4th NOVEMBER, 1922. THE PRICE61).NET. WIRELESS WORLD AND RADIO REVIEW Registered at theG.Y.C. ,No. 168. [VOTE. 5:X. 4th NOVEMBER, 1922. as a Weekly Newspaper. NO NEED FOR AERIALS if you attach the 9/ to any electric lampholder. See Page See Page VI. TRY IT VI, DUBILIER The Dubilier Condenser Co. (1921) Ltd. Ducon Works, Goldhawk Road, Shepherd's Bush, London, W.12 Telephone-Hammersmtth 1084. -Hivolteon, Phone, London. Marconi International, THE WIRELESS WORLD AND RADIO REV I EW NOV FNIBER 1, 1922 STERLING No. 1 CRYSTAL WIT RECEIVING SET Specially designed for use in connection with the Wireless Telephony Broad- casting Scheme, and is suitable for a rangeofabout 2 5 miles. PRICE £7-12-6 TO BE OBTAINED FROM ALL DEALERS OR DIRECT FROM :- STERLING TELEPHONE & ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 210-212, Tottenham Court Road, LONDON s ; t W.1 I elephone No. : 4144 Museum () lines) Telegrams : " Cucumis, Wesdo, London." works: DAGENHAM, ESSEX. BRANCHES NEWCASTLE -ON -TYNE r 9, Clavering Place. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY CARDIFF :8, Park Place. "Wireless for all" Before you decide on the construction of your set. It will pay you to have particulars of- Condensite Celoron For PANELS and OTHER PARTS. This material is waterproof, immune to atmospheric and climatic conditions, will not warp, has high surface and volume restivity, highdi -electric strength, low specific gravity. LET US QUOTE YOU SEND PARTICULARS OF TOUREX1CT REQUIREMENTS TO THE MANUFACTURERS DIAMOND -FIBRE HIGH ROAD WORKS SOUTH TOTTENHAM .NJS .NOVEMBEE 4, 1922 THE WIRELESS WORL, RADIO INS AS SPECIFIED AND USED BY TI BRITISH MADE PAXOLL. TUBES DISCS PLATES, &c. MANUFACTURED IN ALL FORMS, SIZES AND THICKNESSES BY THE MICANITE & INSULATORS Co. LTD. EMPIRE WORKS WALTHAMSTOW LONDON, E.17 TELEGRAMS .-"MYTILITE. PHONE, LONDON.. TELEPHONES -WALTHAMSTOW 758.739 Ediswan Valves. THE manufactureof Thermionic Valvesisa highly skilled operation and every Ediswan Valve has behind it the experience and operative skillof over forty years of lamp making. The A R Valveillustratedisspecially made for Amateurreception. Platevoltage30-80volts. Filamentvolts3.5-6.ovolts. Filamentcurrent o'75 amperes.High amplification-silent working. Price 15/- each. Alway ask for Ediswan Valves.If you are unable to obtain them at your Dealers write to us for the name and address of the neatest supplier. THE EDISON SWAN ELECTRIC CO., LTD., Head Office :123/5, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, E.C.4. [London .Showrooms :x23/5. Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4, & 72, Victoria Street, S.W.I. Type A R Works:Ponders End, Middlesex. a AN 11A11Ill IGEN 1E11 -NOVEMBER 4, IUZZ III 1111111111111 III HOWROOMS .it. rand. W.C.2. _LoneII. vs u-valve Broadcast Receiver with & self-contained valves and H.T. 'Battery,Wavelength range 250 to i0 metres, which can be extendedas desired by substitutingspecialcoilsfor plug marked " X." British Broadcast stations audible up to 80 miles Supplied in PolishedWalnut on head telephones, and 25 to 30 miles on a loud Cabinet, 13 X 13 X le inches, com- speaker.Givesperfectresultseven when plete with Valves, and H.T. Battery operated by a novice. Approved by Postmaster- General, and licensed under Marconi Patents. Price-£25 Guineas Write for our NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE 1/- Post Free. BUR N D EPT, LTD., Aerial and Eastnor