;3:pi^^sf*~**^W3s:fK!t-^^ hway Record, Tuesday Afternyyji. November 6. 1917. OT MAnva HONOR ROLL «GD CROSS XVBPblNGS. STATE'S SURPLUS High- M»fte*=AoMflvO<J by W»fl Hot.* BrWfam Let Tom* Cold HangJ^ -^ Pupil* During Oatob«r Soolal function for OeldUn resile Weber, at Wooilbrldeo arid —-Tltti—inouliiy— anno uu com ont_j(if_lho Thoro n> • doltt;htful ana largely Minn nutti Btcll, of 141 E««t Ornnd attended-card; piarty at the homo ol and ware onltod; In marrlaco Tliurs- Colt Tablets End' M Hov.'C. J, Kitno, line tor, ehtrwod that and MM." "VVall«-~M. SUM,. th» ita*. Vtitttei Salton. Now Fisoal Year Was Booun List of Coutcatants and Dates terrnco, Saturday aftarnoon tor tbo olxty nnvon pup Ha bad attained 86 por MeKIU—TononJI Hem ^erse9 HCwcatc t>«n«at at tho Ucd Cro_. Haarta was • With Cash on Hand clout oV iHiltor In (lictlr utuHIod duriliff of Games ForScason ""VailJy'McKIU," Jr.r aiMSB tlin launtli of October, Tills wan aight tho chiof zama ftnd tea tabloi woro oc- r TorjonJI. both at this city, Wsro r/mr- break up a severe cold ciljier in lar" tbao durlug Huyt"mlmr. Tho of 1917 - 1918 - uplod by Iho filayer». Tho tsbUii EIGHT Nearly $3,000,000. • rtod aatarday at tho Orcolr Cftthollr woro In chnrso of tho following: Tbo V1L SERIAL NO. , ONION COUNTY, N- J-, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 9. 1917 limit imirkn worn wncurod by Jam aft rhurch In West Grand street. or limbs. •'• , - luonlly, of tho o.Hhlh lirado, mid Mlnoon Myrtle Muddoll. IWIli Ander- strils. Tun Hubodalti for tho Irratornal Or- , They promptly 'op-Jo up nos TO SPREAD CHRtSTMAa CHEER JERSEY'S BULGING COFFERS. znbnih ^ryimy, of tho aovahth oach non,. Morgarot Tally, tfrancaa lUiarke, MEW COMCeitW SURELY COMINS fLEASANTLV ENTBRTAINBO WOMEN or VESTEHDAV* whom hud ,02. Tho sixth, tfrmie doV of ICutrios Howling Loaguo watf Mariob Oirtannor* 2&dltb Davis. AtUEU^ '•M^lfe.-w the liewi^top r Mr, and Mm, J. A. Macclary of K»- i> gxatianoe- THU Prco Ca»)t l« the. Aotuai Oaiano* tt 1ml by Mario I^nim), (Uth by comptntad at a mooting held In Kllsa-1 la ticaff and tho hootoaB, Prizes woro rv.icvc Papular 1 S«rvies tfe* pa Mia g of ta« tt:> t&^ MOOSE PLAN OF t orb rook av«nuo cnt*Trtaln«.r~on Hal-- foe tS« extsiie btoclt boosdai Jny ^ NG THEIR BIT j *wou by tho following: ' Tho Mlaaoa ATER °mb)fWt]* Oiorefc He ma I tilntf AH^r DodUotlng Con- Allcr. ICiin.a, fourth by ICionnor-AHoB boUfoii Sunday* Caab prlzorf for Dp«l Jooophlno Whlto, Edith and Vlrlofi An- icwo'mi In honor of Minn Kdlth Stoyvo' and sti Bm2X3wtc& srcia^ Soxxtii Broauf, Ia firsts tia..*. ta* Arm*nla.a. traotual ObUgatlotia Incurred) and Uorirutio-Loiieb-llii, third-by Fran- tion uiid Individual prizes aro to be 1 ~lJ-n ha»e been bteaed fs, an ddrsony Mabol Xxiva, Madollno Squier, sunt Hyckman Macclarj and MAster (ormuUJu.