ECMA/TC39/98/7 Standardizing Information and Communication Systems Letter ballot results for DIS 16262 The next steps Attached you find the ballot results for DIS 16262. The DIS has passed successfully. Congratulations ! 13 P-members and several other countries have voted in favour, there are 6 abstentions, and 3 NO votes. At least one NO vote can be easily accommodated and changed. Comments have been received from the following countries: - Denmark - France - Japan - Netherlands - USA - ECMA: see document TC39/98/5. The comments have been scanned (apologies for the poor quality). The comments have to be resolved in the ballot resolution meeting which will be held back-to-back with the TC39 meeting in the week of 25th June 1998: see also SC22 N 2707 from Bob Mathis. Two deliverables have to be prepared: 1) A disposition of comments report, listing how each of the comments has been resolved. 2) The so-called ‘Final DIS text’: this is the ‘camera-ready’ copy of ISO/IEC 16262, the international standard. The ECMA Secretariat will work closely together with the editor to have these deliverables as soon as possible. It may be useful, in order to keep the ECMA Standard fully aligned with ISO/IEC 16262, to publish a second edition of ECMA-262 (not to be confused with what is currently called now and then the 2nd edition - under development - of ECMA-262). As a suggestion, it may be useful to identify all comments received (e.g. DK1, DK3, DK3, etc., NL1, NL2, etc., US1, US2, etc.) and merge these, in the same sequence as the paragraphs in the DIS, into an intermediate document to which all dispositions can be added, resulting in the ‘Disposition of Comments’ report. Phone: +41 22 849.60.00 - Fax: +41 22 849.60.01 - URL: http://www.ecma.ch - Internet: [email protected] MB Document2 04.05.98 14:38 TABLE OF REPLIES / 1998-04-21 1 TABLEAU DES REPONSES JTC l/SC 22 VOTING BEGAN ON/DEBUT DU VOTE:1997-10-09 ISO/IEC DIS 16262 TIME LIMIT FOR REPLY/DELAI:1998-04-09 TITLE: ECMAScript: A general purpose. cross-platform programming language TITRE: ECMAscript: un langage de programmation "cross-platform" à usage généra1 ________________________-______-_-__ ---________________--__-________--__ ABSTENTIOh , ABSTENTION DISAPPROVAL/DESAPPROBATION DISAPPROVAL/DBSAPPROBATION APPROVAL/APPROBATION APPROVAL/APPROBATIO 1 N MEMBER BODY/COMITE MEMBRE MEMBER BODY/COMITE MEMBRE I 1 I ______________________---______--__ ,_ _____________________-___----_______ Australia (SAA) P X ** Japan (JISC) P x Austria ION) PX Kenya (KEBS)*** X Belgiun: (IBN) PX i Korea, Republic of (KNITQ) ox Brazil (ABNT) PX Netherlands (NNI) PX Canada (SCC) P X l i New Zealand (SNZ) ox China (CSBTS) PX Norway (NSF) PX Czech Republic (CSNI) PX Portugal(IPQ) 0 X Denmark (DS) P x Romania (IRS) PX Egypt (EOS) P Russian Federation (GOS T R) P Finland (SFS) PX Slovenia (SMIS) PX France (AFNOR) P X Swede n (SIS) 0 X Germany (DIN) P X .* Switzerland (SNV) NX Hungary (MSZT) ox Ukraine (DSTU) PX Ireland (NSAI) x United Kingdom (BSI) PX Italy (UNI) 0 X USA (ANSI) sxI I I TOTA L 18 6 3 * = Comments/Commentaires ** = P-member having abstained and therefore not counted in the vote / Membr e(P) s'abstenant de voter; n'est donc pas compté dans le vote ***= member body suspended and therefore not counted in the votete / Comité membre suspendu: n'estest donc pas compté dans le vote Organisations sending comments: ECMA _____________________-_______________~----___~_______--_____-__________---~ ?-MEMBERS VOTING : IN FAVOU R OUT O F REQUIREMENT 13 16 = 81.25% >= 66.66% MEMBRE (P)S VOTANT : EN FAVEUR SUR I CRITERE ----___---__~_---_____---~~~~_~--~~~_---~~~_--~~~~_____~~-______-_______--_ MEMBER BODIES VOTING: NEGATIVE VOTES OUT OF REQUIREMENT 3 21 = 14.29% <= 25% COMITE SHEMBRE S VOTANT: VOTES NEGATIFS SUR CRITERE ______________________________~______~~---___________--______--____________ THIS DRAFT IS THEREFORE UNDER BALLOT in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives. Part 1. sub-clause 2.6.3. C E PROJE T EST DONC EN COURS DE VOTE selon les Directives ISO/CEI. Partie I. paragraphe 2.6.3 DANSK STANDARD Danish vote on DIS 16262 ballot, ECMASCRIPT The Danish vote is “no” with the following comments. 