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Patent Feb. 23, 2010 Sheet 3 of6 US 7,667,704 B2 Asynchronous Communication Protocol Timeline E Host Rendering Device Create RB Ati NetworkHR i @ Draw i T Ate Solid Fill ~> RD Draw T i Circle SetVisual me n+1 Content ~> @ Destroy T i RB és, ' T Visible Ati NetworkRH i Frame n+2 Fig. 3 US. Patent Feb. 23, 2010 Sheet 4 of6 US 7,667,704 B2 Exemplary Asynchronous Communication Protocol Timeline m Host Rendering Device to-—— 6) CreateDraw RB S°“dF"' E @ Circle AtBaich 5g @ SetC Visualt t E G) on e28 AtBatch Network 5 Destroy i @El tr —. I At Network i 4.-.-.-".......... 4 Fig. 4 US 7,667,704 B2 1 2 SYSTEM FOR EFFICIENT REMOTE cating the blobs of data to the rendering device. Various other PROJECTION OF RICH INTERACTIVE USER exemplary methods, devices, systems, etc., are also disclosed. INTERFACES BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS RELATED APPLICATIONS Non-limiting and non-exhaustive examples are described With reference to the folloWing ?gures, Wherein like reference This application is related to US. patent application Ser. numerals refer to like parts throughout the various vieWs No. 11/095,758 entitled, “Enabling UI template customiZa unless otherWise speci?ed. tion and reuse through parameteriZation”, to Glein, Hogle, FIG. 1 is a diagram of an exemplary system that includes Stall, Mandryk and Finocchio, ?led on Mar. 30, 2005, (Which developers, a server, a host and one or more renderers. is incorporated by reference herein); US. patent application FIG. 2 is a timeline for a synchronous communication Ser. No. 11/095,764 entitled “System and method for protocol for a rendering device receiving instructions for a graphical user interface from a host device. dynamic creation and management of lists on a distance user FIG. 3 is a timeline for an asynchronous communication interface”, to Ostojic, ?led on Mar. 30, 2005, (Which is incor protocol for a rendering device receiving instructions for a porated by reference herein); and US. patent application Ser.
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