™ which they ire u^d 'sad'Albert jcreetx porcoaaeit by tie but HJVO Not boon OettUd. t'.lti (lorinnh ttiij AdoJn 9cliwindini:or, by tie eboicsa niad» by woma." tho iianio oil luot yoar. Tbo Plain Hold livti Halpert, Uuth Muddoll. Louies ICaH Macr.lary/Jr, Tho guesta wero; FOR UNCLE SAM COOPERiiTIOM nitc) by Mury I)<>o.»y Uiid Mury HOLDS MEETING NEMON Mr, und Mrs. Francla Uyckman, D. oilier cola tablets. •iscne of the terpovtanl cates cos: Ba&v-y win jjF'^rat. f-peaivywtriaa •• Sunday s*iiiool at Monuhtiu, utid (IK* ...ml .>y Anna Ma- Kaulou w«ro-cbuDii)IonB lust year and Zlminormon, jjollna Mantlo, Alta naa- Btuyvosttnt Hyckmariv an<S Mr, and I tXAir1 ttuiftt 'a3f oa Friday cva-ataaC WCUMJ Louiihliii. Tho tibVmttii urmla hud urn now In pGBflOnalon of tho league BOII, ;—- - by E«T- Mr. Qurer, oaacor. la boom ta titi* aprtac^ j _ ^^— ^ t With froa cotah briluH i uf l>htW»» Mrs. Karl Marclary, of West Milton Rcxa 11 CoM Tablets Local Lod£e Tb tho KToiitowt liiiirilicir" on Uu) Hat. Tho Tho homo WEU artistically decorated To opeutaa sermon; of bi* EfettedRcpresealaJireToGiaffii tia, the Burc3»» cf jTWO SOUS 01, uil.dOO un<I j:i,yiJU.()OO, tho luru<wl trophy, butu club muot-win- tho cham- uvtinua. The tradition* of Haltoww'mi Food comploio roll to lift foiloWii! for the occasion with' Amorlcan rlae». a'iii ,»o narcotics of.Uo.bit {oYniivf* drugs- lti lhi* biaiory of Now Jm'uiiy, "tho plbiioh.p tot two coiinocutivo years In Wfiro happily carried oat, the decor- HaaHeFonfe EaeaUet. Lodjc Sessioo Ftem IKs ' S^rnal Is Atto Sqaaiirona ; [ Attack on lOlKiltll-tiftuln—'-JAkifnU K.htlmi.ly. 02} Vocul and Inairumental music and ro* I* TYi« paitteuiur *abject tor : •tul.iV unliilul lineal i'our dmuwj. At Ordnr to poioianoiitly hold tbo trophy'' atolnri bolnji the frnlttf of tho harvenf( TIK if cost is 25c a box at txicwe^n t*a*-h^ra- and ait3ti* SLZUI J rroshmantd woro o/ijoyod following; the tiiut ilnln* Hlato 'rnt&iitircr WilHajiI 1*. Urutui ll<mi, tfi; J(!iini.i.*)' (irt(; HI'; John ilMittca (.oodwill In cuplain o^ tho local rldKrt nnd autumn foliage, "A Con- Sunday «T_nin« being "A Worai'i Dstfiet i ' ; In Texas • \' cai'd *jam«sr* A foatura of tiio musical Water Befoit coacem- ; Udttd of ('aVii(MM) fommlly uallllod 0<>V- Ixmuntiiurt ilHi VUifaiuui Mchmiithlin, Kuiiii und a rjulnl»t thut should glvo a. Afirvatlon Htippor?' wa» aonrcd bofon duties—anxa." 'SSe te« tor Ox aer- i -' ' .' • i ' j ilfroKram Wua u crodltublo solo, "Bun- nrnor Kiiii** "C ti«lulU of what hi rmiliy HH; tii iuta."l.»ii.i, UT; 'Mtiriih McOlonkoy IjoOti ui'*:i>lint of thoiuuolvori will rppro it roaring wood flr«. The "Hoover men to «oaad In Eotnv cim&et ioe *n<I with f •hlriiiof Your Hmlln," by Ml»« Victorin an<£ a toece of IfttV Iu—liitt. JUilUJJi** .!.