1. The standard needs to be aligned with IS0 and IEC standards in the area, These include: on page 1, clause 3. references: ANSI X3.159 programming language C, should read lSO/lEC 9899:1996 including AM1 and TCOR1. ANSI/IEEE 1754 should maybe be ‘754”. Unicode consortium unicode standard 2.0 should be replaced by : ISO/IEC 10646-1 :l998 including TCOR 1 and AM 1-9 plus ISO/IEC DIS 1451 International sorting order, and ISO/IEC DIS 14552 Speoiflcatione for cultural conventions Then there is no need to refer the non-de-jure Unicode specification. The java specification is not used normatively, and can be moved to a bibliography section. The specific statements needed of RFC1738 can be incorporated directly in the standard, it is about encoding in characters of control characters. We could not ascertain the nonnatlve usefulnes of the Ungar and Smith reference, it can most likely be moved to a bibliography section. Then the normatlve references is only de jure standards 2. The followlng references should be added: ISO/lEC 646 (instead of ASCII) ISO/lEC 6429 - for control characters. ISO/IEC DIS 15897 -for reference to locales/fdcc-sets 3. All references to “unicode” string og characters should be changed to “UCS” strings or characters. This relates at least to clauses 4,3.16, 6 7 7.7.4 8.4 11.8.5 11.9.3 It is necessary to specify that this means UCS-4, or possibly UTF-8 4. clause 6: change ASCII to ISO/IEC 6464 IRV. Four hexadecimal digits are too little to represent UCS characters of ISO/lEC 10646-2 (planes outside BMP). 5. Clause 7: strictly speaking control characters are defined in ISO/IEC 6429. 6. 7.5: DOLLAR SIGN should not be in the identifier list, according to recommendations in TR 10176. 7.5 should refer to the “i18n” specification of ISO/IEC 14652 for definitions of letters and digits. 7. in 7.7.4 UnicodeEscapeSequence should be renamed UcsEscapeSequence. Care should be taken that all UCS characters (31-bit) can be handled. eg in UcsEscapeSequencee. HexEscapeSequence. and OctaIEscapeSequence. 8. clause 9.8.1 the Gay 1990 algorithm needs to be spelled out completely, for portability. 9. clause 11.9.3 should refer ti ISO/lEC 14651 for the complex sorting. We propose that ECMAScript does include a more complex string comparison conforming to ISO/IEC 14651. 10. clause RFC1738 should be spelled out, it is not very complicated and thus a non-de jure reference can be removed. “ASCII” should be replaced by lSO/IEC 646 IRV. escape() and unescape() should be applicable to 31-bit UCS values. 11. clause UCS characters are 31 bit, not 16 bit, The right function to call is ToUint32(). 12, clause String.prototype.charCodeAt() shall return a integer less than 2”31. 13. clause and Needs to refer to ISO/IEC 14652 specifications in the “i18n” fdcc-set for upper and lowercase equivalences. instead of Unicode values. 14. clause month numbers hould be numbered from 1 to 12. This is analogeous to date number in and conforming 2 . _~ ., to ISO 8601. 16. clause week day numbers should be numbered from 1 to 7 as argued in comment 14. 16. clause refer to ISO/IEC 14652 for a possible reference to information on daylight savings. 17. clause and 15.9.2: please note that year is currently a four-diglt Integer. 18. clause the result rules for year<99 makes It hard to talk about things at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ - it should be removed. The easines it gives for dates in this century are not so useful just a coupIe of years from now. This is not a foolproof rule. 19. clause refer to ISO/IEC 14652 for specifications of date formatting. and ISO/lEC 15897 for references to different locales. Solving the above comments satisfactory will revert the Danish ‘no” vote to a “‘yes” vote TITLE: AFNOR Ballot Comments on ISO/IEC DIS 16262 - ECMAScript SOURCE: AFNOR AFNOR votes NO to ISO/IEC DIS 16262 due to a major editorial comment on the French Title AFNOR will reverse its vote if its comment is adopted. ITEM 1 Qualifier: major editorial Reference document title Rationale: French title inaccuracy Proposed change Change the French title for the following : ECMAScript : un language de programmation multiplate-forme à usage général Japan’s Comments on ISO/IEC DIS 16262 Title: Information technology --ECMAScrip : A t genera l-purpose, cross-platform programming language The National Body of Japan disapprove s ISO/IEC DIS 16262 for the reasons below. If the comme n tare s s s atisfactorily re so lved, it will change it s vote to approval. The con fo rmance section s hould be rewritten in order to cl ar if what y are included in the requiremeto n t s conformto the st and ar and what are excluded . The following items 1.1 trough 1.3 are problems.
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