THE NEWCASTLE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE WEDNESDAY, 3rd DECEMBER, 1980 No. 642. Price 5p. Political Opportunists attacked by President ‘Politically Moronic Neanderthals’N.U.S. to debate Newcastle University statement which was issued to the were incorrect. However, the Con­ servative Government thrown out local press the day before the pro­ servative group claims that Dr. at the same time, so much the bet­ motion on women’s Students’ President, Mr “ If a woman wants to carry a knife, test took place, by Mr Detlev Rhodes Boyson, the Secretary of ter — but the National Union has Andrew Brittlebank, has Anderson, the Chairman of New­ also fought Labour governments in and if she gets arrested for carrying State for Education with special a knife for the purposes of self- condemned the action of a castle University Conservatives responsibility for Higher Educat­ the past on similar proposals.” safety and which was headed ‘Conserva­ He added: “I must reiterate that defence, we will defend that minority of participants in ion has guaranteed that Student woman’s right.” tive students to boycott demons­ Union income will not be reduced. the idea of closing the Union buil­ last Wednesday’s demons­ tration.' A motion containing these sen­ students, whether this will involve The statement also condemned ding for the Rally was to allow staff timents will be discussed as an tration against Government The statement, which was widely the closure of the University to attend in defence of their jobs, endorsing Bradford’s stance it Emergency Resolution at the remains to be seen. j proposals to alter the reported on both Tyne Tees Tele­ Students' Union because “this and many of them were there. National Union of Students’ Con­ method of Student Union vision and the B.B.C.’s ‘Look decision was achieved by a “Finally, if Detlev is unable to ‘National Student,’ the official count to more than 30, he is hardly ference in Margate at the newspaper of N.U.S. commented financing. North’ news programme, said that majority of approximately 30 at a weekend, when Bradford Univer­ likely to be able to deal with the in an Editorial recently, “College sity hope it will be adopted as authorities and the police can - figures of tens of millions of pounds N.U.S. national policy. involved in student union finan­ never be allowed to get away with cing. If he is a typical Boyson sup­ Reg Bull, President of Bradford just telling women to stay indoors. porter, it is not surprising that we University Students’ Union, made It is men who attack women, it don't believe a word his hero this comment amid continuing would certainly make more sense utters.” Iain McBride fears held by many women to place a curfew on them."' students after the Yorkshire Rip­ In view of this, and^a recent per’s latest killing. comment by-Ian Coxon, N.U.S. Fourteen months ago a Brad­ Press Officer, who said although ford University student, Barbara they would not incite students to Leach, became the twelfth victim carry weapons illegally, they would of the Ripper, and with the killing be looking for ways for women of Jacqueline Hill, a 20-year-old students to protect themselves. Leeds student, Bradford students Jan Nielson, N.U.S. Executive at least, feel it is time for radical and Women’s Committee member, steps to be taken. felt that unless steps were taken by When Courier spoke to Isabel both N.U.S. and College Cleve, General Secretary at Brad­ authorities "There will not be ford, she insisted that whilst they women students at places like were not directly advocating the Leeds University.” carrying of knives and guns she felt When Courier approached the it was a Union’s dutv to defend anv local Newcastle police about the women’s right to carry a weapon question of self defence for women in self defence. students, they were quick to indi­ Marchers mass outside Students’ Union Building The resolution also calls for cate that they would in no way improved lighting around Univer­ countenance anyone carrying Although the march was ‘Conservative members of the General Meeting where, depen­ sity campuses, the cleaning of offensive weapons. generally considered to be a suc­ Students' Union Executive and ding on estimates, on a 16th to a waste ground and a greater provi­ Women are known to be car­ cess, some of the demonstrators Council have refused to attend the 25th of membership were pre­ sion of telephones. rying aerosol cans and even pepper sent.” used the occasion to voice disap­ Demonstration, preferring to use In the next few weeks “doss to protect themselves and these, proval with the incumbent Conser­ their time to more constructive Fred Blakey, Deputy President rooms” will be provided, so ends. of the Students