UUssee ooff EEqquuaattoorriiaall oorrbbiitt ffoorr IInnddiiaann SSaatteelllliittee NNaavviiggaattiioonn PPrrooggrraammmmee Presentation by D. Radhakrishnan ISRO HQ, India COSPAR & IAF Workshop, 44th Session of S&T, 13th February 2007 INDIAN SPACE PROGRAMME - Achievements TODAY, 2007 Applications driven programme Self reliance in building & launching satellites ONE AMONG E November 21, 1963 L C I 22 THE H LV Missions E SIX V H NATIONS C N PSLV GSLV U 10 4 A A L GSAT-3 4466 P ++ 66 SS//CC MMiissssiioonnss 20.9.04 P L E INSAT-3A GSAT-2 I C T 10.04.03 08.05.03 I KALPANA-1 A L T L INSAT-2E INSAT- 4A 12.09.02 I E 03.04.99 22.12.05 O T N A INSAT-3E S S CARTOSAT-2 ARYABHATA 28.09.03 INSAT-3B INSAT-3C 10.01.07 19.04.75 22.03.00 24.01.02 IRS-P5 IRS-1C 05.05.05 28.12.95 IRS-P3 IRS-P6 21.03.96 TES IRS-P4 17.10.03 IRS-1D 26.05.99 22.10.01 29.09.97 GGGAAAGGGAAANNN IIIRRRNNNSSSSSS Indian Regional Navigational Space Based Augmentation System Satellite System GGlloobbaall NNaavviiggaattiioonn SSaatteelllliittee SSyysstteemm ((GGNNSSSS)) Core Constellations S S P P G GPS – USA G GLONASS – Russia S S S S A A GALIELO - European Union N N O O L L G Augmentation Systems G • Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) o o e e l l i i l l a • Aircraft Based Augmentation Systems (ABAS) a G G • Space Based Augmentation System (SBAS) GGAAGGAANN ((GGPPSS AAnndd GGEEOO AAuuggmmeenntteedd SSaatteelllliittee NNaavviiggaattiioonn)) Objective Satellite Based Augmentation System To provide for -- • Satellite-based Communication, Navigation, Surveillance • Air Traffic Management over Indian Airspace Need for augmentation To meet the Civil Aviation Requirements for Navigation Performance in the terminal stage of flight GGGPPPSSS AAAuuugggmmmeeennntttaaatttiiiooonnn sssyyysssttteeemmmsss iiinnn ttthhheee WWWooorrrlllddd WAAS EGNOS MSAS GAGAN GGAAGGAANN-- SSyysstteemm AArrcchhiitteeccttuurree Space Segment GPS compatible navigation payload, GSAT- 4 Ground segment IRES : 8 Reference Stations IMCC : 1 Indian Master Control Station LUS : Uplink Station TEC collection stations: 25 (Total Electron Content) with grid based ionospheric model using near real time TEC measurements from GPS dual frequency receivers over a number of locations GGAAGGAANN SSyysstteemm ccoonncceepptt GEO Ranging GEO GEO +Integrity message GPS +WAD correction GPS L1,L5 C2 C1 Space segment L2 GEO L1/L5 L1 (GEO) L2 L1, L5L1 (GPS) 8 INRESs GEO Ground segment C1 GEO C2 INLUS 1 INLUS 2 INMCC GGAAGGAANN CCoovveerraaggee • Present Service Coverage for WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS & Proposed INSAT Nav Payload Coverage INSAT Coverage 74 & 93.5 E 3 Satellite Coverage INDIAN REFERENCE STATIONS INRESs Delhi Jammu Ahemdabad Amritsar INRESs Bangalore Delhi Thiruvananthapuram Guwahat Kolkata Lucknow Bhuj i Guwahati Ahemdabad Indore Kolkata Port Blair Nagpur Jammu Future INRESs Indore Visakhapatnam Bhuj Bangalore Amritsar Chennai Chennai Port Nagpur Blair Lucknow Thiruvananthapuram Visakhapatnam Planned TEC Stations The electron content (TEC) receivers shall be located Kullu over the Indian region to Delhi Bagdogra Jodhpur Dibrugarh develop the grid based Lucknow Guwahati Ahemedabad Ionospheric model Kolkata Aizwal Bhopal Raipur Mumbai Hyderabad Visakhapatnam Bangalore Chennai Agatti Port Blair Thiruvananthapuram GGAAGGAANN-- IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn PPllaann • Technology demonstration and Initial experimental phase • Final operation phase 1. Technology Demonstration Phase- 8 Indian Reference Stations (INRES) at widely separated geographical areas); Indian Master Control Centre (INMCC); Indian Land Uplink Station (INLUS); Navigation Payload in the Indian Ocean Region (480E-1000E) 2. Initial Experimental Phase-with redundancies provided to the space segment , INMCC (configured with WAD technology), INLUS and System validation over the entire Indian Airspace [Conventional navigational aids in prime mode] 3. Final Operational Phase with additional INMCC, INLUS and INRES and communication system with operational hardware GAGAN once implemented will offer better position accuracies with integrity which is important for civil aviation application IInnddiiaann RReeggiioonnaall NNaavviiggaattiioonn SSaatteelllliittee SSyysstteemm (IRNSS) • IRNSS is planned to be an independent regional navigation system covering an area of about 1500kms around India. • IRNSS can provide dependable and accurate services for Critical National Applications. • Extensive simulations indicate 340 1320 that with 7 satellites and a GEO 830 0 commensurate ground segment, GSO 0 550 111.5 an Indian system can be developed. • Will provide 20 m accuracy over the Indian Ocean Region and <10 m accuracy over India and adjacent countries. IInnddiiaann RReeggiioonnaall NNaavviiggaattiioonn SSaatteelllliittee SSyysstteemm Proposed Constellation • 7 Satellite Constellation • GEO(3) + GSO(4) • GEO Longitudes : 34, 83, 132o East • GSO Equatorial Crossing : 55(2) & 111(2) – Inclination : 29o – Phasing of Orbital Planes : 180o – In Plane Phasing : 180o – Relative Phasing : 56o IIInnndddiiiaaannn RRReeegggiiiooonnnaaalll NNNaaavvviiigggaaatttiiiooonnn SSSaaattteeelllllliiittteee SSSyyysssttteeemmm The development and deployment of IRNSS constellation, the ground infrastructure, navigation, safety and certification, verification software is expected to be completed in about 5-6 years time frame. Critical technologies – Navigation software, space qualified atomic clocks, network timing and maintenance, Iono-topo models, Reference receiver, User receiver equipment .
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