« ii*l itorlti. *Tho B«h odulof o 1 rau.nh j vexaea aixtecs aad seventeen. TiU ONE OF THE* PROMOTED : TO RAISE FUS® BT *TS THIS YEAR TOTAL l r LONG AND ACTIVE CAREER (ivitiUi— l*J|^iib«th Zryii iiltl;—^A—-»u»»»tft«tl»l— -boott» .ta<WB_»__J8*-T«s_a «<> yT otf 1 ^-4JSLJ iTr tVv iTlUTr «i ttfrK onb h aii j r «B« CM T&iEusirax. Mr, Car*«j point- LLEAISESIS Thh Novombor tC—Homorvillo at"TBIIxffi t tuiid for tho ttoldlor boytf lii tuul hioiioy llmt ruinuJ.it. UMuxpumldii tti); Outhorliid "eg "onftHat on* ot tBe"«w»fcare"cSoIc>» belli, W««t Ihidiion dt NoWarU, Hah Vruuco. for- tho <Ue«l voaf, UUH1H7.' _UtaofeiiH of all Use ir-l tt_t mtde by Ratii y/uy tit I'lnltiflold. ! ~—iVtnorK Irr/irJ"iit v/^Tti thr* frt! - th, <»aay that with. Ult littblHtlo* la b 1 B'ucruujr' re*:o2nttibtl oil tiws en^raftCtA ; Novoaibor 2$—tMnlnriold at Bomor- ib'W.ncf: Thu Misaon l.Ui;y Oatuurlno in ««_sr_ for iho ax till'hi ii yxiiir lioduuluil fro hi vHl.», MoWurk Ut ltabWuy, JOlliaboth ut C&ruotii Virginia J'urBond, Mubol and tho funds uvalubln to Umot burroilt 'ffranx Ch& te« -the MTman wa» df- I umr <>£ AS {£a£aiXcon: atree£* ta b«haX£ 1 Wttyt Hudnoii. Mararotta LoVo, Martfarot Tally, I^llth oMJitailtme, thu kitafu will afurt Ihu f of .Odd. -S-eao-w-iU^ thxouaaout. Bii»i !• . • Plans w«i?e alao- ma4* tor t&* Civrlat. Novonibor* ?0——UomorVllld ut-ilah- Davlii, Myrtlo Muddull. Kathryn Jonoar IS OVER uu« "tUcal yottf willj botwoorj $i!,fi00, i-iixth ardilo—Mili'lft Noluii, BO; Mur- a hriet-sttary of -JTTTTT -prnnri-n Qa^-fc&e SnnrfaaL.OT*6 way. Want l.Udnou ut I'luiulhMtl, Bllza Miirgurot Caraon, Autciista BcUff Dor and winners 000 and JJ.OOu.UOO uu tho Hglijt oiJu or enfcna;" by wblcfe all UsstA* ftnar ac-t_« <li.i£irt«t matting _ela.»it_.; Captain: &- H-' 3£«€I«JWSV C-".. ^- Jt-. j both ut Newark. Indii Cludok/'riolJntl Mantlo, Virginia THE EMPIRE tho lodger. ••.---< i- ' • • board w£H mw be itxadied fc-y wno- baa jau«c vetaruerf front Panama ' Y^ Gnhtm, jjaatar.. wtiS- a^w* *a UJ Wliltohood, VlrKhiia Chaso;—Victoria and defeated __!!l_lil_lb«5 _i)tti.i_tho illiiio*! biiliiuca.. at Jlatinmbor 7*— Mnwartc at SoniorviUo, ; Mr, Kewxow i elected iftef tilsa** years' aer"9lc«- cJ_-*nr* xarf- ;; taat^ii^taecasfc. wiiil* VIA - en«rta tho cloatuii at tittcul yuari. lutvo bu Tiuliilinid at isltzn!)atb, Can _Buy__at- tfcifticftav we eaa f maur- Coc ta* acH6o£ win be $tva&. I17 , Huth Muddollj Vlvlori a'," aaid' " for-tbo tao»l iwrt nixlHhrooui butane Wiittt Iluduoii. Tel.photie 3SO-K. Vfe-r-"""*"and:"Cite"cl Atldoriini*, Ahriit M. Ooot^, Mar The practice hail bnon l_> report' bai- yi<th flwdn—AlUii. Kmilri. 80{-A.imu. - n<M;nnil>ui' 14—Wijiit UudHOii'aL.tiuML "H*sw>hre<£ that fas t&Aae'mott-vea aa a baata. b«cata« aii*-1 <U 1 rtu11»V*Jr1, MurJu Hahttaldnif, Madolin^ macuH r-n.tit.liid from tt, l*ow huutli*otl KIMOU, ««; MuriniroTTtollIy, H»; Jiil tovMld, KlWubtUtl Ut HtillWuy, nti-iUrti* of CJiapter 212, F^ I* .wa* •wtlfiias"".to »£»e B^r Hf^'iafiraj' aa4 f ciiirija at thA d^con£iaaa.' : iitlhii Dtilyr Kritbryii lirudy, thousand)* to ovor it mllltou dt>HiiJr*i< WEDNESDAY 7, ail Dat>aiea: *Iapoatt«riJ -t*v Oi 1 f..,vfit*rtAii*ii:ii a.t tin* .-UJitta* *rf _Wir^-iiri*t-! Tl..riit.y, K7; D.ii'tuhy ltiimiiii.il, HU.
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