Representative the police assured us, would be vative administration by chanting students unable to get home will be classed as offensive weapons. slogans such as ‘Tories Out' and “We believe that students have Council and Vice-President of the able to stay overnight. Union Society, commented: “It Their only advice was that ‘One More Cut .... Maggie's been misled by the National Union N.U.S. will undoubtedly pass students should walk home in throat.' of Students’ National Executive, in seems that people like Detlev just some policy in response to order to stage yet another attack on cannot grasp what this campaign is groups, under no circumstances At one point Mr Brittlebank President Brittlebank escalating attacks upon women alone. Hilary Newman asked a member of the Labour the Government which they are all about. Club, Mr Steve Sanderson, to seeking to undermine and are using “The whole point of the motion either turn off the megaphone the students they claim to rep­ which was passed at the General which he was using to lead the resent as a vehicle for their own Meeting is that there has been no Endsleigh responds to attack chants of a section of demons­ political ends.” ‘constructive negotiation' with any trators from the University, or to The document admitted that the of the bodies involved in educat­ alter his slogans to something more original figures on which the Gov­ ion. by rivalinsurance broker relevant to Student Union finan­ ernment was basing its grant to the “ Of course students unions want A letter has been received in Endsleigh wish to make is that the seem to be convincing, but in their cing. University Grants Committee, these proposals thrown out, particular offending cartoon was because they threaten our whole response to the circular from E. own words, “the student has no This request was denied, on the which would be responsible for not intended to’ depict all other means of knowing the good from basis that “Thatcher’s government future Student Union financing, existence. If we could get the Con­ Harrison, Insurance Brokers, complaining about some of companies as sharks preying on the bad,” so, as ever in such cases, were doing it to Student Unions, students, but that there are certaiii it is probably for the best if you therefore, it is reasonable to use Endsleigh’s publicity which depic­ ted companies other than unscrupulous firms which are quite'make, up your own mind on the these slogans.” willing to make a quick profit at the matter, especially as it’s vour However, the use of the march Endsleigh as “sharks.” The letter states, and gives expense of the ill-informed. money that s at stake. Keith Alien for a wider attack on Conservative Thus, say Endsleigh, the only policies did cause a number of staff examples to prove, that Endsleigh provides the best and most com­ way to be absolutely sure that you from the Students' Union to leave are getting a fair deal is to do Inside the demonstration. prehensive service to students that is available today. Not only do their business with a firm which provides P2. News, News in Brief, Vie­ Mr Brittlebank later commen­ policies tailored to the particular ted: “I deplore the action of a voc­ facilities seem to be better, but also wpoint. their premiums are the lowest of all needs of students. iferous minority of those who Because of their accountability P3. Cartoon, Courier Cook, took part in the march walking those quoted in the example cases. Personal Column. ■ This fact, that Endsleigh provide to the NUS, it is therefore also under the Newcastle University technically possible for a j student, P4. Feature on Sunday Market. banner who chose to use the occa­ the most useful and the cheapest insurance to students, is possibly should he nave a complaint, to P5. Newcastle Leads World in sion not to support Student Union­ raise the matter through his own ism, but to further their own explained by the presence of the Medical Research. President and National Treasurer student union, a situation which is political faction. naturally unique amongst Insur­ P6. Previews, ‘Blithe Spirit,' I “Thatcher Out" sloganeering of the NUS on the Company’s board. This, and the existence of ance Companies. ‘Crabs.’ did nothing for our cause but Endsleigh’s attitude in the letter P7. Reviews, ‘White Heat,’ merely alienated many of our own "legally binding cross-covenants,” ensures that Endsleigh is “ still as seems at odds with a remark made Hancock’s Last Half members and confirmed the popu­ accountable to the NUS for the by one of their representatives to Hour,’plus 'Letterfrom an lar image of students as being quality and standard of its services the effect that “We flatter these Editor.
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