Works,Blackheath, S.E.3 111 111111111111111111 II 111111IIIIII 11111111 ,...24 -HOUR SERVICE No Waiting. Delivery from Stock LWe make it our boast that every letterreceivedhasattention Perry Head Phones within twenty-four hours. Send 4,000ni/per your enquiry along and test our Ohms L I/me pair service for yourself. Specially designed for Wireless Telephony. Receivers arranged ELECTRICAL SUPPLY STORES, inseries, Aluminium Cases Wireless Specialists. and fitted with extremely light 5 and efficient Head Bands, and 5, Albert Terrace, King Cross, Twin Connecting Cords. Illustrated Wireless Catalogue flOtt, Halifax, Eng. ready, post free 3d. N/ 111.1,, I ,.Aulr RI 11)} The JEARY ElectricalCo.,I td. 24 -HOUR SERVICE- 8, LAMBETH HILL 8 97, Queen Victoria St., London. E.8.4 "WESTERN COUNTIES" ACCUMULATORS Write for Complete Write for Complete Price List. FOR WIRELESS USE Price List. The most Reliable and Moderate Priced Accumulator onthe Market. 4 Volts. 6 Volts. The Western Counties 80 amphours U. 86 60 amphours £1176 120 1 176 Electrical & Engineering 90 99 2 50 Company, 150 99 2 56 180 2 196120 2 126 MidlaudBankChambers, Telegrams- Sole Agent, for Messrs. BURIIDEPT LTD., forSouth-"Alid!and and South -Western "Electron. YEOVIL. Telephone- Counties. " NOVEMBER 4, 1922 THE WIRELESS 1VORLD AND RADIO REVIEW 11111111111111111, IIIIIIII BURN DEPT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII .147, . ....V;7;"5! Of interest toyou Reduction of Prices. OWING to our winding machineshavingbeenre -designedwe have been able to effect considerable economies in the manu- facture of the famous Bumdept coils, which we can now offerto the public at greatly reduced prices. The Burndept coils, in addition to being the most efficient produced, a saving over any other coil of reputable make. New Prices effective from November 1st. Send mail orders with cash to Aerial and Eastnor Works, Blackheath, S.E. Immediate delivery-coils dispatched same day.Or from stock from our London Office and Showrooms, 15 Bedford Street, Strand, W.C.2 PRIMARY TUNING WITH AVERAGE P.M.G. AERIAL SECONDARY TUNING WITH AND 13 UR NDEPT CONDENSERS OR I3URN DEPT CONDENSER OR COIL TUNERS TUNER PRICE No. MOUNTED Condenser in Series 1 Condenser in Parallel Condenser in Parallel Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. S1 160 26o 310 38o 33o S2 175 290 350 170135 470 420 20/- the set S3 210 360 430 640 23o 575 S4 270 470 boo 900 340 810 75 350 570 700 IGO 450 moo 5/6 100 450 750 950 1450 boo 5340 71- 150 650 1050 1300 2100 83o 1900 7/6 200 900 1450 1900 3000 1200 2700 8/6 300 1250 2000 2600 4100 1600 3840 9/- f.4 10s. 400 1750 2900 3700 5800 2300 5400 10/6 the Set 500 2600 4300 5500 9000 3500 8 zoo 12/- 750 4000 6600 85oo 13500 5400 12500 13/6 6000 1000 10000 12500 21000 7900 18000 I 16/6 NOTE. --A beautiful coloured reproducton of the Burndept Radio Girl wil be sent post free on application. Our Illustrated Calalogue containing much useful information and details of our apparatus will be sent post free 1/ London Office & Showrooms: 15 Bedford St., Strand,W.C.2 BURNDEPT, LTD. Aerial and Eastnor Works, Blackheath, S.E.3 AllI BURNUEPT IValve Apparatus Is duly licensed under Marconi Patents for Amateur use in Great Britain A THE WIRELESS WORLD AND RADIO REVIEW NOVEMBER 4, 1922 Radio Music from every Electric Lampholder Every electric lampholder can now be used with safety for picking up radio signals," Broadcasting,"etc. The " DUCON " forms a perfect attach- ment between the radio receiver and the electric light wires. Every " DUCON " is tested at 2000 volts A.C., and has the highest possible insulationresistance. Shocksand short-circuits are thus rendered im- possible. The " DUCON " fits directly into any standard B.C. electric lampholder, and is provided with terminals for connec- tions to the radio receiver. Simplicity with Perfect Safety is the Keynote of the " Ducon." Price 10/- each DUBILIER CONDENSERS FOR ALL PURPOSES THE DUBILIER CONDENSER CO. (1921), LTD., DUCON WORKS, Goldhawk Road, Shepherd's Bush, London, W.12 Telephone-Hammersmith 1084 Telegrams- Hivoltcon, Phone, London. Marconi International 'NOVEMBER 4, 1922 THE WIRELESS WORLD AND RADIO REVIEW vii RADIO BLOCKS THE MOST EFFICIENT UNIT SYSTEM AVAILABLE Size 31" X 21" Your attention is drawn to the way in which the units are connected up (see illustration). Available forall combinationsofHigh -Frequency and Low -Frequencyamplification. The Aluminium Case has a screening effect, thus making thesetfree fromnoises no matter how many valves areused. An instructive and interesting report on these Radio Blocks appeared on pages 14 and 15 of October 7th issue of the '` Wireless World and Radio Review." PRICELIST OF RADIO BLOCKS. Detector Block ... £1166Compensating Detector Block ... £280 1 60 Resistance Block Reaction Plug ... 036 L.F. Amplifier Block... 2120Input Plug ... 063 H.F. Amplifier Block, ... 250Output Plug ... 063 Allpur Valve Apparatus is licensed under Marconi patents for amateur use in Great Britain. Send for our NEW BOOKLET with details of our NEW M.H. RECEIVERS.It is sent with our 16 page, 100 illustrations, Catalogue.6d. POST FREE. LESL1EillMIC L1TD. PROVIDENCE PLACE, WEST END LANE, KILBURN, N.W.6 Telephone. HA MPSTEADI261 Nearest Tube Station. KILBURN PARK ( BAKERLOO) THE WIRELESS WORLD AND RADIO REVIEW NOVEMBER 4, 192t BRITISH MANNESMANN TONS WELDLESS STEEL TUBULARIof EBONITE SHEET inStock for immediate delivery in qualities suitable forallclasses of MASTS WIRELESS WORK. FOR SHEETS-RODS Wireless Aerials. TUBES-PANELS TUBES for Variometers. UNRIVALLED INSTABILITY AND IMOULDED KNOBS ,various patternsf, EFFICIENCY, UNSURPASSED FOR COMBINED DIALS AND KNOBS, NEATNESS OF OUTLINE AND 3 . 31" and 4 diameters. APPEARANCE, ECONOMICAL Do. do. for Fil. Res. and Vario- IN COST Couplers. AERIAL INSULATORS. Wholesale only. THE BRITISH MANNESMANN TUBE COMPANY, LIMITED AMERICAN HARD RUBBER NEWPORT (Mon.) & LANDORE, S. WALES. COMPANY (Britain) LIMITED, LONDON OFFICE -67, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4 13a, Fore Street, London, E.C.2 BRANCH OFFICES-Birmingham, Glasgow, Leeds, Tetra. " Ebonisetlt. Ave. London.' 'Pk ne ; Central 12954. Manchester, Newcastle, 16 IMii MiNi. a The most reliable and efficient Batteries for Wireless Work are TRADE MARK .) The WHITECROSS XJ COMPANY, LIMITED STORAGE WARRINGTON :: BATTERIES Manufacturers of All Descriptions of D.P. Batteries are made to fit al- most any size of box. The output of our Works runs to hundreds WIRE ROPES ofthousands of plates yearly. Write us for particulars AND WIRES The D. P. BATTERY CO., LTD., BAKEWELL - DERBYSHIRE & 11 Victoria St., London, S.W. NOVEMBER 4, 1922 THE WIRELESS WORLD AND RADIO REVIEW i H.FFITTED.TRANSFORMERS 3 -WAY COIL HOLDERS KNOBS EBONITEMoulded in ONE PIECE Sheets, Rods, Tubes, Panels, Bevelled Dials, 3 in.
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