison between valve mechanisms pouch with a continent abdominal stoma antedates the placed inside and outside the pouch showed a similar creation of a detubularized orthotopic neobladder [3]. overall risk of late surgical complications and similar The continence mechanism is usually provided by intus- intravalve closing pressures [7]. However, with increasing susception of the ileum [4], intussusception of the ileoce- pouch volumes, only intraluminal valves showed a signifi- cal valve, or application of the Mitrofanoff principle [3, cant increase in closing pressure, resulting in a more effi- 5]. Intussusception of an ileal loop with the serosal sur- cient volume-dependent continence mechanism. Urethral Carcinoma Recurrence in Urol Int 1999;62:213–216 215 Orthotopic Neobladder For this reason, in the present case we decided to create completely continent form of diversion without theorethi- a continent urinary stoma using an intraluminal intussus- cally any leaking point. Therefore, it is important to pre- cepted ileal segment, in order to preserve a relatively good vent a high intrareservoir pressure by regular self-cathe- quality of life. terization in order to avoid kidney damage. In fact, the In patients with urethral recurrence of a bladder tumor Studer ileal neobladder relies on the peristaltic activity of after the creation of an ileal neobladder, the pouch func- an afferent loop to prevent reflux, and while this antire- tion can be preserved by adding an intussuscepted ileal flux mechanism has proven to be effective with an ure- loop anastomosed to the abdominal wall as a continence thral diversion [1], it is still unknown whether it would be mechanism, allowing self-catheterization. sufficient in a completely closed system. By this procedure an orthotopic reservoir with a cer- tain leaking point at a given pressure is transformed into a References 1 Studer U, Danuser H, Hochreiter W, et al: Ten 3 Gilchrist RH, Menick JW: Construction of a 6 Benchekroun A: The ileo-cecal continent blad- years experience with an ileal low pressure substitute bladder and urethra. 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Karger AG, Basel. Further reproduction or distribution (electronic or otherwise) is prohibited without permission from the copyright holder..
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